Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts

Sunday 4 January 2015

Gordon Duff & Stew Webb | Top Notch Interview

Gordon Duff admits that much of what he claims is disinformation, but you'd be making a mistake not to keep an eye on what he says because I too missed this interview and it's stuffed full of the sort information that even Gordon is reluctant to repeat too often.

I don't get the time to review everything I'd like to, but I'm often pinged links in Twitter and I invariably try to check out as much as I can. This is one of those links and it's worth putting an hour or so aside to listen to.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Sandy Hook Debate - Professor James Fetzer & 'Investigative' Journalist Keith Johnson

Current News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with AFP Radio Network on BlogTalkRadio

If I was challenged to a debate about Sandy Hoax™ I'd make sure to read Professor Fetzer's article "Top Ten Reasons Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax" defining the irrefutable question marks about Sandy Hook. Regrettably Keith Johnson didn't do that so he relies on the ad hominem and presumably an article he has yet to write but which nobody has yet seen with points he raises in this debate.

It's evident he's more interested in defending a position than researching claims.

We're not quite sure what the full story is on Sandy Hook but it's clear that the media and crisis actors were an organized part of the equation. 

I recommend watching Sofia Smallstorm's deconstruction of the event either before or after this debate, which is moderated by Dave Gahary of American Free Press.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Great Gore Vidal on Coincidence Realists


Gore Vidal was the only person of his class who had the courage to take a closer look at the events of his day, and saw what many of us have concluded. The official narrative is nonsense.

It is for this reason we have to give Gore Vidal credit where it is due. He was a real intellectual and there are so few of them in the spineless consensus reality dupes that the corporate media and power elite serve up for those who have 30 second attention spans between spectator sports and reality shows.

The media are trying to smear his reputation now, but this is the same media that protected Jimmy Savile. Don't trust them. They're smearing his name because he told us a little about reality. 

I wont link to the stories but you can find them with a quick search.

Update: I had to change the video which was a C-SPAN clip, again.

Monday 30 December 2013

How Do We Know When The State is Lying? - Butler Shaffer | Mises Institute

Superb reflections on reality or the question, 'how do we know what we know?'

I'm impressed if the Mises Institute are giving space to this kind of intelligent analysis because if you're paying attention, Professor Butler Shaffer is saying a few things that aren't said in the mainstream academic narrative.

The man obviously knows how to use a search engine. 

I salute a real thinker.

Update: I don't subscribe to Mises Institute on Austrian Economics. It's genocidal in today's context (food stamp America) and we have a population issues before we tackle wealth creation for a much-needed mutually-agreed population decline/management strategy based on fairness and ecology.

Thursday 21 November 2013

J. Gary Shaw - AlternativeViewTV - JFK & Coverup

Nobody can make sense of today if they haven't looked into the secret government's assassination of JFK. A person is literally living in an illusion if they haven't done so. Tomorrow is JFK's 50th anniversary and it's been a pleasure to remind people that the heart of the corruption goes back to November 22nd 1963.

Whatever controls the planet is able to intimidate presidents, generals, assassins and any person you care to name. This is the importance of JFK the Unspeakable.

Red or Blue pill. Your choice.

Monday 18 November 2013

JFK Stabilized Footage - Sniper's Bullet From The Front

The Abraham Zapruder footage has missing seconds from it, but this new stabilized video shows very clearly, the driver slowing down, to allow the many snipers (it was a crossfire assassination) to shoot Kennedy. Witnesses state the car actually came to a halt but you can see enough in this video which has many frames missing, as it was tampered with by the CIA and FBI photo lab and kept away from the public for 12 years until a brave District Attorney from Louisiana, Jim Garrison demanded it be shown.

Only the most pathological liars still claim the kill shot came from Oswald who is accused of being behind the President and his the car on the sixth floor. Actually he wasn't even there either but stick to the official explanation because their lies are easy to expose.

See for yourself.

Once you figure it out the scale of the conspiracy to murder the President, you realise the moon landing could also be faked, that 9/11 could well be a CIA/Mossad collaboration, and that like a chicken on the farm your entire life's potential is being held back by very powerful networks who control humanities conciousness with celebrity TV, sports and gossip rather fulfilling a greater destiny.

Not all of us I might add.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 2 - The Forces of Darkness

This is an excellent British production on the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I'm working my way through all nine parts and not all are useful but this episode actually interviews some of the assassins or mechanics, as they are known in the trade, and provides photographic evidence the Warren Commission either ignored or did not know about

Quite a few international teams were used to murder Kennedy. They didn't know the architect of the assassination that hired them (though some can guess), but a more detailed breakdown is available over at Veterans Today of the key assassins and people involved.

The only reason I am posting about Kennedy is because the 50th anniversary is next week, and it's very clear how much we lost through his murder by the criminal establishment. 

It's my way of paying my respects because we will get to the bottom of this tumour on mankind, though it's a lot lot deeper than many are capable of dealing with.

Friday 8 November 2013

Wall St Queue Jumpers - HIgh Frequency Trading Algorithms

Whether you're Capitalist, Anti Capitalist or indifferent, this is one of the best money documentaries I've seen in a while. It conveyed to me that high frequency trading has nothing to do with economics because it is its own economic system and larger than the system it feeds off for reasons of mutual and pension fund buying patterns.

Where it also got interesting for me is the documentary is stuffed with the best of the best brains. The climate scientists, biological mathematicians, algorithm developers blah blah blah who all make money on Wall St instead of doing something useful for the planet.

Haim Bodeck is a legend in these circles but despite is awesome brain power it took him a year to realise it wasn't his algorithm code that fucked up, but was instead a conspiracy by others to jump the queue in orders on Wall St.

This is much like JFK and 9/11 conspiracy. Unless you can conceive it is possible, it doesn't matter how much evidence is in front of your eyes you will block it. As I've always said. It's the implications of conspiracy that freaks people out and I'm afraid most of the complex corruption cases called conspiracy (that I study) are true.

The world is not as it seems. 

Watch this documentary. 

It's important.

Sunday 3 November 2013

JFK - The Directors Cut by Oliver Stone

If you haven't seen this seminal movie by Oliver Stone, it's still as fresh today as the first time I watched it. Kevin Costner's role as Jim Garrison is flawless and spell binding. I recommend you watch it even though we now know the Zapruder film was doctored and that the mob/mafia connections to JFK's murder were a whole lot less than the CIA. 

However the broad thrust of the film is accurate. It is still important because the people who organised the President's shooting that day are still in charge. 

Dick Cheney is the Allen Dulles of his day. There's no difference.

The Making of JFK - Oliver Stone at the National Press Club

A friend of mine made a big Asian commercial with Oliver Stone a while back, and I recall him telling me that the CIA were still persecuting him over 20 years later for making JFK. I recommend this National Press Club presentation and Q&A because Oliver Stone has changed over the years but at this time he was really in the spotlight for shaking up the country and the context is brilliant.

Please note, we now know the Abraham Zapruder film was doctored, other than that most of the information is still on the money.

Monday 28 October 2013

Lee Harvey Oswald - An American Hero?

I've just been listening to Joan Mellen on Webster G Tarpley slagging off vaguely defined theories as if we're all in agreement that only LBJ is responsible for the murder of JFK. I get frustrated with old researchers who are unresponsive to new information. We don't know the full list of people that decided to kill Kennedy but we do know some of the key parties. 

Rejecting LBJ's involvement is the mark of an amateur, as is rejecting the incentive for Mossad Zionists to take out Kennedy before he stopped them acquiring nuclear weapons. Focusing on David Atlee Philips as Oswald's CIA handler, while ignoring George de Mohrenschildt (and George Bush Sr.) is proof that some older researchers are skipping over information because it involves work and updating their schema for what happened.

Yes, the CIA were architects in the assassination, Dulles is a key player, yes the Joint Chiefs of Staff were involved, Lemnitzer and LeMay both had a hand in the operation, but anyone who focuses on just the CIA or the Military is ignorant of the wider control matrix that runs the US and does so even better today than it did in 1963.

The first half hour of this interview with the great Jim Marrs who Oliver Stone based his movie JFK on is brilliant information on Lee Harvey Oswald's exploitation by the criminal cabal that stopped democracy in its tracks. You would be foolish to ignore this information and I too must be wary of rejecting new information in the future.

This post isn't meant to denigrate the great work of Jim Garrison. It's just that so much more information has come to light that the professionals have built on his work rather than stopping in their tracks and listening to rather obvious government disinformation agents send the amateurs off scent.

Monday 14 October 2013

Ole Dammegard - The Conspiracy To Assassinate JFK

I first came across Ole Dammegard's work covering the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme using some of the same characters that were involved in JFK's assassination over at Red Ice Radio.

Because Ole Dammegard has spent decades researching political assassinations, you will find he has made an extraordinary amount of important connections in this business from Sweden to the USA and elsewhere. Basically proven teams are used all over the world to do the same business of keeping the power elite's interests in force. 

They use the same techniques (lone crazy gunman thus no conspiracy) and have a clear modus operandi when controlling the police and the media to keep the wider public dim, witless and ignorant of the very obvious cover ups that all these conspiracies necessitate.

This is a great interview and I'm keen to help Ole raise the necessary money to produce a documentary of his world class research and investigation.

Monday 7 October 2013

The Pervert's Guide To Ideology - Slavoj Žižek on "They Live"

We often say you can't wake up someone who is pretending to sleep, and those asleep don't appreciate being woken up. The sunglasses scene above summarises this beautifully.

It refers to the underlying ideologies that drive our the pseudo reality most inhabit; fake money, fake food, fake relationships, fake egos, fake incorporated bodies pretending to be humans (corporations), fake brands, fake advertising, fake media, fake wars, fake journalism and so on and so forth. Who want's to really see that?

Some of us have no choice.

Slavoj Žižek does a nice explanation of this in the clip above using a cult movie I've blogged about called They Live by John Carpenter. I've also commented on its similarities with the Banksy Movie

Freedom Hurts, and nobody knows this more than the seasoned corruption and conspiracy researchers. The only people in my experience apart from the powerful who understand a little of what is going on. An unusual match I think you'll agree.

Sunday 6 October 2013

John Judge - Cults, Lies & Videotape

I had a lot of work to do this weekend but I blew it on a fresh set of about four hours of John Judge uploaded to Youtube that I hadn't seen before. He's a pretty fat guy but he's very intellectually agile hence the moving gif visual.

John Judge does some of the most interesting talks on reality I've come across. Because of their age (there's very little new stuff) there's a sense he hasn't linked the Nazis with the Zionists (Transfer Agreement/Zionist Racism/Holohoax figures) but that sort of information couldn't be discussed before in a rational manner but now it can.

As I've repeatedly mentioned here and have yet to take one comment on.

Update: John has suffered a heart attack and there is an appeal to help with his medical bills. I hope you can help.

Update: The great John Judge passed away April 2014

50 Material Witnesses To JFK Were Murdered

People who aren't prepared to interrogate the corporate media, are it seems, mostly frightened to deal with the consequences. Is it because they know their entire reality falls apart if they are running round the corporate hamster wheel day in, and day out for a conciousness that is largely fictitious?

Perhaps many people would have to consider hanging themselves if forced to confront what they have loyally breast-fed on? I'm sure a similar feeling is felt from those who emerged from the Nazi youth or Zionist racism. Reality is not for the faint of heart. 

Better to put the head in the sand maybe.

Not Richard Belzer however. 

He has taken a different approach to the murder of JFK by the war machine and money concentration establishment. Sure the CIA were involved, sure the Mossad too, even the East Coast establishment, Mafia and US military all had a hand in it. 

But you can get bogged down with too many questions when an easy way to reassure yourself of the conspiracy is too examine the 50 material witnesses that died to keep the lid on the JFK murder.

My own favourite string puller in the cabal who murdered JFK is Allen Dulles

His hands drip blood.

Listen to the above interview. It's excellent apart from a misguided additional view that Libya needed to be bombed to save a million lives. 

That's total TV brainwashing. 

Libya is a failed country now after the love bombs by NATO and 30000 killed to make it that way.. safe for Israel.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Hip Hop Conspiracy Music


If you know any great tracks with video please leave suggestions in the comments. Thanks.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Dr Stan Monteith - Secret Government & Secret Societies

This is very good work if you can ditch his religious redemption bollocks and his confusion that Wall Street runs Communism not the other way round. They're all in it together. That's the reality of the groups who run things. This moves along very quickly so make notes if this is your first time.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Jim Douglass - JFK and the Unspeakable

The unspeakable is that which can't be examined without people point blank refusing to consider that State actors are prepared to go so far. If the unspeakable is raised people become very uncomfortable and retreat into their shells with predictable accusations learned from the corporate media.

The unspeakable is by Jim Douglass

JFK was taken out for reasons that are unspeakable. If you say it, it is too dark.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Army War College Director Says Israel Behind 911

Strategically I admire Israel for executing 9/11 to push America around the Middle East and fight their wars for them. Morally they're war criminals. This video by Pentagon Chief Honcho Dr Alan Sabrosky just lays it nice and solid. He was even friends with arch Neocon  and dual Israeli/US passport holder Douglas Feith. Imagine that.

Don't tell the consumer classes though. Might upset them a bit.

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.