Showing posts with label drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drugs. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Finest Drugs & Arms Dealer of the 20th Century [Part One]

It's quite tedious trawling through the trash videos of Youtube researching the Bush families drug and arms dealing (while in office too) but this latest is exceptional and corroborates a lot of the information that Russ Baker has separately concluded in Family of Secrets. 

I'd never heard of Emile de Antonio before but he's a heavyweight and in this TV series which I've forgotten the name of. I must name check the interviewers at some point for their incredible contribution to exposing the unreported story of the United States. It's clear that Iran Contra was not about the hostages but simply a sideline business that was being conducted long before the Iranians (conveniently) took the hostages through operations such as the Bush run Black Eagles.

When the history of the 20th century is rearranged to look loosely like how it actually happened, George Bush senior will be recognised for what he is. One of the finest criminal minds and the greatest deceivers we have ever known. I was coming to this conclusion when I watched his video denial testimony of the Iran Contra scandal below. There's no question of George Bush seniors criminal calibre. See for yourself. No one comes close.

Monday 13 August 2012

Ron Paul On CIA Drug Trafficking

It takes a little getting used to this idea so it's worth repeating once a day till it sticks in the episodic memory and/or long term memory.  The idea that the secret services (including MI6 I can add) run the global drug trade sounds like the sort of thing the corporate media would smear as a conspiracy theory to teach the gullible public what to question and what not to question. 

Anyway here it is and I can talk at length about this subject but it's quite far down the list of real secrets. The spooks sell drugs to fund their black operations. Those are the real secrets if you dig around a bit. Particularly the tech end that keeps us reliant on oil and the conflict that arises from it.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Roswell, Operation High Jump and the Opium Wars - Douglas Dietrich

Radical historian, Douglas Dietrich's explanation for Roswell is based on the military documents he was charged with destroying at the Presidio Naval base in San Francisco. It's the most convincing explanation in part because it's the least exciting, though that doesn't mean it isn't a notable psycop concealing crucial parts of military history. In addition his insights on the origins of SEATO as an Asian based drug dealing arrangement make him the only one to make this entirely plausible claim.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Iran - Contra (What's A Little Hypocrisy Between TV Screenings)

This is a wonderful documentary into the Iran Contra cover-up. It bleeds open threads into all manner of stories including Bush family secrets, Reagan's well delivered lies and the entire military, drug and arms for terrorists clusterfuck that punctuated the 80's in a way that was so extensive nobody quite realised the full spectrum of evil running the United States at the time.Very few still do today. Bless their cotton socks.

Friday 3 August 2012

Ollie North - American Poster Boy

I'm half repulsed and half fascinated that Ollie North actually works on TV for FOX as if some sort of pseudo-hero which of course in American culture means you can drop the pseudo. I was a little less interested (and still fairly young) in these matters at the time they were headline news. Nicaragua's connection to Iran was also too difficult to figure out but these days I'm finding that the Iran-Contra scandal is both the epicentre and the ground zero of American decay. Like Ollie North it's disgusting and fascinating at the same time. The video explaining it above is very funny so don't be coy because there are so many threads from this business that I'll be referring to it many times.

Mainstream Media Fail To Suppress CIA Drug Dealing Story

Instead of reporting the news, the Washington Post and the corporate media suppressed it when Gary Webb scooped that the CIA were running drugs from South America to the U.S. and deliberately stoking a crack cocaine epidemic in black neighbourhoods to profit from the usual divide and rule strategies of the elite. 

The corporate media actually celebrated when they forced the tiny regional paper that Gary Webb worked for to apologise for telling the truth. Gary Webb never apologised and fortunately was one of the first journalists to use the internet to disseminate an important story to the world. The presstitute media continue to hoodwink the people of the United States to this day and as we learned recently the New York Time et al actually submit their stories to Government for approval. 

Gary Webb was eventually murdered for doing his job. The CIA continue to run drugs and silence people day in and day out for stories they need to bury.

"If we had met five years ago, you wouldn't have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me ... I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn't work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite? And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job ... The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough to suppress...

—Gary Webb

Tuesday 31 July 2012

5 1/2 Hours of U.S. International Drug & Arms Dealing Testimony

In 1986 the United States of America's government and military were privately falling over themselves to sell arms to Iran despite publicly portraying Iranians as terrorists. The profits from this very typical, concealed American business transaction were fed into Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists called the Contras because the US has never tolerated democratically elected socialism in any country it can usurp. However the profits from arms to Iran wasn't quite sufficient so the Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists also supplied Cocaine to in exchange for arms using the CIA. Publicly, Ronald Reagan looked gravely into the TV cameras and declared a war on drugs.

The entire business between the US, Iran and Nicaraguan Rebels/Terrorists was overseen by the Government, the CIA and the the Military but most importantly, because the average American  can't digest the scale of corruption in the U.S, it involved George Bush Sr. who ran the CIA and was later Vice President, and a young governor of Arkansas called William Clinton who protected a small airport in his state called Mena, be used to smuggle the drugs. In one incident two young men out hunting saw a drug drop and the local police killed them and put their bodies across a train track to be run over. They blamed it on the marijuana the boys had been smoking.

It takes a willful block headedness to refuse to accept that at a certain level in politics, they're all in it together. They know how to skirmish on trivial issues to keep the attention diverted from the profits they make. That's how divide and rule works. Anyone divided on political issues or party politics is a chump. Me too once upon a time but not any longer.

Friday 17 February 2012

Ron Paul On George Bush & CIA Drug Dealing

Ron Paul on what's the point of having a select committee chaired by John Kerry looking into Bush family drug dealing when both Kerry and Bush were secret society members of Skull and Bones at Yale?

Should they be rounded up and shot at dawn for scratching each other's back while pretending to run against each other at election time?

Or take it back further when Grand Pappy Prescott Bush was funding the Nazis. I pay attention when Robert Phoenix says keep an eye out for Jeb Bush becoming the frontrunner at this coming GOP convention. Bloodlines still run the joint and that's a tag worth spending sometime with either here or anywhere else.

This is not a partisan thing. After becoming acquainted with this information it becomes increasingly credible that Bill Clinton's record for moving a lot of drugs through Arkansas (with Bush connection help) is worth examining.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Just Pictures Of Jap Girls In Synthesis


Do you remember a guy that's been, In such an early song, I've heard a rumour from Ground Control, Oh no, don't say it's true.   

They got a message from the Action Man,"I'm happy, hope you're happy too,I've loved all I've needed love, Sordid details following".   

The shrieking of nothing is killing, Just pictures of Jap girls in synthesis and I, Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair, But I'm hoping to kick but the planet it's glowing. 

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky, We know Major Tom's a junkie, Strung out in heaven's high, Hitting an all-time low.

Time and again I tell myself, I'll stay clean tonight, But the little green wheels are following me, Oh no, not again, I'm stuck with a valuable friend, "I'm happy, hope you're happy too"
One flash of light but no smoking pistol.

I never done good things, I never done bad things, I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh, Want an axe to break the ice, Wanna come down right now. Ashes to ashes, funk to funky, We know Major Tom's a junkie, Strung out in heaven's high, Hitting an all-time low.

My mother said to get things done, You'd better not mess with Major Tom, My mother said to get things done, You'd better not mess with Major Tom, My mother said to get things done, You'd better not mess with Major Tom, My mother said to get things done, You'd better not mess with Major Tom.

Sunday 11 December 2011

The War On A Couple Of Cocktails In The Evening

Janus Forum - Should the US Legalize Drugs? from Brown University on Vimeo.

The contrast between speakers and points of view is in so many ways about so much more than drug legalisation and almost defines the difference between someone who knows and someone who knows best; between someone who has a passion and someone who has a job; between someone who wants to chop wood and someone with an axe to grind. (Via Vimeo user Moongold)

Glen Greenwald shreds the former U.S. Drugs Ceaser erm I mean Czar (John Walters) over every single aspect of the topic including the private profit aims of the war on drugs. Chillingly the war on drugs in Washington D.C. fronted by big pharma and has an army of perma-tanned lobbyists that fight tooth and nail to keep the privatised prison business brimming with dark skinned people to maintain the status quo in as stable and profitable a manner as possible. 

This excellent debate isn't just about drugs, it's about a bent system with all the media power in the world to pretend it's about caring for people when the reality is that domestically and internationally the U.S. is the biggest dealer in drugs period.

The current Drugs Czar even says unashamedly that  young people should be proud of  attempts by the U.S. government to spread democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Such is the incentive of his government pension to pursue his retirement plans in an holographic universe funded by holographic money. The delusion is sickening.

Thursday 10 November 2011

The War On Drugs Explained By Graham Hancock

Drugs can mean a lot of things so use a little intelligence. Graham Hancock is author of the splendid book Fingerprint of the Gods and all round top fella.

Friday 28 October 2011

Snoop Dog On Conspiracy

Snoops last point about the U.S. government targeting black neighbourhoods with crack cocaine and then keeping white powder cocaine a misdemeanour compared to the felony of base cocaine is well documented. There is lots of interview testimony on Youtube of former CIA, FBI and DEA officials, all on record saying that a weakened black community is a high priority for funnelling crime and keeping one group under subjugation at the expense of another.

Monday 8 August 2011

Terence McKenna - Linear Societies & Non Linear Drugs

"When we seek to legitimize ourselves through an historical argument, we reach back to Shamanism and say we're part of something that's 100 000 years old and worldwide that touched the spirit long before the shadow of the cross fell across Jerusalem" - Terence McKenna after a snoot full of Tequila.

Friday 29 July 2011

Aspartame - Sweet Misery

Did you know that Donald Rumsfeld personally steered FDA approval of Aspartame? The three neurotoxins that have most forcibly been pushed through food and drugs administration are fluoride, aspartame and xylitol. Even if you're unconcerned about a calcified pineal gland (third eye/higher self/healthy dream state)this documentary provides a lot of reasons worth considering for you diet soda drinkers or artificial sweetener users.

Update: I've not found any scientific evidence that Xylitol is a neurotoxin though I do find questionable google ranking for the sites that are at the top.

Wednesday 27 July 2011


It's the Amy Winehouse clip that stands out from all the rest for me. I only fully realised why after reading Sasha Frere Jones in the New Yorker. Amy starts of unsteady, even unfamiliar with the song, and the backing singers are no better. She settles down quickly to a level of capable execution including seldom seen smiles punctuated with more familiar looks of incongruous zoned out distance. 

Just before the two minute mark Amy steps-up and takes the song somewhere different than previous renditions. She pulls a devil sign of the horns at that moment but let's not read too much into that because as if to prove she has another two gears above every other singer on the planet, Amy ends the song with a voice that works the crowd like a machete in 90's Rwanda. Extraordinary. All in all, about sixty seconds of visibly trying and the audience are instantly won over.

I've no idea why she was so unhappy. I don't think it was just the drink and drugs. Sometimes drink and drugs are brilliant if a person is deeply unhappy. Then they start to contribute to the unhappiness and nobody can remember what started where.

Monday 25 July 2011

Amy Winehouse feat. Linda Ronstadt

The story for Amy Winehouse's death doesn't add up. Look into the coroner. It's a signature move for the network. I've lost count over the years, but my heart and gut were the same for Amy and Princess Diana. I loved Amy's music but knew nothing about her except she was clean when she was murdered, no drug paraphernalia found till the next day. It's not impossible to overdose on heroin and nobody notices the syringes or the smack but if the diagnosis is provided before the evidence is presented, they're lying.

I found her attractive. I found her even more attractive when I learned she was 'Jewish'. 

It took me longer to understand Philip's role that made the decision, while Charles and queeny gusset kept their distance organising embalming fluids to shipped in order to cover the evidence, though I did check with Alastair Campbell, who confirmed with me that Diana went to Paris and the royal cowards want to be as far away as possible. 

Buckingham was too close, so they hid in Balmoral.

This mix is impeccable for an old school adjust and splice.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab

Amy Winehouse is Back to Black - 27 years more interesting and authentic than most people on the planet.

In the years before her death, there were many paparazzi-published photographs of Winehouse. The singer obtained an injunction against them under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The court order banned a leading paparazzi agency from following her. Photographers were also banned from following her within 100 metres of her home and photographing Winehouse in her home or the home of her friends and family. According to a newspaper report, sources close to the singer said legal action was taken out of concern for the safety of Winehouse and those close to her.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Krystle Cole - NeuroSoup

Anybody doing research on LSD or Entheogens on Youtube will have come across NeuroSoup. I never listened to many of her video talks, but thought she seemed a kind hearted and well meaning hippy girl giving earnest advice on a comprehensive and exhaustive list of hallucinogens, many of which I'd never heard of. Actually if there was one take-out I always thought that with some more contemporary spectacles and a foxier wardrobe, Kyrstle Cole looked like she had a fit body and lots of potential underneath her patchouli oil sweaters. I know, I know..... but it is as it is.

Well, I've just had a reality distillation. Turns out Krystle Cole was once a Gothic stripper in Kentucky doing a bondage act to shake up the locals and relieve the boredom. She befriended the largest LSD manufacturers in the U.S. and moved to their nuclear silo/bunker laboratory falling in love with the one who had psychopathic tendencies before he ratted out the gentlemanly half. It's definitely one of the better stories of I've ever read and there's even a shot of her lingerie clad body wearing a gas mask in that bunker, thus fulfilling (and positively confirming) a mild curiosity wish of mine, in a not to be missed article over at Vice. 

On a serious note though Krystle Cole confirms unambiguously that at the top of the pyramid there is no distinction between the drug dealers and the drug law enforcers. The DEA are the DEALERS.

I want to make this emphatic point. This isn't about conspiracy. This is how it all works. ALL of it. Ordinary people are susceptible to the biggest lies and there is no bigger lie than 'the government wouldn't kill people, sell drugs, use mind control and encourage crime'. Yes they do and the quicker you wise up, the quicker we can move on. As princess Diana said about the top of the pyramid "They're not human". That's why the information is so hard to digest. Though that is beginning to change.

UPDATE: Great video interview of Krystle over at Vice.