Showing posts with label MI6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MI6. Show all posts

Friday 10 May 2013

CIA Visit My Assassination Post - Are They Dropping Hints?


I always say if I'm murdered, sudden heart attack or fast acting cancer, that's the CIA but if I'm found in a sexually compromising manner then that's paedophile-groomer MI6 style. Don't believe me? Check out how they work.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Spies Are Scum - Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold - Funny home videos are a click away

At some point in the 50's it appears the hottest game in town was paedophiles, spies and politicians or a combination of all three acting out a zero sum game between Tel Aviv, D.C. Moscow and London using triple agents who effectively can do what they like unless their cover is going to be blown which is a complex subject if all sides are blackmailing or being blackmailed.

What we do know is the political paedophile elite still exists today in Congress and Parliament. It was rampant during both Thatcher and Blair's cabinets. The only question that remains is how many remain today? Leon Brittan we know about, Lord Robertson has disappeared from sight, Derek Laud does big brother and the other names have died. But who is left and who is blackmailing who? This is the subject the British public don't have the backbone to raise, the police are too weak to prosecute and the media to venal to publish.

The first clip down captures the essence of what I've been trying to convey. Whenever the British media lionizes something, you can be sure it is in the interests of the elite and not the people. The good news is lots of people are waking up to the sycophantic propaganda for Royalty, Military and don't forget James Bond movies where unlike real life he's not raping kids or filming kids being raped for future blackmail use. This is the reality of spies and until evidence is provided otherwise it's not a good idea to glugg on the fluoride juice and pretend Hollywood movies are just a bit of fun or that sports obsession isn't manufactured or that military jet flyovers are  not signs of jingoistic evil.

Deep down the honest thinker must know this or else why try to avoid thinking about it?

The spy who came in from the cold is excellent. Not perfect but a good film to watch.

Friday 19 April 2013

Why Margaret Thatcher Promoted Paedophiles in Power

Heath, Thatcher and Wilson all shared head of MI6 and known paedophile Sir Maurice Oldfield who used the MI5 run Kincora boys home to molest children in Northern Ireland. I'm just trying to figure out what was the deal with a lot of accusations against all three but what I can say is that I'm fairly confident that from the above 3 hours research that Heath was a paedophile, even if his friends came up with absurd claims of asexual behaviour to explain his lack of interest in men and women.

Where it gets interesting is with Thatcher. She ran against Heath suddenly and we need a rational explanation of why she entertained Jimmy Savile at Checkers for 11 years in a row? The only stories that make sense are she was some sort of practising Satanist into ritual child sex abuse (possible but hard to imagine) and the other is that she promoted more paedophiles into senior positions than anyone because she liked to keep her enemies close to her and there is no greater enemy of the state than a blackmailed paedophile.

It's very hard to figure out what the real deal is but the more I watch and read the more absurdity I can reject. For example Aangirfan blog and Peter Wright of Spycatcher fame both claim Wilson might have been working for the Soviet's but that doesn't make sense here when we listen to his secretly recorded voice in the first documentary bemoan Sir Maurice Oldfield neglect to deliver on his promise to root out the rot in MI6. One doesn't ask one's enemies to solve problems and actually now I think about it I think Oldfield got rid of Wilson and edged in Heath followed by Thatcher. That is why there may have been so many paedophiles around Thatcher. Maybe MI6's Sir Maurice Oldfield was telling her who was good to hire when he had his own agenda instead.

Sunday 31 March 2013

The Constant Gardener - Big Pharma In Piss Poor Africa

I'm increasingly impressed with John Le Carre. I've been going back and downloading everything he wrote that was put on film including the TV series from the 80's. The Constant Gardener is a very savvy telling of how Big Pharma uses Africa as a testbed for drug testing or as the strap line for KDH Pharmaceutical puts it "The world is our clinic"

Conspiracy theorists might be interested in watching this movie because there are more than a few nods to Big Pharma creating global illness such as a new form of Tuberculosis and then providing the only drug that will work. I think the potential for this is far more realistic than the global depopulation ideas that I often come across though there is a room for both ideas to work together I guess.

The cast of The Constant Gardener were so moved by Africa when filming there that they set up a charity fund for the area it was filmed in. John Le Carre also wrote the following:

"Nobody in this story, and no outfit or corporation, thank God, is based upon an actual person or outfit in the real world, but I can tell you this, as my journey through the pharmaceutical jungle progressed, I came to realize that, by comparison with the reality, my story was as tame as a holiday postcard". 

Monday 25 March 2013

Blade On The Feather - Skeletons at Eton

Train spotters will be familiar with Maj Frank Kitson's work, Philby and the idea that at the highest levels MI5, KGB and CIA all cooperate. An idea corroborated by Prof Sutton's work on technology transfer to the USSR and other bits I'm too weary to repeat.

Blade on the Feather stars Tom Conti and is an interesting drama that I think belongs to a Dennis Potter trilogy that I'm trying to find the other parts to.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Ayman Al-Zawahari - Another MI6/CIA Terrorist Asset

Ayman Al-Zawahiri is an important whistle blowing story by Ex FBI Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett

The mainstream media and alternative media tools like Scott Horton who breast feeds on corporate media foreign policy gravy, refuse to cover this extraordinarily important piece of news.

There's definitely a sense of light at the end of the tunnel now we understand so many terrorists are funded and trained by Western Spooks because large military industrial complex contracts roll over decade after decade 

Saturday 19 January 2013

George Carlin on Autoerotic Asphyxia

I don't quite understand why auto-erotic asphyxiation can't be done just holding the breath so do let me know if you have the answer in the comments please. However the real reason I'm posting this (apart from it is hilarious) is that we now know MI5 and MI6 murder British people and sexually humiliate them by smearing their reputation forever in the manner they are discovered like MP Stephen Milligan. Full details over here.

Friday 18 January 2013

MI5 & MI6 Start Writing 'Allo Allo' Scripts To Keep The Savile Story Buried

You can tell the British Secret service are panicking like fuck over the revelations that Jimmy Savile worked for them with the release of this utterly preposterous disinformation interview by top-toff Barrister Michael Shrimpton who by his own admission knew that Ted Heath was murdering little boys after raping them on his yacht the Morning Cloud but said nothing... as was normal in those days.

We know about Ted Heath already but the disinformation is such bad quality that he tries to blame the Germans for, well actually I forgot the full dumb details because I started laughing at the sheer desperation and 'Allo Allo' like script he was reading on behalf of SIS who must be imploding if they can't find a better liar than him.

Go on. Have a listen to classic disinformation. 

Ted Heath a peadophile who killed his victims? Yes we knew that thank you. The rest? Complete and utter bollocks. Blame the Germans, Blame the Jews, Blame the Homosexuals, Blame the Gypsies but whatever you do don't blame the Royal Household. Downing Street and the dirty paedophile blackmail spy network called MI5 and MI6. "They're the good guys according to Top Toff Barrister Michael Shrimpton.

It's an insult to the intelligence.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Jimmy Savile - Royal Insider - Child Provider - MI5 & MI6 (SIS) Asset

The British Official Secrets Act is a one way, don't pass go, don't collect 200, straight to jail piece of legislation designed to put anyone away with no details except 'charged under the official secrets act'. It's like the D Notice that Tony Blair issued to conceal the paedophiles the FBI discovered in his cabinet from their investigations that led to Operation Ore child pornography sting of politicians before the invasion of Iraq. 

It's a secret. You can't talk about it or they'll put you away.

If you're a spy there's negotiation room because more secrets can be spilled and so British whistleblower spies Peter Wright, David Shayler, Annie Machon and Richard Tomlinson all had dirt on the UK power elite that kept them out of jail, but not without putting up a fight.

So allow me to  lay out the obvious. 

We know British spooks take great interest in the paedophile world for blackmail, power broking, and in some cases recreational reasons that I've written about over here. Paedophilia is rampant within the power elite beyond most peoples wildest comprehension for blackmail and power dynamics, not immediately comprehensible to the person who enjoys watching sports personality of the year, Strictly Ballroom or Inspector Morse.

We also know from the unparalleled intimacy that Jimmy Savile had with Downing Street and Buckingham Palace that his security clearance was as high as it can possibly be. Eleven consecutive New Years and Christmases with the Thatchers and a mentor relationship with Prince Charles as well as a mediator role within the Royal Household are concrete proof that MI5 knew everything the BBC management gossiped about for decades and a whole lot more.

Jimmy Savile was not blackmailed by MI5 Per se. He collaborated with them and the Royal household and Downing Street by trading the information he was intimate with, of the power elite's predatory sexual abuse of young children in exchange for a life of affluence and security. 

He loved it.

We've all probably experienced when somebody has shared information that is fatally damaging to someone else's reputation, and if we're honest we usually know the person sharing this kind of information has dark secrets of their own we would rather not learn.

That is how Sir James Savile moved with such extraordinary ease in MI5, MI6, Royal and Downing Street circles.

I guess you want to know why Savile eventually fell out with Prince Philip? 

The best answer is not to ask yourself what upset Philip. Ask yourself what upset Jimmy....What could Prince Philip have possible shared with Sir Jimmy that even Jimmy could barely stomach it?

Getting closer.

Update: Sir Jimmy had a microphone installed in his private lift so he could eaves drop on visitors.

Friday 11 January 2013

The Great British Paedophile Conspiracy

The corporate media in the UK are playing the people like a charm. Each day there's a new distraction for them to play with. If the British establishment including James Bond, the Queen and the PM can get away with this rather obvious conspiracy then it stands to reason they can get away with anything. It's no surprise that somebody as loathed as Nick Clegg and David Cameron are talking seriously about power till 2020. 

I hope the Brits have to endure that just for the sake of the kids they all forgot so quickly. You disgust me with your silence. You disgust me with your triviality and your gossip. Kids are getting raped right now by the power elite and you're swallowing the corporate media's story that it's all a done deal. 

Why Did Queen Elizabeth's Private Secretary Lie About His Location When Diana Was Murdered?

Tony Blair's Director of Communications Alistair Campbell kindly reminded me that the Queen's principal private secretary at the time of Diana's death was at work in Buckingham Palace. My question to Sir Robert Fellowes (mysteriously awarded a peerage after executing his duties for the Royal Family) is why did he lie that he was on vacation during the period of and just after Diana's murder

It's a simple question and will require more lies to answer which suits me just fine. His name is now Baron Robert Fellowes and I want to know what he has to hide.

Update, the 2006 drama The Queen makes a glaring mistake about Robin Janvrin's role during this episode drawing attention to his actions in a none to subtle way.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Lawrence Of Arabia

I finally caught up with David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia recently and enjoyed it for reasons no critic could ever have prepared me for. Geopolitically it's one of the most candid movies I can think of. 

It couldn't be made in these times as the Pentagon and CIA are gatekeepers of big budget movies. Put simply nothing goes out without approval. The last thing our owners want is a Hollywood Blockbuster about ordinary people gathering to protest against their government. 

Instead we get fed our lines to keep saluting the military.

Historically the movie explains T.E. Lawrence's unusual leadership in The Sinai and Palestine Campaign as well as his role in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turkish rule.

The film is the only one I can think of that is even-handed in presenting the venality of the British Empire handing over to the US Empire. Films or Books are usually biased to one or the other  but to acknowledge both sides of the Atlantic are built on other peoples suffering and other countries' resources is highly unusual.

At one point an American newsman explains his OSS role in drumming up American public interest in the Saudi Peninsula so that oil and the necessary wars for them can be sold. It's so blunt it makes the Syriana movie script look like a CIA appeaser. 

Hold on to that thought though because it's our CIA buddies who torture, execute, kidnap and run the backbone of global drug trafficking while dividing countries by any means available including terrorism or using paedophile network blackmail.

Not many people know that MI6 trained ex-OSS agents moving to the newly formed CIA in 1947 and even less people realise its significance. 

Why would London do that given the US Government's geopolitical strategic loyalty is clear from the Suez Crisis? 

Why would the grand masters of the British Empire dirty tricks department give the secret sauce recipe away when it took centuries to acquire?

This movie does nothing to dispel the simplest yet most heretical answer to that question. It serves up a slice of history in the most important spot on the planet while ostensibly an Empire was handed over.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Ex MI5 WhistleBlower @AnnieMachon - Libya Was Bombed For Reasons Of Greed

Around the 10 or 11 minute Ex MI5 Annie Machon takes us through the Libyan leader wanting to disengage from the Petrodollar. Who could blame him? The West is printing worthless money and pointing a gun at countries that don't want to accept it. It's immoral and I hope you have a viewpoint on it because at some point the next city to be on the end of an RAF airstrike to keep your standard of living the same will be on the corporate media news.

Sunday 12 August 2012

The Company

I was researching Operation Gladio and James Jesus Angleton and came across this mini series called The Company on Youtube. You know, it's not bad at all. The character acting is good but the scripts don't suck and that goes a long way for me. There's a lot of love-in-the-CIA theme but somehow the actors transcend the obvious. Michael Keaton plays James Jesus Angleton in this dramatization though my favourite theme from around this time is the Cambridge homosexual double and triple agents without whom things would have gone far to straight forward given the string pullers of the intelligence agencies are extraordinarily venal. Regrettably most spies don't actually know that.

Rome and Birdcage Walk etc.

Sunday 4 March 2012

007 - Baby Food Propaganda (How MI6 Really Works)

I think most people realised James Bond is a bit of fun and nowhere near the Hollywood glamorous spy portrayal. But what if it's the other way round? The CIA connection to the drug trade is well documented but this takes it one more level up the food chain.

Update: The video has been removed. It's a shame but not surprsing. It was the most lethal kick in balls delivered to MI6 on the net. Ten minutes of "holy fuck British MI6 run top level drug trading". It's still worth researching the topic. 

You know how to use a search engine.

Sunday 4 September 2011

The CIA & MI6

Didn't take long for proof that the Anglo Saxon perpetual war, central banking model is the only thing that our so called intelligence services meat puppets serve.

Friday 3 June 2011

Cupcake Counter Intelligence

I give the intelligence agencies a lot of criticism here. I've every right to, knowing their record for terrorism and fomenting democracy toppling coups. But once in a while a story comes my way that shows me the white hats (those with good intent fighting a battle against evil on the inside and out) do good work. Though I may criticize the intelligence agencies as a group, there are many individuals (in all walks of life) who are outstanding. This example of MI6 cup cake recipes replacing bomb recipes is just such an example though one is entitled to ask why the correct English use of Fairy was replaced with Cup.

Sunday 17 April 2011