Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts

Thursday 22 November 2012

Ben Swann On General Rejuggling

I'm a big fan of Ben Swann. Reality is creeping in everywhere including the mainstream corporate media. It makes the those who are asleep uncomfortable but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Bahrain Regime Paying CNN For Infomercials Masked As News

Award winning CNN reporter Amber Lyon had her documentary on Bahrain pulled because the lobbyists and PR companies are spending a lot of money to keep the Americanos brain washed that the torture regime there are 'reformers and all round good guys'.

Bahrain is a paying customer of CNN.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX and BBC are no different. Bahrain is the real revolution and the corporate media have thrown them under a bus because the US fifth fleet is using it to keep the oil flowing where they want it to.

Monday 1 October 2012

Diane Rehm & Elise Labott - Corporate Media Shut Down Real News On Air

Only Israeli newspapers even bothered to print Grant F Smith's Freedom of information revelations from the FBI about Netanyahu's nuclear smuggling. Listen to this short clip and understand how self regulating censorship works at the highest levels of corporate media with NPR and CNN representation from so called journalists. 

Move along please. Nothing to see here.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Award Winning CNN Journalist On CNN Propaganda

Amber Lyon of CNN turned down their corporate media buy-off money to silence her after her Bahrain reporting was axed because it told the truth that the USA supports regimes where there are oil or geopolitical interests. 

This extraordinary interview from Emmy Award winning journalist talks about the chilling effect of Obama prosecuting more jounalists and whistleblowers than any President in history. Hope and Change? Hopeless Change. You'll see.

In fairness to Amber the specific response that Alex Jones isn't a conspiracy theorist is about the TSA no fly lists for reporters who speak up. I disagree with plenty of Alex Jones as much as I agree with plenty of Alex Jones. That's what real opinion formers do. They form opinions rather than take their instruction from an agreed list of voices.

Hat's off to Amber Lyons for taking a stand. We applaud her courage and stand for truth and journalistic freedom.

Sunday 16 September 2012

A Victory For Justice , Decency & Ordinary People

I've never accepted the noxious practice of reading tabloid newspaper. The damage that these newspapers have done to people's conciousness such that they no longer identify with the pain and suffering they cause has always made me angry and has upset me.

I am not a football fan but I can assure you there are many other reasons why The Sun deserves to be made an example of. The British public in particular have an unusual hypocrisy when it comes to dissociating what their extended actions mean through media choices and militaristic, ceremonial or pageantry indulgences. They simply don't stop to think.

I never thought I'd see the day when a shop sign would indicate that The Sun would not be sold for reasons of decency. There is so much more to go but my God this is a start if we are to be heroes and champions of life.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ben Swann of FOX 19 Shreds My Conspiracy Theory

I've been raving about Ben Swann's incredible show on FOX 19 for a couple of months now (click the FOX tag below) and I finally concluded that maybe he was part of some Rupert Murdoch plea bargain package. 


Turns out the station he works for isn't really a FOX station but a FOX affiliate and that the guy actually knows how to ask questions to political power. On top of that he actually lucked out getting that interview with Obama who does local media on his travels and so we had a real journalist asking real questions in Cincinnati Ohio.

Ben Swann is the real deal. He's a real journalist. I'm gob smacked. Delighted but gobsmacked. Hat's off to Raycom Media and Ben Swann. Superstars.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Louis Farrakhan Lays Into Corporate Media Over Libya Hypocrisy

For a couple of hours a few months ago I listened as Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave the finest speech I've ever heard. I was spell bound by his lucidity, including a very candid prediction to Libya's leader that the West would betray him, which we did, once his usefulness for selling arms to and torturing prisoners in Tripoli diminished for reasons of oil and more greed.

In this 'commercial break' for a radio station, he tears apart the sycophancy and cowardice of mainstream media that relies on advertising to perpetrate lies. He does this to their face not behind their backs. 

Here's another clip where he tells the truth the sheeple can't handle.

Is Rupert Murdoch Being Blackmailed To Tell The Truth?

Murdoch owned FOX19 is the only major media aperture that is asking questions about real issues. The corporate media is silent on NDAA, Drone Executions and Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya. Given that Murdoch's New York Post yesterday headlined that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance can I post a conspiracy theory?

Is Rupert Murdoch being pressured to ensure his media ask good questions and tell the truth?  It only makes sense that some sort of plea bargain took place given he got off so lightly in the disappointing Leveson inquiry?

It's important to note that Obama confirms that he will never use the NDAA law he signed. May I remind the American people that the GOP party will have no hesitation to lock people up using this law. Look at Obama's body language. It's not very confident is it?

Monday 27 August 2012

Mainstream Media Confused By Ecuador Acting On Priniciples

I've noticed that people who are negative towards Julian appear unable to listen to interviews that provide the necessary information they need to have a fully informed opinion. Al Jazeera is based in US allied Qatar, and so like the BBC it cannot attack Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait or look in the mirror at it's own inability to be fair. Because of this bias it is not pro Wikileaks and so this is essential listening.

This is as an aggressive interview. It's biased against Ecuador but Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino like President Rafael Correia are two of the new breed of leadership who put principles first and for this reason the corporate for-profit media cannot understand them or see their own compliance with a broken and immoral corporatized media. Their aggressive questioning comes from their inability to question their own courage and leadership.

It doesn't exist. Far easier to kill the messenger Julian Assange than consider the notion that the corporate media have let the people down.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

If FOX19 Keep Telling The Truth I Can Go Back To Smoking Dope News, Weather

Ben Swann of FOX19 a Cincinnati Local TV Station keeps telling the news and explaining to Americans what and why things are happening. If this continues I can stop bothering you with my blog posts and go back to smoking tasty joints to relax. I really don't actually like all this blogging work you know. 

Media actually doing their job? I'm not used to it either and I wonder if this is connected to Murdoch's resignation.

On reflection I just realised I gave up smoking cigarettes this year so I can't imagine me smoking again. I hear they use inhalers now. Might have to look into that :)

OK So It's A Local FOX News Channel But It's Still Real NDAA News News, Weather

Ben Swann of FOX19 even refers to the fake left right political divide in this one. I mean come folks. Something is happening here if Murdoch owned FOX is telling you important information you need to know. It's great. I applaud FOX19 and whoever has taken the censorship reigns off. Cincinnati is a lucky part of the world.

Saturday 18 August 2012

John Stockwell On CIA дезинформация Dezinformatsiya Disinformation

CIA & MI5 have representatives on every major media outlet. That's the free world for you. John Stockwell has provided a great contribution to humanity by leaving the CIA and whistleblowing on how it all works.

Disinformation (a direct translation of Russian дезинформация dezinformatsiya) is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.

Unlike traditional propaganda techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions. A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with many easily disproved false claims.

In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.

Disinformation may include distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Its techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor.

A classic example of disinformation occurred during World War II, preceding the Normandy landings, in what would be known as Operation Fortitude. British intelligence convinced the German Armed Forces that a much larger invasion force was about to cross the English Channel from Kent, England.

In reality, the Normandy landings were the main attempt at establishing a beachhead, made easier by the German Command's reluctance to commit its armies. Another act of World War II--era disinformation was Operation Mincemeat, where British intelligence dressed up a corpse, equipped it with fake invasion plans, and floated it out to sea where Axis troops would eventually recover it.

The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic. Military disinformation techniques were described by Vladimir Volkoff.

According to senior SVR officer Sergei Tretyakov, the KGB was responsible for creating the entire nuclear winter story to stop the Pershing missiles. Tretyakov says that from 1979 the KGB wanted to prevent the United States from deploying the missiles in Western Europe and that, directed by Yuri Andropov, they distributed disinformation, based on a faked "doomsday report" by the Soviet Academy of Sciences about the effect of nuclear war on climate, to peace groups, the environmental movement and the journal AMBIO. Another successful example of Soviet disinformation was the publication in 1968 of Who's Who in the CIA which was quoted as authoritative in the West until the early 1990s.

Monday 13 August 2012

Most Of Planet Meet For Peace Alternative To Hillary Clinton's Warmongering - Corporate Media Silent

30 nations including China, Indonesia and Russia are meeting in Tehran to find peaceful alternatives to the NATO warmongering and terrorist sponsoring in Syria. The Western corporate media is silent as ever because there's a lot of military industrial complex money riding on destabilizing Syria (like Libya was brought down) and the corporate for-profit media have no incentive in telling the full story.

It's important and valuable to the pluralist thinker in these twilight days of Western materialist fetishism to seek alternative and contrarrian points of view from places like Press TV, Tehran Times and Russia Today. 

Thursday 26 July 2012

FOX News Ask Some Proper Questions About Batman Massacre News, Weather

Well, well, well. Cincinnati Fox News ask some long overdue questions about the Batman massacre. There's a lot more he doesn't mention but this will do for the time being.

Saturday 14 July 2012

If 70 Cops Were Injured The Corporate Whore Media Would Go Into Spastic Convulsions

The corporate media are the enablers of Govcorp violence. If this were 70 police injured you wouldn't know what hit you with a media blanket draped over a country for weeks on end about it. But as it's just civilians they're of no consequence and we barely hear about the protests in Spain and Mexico.

As we learned earlier. Protesters in Los Angeles were shot with lethal rubber bullets for using chalk on a sidewalk. 

Please note rubber bullets can kill. They are not solid rubber but contain metal inside.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Neil Kramer - Detaching From The Construct (We're Just Cabling Otherwise)

An excellent forty minutes with Neil Kramer on the toxicity of broadcast media pollution and how a movement to integrity starts with self and not on the outside. The construct has only one purpose. To disempower you with negativity or feelings of inferiority through images of superlatives, superiority and confusion. That's pretty much it.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Institutional Perspectives on UFO's & ET - Ridicule To Reality

Christopher Knowles echoes a sentiment I wrote about last year (and have pasted below) that the Vatican, the U.N. and The Royal Society have quietly rearranged the tables with respect to the 'multi-dimensional other'. The servant classes in the media haven't picked up on it yet but as long as the top tier is covered that's all that matters. It should be an interesting year.

Interview by Mike Clelland.

There is a considerable section of the population who believe that anything really momentous and important is going to be announced in the Rose Garden of the Whitehouse to the Whitehouse Press Corp. That isn't actually the way it works if anybody has been paying attention to Wikileaks. We're no more treated like adults capable of handling the truth than the children we rear on a diet of small to disgraceful lies on every subject from sex education to the nature of Father Christmas ( a story worth exploring given its Shamanistic roots). If the news is really momentous it is leaked first unless its the build up to war in which case the enemy is dehumanised to a steady beat of propaganda. Government never really govern if indeed they ever really have since the end of the Second Sorld War. (See military industrial complex for more on that subject).

The Vatican made a curious announcement during the Pope's visit to the UK regarding their their recognition of the right of aliens to be baptised. This is a matter not without importance given that it's only the sons of Adam who can enter the Kingdom of God. It's also worth noting that the institutions most at risk of losing authority are the top down hierarchical religions who seemingly are the least spiritual guardians on the planet.

Then it's always worth mentioning that the most respected and oldest science institution on the planet have begun to discuss what to do if extra terrestrial life is an impending realisation on our species. Regrettably the Royal Society still assumes people use internet explorer which might explain why they are on the same page as the corporate owned media when it comes to stunning scientific revelations of this nature.

Also we have Dr Stephen Hawking, the most famous and respected space cowboy on the planet who recently warned us that we should hide from aliens as they may not be friendly. This is preposterous given the striking blue visibility of our planet and our current inability to manoeuvre it out of sigh. It fully matches the heights of his recent quantum and relativity work which finally concludes that God could exist, but scientifically doesn't need to.

The  latest addition to institutional approval of contemplative mystery (a mode of thinking strictly disapproved of until it's approved) is the emergence of a United Nations ambassador for Space in the shape of astrophysicist Mazlan Othlan of Malaysia. The selection of a national from a country that few people can pin point on a map to greet any alien life in an official capacity on behalf of planet Earth says bundles about the trust that currently exists with the most powerful people on Earth. Don't they usually get first dibs at moments of history? It may well be the case that any future visitors have already shown their contempt for our leadership hierarchy. Maybe that's what crop circles are telling us.

Also there's the gossip that Hillary Clinton's urgent reconvening of 250 United States ambassadors back to the U.S. is to prepare the world for a radical shift in world politics. In the photo linked she is convening with Rockefeller back in 1995 and allegedly was gifted a book on aliens in Earth's history called "Are we Alone" by Paul Davies.

But the real clincher that encouraged me to come off the fence and suggest that we are about to be in for some hard core unlearning (i.e taken off the teat of government information) is that BUSINESS is being briefed at $4000 a ticket about alien business potential. 

In a recent summit of the Global Competitiveness Forum in Riyadh where former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others were told about evidence of UFOs and ET life. In short, world business leaders were told that flying saucers were real and that the advanced technology of extraterrestrial civilizations made possible a special kind of UFO for astute entrepreneurs – Unprecedented Financial Opportunities. A mystery participant to the GCF was former U.S. President Bill Clinton who spoke about advanced energy systems that await international development. A point not lost on the Saudi Arabian Government no doubt and possibly the reason for such an odd place to discuss the matter.

It's worth reviewing the videos I posted a short while back on unidentified activity over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Again, I only know they are lights but they act like nothing I've seen before and if the rumours of reverse engineered technology tucked away in the military industrial complex are true or even if we admit the record of false flag operations by Goverment is's hard to know what it is. I'm happy to call that instance a mystery but for the bulk of this post? You heard it here first but could have heard it earlier from Freeman.

Update: Islam is joining in the fun.

Monday 2 January 2012

The Rupert Murdoch/Rick Santorum Ticket


Rick Santorum has the blessing of Rupert Murdoch and it's likely the 2012 presidency has already been chosen by the string pullers of media and government. However as a political media piece to deconstruct, the above presentation by Rachel Maddow is a fascinating snapshot of the United States that media historians in centuries to come will scratch their heads over.

There's no mention of policy. That's not important. However it does seem there's some nominal resistance as Roger Ailes of Murdoch owned FOX prefers Newt Gingrich. They are physically, emotionally and intellectually similar unlike Mitt Romney who is a little too dashing in a plastic sort of way for the FOX supremo to bestow his blessing. Rachel makes the point that is perplexing to the British who understand clearly that without Rupert Murdoch's seal of approval the Prime Ministerial candidates in the British elections are doomed. It seems the U.S hasn't grasped Murdoch/FOX News power preferring to believe that the best man wins. It's my view that this years GOP line up is so weak the winner will get the media push they need and the nearest threat will be  hobbled at a crucial point. That's why McCain was allowed to run last time. A charity run kind of thing.

The owners (our owners) don't care about ideas of left and right. The job vacancy is invariably allocated long before the primaries begin. In the event of a surprise runner pulling ahead or winning there's a number of ways that can be fixed.

I mentioned it recently in my Forrest Gump assassinations post.

It seems the establishment is paranoid about the threat from conspiracy theories and so ordinary people are left asking why a 'theory' is so dangerous to western civilisation's elites?

All truth passes through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Somebody Muzzle The Dog (The Silence Is Killing Me)

The Red areas are US military bases surrounding Iran. 

After 1953 when the CIA and MI6 toppled the democratically elected Iranian government to install their man the Shah of Iran, the people rose up and kicked him out. The United States was pissed and sided with Iraq by lending Saddam Hussein the money to buy the chemical weapons  and other WMD's for the Iran Iraq war

The Iran/Iraq war was ugly. It was like World War One multiplied twice but with kids involved as the Iranians sent 'martyr children' to trigger and blow up the land mines first so their army could follow after. 

At this point the Pentagon cut one of their famous two-faced double-dealing sneaky-fuck top-secret snake-oil-salesman hush-hush deals called the Iran Contra affair where they supplied arms to Iran and used the undeclarable profits to fund another war in South America with the democratically elected Nicaraguan government. This is pretty much how the CIA runs its terrorist operation globally.

Then when the Iran/Iraq war was over the corporations connected to the Pentagon had made a shed load of money to cause more mayhem and invest in bigger and better arms research and development. The Pentagon was ecstatic, the U.S. loved Ronnie Reagan more than any other president, Bush the ex head of the CIA was waiting in the wings, and everybody was pleased. Really really happy. It was like a fairy tale.

Iraq however was broke and asked for time to pay back its loans. This was the chance Kuwait had been waiting for since Mesopotamia fell in 1932. It fucked over Iraq by lowering the price of oil worldwide making it impossible for Iraq to pay back its loans. Furthermore, in a hostile and provocative manner, Kuwait was sending out it's drill pipes diagonally into Iraq land and stealing Iraqi oil.

Saddam was pissed about this and asked the US ambassador if he could invade Kuwait. He'd been a good U.S. arms customer and personally knew Rumsfeld and Bush. It was at this point, the U.S ambassador April Glaspie said to Saddam that the U.S. was uninterested before taking off on holiday.  

April Glaspie says this didn't happen but with Wikileaks we can prove this is not true 

Iraq then invaded Kuwait and the U.S. came to Kuwait and said if we help, you need to pay us back with your oil. 

Cut to today and it's Iranian oil that corporate America wants. Fortunately the biggest bully in the area is Israel which has 300 nuclear weapons to pick a fight it can't lose and not only that but they run U.S. politics with campaign contributions to AIPAC and four media conglomerates dominate the media landscape and can invent any reality they want to justify a war that pays back big dividends to everyone.

The largest media conglomerate though is Disney and as you've got the picture now about who creates the Mickey Mouse wars I'll just remind you of the Disney strap line.

As far as I can see people are behaving as if their Jewish neighbours are being rounded up to the concentration camps and only a few have got the bottle to say anything in case it interferes with their salaries or career plans. 

Let's be candid, those careers don't exist if you keep quiet. Speak up. It's about the difference between right and wrong.

Update: Here is Chomsky saying exactly what I am. This is not a surprise as he taught me how much the corporate for profit media repeats the governments lies.