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Showing posts sorted by date for query hopkins. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday 7 November 2023

You Say You Want a Revolution


A revolution is to revolve. We don't want to come back here. We want to evolve.


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave

A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.

I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work

Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Army War College Director Says Israel Behind 911

Strategically I admire Israel for executing 9/11 to push America around the Middle East and fight their wars for them. Morally they're war criminals. This video by Pentagon Chief Honcho Dr Alan Sabrosky just lays it nice and solid. He was even friends with arch Neocon  and dual Israeli/US passport holder Douglas Feith. Imagine that.

Don't tell the consumer classes though. Might upset them a bit.

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.

Friday 31 August 2012

Did NASA Just Admit The Van Allen Belts Are Lethal?

Mr Van Allen discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts declared they were deadly. However since the Apollo missions that line has been retracted and NASA say it's safe for humans. I'm not too bothered either way, as my beef with the Apollo missions is the photography which uses a Hollywood technique of front screen projection. You might not be able to see the line between the stage and the backdrop below but once you do, you can't ignore them in any Apollo mission photography so here's a classic one for you. Once the brain groks the line you can't miss them ever again.

More importantly here is NASA describing the Van Allen belts as deadly. The original post is from here.
They were the subject of perhaps the first scientific discovery of the Space Age, and yet we still don't know much about them. The radiation belts that surround Earth are home to killer electrons, plasma waves, and intense electrical currents that can disrupt and destroy the electronics on satellites. But the behavior of the Van Allen Belts—named for James Van Allen, who led the team that discovered them in 1958—is wildly unpredictable.
This artist's conception shows the radiation belts (green), which are two doughnut-shaped (torus) regions full of high-energy particles that fill the near-space around Earth. The blue and red lines between and around the belts depict the north and south polarity of the planet’s magnetic field. The inner belt, a blend of protons and electrons, can reach down as low as 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) in altitude. The outer belt, comprised mainly of energetic electrons, can swell to as much as 60,000 kilometers (37,000 miles) above Earth’s surface. Both rings extend to roughly 65 degrees north and south latitude.
The radiation belts were discovered during the flight of the very first American satellite. Van Allen and colleagues had installed a Geiger-Müller tube on Explorer 1 to detect cosmic rays, and as the satellite made its eccentric orbit around the Earth, the readings periodically went off the top of the counter’s scale. It happened again during the flight of Explorer 3 several months later. Several followup missions proved that the space around Earth was not empty, but instead enriched with electrons, protons, and energy created by interactions between Earth's magnetic field (or magnetosphere), the solar wind, and (occasionally) cosmic rays arriving from beyond the solar system.
Fifty-four years later, NASA has embarked on a missions designed specifically to understand the space weather in the dynamic and erratic Van Allen Belts. At 4:05 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 30, 2012, the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) were launched into orbit on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. (Watch video of the launch here.) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) built and will operate the twin RBSP spacecraft for NASA’s Living With a Star program.
The identical twin spacecraft will fly in separate orbits across the inner and outer Van Allen radiation belts. The mission is starting near the height of the Sun’s 11-year cycle, or solar maximum. Activity on the sun influences the behavior of the radiation belts, though scientists are puzzled by that behavior. Sometimes a solar storm can swell the belts with particles and energy, creating havoc for Earth-orbiting satellites by accelerating electrons (aka, “killer electrons”) and creating electrical currents. Other times, the radiation belts grow very calm and depleted during Sun storms. Occasionally, no change is detected at all.
The RBSP satellites are designed to observe how and when killer electrons are energized, to sample the electrical and magnetic fields in Earth’s space, to count particles, and detect plasma waves of different frequencies. The ultimate goal is to improve the prediction of space weather; that is, how solar activity can cause geomagnetic storms that upset telecommunications and electronics.
  1. Further Reading

  2. Carlowicz, M., and Lopez, R. (2002) Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather. The Joseph Henry Press. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  3. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (n.d.) Radiation Belt Storm Probes Accessed August 30, 2012.
  4. NASA (2012, July 18) The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  5. NASA (n.d.) RBSP News. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  6. Science@NASA (2012) ScienceCasts: The Radiation Belt Storm Probes. Accessed August 30, 2012.
Image by T. Benesch and J. Carns for the NASA Science Mission Directorate. Caption by Mike Carlowicz.

Update: I've since come across the radiation level science and I'm open to further investigation.

Friday 13 July 2012

The United States Of Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust in Korea:

3 million(including 2 million civilians) killed denying Koreans repatriation of THEIR country.

2,854,000 (Britannica)
2,889,000 (Eckhardt)
3,000,000 (D. Smith)
3,062,000 (Rummel)
3,500,000 (Lewy, incl. 2-3M civilians)


The US Holocaust in Vietnam:

3.5 million slaughtered upholding Pro-Western dictator in Vietnam, under the pretext of Ho Chi Minh being an 'agent of Moscow'.

Estimates of CIVILLIAN casualties Vietnam War alone:

2,058,000 (Eckhardt)
2,163,000 (Britannica)
2,500,000 (Grenville)
3,000,000 (Chomsky)
3,100,000 (Tucker)

South Vietnam military:

224,000 (Kutler, Olson)
250,000 (Clodfelter, Grenville)
650,000 (Small & Singer)

N.Vietnamese Military (including NFL):

900,000 (Britannica; Grenville)
1,000,000 (Clodfelter)
1,100,000 (Tucker)


The US Holocaust in Cambodia:

1 million slaughtered during US bombing of Cambodia & Laos (prior to Pol Pot's bloody revenge on the Capitalist-Sympathisers).


500,000 (Independent Finnish Study; Kapuchea: A decade of Genocide),


70,000 (Rummel),
200,000 (Martin Stuart-Fox A History of Laos),
250,000 (Wallechinsky),


The Indonesian Holocaust:

1 million slaughtered opening Indonesia to Western business by US client dictator Suharto.

500,000 (D.Smith)
509,000 (Rummel)
600,000 (Chomsky)
3-600,000 (Hartman)
750,000 (CDI)
300,000-1 Million (Encarta)

"In terms of the numbers killed, the murders rank as one of the worst in 20th Century history" - CIA Intelligence report: Indonesia 1965.

For sources evidencing CIA & MI6 complicity in Suharto's slaughter:

In an article entitled; "Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians" which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on May 20, 1990, 1990, and the Boston Globe on May 23, 1990 Journalist Kathy Kadane explained (following a series of interviews with former US officials);

"They systematically compiled comprehensive lists of communist operatives. As many as 5,000 names were furnished to the Indonesian Army and the Americans later checked off the names of those who had been killed of captured.'

She quoted US diplomat Robert J Martens who said during an interview; "It was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people & I probably have a lot of blood on my hands."

Deputy CIA station chief in Indonesia Joseph Lazarsky told her: "We were getting a good account in Jakarta of who was being picked up...the army had a shooting list of about 4,000 or 5,000 people...We knew what they were doing."

The same article appeared in the Washington Post on May 21 1990 titled: "U.S. Officials' Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in '60s".

An admission of - albeit it only indirect - complicity from the CIA's website in a partially declassified document called "The Lessons of the September 30 Affair":

"...our decision to commit American troops in that country...stiffened the backbones of the Indonesian officer corps...for them to crush their own Communist threat in a "massacre" which took the lives of some 350,000 or more party members at no cost to the United States."


Suharto's US backed invasion of East Timor:

150,000 (Rummel)
150,000 (CDI)
250,000 (FAS 2000)


Holocaust in Latin America:

2-300,000 in US suppression of democracy in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile etc.


Holocaust in Iraq:

100,000 plus Kurds killed supporting Saddam's gassings with US chemical precursor exports, agri-credits for crop loss, initial cover up of Halabja.

(See my previous video for links to sources of US/UK complicity in Saddam's gassings).

1.3 million killed in US led Iraqi sanctions (including deaths of 500,000 children).

1 million killed in current invasion & installation of pro-Western puppet government in Iraq, incorporating media denial of resistance fighters & the fueling of sectarian violence in a blatant divide & conquer strategy.

Current Iraq Invasion: 

654,965 (John Hopkins, Lancet) 6/2006. 
1,033,000 (ORB) as of 8/2007. 


The Native America Holocaust:

30 million Native Americans slaughtered in the original 'discovery' (invasion) of the Americas.

13,778,000 (Rummel)
30,000,000 (Aletheia)
30-90,000,000 (Chomsky)
100,000,000 (Stannard

On Feb 7 1955, The Supreme Court entered it's opinion in the case of Tee-Hit-Ton v. US asserting that the US holds title to American Indian territory by 'right of conquest'.

Update: The original Youtube video was censored and removed. I found an alternative on a Korean video site.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Dr John Mack MD - Harvard Clinical Psychology & Alien Abductions

To paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from the paranormal'.

Increasingly in the scientific press these days we're presented with technology progress that should make the thinking person review the E.T. and abduction question more intelligently. If terrestrial science is making developments in traction beams and invisibility cloaking (two examples from last month alone) one should have no problem in understanding that beings with a thousand or a million years or more of technological superiority would have little problem dragging people out of their sleep for biological tests, then wiping their memories (subsequently recalled in hypnotic regression) and returning them to their sleep largely undetected.

Why would they do that? That's a hundred hours of study just to have some solid speculation so it's not very helpful to the novice at this stage as it opens up more questions than it answers.

Dr. John Mack M.D. was Harvard's top psychologist when he first heard about the alien abduction phenomenon and rejected it immediately as nonsense. However on further examination the data said something was really happening and his continued interest nearly cost him his job. It certainly had his reputation smeared by the academic elite controllers who are instructed to lean on scholars who come too close to the truth. The Dean of Harvard in this instance.

Amazingly Alan Dershowitz (Ultra Zionist Jewish American Lobby) comes to the rescue arguing a case of tolerance and scientific independence. Now that might fly in the face of his attack dog politics for anyone who criticizes Israel but it is as it is. He comes through and does the right thing for Dr Mack in this interesting documentary that compliments the Dr. Karla Turner and Bud Hopkins testimony I've previously written a fair amount about.

Just one anecdote I picked up along the way to fit with the visual of this post. One abductee was taken by traction beam or whatever through the UFO exit and entrance port hole and could see the alien beings paying no attention to him. It was so normal they were talking to each other as a human slid by in the middle of their interaction. That is or was the scale of alien abduction.

Monday 26 September 2011

Doubt Is OK. Certainty Is Dangerous.

After I got robbed in Hong Kong I met Steve who was kind enough to stand me a few beers while I was stranded waiting for Sam to reappear from his now questionable charity climb of Kilimanjaro and attend to his obligations. Steve and I got tangled in friendly but tricky discussions on the nature of God and so forth. Steve is a sceptic and so I think we agreed to disagree but we've kept in touch on Facebook and naturally he's sceptical of my UFO links I post on there from time to time. 

I think it's worth pointing out that intelligent life must exist in a universe where billions of stars form a galaxy and billions of galaxies form the universe. To me it's inconceivable to assume it's empty apart from us when our nearest star Proxima Centauri would take 72000 years using the fastest technology known to our species. But we're mates and so I haven't pressed my point but earlier today he touched on the sensitive topic of alien abduction which far from being the most ridiculous evidence, is to me much more credible than any photo or video of UFOs on Youtube. I'm not great at spotting the nutters immediately but I've developed a keen sense of authenticity if given a large pool of testimony and I think I'm brutally forensic if I can have a hundred or so hours of one person talking on difficult or unbelievable topics. Most people don't get past an hour and that number drops to single digits after five hours.

I had no intention of getting into all this UFO stuff but about a year ago I decided to research quantum mechanics and mysticism (same subject really). Which ever way I turned the UFO subject turned up again and again. So once I overcame my internal resistance to spending time with what I thought must be overly zealous proselytizers I realised I'd skipped possibly the most important question of our time. Then on the fringes of the research material it became apparent that the subject appeared to be on the verge of bursting into the daily domain of ordinary lives with a timing for me that I can only describe as unbelievably lucky. Some people have devoted their entire lives to the matter with no measurable return before they died and here I am sensing a change with just enough hours under my belt to argue cogently with some of the most seasoned players in the field. We all have widely differing points of view though and I'm madly hoping I get to find out what I got right or wrong sooner rather than later.

In any case here's me imploring Steve to consider the issue differently and as it's from the heart I'm sharing it here.

The late Budd Hopkins was a highly regarded abstract expressionist artist in New York. At great risk to his career he was unable to ignore the first hand testimonials of alien abduction which is marked by a feeling of confusion involving missing time in many different scenarios. 

The only way to salvage the memories during this process is to use hypnotic regression. Budd Hopkins has a video lecture of his findings after 700 of these regressions over decades and I put it to you that you can't watch it for a couple of hours without realising that it's a phenomena that deserves to be given the respect of at least the diplomacy of accepting that many of these victims have not only been held against their will, tested like a farm animal but also face the ridicule that opinions like yours shame most of them into never revealing what has hurt them psychologically for life. 

I see your anger for this subject as a kind of reminder to you that this isn't people claiming to be the new messiah who are in it for egoic reasons but is a sore concrete data point that nobody comes out of alien abduction with nothing but shame and misery and at best have here shared their information so that others may learn. You may challenge my view but it's just irritating facts as we both know a negative is impossible to prove.

So I believe that ET exists, ET has always existed, ET is part of the fabric of our history/cosmos and that UFO sightings went through the roof after atomic bomb testing (ding dong logic alert. hello is anyone listening) and some ET have been testing our species like mad since the that time too. You don't have to believe any of that but have the courtesy to listen without prejudice to Budd and have some sympathy for a group of people numbering hundreds of thousands if not million(s). Just some sympathy and maybe you'll find something that says it's not madness, but it is at is. 

I know your world view mate and that's fine but I spend my brain power looking for information that turns my world view upside down and it's not easy, takes deep diving and a good nose for bullshit which I don't have but which I'm getting better and better at, particularly with regard to video testimonial. Anyway listen without prejudice and if you have real concerns about authenticity that are above "he said, she said" rhetoric then I would love to hear those because I think your nose for the human story is probably as good if not better than mine. It's the most massively complex story I've ever had to unravel and this is just one small piece of a puzzle that has enraged far far finer minds than mine.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Budd Hopkins Tribute

Budd Hopkins was a highly regarded abstract artist who bravely took on the subject  of alien abductions before it was a recognised phenomenon and felt to be inconceivable or subject to ridicule and derision. The issue has always earned ridicule but Budd Hopkins saw enough similarities from disparate sources to know that something was up. I've never heard him try to portray himself as an artist when he was presenting abduction information and it must have surely burdened his reputation to be taken seriously as an artist though he went on to become recognised in both fields.

My realisation that the inseparable relationship between alien abduction and the military (Eisenhower agreed with one group of E.T. to exchange technology for genetics, a disastrous agreement for the United States morally and spiritually) came from listening to Dr Karla Turner who despite being a victim had objective and compelling presentation skills and later I came across Budd's work which is invaluable to the subject which is trans dimensional, involves memory wiping and even replaced memories but always involves missing time for those not asleep during abduction. I can't imagine the true story behind the phenomenon remaining concealed for all that much longer given the huge increase in UFO activity by what is considered to be largely benevolent ET.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Budd Hopkins - RIP

Budd Hopkins passed away a few days ago. He was a first class alien abduction researcher and so for those who feel uncomfortable with first hand testimony you can do no wrong by listening to a man who researched over 700 cases when the video above was filmed. It's authoritive, informative and compelling. I learned a lot of hard facts from this man and I'm glad I rescued this video from Google Videos and transferred it to Youtube so that others can determine for themselves the nature of this problem which humiliates the abductees once and then again as the wider world rejects (can't handle) their often harrowing testimony.

The short story is that genetics are the most prized asset in the universe. I learned that elsewhere but it's a critical way to understand the issue.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Budd Hopkins - Lecture On the Alien Abduction Phenomenon

I'm confident that if I had come to the subject of alien abduction more than five years ago I'd have rejected it totally, burned out like many finer minds than I, or even more damaging, reached a premature conclusion and developed one of those fixed minds that is too certain for it's own good. Instead I came to the subject with lots of good information and video testimonies on the internet and an awful lot of context, swilling around the planetary hive mind.

I love Terence McKenna's work but it's likely he never took enough DMT to step into the Bardot and his analysis of alien proctologists from Zeta Reticuli prevented me from taking the subject seriously till I'd worked my way through all the safe stuff. So even heroes make mistakes but we can forgive him for not being perfect.

I don't know what the statistics are like now (I hope it's diminished massively) but there's a reason that alien abduction went through the roof after the second world war. The military industrial complex cut a deal in exchange for new alien technology (largely kept away from us) that humans could be experimented on (as long as they were returned with their memories wiped of the ordeal). That may sound fantastic, but just hold that thought in suspension as it's only a matter of time till sunlight is disinfecting the underground bases of the US, UK and Australian cigar chomping military types in the future. There's some very ugly stuff that gets done out of sight.

For now you can listen to Budd Hopkins above who has investigated over 700 cases of alien abduction by 2004 and then you might want to reconsider having some sympathy for people who were not only abducted and experimented on but were largely ridiculed by a society conditioned to react that way by the same media owners who are but an extension of the military complex I mentioned earlier. Are you getting the picture yet?

Thursday 20 January 2011

The Mushrooming Science

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., is Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His principal research focus in both clinical and preclinical laboratories has been on the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs. He is also currently a member of the Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence for the World Health Organization. The most interesting find (and not unusual for anyone studying entheogens) is that the Psilocybin mushroom is measurably more real than the reality you are experiencing while reading this. 

Additionally according to the scientific results, it is also in the top five experiences ever; such as child birth, marriage and other spiritually moving and deeply human experiences in life.

What's the point? Well as Joe Rogan pointed out in a video I saw earlier. It's not very good for capitalism and the military industrial complex. 

Weird how top down hierarchical religion and government deemed it illegal and immoral.

I just can't figure it out. Can you?