Thursday 6 September 2012

Crying For Corrie

Is there anyone in the Israeli Defence Force who knows the name of the military bulldozer driver who, under orders, ran over Rachel Corrie with his bulldozer and then reversed over her for good measure? I'd like to look that person in the eye.

Die Antwoord - Dis Iz Why I'm Hot (zef remix)

Don't be fooled by the theatrics. These people are artists. Their latest video upload. Here's another.

The Real Mobile Phone Wars - Democratic Republic of Congo & Rare Earth Coltan

I don't expect you to boycott buying or using a mobile phone because of the Coltan that is mined in the DRC Democratic Republic of Congo formerly known as Zaire. I do expect you to know that over 5 million died in a civil war that is largely framed around the mining of this material. I'm just posting the better produced and more informative videos I'm coming across to save you the time of working through lesser quality ones.

In this video a story is narrated of a twelve year old girl kept in a pit for six weeks and raped daily by unspeakable men while a friend was eventually killed and left to rot beside her in the same pit for some four week after. During this time the surviving girl became pregnant and realised this as she continued to be raped and returned to the pit with her decomposing friend.

All of this for Coltan. A material that contains Tantaulum that makes tantalum capacitors which are unique because of the amount of energy they can store despite their size. That's the price we pay for convenience isn't it? Pregnant raped twelve year old girls in pits with decomposing friends. Day after day after day.

It was also explained to me for the first time why rape is used as a weapon of division in the Congo. It's like a hard core version of the fake left right politics that divide us in the West. Divide us and keep us distracted from what is really going on. Watch this documentary if you get time.

Rap News - Big Brother is WWWatching You

Lots of very clever in-jokes such as George Torwell and Apples Iris, I mean Siri.

Tom Selleck - First TV Commercial

I was doing some research on Reagan and Iran Contra. One thing led to another and, well, you know how it is. The video uploader writes:

I directed this spot with Tom, Patti Deutsch, Teri Garr and Penny Marshall. This was Tom's first and he was so terrific, I gave him the wardrobe. He told me many years later that it was his only suit and he wore it for every casting interview. 

Patti, Teri and Penny had done very little work at this early point in their careers. It was a pleasure directing all of them. This commercial was written by Jackie End, a creative force at Wells, Rich, Greene in NY. She was a favorite client then and happily for me, she is still a dear friend today.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

CNN's Censorship of Amber Lyon's Bahrain Reporting

A must read story on the corporate self censorship of CNN over Bahrain where the American Fifth Fleet are parked and warmongering is sold. Get hip to the action people Nabeel Rajab is a prisoner of conscience by the United States client state Bahrain.

Gang Of Four - He'd Send In The Army (1981)

The family's head gives orders
In the end, what he says goes
This system's well constructed
She owes him all she gets

The army has it's uses
In times of civil crisis
'Allo boys! Seen any action?
Hey boys, seen any... action?

Pull together with your mates
Against the common enemy
The Private's not born that way

The Private's not born that way
Guns take up all his time
With no job he'd be in a mess
Wanted action, gets some in

She pays him back in the bedroom
One step down from her leader
Obeys, or is punished
Like he obeys his bosses

Meet The Superhumans

Via Rob

Nice Consumer Electronics, Shame About The Genocide

It's probably unrealistic to ask people to demand their mobile phone isn't using rare earth Congo (DRC) Coltan but I think people should know what goes into making that smart phone. 

Every single mobile phone uses it and at least five million people died from the usual death and destruction the power elite use to amass wealth from exploiting the earth through division, war, death, misery and destruction.

Rwanda and Uganda come out of this looking bad. Not to mention the Western backing from Washington D.C. and London who as you know are silent over this genocide. 

The corporate media said so little. 

Rare Earth Coltan - The Smart Phone Material 5 Million Died In The Congo For

Ten minutes ago I didn't know why the DRC war happened or what Coltan was. Now I know.

The war beginning in 1998 that pitted the armies of Congo, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Angola against those of Uganda and Rwanda induced the largest humanitarian disaster since World War II, with an estimated four million Congolese lives lost. Congo's first national elections since 1965 have taken place, but true peace and democracy remain elusive goals.

Max Igan - Big In Slovenia

Michelle Obama's DNC Speech

A little while back I was researching Michelle Obama's speeches to the Council on Foreign Relations (now called Chicago Council on Global Affairs) and I thought she was hamming up a stammer she had for authenticity. 

I can't find it right now but I'll dig around and if it turns up I'll post it below. I think she gave a great speech apart from lying that America isn't killing people around the world. If that's what American wants it will learn that you can't eat speeches. No matter how good they feel.

Noam Chomsky - Haiti, Honduras - History of US Rule in Latin America

Some people criticize Chomsky for not talking about 9/11 being an inside job. All I know is he taught me all I need to know about how power works and from there I figured out the rest. I don't mind if 9/11 isn't that important for him. I do mind that 5 1/2 million people died in the 2nd Congo War and I didn't know it was going on. I feel angry that I was only interested in my own fun to keep an eye on the largest amount of deaths since the second world war. And I consider myself informed and have been an information junky for decades now.

Did you know that Haiti was the crown jewel of the Caribbean before the US inflicted its revenge on the country for rebelling against slavery?

Randall Carlson - Cycles of Catastrophe & Cosmic Patterns

Seems like the deluge and flooding are this weeks eschatological theme.

As a professional designer/builder, student of Sacred Geometry and long time Freemason, Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He’ll discuss cosmic events and recapitulate disaster scenarios. In the member’s hours, Randall talks about impact events and ancient foreknowledge of coming catastrophe. We’ll discuss where we presently are in the cycle of catastrophe, climate change, water cycles and interglacial periods. Randall explains how we are much more likely to head into a cold period. We’ll end discussing dark and golden ages and their literal meanings.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Did Rome Create Islam?


From time to time I'll listen to this argument. I haven't heard or seen the concrete evidence I want and I've never had a chance to put the questions I have about this claim but it does interest me and it does fit into the thesis, antithesis Hegelian dialectic. Walter Veith is quite scholarly and less religious rant than Eric Phelps. I don't like any of the Abrahamic faiths. They're all pretty ugly in the way their followers behave. Christians the most murderous and ugly.

Suppressed Evidence of Early Man

Once again the Smithsonian and Peabody Research Institute are implicated in a cover up of our ancient past and the question remains. Why do elite institutions want to keep us ignorant of our ancient and civilised past that appears to have had many variants of human ancestors civilised and uncivilised living together or apart.

Mac Manzon & DMT


I'll do a write up of my own DMT experience as soon as time permits. It's very different from Mac Manzon who I think is the first person to smoke DMT on Youtube. I was in another dimension for 20 minutes before coming back to Earth and I was shown and taught some very interesting things that remain with me to this day.

Eschatological Wujo - Clif High

It's an intriguing coincidence that Clif High's Webbots have been corroborated by Courtney Brown's remote viewing. It's not quite enough for me to move inland (if that's even helpful) but I do keep an ear open because there's always good ideas in his talks and you know, he might be right. I mean, the Queen not buying a new Yacht a few years back. That would make sense wouldn't it?

Hillary For President - No Not That One, This One

Hillary Mann Leverett talks optimistically about the new U.N. peace broker in Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. If our corporate media weren't so reliant on war machine sales this woman would be on the TV screen 24/7. She's great.

Monday 3 September 2012

The Ritual Killing Of Amy Winehouse

We were not surprised when the coroner for Amy Winehouse was revealed to be unqualified and was forced to resign. That's how you ritually kill someone. You control the process. The video above isn't always persuasive in putting its case forward but it is made well.

Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut & The Rothschilds

A couple of weeks ago I was going over Jay Weidner's deconstruction of Stanley Kubrick's main body of work. While Jay was working as a young man in Hollywood, a pretty girl who came from somewhere out in the sticks shared with him her story. 

She said over coffee that she attended a Hollywood party only to learn that there was a more exclusive party going on in the basement of the building.

She crept into the exclusive party and was surprised to see the setting was sexual and occult-like. 

Before being recognised as an outsider (much as Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut)  she was witness to something that sent her back to her hometown forever leaving Hollywood and hopes of fame behind. She saw they were conducting a human sacrifice.

Later on after learning this, I came across another black magic ritualistic (child) sex news item in my RSS feed, and I got to recalling that somewhere I'd heard that ritualistic killing is the most powerful ceremonial process in terms of energetic bonding and spell binding communion of spirit-release that groups like this are deeply aware of and understand how to manipulate.

We just work in cubicles. Why would we know this information?

So I went back to watch Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and even though it was edited after his suspicious premature death so that significant scenes were taken out, it certainly crystallized within me as a piece of art commenting on society, power and ritualistic occultism

Something I'm less inclined to ignore as I've poked around on this subject.

Coincidentally, Vigilant Citizen have written a post on the Rothschilds at a masked party. The Rothschild banking bloodline always seem to star at the top of the list for arch manipulators through war and suffering, and so I thought I'd get these Jay Weidner posts written as really it's his 2001 Space Odyssey that I'd like to dig around in a bit as it's loaded with sub narrative indications.

Jay said that Kubrick's wife called him once and confirmed that his alchemical decoding of Kubrick's films was a commensurate with her husbands interests in the subject. It's well worth checking out some of the links in this post.

Kubrick shot the ritual killing ceremony in the Rothschild owned Mentmore Towers.

Update: Vigilant Citizen has a post on the topic.

The de Antonio Legacy - Part Four

Emile de Antonio died a few weeks after this interview. He is a great American and his work lives on. I learned he was a wing commander in the United States Air Force. To become an artist and documentary maker later in life is quite remarkable and it's easy to see why the FBI (The Secret Police) and John Edgar Hoover specifically hated him and what he stood for.

Emile de Antonio - Reality Is Radical

Art is many things but one thing that is definitely art is doing something deliberately for the first time. In this respect Emile de Antonio is one of United States greatest artists of all time. There are so few from the privileged classes who had the courage to report on what the power elite were doing. Even fewer reported on their peers.

Emile de Antonio

If you left it up to the corporate media you'd never learn about the trouble makers and artists a person absolutely must know about. I'm just lucky. I don't have a TV so I look around and come across these amazing Americans who did their fucking job. They told us we were being fed bullshit a long time ago.

Creatively de Antonio is most interesting because he realised the quality and impact of media. Of what had already been recorded. This is the mind of a thinker. His work will stand up long after Charles Saatchi has been forgotten. You mark my words. He made film to be watched hundreds and thousands of years into the future.

Cheesed Off

Yes yes yes, it's got Linda Moulton Howe (bet she was a bit slutty in the eighties) and Bob (I turned up with a real estate agent at John Lear's home) Lazar  so it's fromage, but it's good fromage and raises two thoughts for me. Why has UFO video changed since the advent of mobile phone cameras? My second thought is one I learned the other day. Our horizon view is only 18 miles. It's so small compared to the planet it's fairly evident we're missing a lot and I've learned that the stuff we're seeing, in relation to UFO's may have little to do with reality.

Honestly? No other question cheeses me off more than why aren't the space brothers dropping by for a Singha beer with me. I'm fun and interesting. Surely their technology can tell them that?

I Heart Raytheon

...predator Drones - (Dangerous - Robots in the sky

Are for that special someone in your life that you want to bomb the living shit out of and spread their entrails all over the fucking bleeding Christmas tree while watching the blood ooze down off the pine needles onto the neatly wrapped presents below. Sound a bit much? Well unfortunately we don't have any Youtube videos, or Tweets from the Pakistani and Afghan weddings that were hit by Raytheon's Remotely Operated Drone technology though I do know that the guys who operate the Predator technology are having psychological problems because taking out innocent people a couple of continents away with a joystick and a couple of beers on the side (no spliffs) before heading home to tuck the kids into bed and kiss their foreheads is not working out.

The good news is you can now follow the latest military industrial complex social meeja superstars Raytheon on twitter or follow on Facebook. I thought I was missing the obvious or something when I stumbled across their website and noted that they actively encourage sharing of their media releases including  updates on the latest iphone app that can be used in modern warfare situations.

This company were creating killing machines long before the CIA's recruiting and funding of the mujahedin in Afghanstan came back to haunt the United States of America (thumps clenched right fist to flag loving heart) on 9/11 as home command fighter jets had their lines of communication scrambled long enough to see the twin towers implode vertically (Queue The Beatles: I get by with a little help from my friends), a full hour and a twenty minutes before the next attack on the nervous system of the worlds most sopisticated military headquarters the Pentagon. 

If you didn't know by now that military intelligence (and all the other spooks and peddlers of fear) is an insult to the intelligence then it's down to shitty ol' moi with freedom fries in hand to share that Raytheon are the people who now make dollars out of misery with their latest sexy iphone app while the enemy they continually build up before trying to hack down (it's just business) are currently hacking into the video feeds of the war drones flying long distant remote over the hills of Afghanistan (and Pakistan) and are  now only a tweet away: Pimping their latest software.

I welcome the military industrial complex' coming out party into social media. Transparency can only be a good thing. Which allows me to say this. Get a fucking grip America. They don't hate your freedoms. They despise the fork tongued, rattle tail, snakeskin salesmen and their utter, utter contempt for anyone elses freedom to have a life. They bury their infant corpses the day after a wedding (time and again)  while the US goverment deliberates over whether to pay the Taliban off, now that woman's rights have slipped down the priority list, while bribing the current corrupt and unloved  but installed dictator who has an opium druglord brother on the CIA payroll.

If you tolerate this. 

Then your children will be next.

Sunday 2 September 2012

CIA Covert Operations In Angola

The Angolan Civil War was a major civil conflict in the Southern African state of Angola, beginning in 1975 and continuing, with some interludes, until 2002. The war began immediately after Angola became independent from Portugal in November 1975. Prior to this, a decolonisation conflict had taken place in 1974--75, following the Angolan War of Independence. The Civil War was primarily a struggle for power between two former liberation movements, the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). At the same time, it served as a surrogate battleground for the Cold War, due to heavy intervention by major opposing powers such as the Soviet Union and the United States.

Each organisation had different roots in the Angolan social fabric and mutually incompatible leaderships, despite their sharing the aim of ending colonial occupation. Although both the MPLA and UNITA had socialist leanings, for the purpose of mobilising international support they posed as "Marxist-Leninist" and "anti-communist", respectively. A third movement, the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), having fought the MPLA alongside UNITA during the war for independence and the decolonization conflict, played almost no role in the Civil War. Additionally, the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC), an association of separatist militant groups, fought for the independence of the province of Cabinda from Angola.

The 27-year war can be divided roughly into three periods of major fighting -- between 1975 and 1991, 1992 and 1994, and 1998 and 2002 -- broken up by fragile periods of peace. By the time the MPLA finally achieved victory in 2002, an estimated 500,000 people had been killed and over one million internally displaced. The war devastated Angola's infrastructure, and dealt severe damage to the nation's public administration, economic enterprises, and religious institutions.

The Angolan Civil War reached such dimensions due to the combination of Angola's violent internal dynamics and massive foreign intervention. Both the Soviet Union and the United States considered the conflict critical to the global balance of power and to the outcome of the Cold War, and they and their allies put significant effort into making it a proxy war between their two power blocs. The Angolan Civil War ultimately became one of the bloodiest, longest, and most prominent armed conflicts of the Cold War. Moreover, the Angolan conflict became entangled with the Second Congo War in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as with the Namibian War of Independence.

President of the United States Gerald Ford approved covert aid to UNITA and the FNLA through Operation IA Feature on July 18, 1975, despite strong opposition from officials in the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Ford told William Colby, the Director of Central Intelligence, to establish the operation, providing an initial US$6 million. He granted an additional $8 million on July 27 and another $25 million in August.

Two days before the program's approval, Nathaniel Davis, the Assistant Secretary of State, told Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State, that he believed maintaining the secrecy of IA Feature would be impossible. Davis correctly predicted the Soviet Union would respond by increasing involvement in the Angolan conflict, leading to more violence and negative publicity for the United States. When Ford approved the program, Davis resigned. John Stockwell, the CIA's station chief in Angola, echoed Davis' criticism saying the success required the expansion of the program, but its size already exceeded what could be hidden from the public eye. Davis' deputy, former U.S. ambassador to Chile Edward Mulcahy, also opposed direct involvement. Mulcahy presented three options for U.S. policy towards Angola on May 13, 1975. Mulcahy believed the Ford administration could use diplomacy to campaign against foreign aid to the communist MPLA, refuse to take sides in factional fighting, or increase support for the FNLA and UNITA. He warned however that supporting UNITA would not sit well with Mobutu Sese Seko, the president of Zaire.

Emilio de Antonio - An American Champ

Never confuse my criticism of the United States as anything other than a love for what America does better than anyone else on the planet. I can't believe my luck that there are four episodes of Emilio de Antonio on "Alternative Views" on Youtube.

Emilio de Antonio is interesting because he grew up in the Kennedy milieu in fact he was a class mate of Kennedy at Harvard.

We now know that the Bush dynasty had a much more important role in the death of JFK but Emile de Antonio's work stands tall as among the first to question authority.

A Cover Of "Call Me Maybe" By Two Geordie Girls

Lovely girls and a fun cover by May Arcade

Geordies are among the best people in the UK. If I had to move back it would need to be near Newcastle.

Crop Circle Movie

One of the purposes of crop circles (there are many) is to challenge scientific materialism and get people to celebrate the mystery instead of this pompous and dick tugging pseudo scepticism that the straight crowd cling to like a drunk to swinging door.

This new documentary looks good. Let me know if you enjoy it.

Banksy On Advertising

“People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like, wherever they like with total impunity.

Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.”

For further Banksy posts click the banksy tag below

Brazilian Unidentified Flying Object

The topic of UFO's is so frustrating and riddled with high end disinformation that I don't really follow it too much except to think about reasons for non interaction. The type of UFO's I like are the one's snapped in the 70's on colour film because we rarely see this type any more. The ones caught on Youtube are all just bright lights and that gets a bit boring after a while. 

I'm intellectually appalled by the idea of something so primitive as alien UFO hardware floating around the skies and yet orbs leave me a bit unexcited, although naturally they're a bit more spiritualised.

Anyway if the UK is crop circle capital of the world. South America is the king of UFO sightings and the one above is old school disc shapes in the sky filmed a couple of days ago. I've included a pic from Billy Meier's collection above it because again, it's preposterously old school but hey, even the Feds took Billy Meier seriously enough to smear his name.

Coincidence Theorists Euphoric - Bin Laden Raid Evidence Destroyed

Damn coincidence theorists win again. Instead of capturing the 'alleged' criminal of the century who had according to many reports died earlier in the decade and putting him on trail we've had the evidence destroyed forever. The United States special forces bungle the raid, kill some people and dispose of the body in a totally non Islamic way so that nobody can prove whether it happened or not.

Rumours in certain circles suggest it was the body of a guy doing the Bin Laden impersonation recordings. Barack Obama gets re-elected, the boogie man melts away and nobody feels too enthusiastic about doing fake recordings any more. Welcome to information warfare. You need your wits about you.

Saturday 1 September 2012

The CIA's Gushing Obamamania & That Fake Bin Laden Killing

It's almost like Obama is ahem, on the books, but let's put to one side that he worked for Business International a CIA front company in New York and his mother worked for CIA front company The Ford Foundation, This was around the time when the CIA toppled democratically elected Sukarno in Indonesia and installed their man Suharto. That was a million to a million and a half lives lost in that divide and rule execution but as I say let's move on from old history because the CIA are an organised crime outfit who traffic drugs globally and the cheerleaders at this presentation know less than you if you're reading this.

What does matter though is Panetta kissing Obama's arse for taking the 'ahem' brave decision to kill the fairy tale Osama Bin Laden. We now know it was not Obama's bravery because he turned down Hillary's scheme to do this three times before going ahead with the fiction.

There is not a shred of evidence that the CIA or Navy SEALS killed Osama Bin Laden. it's entirely up to you if you believe them. Personally I think they're a joke more interested in feel good cheer leading when the real bravery would have been to shut Guantanamo down. 

Like Obama promised.

He reads from a teleprompter, the discredited CIA cheer him like a brother and the American people are ever the dumber. The video below is just another fiction. It competes with other fictions. The elites can't even get their story straight.

Update: Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh confirms the Osama killing by the SEAL team is completely untrue.

Time Lapse Photography Driving Through North East Thailand

One minute of video condenses a 200 kilometre trip of driving through North East Thailand. It's a lovely sampler of doing the real thing. Via Isaan Life

Glen Kealey

Completely fascinating including hermaphroditic references (hence the Dogon visual), the war of the patriarchy against the feminine and a history of man going back 40000 years including descriptions of Neanderthal and use of soma that I've come across before. First thing I did at the end of this video? Go back to the beginning.

His explanation for long hair (it physically extends our DNA transmitters) feels very right.

Parts Two & Three:

Glen points out in the beginning of part three the similarity between the story of Jonah being picked up by the whale and George Bush being picked up by a submarine when he jumped out of his aircraft in WWII. There's something to that story however the third video is less important than the first two.

Knee Deep In Nixonian Nazis - Hank Paulson's Lesser Known Life

After the war Allen Dulles, head of the newly formed CIA drafted in the cream of the Nazis to the United States. They are still operational today. Hank Paulson is part of that milieu. His frequent trips to China are a point of concern for many researchers. Did he succeed in building the criminal links that prop up the United States today?

Al Jazeera - Goddam Conspiracy Theories Wont Go Away

Poor old Western media and poor old United States. So steeped in mendacity the people are completely divided and nobody knows what the truth is any more. The Conspiracy Theory 'expert' Kathryn Olmsted actually says "when you believe the President of the United States is not legitimate.....then why should you believe anything the Government says?".

Exactly Kathryn, unfortunately everyone in this studio wouldn't get a salary if they held a contrary view.

This is a brilliant piece of media and cultural analysis of U.S. dysphoria. The media have crafted the art of petty and trivial division so deeply they now congregate to take comfort from each other that the whispers are not true. 

Ha fucking ha.

Incidentally nobody says the emperor has no clothes and points out that colonialism is a bad thing and that's the end of D'Souza. But the reality is that for America, colonialism is a great thing because it's perpetual war economy around the globe props up the fiction that it the spreader of democracy instead of the most resource greedy, wasteful, toxic, bloody and immoral entity on the planet. 

Nobody can discuss the conspiracy that colonial wars are the lifeblood of the US economy. Nobody can say that D'Souza is vile and so are his attackers. 

The United States of talking heads.