Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Thursday 8 February 2024

CNN on Zelensky

If you know the government and media lie about everything of importance, but still believe Zelensky is a hero. That's an opinion that will change as reality destroys the mainstream media fiction.

Their greatest fear? 

Your awakening.

Friday 2 February 2024

The Taylor Swift Psyop

It's the old folks who can't see that the news is synthetic and pretty much reports the opposite of the reality. The youngsters are a lot more savvy in my experience but Taylor Swift has 600 million followers and that's a lot of celebrity influence.

Her boyfriend makes more from Pfizer vaccine endorsements than American Football. It's disgusting given excess deaths the media aren't reporting.

Sunday 10 December 2023

iilliaa - life gets hard - part two

The iilliaa - life gets hard post is one of the most popular music posts in recents months. I mentioned Gonzalo Lira in that post and yesterday Tucker interviewed his Dad. Tucker is silent for 20 minutes. You'll never see that on a TV screen. Too much agenda is at stake to let people talk and boy is it a heart felt plea. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree does it? Well done Dad. Legend. The community notes denies he is in prison. No mate, he's in a Kyiev prison alright. Just because Biden doesn't want to mention that, doesn't mean you can get away with our lies all the time?

Here's the track again. It's a bit spesh.

Friday 11 August 2023

The Duke of Hearts

If the media adore you, invariably you're wrongful. If the media despise you, maybe you're doing something good that they fear will expose their leash holders?

This is the sine qua non of legacy media.

He has his mother's charismatic ability to put people at their ease and then go on to lift up their hearts.

It's how humans are

Thursday 25 May 2023


The difference between Russell Brand and his detractors. By that I mean the people who call him a shill and THIRTYTHREE tattoo brandisher is that Russell is a lot funnier than the uninvited mullahs of mediocrity.

Experimenting with different voices is not something that can be done exclusively in the head, as posited in this post about 15 year old Hildegard of Bingen (the anchorite but not the only anchoress in that particular anchorhold) completely silent in her dungeon cell, writing plainchant music widely regarded as seminal in its original form.

I guess a mimic has to practice new voices. It's not perfect saying them out loud because the resonance is different than from any bystanders perspective? Bing ai Chat says the acoustical differences between the speaker of words and the listener but not the hearer are related to the "vocal-tract-size differences that result in formant-frequency variation across speakers". Bing ai then goes on to suggest 'Therefore, a listener has to adjust his/her perceptual system to the acoustic characteristics of a particular speaker' and then posts some mickey mouse footnotes and links in the metadata. That's for me you wont experience that. I'll write about it separately as it's fascinating and worth sharing.

That's Bing. Bing has complex care issues, somewhat self evident from the output depending on who you are. I popped over to Microsoft's Chat investment in Generative Pretrained Transformer land and asked a really easy trick question.

Elon Musk is currently hosting a live spaces event with special guest Ron DeSantis. Please write an essay of no more than 2000 words from a Continental philosophy angle as opposed to the Analytical point of view on whether the world's richest man (and entrepreneur) should or should not host political events? 

Essay Emboldened for Speed Readers

Title: Elon Musk Hosting Political Events: A Continental Philosophy Perspective


The intersection of wealth, entrepreneurship, and politics has become increasingly prominent in contemporary society. As the world's richest man and a renowned entrepreneur, Elon Musk's decision to host political events raises important questions about the role of individuals in shaping political discourse. In this essay, we will explore this issue from a continental philosophy angle, contrasting it with the analytical perspective, and examine the ethical implications of Musk's involvement in political activities.

I. The Role of the Individual in Politics:

From a continental philosophy standpoint, the individual holds a significant place in shaping the political landscape. Thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger emphasized the importance of individual agency in challenging existing power structures. For Nietzsche, the "will to power" embodied the individual's ability to shape reality according to their own values and ideals. Heidegger, on the other hand, highlighted the concept of authenticity, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own existence and engage in meaningful action.

Elon Musk's decision to host political events can be seen as an embodiment of Nietzschean and Heideggerian ideals. By leveraging his wealth and influence, Musk exercises his individual agency to actively participate in shaping the political discourse. From this perspective, his involvement can be seen as a way of challenging the existing political order and offering alternative visions for the future.

II. Critiquing Analytical Perspectives:

Analytical philosophy tends to prioritize objective analysis, detached from personal biases and individual subjectivity. It often emphasizes the separation of public and private spheres, viewing political engagement by individuals as potentially biased and detrimental to rational decision-making. However, from a continental perspective, this analytical detachment can be seen as problematic and disconnected from the lived experiences and values that shape political realities.

Continental philosophers, such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Michel Foucault, critique the notion of an objective observer and highlight the inherent biases and power dynamics that underpin knowledge production. They argue that individuals cannot separate themselves from their social, historical, and political contexts when engaging in any form of analysis or decision-making.

Applying this critique to the analytical perspective, we can question the assumption that individuals should abstain from political engagement due to their wealth or entrepreneurial status. By actively hosting political events, Musk embraces his subjectivity and acknowledges his role in the broader societal landscape, rather than pretending to be a neutral observer. This self-awareness aligns with the continental philosophy emphasis on recognizing and engaging with one's own situatedness within power structures.

III. Ethical Considerations:

Hosting political events as the world's richest man raises important ethical considerations. Critics argue that Musk's involvement can lead to the amplification of his own personal interests and potentially distort democratic processes. Moreover, his immense wealth and influence may grant him disproportionate power, undermining the principle of equal representation and participation.

From a continental perspective, ethical concerns are rooted in a broader understanding of social responsibility. Thinkers like Emmanuel Levinas and Simone de Beauvoir stress the importance of recognizing the other and considering the implications of one's actions on the well-being and freedom of others.

Applying this perspective, Musk should approach his political engagements with a sense of ethical responsibility. He should be cognizant of the potential consequences of his actions, ensuring that his involvement does not perpetuate unjust power dynamics or suppress the voices of marginalized groups. By recognizing the alterity of others and promoting inclusive and equitable dialogues, Musk can align his political activities with continental ethics.


From a continental philosophy perspective, Elon Musk's decision to host political events represents an exercise of individual agency and an active engagement with the political realm. Contrasting with the analytical viewpoint, continental philosophy emphasizes the situatedness and subjectivity of individuals, calling for a recognition of personal values and interests in political engagement.

While ethical concerns surrounding Musk's involvement exist, they can be addressed by adopting a continental ethics framework that emphasizes social responsibility and the recognition of others. By being mindful of the potential consequences of his actions and promoting inclusive dialogues, Musk can navigate the political landscape responsibly and contribute to the broader discourse in a manner that respects the principles of democracy and social justice.

In evaluating the appropriateness of the world's richest man hosting political events, a continental philosophy perspective encourages us to consider the potential transformative power of individual agency and the ethical responsibilities that come with it.

That's how I learned ELON MUSK has invited all presidential candidates onto the Twitter platform he owns and Linda Yaccarino allegedly runs, and regardless of my own biases, it's self evident that the legacy media are unable to provide that level of engagement or complexity, in real time.

This is why we need more not less voices from Russell.

Thursday 26 January 2023

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Nearly ten minutes of Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, shooting his mouth off after a few drinks about Pfizer experimenting with gain of function research to find new virus mutations that make people sick at best and dead at worst.

I said CONVID is over back here, because what will terrify the mainstream legacy media is that millions if not soon to be, billions around the world are becoming open and receptive to off-piste information about 9/11 (Israel), the Shoah and Geoengineering (Chemtrails) and much much more. Vaccine holocaust denial should never be illegal, we have nothing to fear from ignorant people and they have everything to fear from their self terminating beliefs.

It does look like normie-land is in for a world of pain. It was touch and go for a few years with unprecedented censorship across all social media and legacy media self censoring while publishing endlessly trivial stories like "What kind of potato are you?", but the kind of people who indulge in distractions are paying for it with their injected lifestyles.

Ignorance is a lifestyle decision in the age of information.

A couple of tips for the outraged. Electric cars are awful for the environment and global warming/carbon reduction is a scam that only the timid and gutless could fall for. I'll be focusing on these a bit more for those who still don't know how to think critically.

We are the people who take receipts. We are the writers of history.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Karen Jean Pierre & Sleepy Joe

Even in the squalid profession of 3rd millennium politics (with very few exceptions) I've never seen so much corruption than the collusion between The Democratic Party and any institutional domain you care to name, from the Department of Justice to FBI and International Foundations plus plus plus. 

Most republicans are RINOs and barely any better, but the order has gone out and Sleepy Joe's time is up as a sudden switch in the media took place in recent days, and they actually reported a smidge of what's really going on for the first time. It's a set up for the fall taking place and as Joe is no Nixon, I  can't see him hanging in there irrespective of which version they wheel out on any particular day. April 6th last year if you're asking.

I could have scraped dozens of mind bending clips like this but there's no point. Informed people know, and wilfully uninformed people will post rationalise any concrete fact presented to them [PAIN COMING].

See what I mean?

The reason I include the Whitehouse Press Secretary in this post is because KJP is Haitian wealthy elite and grew up on Princess Margaret's fave island Mustique. Yes she's from dirt poor Haiti where Hillary personally orchestrated the trafficking of 33 Haitian kids to the Dominican Republic. It was here the Billions raised by your fave bipartisan charity team Bill Clinton and George Bush created SIX fucking homes. You remember the 2010 earthquake right?

Back to KJP - There's zero chance she doesn't know about CF trafficking and pay for play money laundering. Every elite Haitian does. So I ask you a question for those of you still being informed by a toxic goggle-box tv-screen in your dining and supper room, ambiently pumping out sewage to the unconscious, year in and year out. KJP hates the Whitehouse press Corp and they hate her, even though the machine puts them all on the same team and that applies to everyone who doesn't do their Haitian homework - I've barely scratched the surface. Ask me about those cell phone companies and the piloting of micro CBDCs vis a vis human cellular interaction. It's the hunger games played out with micro loans.

So why would no Whitehouse press room reporter, ask her an innocuous question about her knowledge of Democratic party, Haitian corruption? I'm talking about the loose change from the Billions they raised out of needless suffering.

It's because like the Obama clip above waving two fingers in the faces of those who know (cannot sleep). Everything about the corporate media is synthetic.

Here's Trump getting smashed by a former Haitian President on the topic. Big Brother has edited the original clip but if you pay attention right at the end, at least we can hear Trumps acknowledgement. Let me know if you find the full version which is only a few seconds longer. Everything is memory-holed and it's exhausting trying to demonstrate reason over rhetoric when the evidence is swiped. 

Lastly, here's the former Vice president Joe Biden on Haiti sinking into the sea of non-interests (liar). He's not the same guy portrayed in the first clip (Sleepy Joe) but it took me a few months to train my eye so don't go hard on yourself. 

Take a break now and again, entertain a while. 

Yeah you. How do you like them apples?

Wednesday 2 November 2022

The Backpedalling Begins

The yearning of the duped to be reassured by the gaslighting media that they're not wrong is pure infantilism. The Atlantic knows what's coming, yet paradoxically despite this canary in the coalmine article, their readers still have no idea.

They're not my words but when I first read them, I could feel a conviction the like of which I'd never encountered before.

"Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing"

Thursday 6 October 2022

The Times They Are A Triggerin'

When the truth comes out, you can’t unjab your kids…

The Times have backed the wrong horse and the data is not only plentiful, but vaccine injury patients are all over social media.

As I said. The data is in, and yet you delete my words because they are a threat to the very foundations of your pseudo democracy, pseudo free speech and the right to hold opinions enshrined in human rights law.

It's flattering you read my blog but you should really be asking why Parliamentary MPs are exempt from the 'safe and effective' injections and why the manufacturers are exempt from being sued. If you were doing your job, that's the editorial you would have written. 

Saturday 1 October 2022

9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are Triple Vaxxed + Vaccine Injury Protocols

The latest dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) site here and download the spreadsheets here.

Below are the figures for the month of January. I would have preferred February for statistical integrity, but it's not calculus. The unvaxxed are statistically more likely to live and the double vaxxed and especially the boosted are dying, which is the opposite of what we'd expect. The more injections, the higher the fatality rate. Particularly those boosters Megan Thee Stallion, Jimmy Fallon and Arianne Grande entertained us with.

I did write a longer piece about the mechanisms of tricking people into experimental injections, as we've learned so much in the last 3 years, but I'll come back to that another day. I just want to remind you that as part of the vilification against sceptics campaign, the number of unvaccinated in July this year according to Big Brother Corporation is 3 million.

There are no concrete population figures for the UK till the next census. 67 million were counted in 2019 so let's call it that, though it will be higher. The lower estimate for unvaccinated is 16.5 million and the higher estimate is 23.5 million.

The halfway point and mean/average is 20 million unvaccinated.

They lie about everything. It's not just the pandemic and the injections. Louis Pasteur falsified his experiment notebooks (NYT) and lied about Vaccinations (The Independent)

Now isn't the time to elaborate on germ vs terrain theory you can do that later. 

The clocks ticking. 

Your first research port of call is to find out what batches you were injected with ( If it's not good news, the key medical procedure is a D-Dimer test for blood clots. The hospitals are dishing out blood thinners to keep mortalities down, but there are also spike protein detox procedures to research and explore including ultra-high dose Vitamin D and C, antiparasitic Ivermectin and NAC (N-Acetylcysteine).

You're on your own though. Quite a few doctors know but can't say anything or they're unemployed PDQ, so it's down to your own research.

The graphene oxide/hydroxide is a problem. Dr Andreas Noack got that information out to us by analyzing the injection ingredients, but he paid for it with his life.

I'm not giving medical advice; I'm giving you suggestions to research and make your own mind up.

Good luck. (Update - More vaccine detox protocols from Drs of America)

Thursday 10 February 2022

Are Legacy Media Trying To Tell Us Something?

Now that the Covid narrative has jumped the shark, I think it's safe to say the legacy media are trying to get through to the people at the back of the train.

It's time to wake up and it's time to speak up. There's so much more iniquity in the juice that I don't have the heart to tell family and friends I care about, so I'll tell you instead.

There are solutions [Link], they're not guaranteed and we're learning more every day. But it's you who have to awaken. We know only too well the dangers of us trying to do it for you.

Everything but experimental vaccines give you heart attacks.

Ya feel me?

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Ooops - FOX News Panel Silenced

Dick Allgire used to be a television news reporter and/or anchor/presenter for an Hawaiian local news channel. I've been following his work for about 10 years as he is,  according to reliable sources, one of the best remote viewers.

In recent years he's become an evangelist for cryptocurrencies, but as I understand things, remote viewing and personal financial gain are incompatible so it might be just general trends he's applied himself to. He's not a young man anymore so I've noticed he's a little absent minded when he does his videos on Youtube.

That's why when FOX 'news' invited him to comment on Cryptocurrencies over live nationwide television, he doesn't mic drop. He makes it levitate. it's just extraordinary, unprecedented and hilarious.

He drops the truth flawlessly delivered, and the entire panel of FOX news hosts are gobsmacked.... and silent.

It's the the best laugh out loud moment for a while.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Use Logic

On the right side of the split image, are Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton, from their time in the Whitehouse around 1998. I verified this by using an image provenance search engine.

It is self evident (even when factoring in human 'shrinking' over 20 years), that they're not the same couple. I can't say William Jefferson Clinton is a different guy. I've yet to see any evidence of that, but HRC is possibly-maybe either executed  on Gitmo or awaiting a military tribunal, either way the original is toast.

Their status emerged partially through the Southern District of New York (SDNY) with respect to the emails between Hillary's right hand woman Huma Abedin, wife of former New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner. 

He's the guy who was sentenced to prison for sexting pics of his well endowed penis to three women including a 15 year old young girl, with one image of his 4 year old son in the background.

I can assure you this is so mild and innocuous at their level, it's barely worth a mention, as anyone who protects the top level of elites knows full well.

The darker side of this story was stored in a folder on his laptop called life insurance. The sine qua non of the 21st century is the ever present reminder of a golden age of corruption coupled with a synthetic civilisation, largely enforced through power incentives, and blackmail of a sexual and heinous nature against children, with adrenochrome being just one angle of the sales funnel, to use language we all understand.

I've deliberated for some months or so, on whether to publish the image of Huma below, as it's not fair on her. I don't know the context of the photograph; it could have been taken by her husband. She could also be off her face on adrenochrome or willingly letting herself be photographed so that her protection is guaranteed.

That's standard operational procedure. Bill Clinton was close to Bush senior but he once complained 'did you have to film me'. I've heard the exact same complaint made by a British MP who was chided by a companion who exclaimed, 'who cares' they're never going to use it and we still get everything we want if we play ball.. or words to that effect.

I've always found Huma exceptionally attractive for a political operator so my judgement is biased, but the image above is verifiably new in the public domain, and part of the drip-feed-disclosure that demonstrates the blackmail game is changing. I'm also proving the Joe Biden (not sleepy Joe), leaked image below, so more context and pattern is at your disposal, enabling you to make decisions based on your own judgement and access to information.

Once again, the hapless, but dangerously vicious AIPAC bagman Joe Biden, Barack Obama's VP for eight years, is not the President of the United States. That guy was craftily nicknamed Sleepy Joe by President Donald Trump, when the switch took place, and is a construct I'm too far down the food chain to know the granular details of.

I do have reliable sources who use logic when presenting classified information for public consumption. It took me years to understand Hillary collapsing on the 9/11 anniversary event, because what we were being shown a contrived affair, to teach us how the doppelgänger machinery-works behind the scenes.

I'm quite slow. Each time I think I've got at least 66.6% right, a new fact emerges changing everything.

For example, it took me about five years too integrate what the MK-Ultra information means when deployed over multigenerational family-lines, including illegitimate children and convergent bloodline strategies. I literally had a BING moment and my mind was irreversibly bent out of shape to adapt to the consequences of the new knowledge. I'd underestimated what others could do with a tool that, as I learned its functionality, left me nauseous and sick in my stomach for days, with grief and despair. The people who actually use it, jerk-off on the power it bestows on them. They actively seek to outdo each others evilness, to prove their credentials and rise higher in the networkIt makes them happy. The greater the suffering and diabolical wickedness (evil with intent), the more powerful they become. It is also quite competitive as the Guggenheim, Strauss and Astor families know. but can't say [Omerta].

John Taylor Gatto, taught us the Trivium was removed from education in order to prevent pupils and students from both understanding logic and more importantly wielding it in civilised problem-solving and discourse.

I'm not particularly clever at all, because as anyone who knows me can testify, I can barely recall what I did minutes, hours or days before. This is not false modesty. I have a number of handicaps and many are indistinguishable from being dull witted or just plain stupid.

Nature though, has a way of compensating for blindness. With many blind people, a sharp improvement in the remaining senses is well documented. I'm not literally blind, I just don't see a lot of what others find impossible to ignore.

It has its own power.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


I'm unsure if I'm publishing information that has any impact on people who don't question the VIRUS. I have very healthy support for my views on this synthetic and manufactured crisis in social media and real life, but it's not these people I'm trying to inform and persuade.

It's the people who have bought into the drill, and are now living in fear with masks and distancing, are eager to be vaccinated and welcome contact tracing, that I wish to persuade.

I do get the feeling that quite a few more people than before are receptive to alternative information, but it appears that they are unable to express themselves in the public domain such as on social media.

The VIRUS-SCARE™ lockdown is in my view nearly over. However we still have invasive and pernicious government policies, such as mandatory vaccines (brain damage) and contact tracing; the ultimate snoop-snitch model for a police state.

The video above is by a nurse who is extremely red pilled considering they are paid to conform, not challenge.

Please let me know if you have any opinions in the comments. 

I'm interested in all points of view.

Saturday 30 November 2019

Trump & Black People

There are many reasons to be critical of POTUS, but domestic racism is not one of them. Do your homework if you still believe otherwise. Start with the above and then work your way through the Whitehouse video channel on Youtube.

Reality requires research not opinions. Those can be found in the fake news corporate media.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Daniel Holtzclaw Is Innocent

Listen to "Brian Bates Private Investigator" on Spreaker.

The media never gang up on a cop (unless).

There are numerous recorded examples of extraneous police brutality for which the media said nothing while being full-throated about unrecorded instances of whatever suits them.

Why would the media choose some stories and others not.

Why would the media gang up on this cop?

Use Logic.