Sunday 26 June 2011

James Horak - Interviewed By Carlita Montross (Exploring The Mysteries Of The Universe)

Jame's Horak's most helpful contribution towards the topic of UFOology is (for me) the clear distinction between Extra Terrestrials and Extra Biological Entities. The latter are most widely known as the Greys and are according to James, non fully-sentient biomechanicals designed by a highly advanced civilisation to explore deep space since over 350,000 years ago. Below is a mummified picture of one taken in 1973 from a private South American museum that conveniently burned down by the time it was next visited.

I've been going through his blog earlier today and even though I followed the chronological posting order from the beginning it is still often confusing for someone like myself who doesn't frequent bulletin boards. My line of inquiry on the topic is largely audio and Youtube video interviews. 

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Conciousness That Created It


The Daily Sheeple

We need a new story and Charles Eisenstein is doing that outside of the mainstream corporate controlled media over coffee. I urge you to watch this six part relaxed chat on Youtube for its wisdom and conviction that a new story is emerging and the old one is dying off. I'm completely in agreement with him.

UPDATE: Charles Eisenstein has completely reversed from some of the positions he talked about on controlled and manipulated society. In the above video series. Only he knows why.

James Horak - EMV (Electro Magnetic Vehicle) & Saturn

That non stop trance beat in the background has been bugging me for days and I just remembered exactly where I've heard parts of it before. Let's just say it was a domestic amateur production absent of emotion; theatrical or otherwise. 

James Horak is a strange brew. On the one hand compelling testimony but on the other a sort of 'hang 'em from their heels' spirituality which is incongruous with his unified conciousness talk. His explanation of EBE's as extra biological entities is very much in line with Nigel Kerner's view and it's tempting to put them together though it could all go horribly wrong. I'll post about the SOHO images that now provoke the question 'are there spaceships going into and out of the sun?' because until I came across James' work it seemed pointless and fantastic.

James also maintains that the U.S government does its drug running through a ministry of televangelist Ken Copeland of Texas. It's worth mentioning because if Copeland (who looks like a demonic in studio make-up during his preaching when I check him out) is innocent, I imagine he would be trying to sue Mr Horak for defamation or slander or something. Maybe there's some truth there?

Jimi Hendrix - If 6 Was 9

(Sing a song, brother) 
If the sun refused to shine, 
I don't mind, I don't mind. 
If the mountains fell in the sea, 
Let it be, it ain't me. 
Got my own world to live through 
And I ain't gonna copy you. 

Now, if 6 turned up to be 9, 
I don't mind, I don't mind. 
If all the hippies cut off their hair, 
I don't care, I don't care. 
Did, 'cos I got my own world to live through 
And I ain't gonna copy you. 

White-collar conservatives flashing down the street 
Pointing their plastic finger at me. 
They're hoping soon my kind will drop and die, 
But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high . . . HIGH! 

Hah, hah 
Falling mountains just don't fall on me 
Point on mister Buisnessman, 
You can't dress like me. 
Nobody know what I'm talking about 
I've got my own life to live 
I'm the one that's gonna have to die 
When it's time for me to die 
So let me live my life the way I want to. 

Yeah . . . 
Sing on brother, 
Play on brother . . .

Update: Was Jimi singing about this purple haze?

Saturday 25 June 2011

Masonic D.C. For Dummies

When the architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, who was a Freemason, laid out Governmental Center of Washington, D.C., in 1791, he planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings. He planned to use the layout of Governmental Center to hide certain occultic magical symbols, which, when they were instituted, became one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol. An occultic magical symbol is defined as " image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..." (Frederick Goodman, Magic Symbols, Brian Trodd Publishing House, Ltd., London, 1989, page 6). Via Cutting Edge

Replace The Word Hoax With "Counterintelligence" To Get Closer To The Truth - Linda Moulton Howe

Linda is one of the words leading researchers on the cattle mutilation phenomenon. This is a good interview of her latest work, research and thinking as previously I'd only come across her appearances on the ancient aliens series on the History Channel and hadn't heard enough to recommend. Yet again, we learn that the darkest elements in society are those sucking on taxpayers money with no accountability. They believe they are not obliged to tell us what their work is. Fascinating listening, with the rest of the interview, in parts on Veritas Youtube channel.

Ringmakers of Saturn

Dr. Norman Bergrun is an alumnus of Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) predecessor of Ames Research Center, NASA where he worked twelve years as a research scientist. At Ames, he pioneered the setting of design criteria for airplane thermal ice-prevention and the developing of roll stability laws for airplanes, missiles and rockets.

He joined Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (now Lockheed Martin) where he was manager of the planning and analysis of flight tests for the Navy Polaris Underwater Launch Missile System. During his thirteen years at Lockheed, he also served as a senior scientist having responsible analysis cognizance of special space-satellite applications. After a short tour of duty with Nielsen Engineering and Research, in 1971 he founded Bergrun Engineering and Research, parent of Bergrun Research founded in 1999 especially for world wide web activities.

An Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauics (AIAA), he is active as a leader in Congressional Visits Day events on Capitol Hill. As Deputy Director-at-Large for the AIAA western region, he overlooks section activities in seven western states. Other memberships include The Planetary Society, The Association for the Advancement of Science, The Aviation Hall of Fame, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Federation of American Scientists and the Scientific Faculty, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.

Bergrun holds a BSME degree from Cornell University, an LLB from LaSalle University Extension, a DSc (Hon) from World University and a California Professional Engineer (PE) License. He also has engaged in graduate aerospace studies at Stanford University. He is a founder of the California Society of Professional Engineers Education Foundation, is author of two books Tomorrow's Technology Today and Ringmakers of Saturn and has published over 100 papers. Two recent manuscripts, Lunar Life Forms: Revelations of Apollo 14 and Mars Puts on a Good Face: The Masquerade, have been registered with the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. He has lectured in the United States, Canada, England and Europe.

Credited with numerous awards and citations including the California Society of Professional Engineers Archimedes Engineering Achievement Award, and Special Service Citations for contributions to the AIAA National Public Policy and to the Regional Sections Activity Committees, he is listed in Marquis "Who's Who in the World", "Who's Who in America", "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", and other reference works.

Continuing interests include photography*, NASA student activities and music, having played as a concert musician at Carnegie Hall with the Cornell University Band and having been a founder of "Aurora Singers", a 64-voice choir.

Rob Simone Interviews David Wilcock

Awesome interview of David Wilcock by Rob Simone of Coast To Coast

Mark Dice vs FOX "News" Media Blackouts

Mark Dice articulates the shrillness of FOX when confronted with their complicity in parading as guard dog media when really behaving like lap dog press.

Friday 24 June 2011

Charles Eisenstein - Sacred Economics

Charles Eisenstein knows an awful lot more about how the world ticks than just this talk on our disintegrating economic model. Probably the most interesting and compelling talker and thinker since I stumbled across Raj Patel on food and economics.

UPDATE: Charles Eisenstein has completely reversed from some of the positions he talked about on controlled and manipulated society. In the above video series. Only he knows why.

First Contact

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Are 2011 Crop Circles The Penultimate Chance To Wake Up?

You may scoff at the alien, the transdimensional, the mushroom magic meditations, the woo woo foo fighters, the relentlessly conspiring war machinations by the most profitable war machine in the history of war but you don't have a clue about crop circles. They are genius. True genius. Not that tired adjective dragged out for Youtube clips and the new/new by advertising sheep.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Something Or Other


I met Ian last night. His blackberry was going off all evening with compliment emails for this shot he took for a client and which made it to the front page of Flickr.  He's usually running around Asia if you need a great photographer. More details here.

Why I Want Quantitative Easing 3 (QE3)

I belong to a small group of informal tinkerers, thinkers, speculators, information terrorists and oddball lunar(tics) who suspect that Barack Obama is the most interesting occupant of the Whitehouse ever. I accept he's not delivered on key promises but this is a war we are in, and earlier promises are casualties of timing not commitment.

It wouldn't be helpful at this point in time to be more explicit but there are bits and pieces of mainstream academic theory and commentary that currently provide circumstantial evidence for the theory that dare not speak its name.

That's weird, I just realised we never ever say what it is we suspect. Just point at stuff that makes sense. It sounds very cliquey and I suppose it is.

Anyway, I read about the social theorists that Barack Obama based his masters dissertation on, and realised it was the most awesomest bad ass idea I've come across in over forty years of thinking about better ways for our planet and species. The idea behind the paper is nothing short of how to torpedo the good ship capitalism before it sails off with every last mineral, flora and fauna that is our obligation as a species to use frugally and share without profit for the collective good. I am good-to-go with QE whatever it takes till the parasite of capitalism finally keels over and sinks.

John Lear of Lear Jets

John Lear is the son of the founder of Lear Jets. I'm cautious about using any sources that have military, government or CIA connections because time and again I've found their information is seeded with disinformation, even though a lot of their testimony is grippingly interesting. John urges us to live without envy, hate or greed and with integrity at the end of this interview so I'm going to post it based on the assumption that he's walking the walk and also because they are important rules to live by. 

I should know, I've broken pretty much every rule I could at some point or other. Most I don't regret. Some I do.

Secrets In Plain Sight

I was on a yacht in the Andaman sea with a multi millionaire a few years back when we got onto the subject of books. He was an unassuming kind of guy who said very little so when he made a point of urging me to keep an eye out for a book that was 'just coming out' I made a mental note of it and bought a copy as soon as I could. That book was the Da Vinci code. It was unbelievably cheesy writing, but by the time I secured a copy, it had exploded into one of the best selling novels of all time, and had rocked the Vatican itself who fought tooth and nail to smear its credibility.

I always wondered if he knew it was going to be a best seller or if he was recommending a a good read because writing of that calibre is embarrassing as the book proves. However the information in it made an awful lot people interested in Vatican secrecy and you better believe it that, the Vatican like Buckingham palace have secrets that will make the people riot and loot them if they can just pull their attention away from the plasma screened, corn syrup TV-programming diet of X Factor, who is fucking who in the tabloids and their preferred ball game of choice.

I never paid the book enough attention because of my appalling snobbishness when it comes to lots of popular culture so I totally missed how important the secret cults and symbolism in the book were. Secrets in plain sight is a series of videos that reveal a lot more of those ancient mysteries. Later on I will post an interview with the author of the series as he's got some great information to share. Is this a good time to post a slimmer  me diving into the beautiful blue waters of the Andaman sea on that sailing trip? You betcha.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Yasujiro Ozu - Late Spring

I purposefully chose dialogue incongruous with the cinematography above because that's a feeling I often get with Ozu's movies, or doing business with the Japanese. Ozu's films are tender pieces and sensitive experiences to watch. They're atypical of my taste but despite the slow paced, violin laced narrative there's a lot to be learned about Japanese life from them.

Historically they're set in post war Japan which though not mentioned obtusely has cinematic gestures now and again. There's the collision of old and new society, the ease with drinking tea on the floor or eating cake at the table. It was a country in swift transition and one that did a tremendous job of coming back from the abyss despite the unambiguous victory and immediate attempts of cultural colonisation by the U.S army.

Even today not many Americans know that Pearl Harbour was provoked and set up to bring the U.S. into the war without being seen to precipitate the action. There's much about the Japanese that can be frustrating but they've managed to keep their essence as a culture in spite of ultimately being on the recipient end of the only atomic attacks any country has received. They're an unusually hermetically sealed race in many respects with most Japanese having no contact with outside cultures apart from vacations. The rest of the year it's pure or 99% Japanese contact especially outside Tokyo.

Ozu shoots his movies at ground floor level as if sitting on a tatami mat. The camera is fixed and rarely pans with typically long scenes of dialogue interspersed with silence. The father daughter relationship is revisited in this film from the previous movie Tokyo Story in which Norika's mother passes away after the family vacation. It's a strange kind of framework with old and new world's merging, and in this movie a tension over each party wishing to do the best for each other when in fact they are both happier with each other. When I listen to Noriko talk, I'd suggest his daughter is uninterested in men and likely more interested in women but unable to explore or live her sexual preference. This makes the movie even more melancholic but it's well choreographed punctuated-misery in that stoic Japanese and honourable way. It's about sacrifice I guess.

When I watch Ozu movies I see hundreds of centuries including one from the future condensed into a couple of hours. The tradition, the healing of post war Japan, the clash of traditional attire with the Westernisation of dress, the hints at Japanese futurism and a pragmatism mixed with respect for delicate but pointed ways of doing everything from formal introductions to stating one's Saki limit in advance. They make me sad and they make me admire the Japanese at the same time. I think the world may have been given a more elegant kind of brutality to live in had the atom not been split and the vulgarity of overwhelming fire power dominated the rest of the century. I think nature would have been respected so much more, and that corporatism wouldn't be the unmuzzled rabid dog it is today. I doubt the Chinese would agree with me but then Communism was an experiment they suffered under considerably more than the rape of Nanking and nobody talks about that too much in the People's Republic.