Monday 6 February 2012

The Men Who Stare At Goats

I wrote this elsewhere but it is something I wanted to touch on as I've researched the subject of remote viewing recently. The movie is a a much more provocative film than many realised. Scientific remote viewing is seen to the uninitiated as voodoo yet it is proven to be more accurate than satellite imagery. The question that lingers with the thoughtful viewer, remains why isn’t this kind of science taught at schools and universities?  Well, it's because the military don’t want humans to know that we are all gifted to some extent with these powers and so if a little research is done into the subject it pushes forward other questions like what else does our scientific materialist establishment not want us to know? MKULTRA? MILABS? Human genetic experiments? Underground bases? Undersea bases and that’s six months research there into a reality that is concealed from humans by a group of people who understand fully the power of parapsychology, occultism, numbers and symbols like the Pentagon shape for example. You know, that funny building that the military designed their HQ around and which usually sits inside a Pentagram.

In plain sight it’s known as to observers on the net. It's a mind control issue as so many people can't see what the problem is. Those same people usually watch a lot of TV and commercials telling them free trade and free speech is the American way.

The obsession with the esoteric by the establishment is clearly seen by googling Washington D.C. and masonic layout. A typical symptom of mind control or permitting one's reality to be painted by corporatised media is that very same evidence of satanic occultism in the heart of the nation's capital often raising very little objection even when odd wars keep emerging in strange countries nobody really thought too much about before. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil works both ways doesn't it.

One of the anomalies of the unit that did the remote viewing and other paranormal techniques is their unusual temperament. You can see Ingo Swann on Youtube for yourself and establish that the movie would have been too disruptive if it dealt with the issues in a humourless manner. 

It was a smart move to turn towards comedy (to get round the censors), but make no mistake it's a serious movie. Clooney is saying to a thoughtful public. Go ahead, dig around. This is for real and so the slavish attachment to iPhones and iPads or the delusion that CERN Large Hadron Collider is going to save the day and give people their own teleportal devices (when we're still using fossil fuel tech mobility - no chance) is merely to distract humans from knowing what is going on at the big boys level and yet still, most people think this movie is an accompaniment to popcorn.

I haven’t even touched on the topics that are so far leftfield that most people would prefer they weren’t mentioned if brought up in conversation. I'm only describing what happens in real life.

Sunday 5 February 2012

John Lash - Feminine Mojo - Part Two

Unlikely as it may seem John Lash was championing the misrepresented role of the feminine in the spiritual for decades  before he became famous through his Not In His Image book. I knew this anyway from an anecdote when he first met Joanna Harcourt Smith, but I was going through his Metahistory information and his journey against the patriarchal spiritual Mafia has been right from the beginning.

Holy F**K

I get a fabulous kick out of seeing how the next generation of break dancers (or just young people doing their thing) have taken the art form (and pretty much everything else they touch) to a level that makes the men's floor gymnastics at the Olympics look tired and formal. Well worth taking a peek.

Via Iain.

Pentagon Threatens To Sue Project Camelot - Camelot's Response? Bring It On

I'm not a huge fan of Kerry's interview technique, her ego since Project Camelot snowballed is irritating. However never let anyone say she hasn't got the balls to tell the elite parasitical institutions (such as the Pentagon) currently bringing the US down to go f**k themselves. Kerry Cassidy understands like every other stand-up person knows that the more they persecute and threaten her, the faster the people are waking up because of the attention it creates. Google Analytics for example tells me more people have checked out the Project Camelot videos since breaking the Bill Woods (nee Brockbrader) story.

We're already at a tipping point. It's called digital accretion and the rules are different to the broadcast media brainwashing game. Even we're not sure exactly how it will look when the bubble bursts. Over the last few years we've watched how underground topics and the conversations on the dirtiest military industrial complex's secrets are spilling out like wet deer guts hanging on a door knob while we clean wipe our hunting knife on our trousers.

The lady in this interview Eva corroborates Bill Brockbrader's testimony that the US government encourages Navy Seals to commit sexual crimes on innocent women in the US so that they can subsequently blackmail them into being paid killers for the terrorist creation programs abroad.

We encourage more of you to come forward than just Bill Brockbrader. That is Navy Seals who feel they can't talk because of past transgressions. We wont judge so harshly those who do, but those who don't come forward in time, wont ever have a chance to tell their side of the story once the King on the chess board is tipped over. By that time we wont know if you're trying to save your skin or trying to help. Word.

What's going on in Vegas aint staying in Vegas any more.

Update: Over the years I've come to doubt Eva Moore. I feel she stitched up Bill Brockbrader.

Military Threats To Cattle Mutilations Researcher

The evidence on military collaboration with other beings for human experiments has to be linked to the cattle mutilation story in my view. My only idea is that we are both mammals, and that may be the reason why cows are more convenient from time to time, as they don't talk when mutilated and discarded. Linda Moulton Howe is one of the most experienced researchers on the issue. Above is a preview of her forthcoming Veritas interview.

John Lash - Feminine Mojo Show - Part One

Unfortunately the excellent site has been shut down for fear of reprisals from a security state that has no problems with suggestions that Israel assassinate the President but jumps into its riot gear when choosing easier victims that are keen to rid the planet of Archontic forces.

The original Feminine Mojo shows with Jamie Walters are over here.

Mac Tonnies Interviewed On Coast To Coast

A quality interview on the topic of UFO's and the elusive other with a nuanced framing of the subject by the late Mac Tonnies. Via Mike Clelland

Saturday 4 February 2012

Dr. John Coleman - Who Else Runs The World?

I'm reluctant to listen to this kind of talk these days as they are invariably a bit too fear driven conspiratorial, or Alex Jones rant and rage. However Dr John Coleman's slightly lugubrious British accent and scholarly historical approach to the topic coupled with seasoned interviewing makes this an enjoyable and very informative podcast.

I found the discussion of the Boer war most fascinating and a deeper understanding of the Committee of 300 who I've only skimmed before very helpful.

I Claudius - The Documentary (Who Will Be The American Praetorian Guard?)

Claudius was one of the most capable, yet unlikely emperors. Shunned as an idiot by his family due to a limp and embarrassing stutter, Claudius spent the first decades of his life absorbed in scholarly studies until the death of his nephew Caligula. After Caligula's murder the Praetorian Guard found him hiding behind a curtain in the Imperial Palace, expecting to be murdered. Instead the guard proclaimed him emperor. His reign was marred by personal catastrophes, most notably promiscuity and betrayal by his first wife. He governed well and conquered the troublesome island of Britain. He was poisoned by his second wife, Agrippina Jr., mother of Nero. His story was brought to life by Robert Graves in the 30's who channelled him although that term didn't come into usage until the seventies with the Seth material.

At some point a neo Praetorian guard needs to emerge in the United States and round up the treasonous US Senate including the current president for signing the NDAA legislation if the Republic is to survive. I'll leave that to history to decide if that is its wish.


I hesitated before publishing this as like Dave Trott I agree that the Leni Riefenstahl work is extraordinary but I don't like to encourage feeble conclusions from people. However for some reason the history of Nazism keeps dropping into my data stream. I guess the first time my antenna began to twitch again was on learning about Hitler's interest in the Occult and Madame Blavatsky. More recently I was reminded in Duty of Genius that Wittgenstein and Hitler were at the same art school at the same time and the apocryphal story (no evidence at all) is that the deep racism of Hitler toward Jews began around that time.

Then just after picking up on the symbolism in United States architecture, logos and ceremonies recently, this Nazi ID emerged on the net with a full .pdf download of the entire manual. Also only in the last few days I've been learning about the entire Nazi rocket building program team who were (complete with get out of jail free cards) airlifted from post concentration camp Germany to the U.S. and absorbed by NASA where to this day an ideology of supremacist legacy still exists in the shape of black projects that even the UFO analyst crowd are often unable to determine or rather distinguish between. 

This is a matter not without problems given the U.S. propensity to pick a bogeyman to keep honest noses close to the grindstone in the shape of (given their late entry into the war) first Nazis then Communists and now Islam, so the question is who is next? 

It just goes on doesn't it?

As do I, I'm now listening to this.

I Claudius - Reign Of Terror (Department Of Sounds Familiar)

There is much to be learned from Robert Graves' I Claudius. Who the States deems too stupid and insufficiently polished to pay attention to. What kind of self serving psychopaths it elevates to the highest positions, and most telling is how ambition serves to bring the edifice down as it crumbles under the weight of its own absurdity.

The reign of terror and war on terror cannot exist without each other. But in the end they destroy each other.

John Hurt as Caligula is in a league of his own. So dark and sinister he's mesmerizing. A truly Kali Yuga figure.

Friday 3 February 2012

Casino Lobbyists & Well Funded Hate

This Real News Network segment discusses how a small number of American Jewish billionaires are promoting a hawkish, aggressively pro-Israel stance which is at odds with the anti-war, anti-neocon views of many Jewish voters. The interviewee, Max Blumenthal, points out that this concerted, well-funded effort to direct American policy risks playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes.

Thursday 2 February 2012

A Question Of Sex?

I always prefer to use gender, but you know how the British are for these things, such as calling the restroom the 'toilet', when all that does for me is conjure up images of obstinate turds floating in the bowl. Yes, our American cousins are more refined than us on more occasions than we really care to examine.

Back to the post, as I've been struggling whether to open up a can of worms on planning and international planning that can never be fully resolved. As with most things in life, it's a case of the dynamic so putting it down in black and white often leads to intellectual obsolescence quite quickly. But a start must be made and I think a warm up post on gender equality might be a good way to begin the proceedings. It's probably just as contentious.

A long time ago I realised that all the most well known chefs are male and I couldn't figure out why something so intuitive and creative could be represented mostly by men rather than women. Is this because of men's inherent superiority or some perverse misrepresentation that when it comes to running a kitchen, women are best and then leave the fellas to the superior execution of Crème brûlée and blow torches in a restaurant?

I was just ordering some food here in Beijing and had a thought because a long time ago I had the good fortune to work in one of the best kitchens in Hollywood, Los Angeles while on vacation from the marketing degree I was doing. That place was stuffed with guys too.


So I just noticed at Bread Talk (where they do the awesome Crouching Tiger Hidden Bacon) that all the kitchen staff are guys.

And all the service staff are women. I've only just figured this out so maybe I'm just late to the game but it has nothing to do with culinary superiority, it doesn't take that much skill to learn a set list of bread products (good as they are)  but it does take something I observed in a kitchen of macho Mexicans. 
Brute strength is required to cook. I know this because lifting out a tray of chickens from a sizzling oven with boiling hot oil and juice takes not only strength but endurance, doing that and a hundred other demading tasks each and every day. Maybe the reason for men's dominance in the Kitchen and as celebrity chefs is more down to a strength advantage which makes me think that perhaps we're missing out on some tasty talent out there. What do you think? Am I off-on-one or does it make sense.
Or are men simply superior?

The Pentagon's Human Sexual Energy "Research" On Children

Why is it there's always a two star General or above in these dark side of humanity situations where paedophiles are on call to the military to terrify children into sexual fight or flight emotional territory which is then tapped and measured like a commodity

General Schwarz something or other with the gold rimmed glasses? When we catch up with you, even if you're desking it  by now with a civvy street number at the NSA we will pay extra close attention to your case so that other MILAB victims will have the courage to come forward like Sarah Stanga and we can start to clean this mess up.

Hat's off to Miles Johnston (and the Ammach Project) who was pressed for time and apologizes for his multiple questioning in the video information.

Via Randy Maugans

Important Update: Sarah's testimony has been corroborated by Miranda Kelly at Duncan O'Finionan's blog and her testimony supports David Icke's work that Royal Family members including Prince Charles have again been witnessed at Satanic Ritual Abuse events (SRA). I must point out that to date not one of David Icke's allegations including against George Bush, have been taken to court. This speaks loudly is hard to ignore.

Professor Simon Schaffer - History & Philosophy Of Science (Cambridge)

I was reluctant to listen to Melvyn Bragg's latest 'In Our Time' discussion on The Scientific Method. I assumed it would be historically inaccurate and preaching the gospel of science. This is the one where science thinks it's a meta-theory and has metastasized into a Latter Day Saints Church of Scientific Materialism. 

This is considerably more dangerous than any other religion. We've always killed each other over the business of God but by and large have left the planet intact to start over again. Our current materialist science trajectory is a wasteland of pollution, planetary asset stripping, ecocide and nukes. The last point is the most pressing as Depleted Uranium (DU) weapon used in the Middle East by the Christian West has left a radioactive footprint greater than Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The disposable society creates disposable humans.

Materialist science's greatest failure is its ability to grow more food than ever so that half the planet are obese and the other half are starving. With a population estimated at seven billion there have never been more hungry or sick people on the planet today. 

I don't like losing opportunities because my biases got in the way. I decided to give the Scientific Method by In Our Time a try but my suspicions were confirmed when Melvyn Bragg subjects senior UCL lecturer in Philosophy of Science, Michela Massimi on air with an inexplicable monologue of infantile scientific jingoism. This is a term I invented to describe a consumer society deluded that materialist science will shepherd humanity through another 1859 coronal mass ejection. The telegraph system was knocked out that time. It was the closest to iPhone technology we had and as we're cyclically due for another it's worth spending half a day researching who has an underground base ticket the State has been building for VIP bankers since the 40's paid for by ordinary tax paying workers.

Fortunately Simon Schaffer dissipates the early negativity by sharing Isaac Newtons principle obsession with super woo eschatology when he wasn't knocking out better Keppler algebra. The show picks up after this and becomes one of my favourites but despite Melvyn not because of him. I felt upbeat after listening and that was so very welcome as I expected to feel irritated. If the scientific narrative gatekeepers are astute enough to elegantly outline that our science is intellectually incoherent then there's a chance we can rescue science and get a better role and redefinition of it's method, its purpose and it's coexistence with the unmeasurable and the unrepeatable.

Look, I don't have a problem with science that takes care of hungry bellies at home instead of landing on the moon. I'm all for a science that levels inequalities globally instead of building more blow up science projects like the CERN large hadron collider. That kind of sick science has only one immediate beneficiary and that will be the military industrial complex's craven need for new enemies in space to plunder the galaxy when our planet is spent.

Our materialist science has to go. When it fails (as it will when the cost burden imposed on Universe is greater than Universe accepts) we need to have a conversation about the kind of science that provides what we need instead of what we want. I felt very grateful last night that the likes of Simon Scaffer are equipped to make the right kind of suggestions with examples that ordinary people can understand.

Very very rarely I have an urge to get back to the UK of CCTV. The History of Philosophy and science at UCL or Cambridge just overtook doing a Masters at SOAS in Asian Studies.

You should listen to the show. I never have anything good to say about the science establishment and so here is my type of scientific anomaly. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Maurice Cotterell - The Cycles of the Sun & 2012

Maurice Cotterell of Future Science reputation, also has a wonderful explanation of gravity that the people at CERN have way to much money and status invested in the materialistic sciences to reconsider if their premises are mistaken - it's a science that is too big to fail and most unscientific.

However this talk is heliocentric and based on observable sun cycles over thousands of years.

Vatican Doves Prefer Captivity To Freedom

Just over two thousand years ago in Rome, some fighting eagles caused one of their flock to drop an injured wolf cub into the arms of the child "Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus" better known as Claudius.

A diviner was nearby and suggested privately to his mother Antonia that sometime in the future Rome would be wounded and need Claudius' protection.

Pope Ratzinger released Doves in the Vatican on Sunday to encourage peace between Israel and Palestine and the first dove refused to leave perching on the window sill and the second flew back into Ratzinger's super luxury residence.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Muppets Respond To Political Attacks By FOX News

US politics has a little bit more to go before the weight of it's own absurdity promulgates its final collapse. Many of us have walked away from the Kabuki theatre circus where both sides are meaningless constructs but for the FOX News lovers and even the agnostics (a conciousness crime in itself) that absurdity needs to be driven deeper and much much darker than this brilliant response by The Muppets at a press conference for the latest movie. I assure you FOX will self immolate without any outside interference or encouragement. Its demise is on auto pilot and on schedule.

FOX is owned by criminal business predator Rupert Murdoch.

William Cooper's CNN Interview (How Jack Hammer Editing TV Keeps You Stupid)

I didn't know that William Cooper's journey to enlightenment began during his time with the U.S. Navy when he saw an aircraft carrier sized UFO emerge from the sea. Fortunately others did too and they were all told to shut their mouths and never speak of it between each other without severe punishment including losing their pensions.

But this isn't about UFO's. It's about a complicated man sharing his dangerous knowledge for which he was later quite likely killed  by the authorities. Like princess Diana he didn't die straight away so the cops blocked the road and waited patiently while turning back the ambulances till it was all over. 

This is a must see interview (particularly for first timers) from 1992 made by CNN. It's from a time when investigative journalists would interview people instead of 5 minute sound bite interviews by shallow narcissists.

It feels like a different world.

Neil Kramer - Detaching From The Construct (We're Just Cabling Otherwise)

An excellent forty minutes with Neil Kramer on the toxicity of broadcast media pollution and how a movement to integrity starts with self and not on the outside. The construct has only one purpose. To disempower you with negativity or feelings of inferiority through images of superlatives, superiority and confusion. That's pretty much it.