Monday 11 April 2011

John Lash - Chronicles of the Psychonautilus

Pulling Rank - Why Senior Enlisted Soldiers Matter

A long long time ago in a distant galaxy of Nordrheinwestphalen and Hessen I worked with the American military selling Harley Davidsons and American Cars. A likeable African American Sargent bought a Camaro through us and began planning a trip to 'London in Britain' as they often called it. As if to distinguish from London in Texas. He asked the route to take, and as the English Channel tunnel was in construction I pointed him towards Calais for the ferry. His faced looked non plussed about the car ferry. He slowly asked a question I've never forgotten 

'You mean there's water between France and England?'

I learned from this experience that a person who might be responsible for my life in a conflict zone could well be more dangerous than bullets. Some time later I was sitting at my desk and the light visibly dimmed. I looked up at the giant frame of South Carolina African American who was blocking the sunlight to the doorway of my office. He slowly drawled some car questions for me in the deepest voice I'd heard a human make.

We got to know each other a bit. He was a First Sargent, rank E8,  and one day he shared his American invasion of Grenada story. They called it a liberation of course though it was a British colony at that time. Thatcher had to shut her warmongering mouth because Reagan had secretly stitched up the Argentinians by helping us in the Falklands war. The usual reptilian code of conduct for the political classes. Fuck each other over till they need each other etc etc.

I never met an E8 (the highest ranked enlisted soldier) that I didn't like. Some were psychopaths but in a conflict zone a seasoned, intelligent psychopath is useful. E8s have an air of authority that experienced command of soldiers (and killing) gives a man. You feel their presence behind your back. Lower ranks don't fuck around with them, and officers are secretly intimidated by them.  They're the pinnacle of earned stripes. They are smart, tough and intimidating. They don't command the army. They run it.

At some point after one of the wars that First Sargent (E8) Bob Dean served in, he was transferred to NORAD in Paris. There he was exposed to information about UFO encounters that most Five Star Generals know nothing of. If information really is power then it's a logical proposition that information isn't shared. The full extent of contact isn't general knowledge even for presidents. Eisenhower however saw what was going on and observed that clusterfuck demonic groups in the Pentagon and Industrial elites were leveraging this information to form what he called in his farewell speech, The military industrial complex

Most people in that complex are unaware of this and just get on with drawing a salary facilitating the killing machine's unsurpassed ability to transfer wealth from us to a group of people who make the Wall Street masters of the Universe look like overworked wage slaves. It's the slickest and most powerful model of global wealth transfer to date. Take some time out to watch the video above and establish for yourself what it takes to move from being on the inside to telling a story that is at odds with everything that the accumulation machine stands for. A story that could only ever earn a man ridicule from those that most fear what his words have to say. Could it be that Bob Dean is more an enlightened individual than the enlisted soldier he once was?

Update: I have caught Bob Dean telling a pork pie (I believe) but as he's old and UFO disease is a known condition I'm going to assume his earlier whistle blowing is still truthful.

Saturday 9 April 2011

@PiersMorgan - Media Weasel & Coincidence Theorist Gatekeeper

I don't own a TV, and I no longer listen to the news, after decades of being a news junkie of sorts. I believe I am however reasonably well informed. I never knew how Piers Morgan looked or spoke till just now. I knew he was editor of a scummy newspaper run by Rupert Murdoch so the working assumption was money and profile are more important to him than professional journalism.

When I learned that Piers was going to work for CNN, I assumed he would be continuing the tradition of Vaudeville theatre news after taking Larry "Kiss Ass" King's spot. We would ridicule Larry's faux newsroom beat-wardrobe of braces and Watergate style Bob Woodward glasses (I just made that last bit up about Woodward) but stay with me. King was every thing that was wrong with the news business and we were outraged that most viewers had no idea his news offering being served up was more damaging than helpful. I was often convinced that King was just as programmed as his viewers, though many know full well what can and cant be discussed. They are like school prefects with a tazer for  truth telling.

Larry King's questioning style was no more challenging than what coffee a guest preferred (one lump or two) and at the end of it all, he'd ask 'but how did it feel'. No matter what was in the news Larry wanted to know how it felt so that the viewers could resonate with the events of the day, which by and large had nothing to do with the real events taking place in the 20th century. Gulf of Tonkin for example.

I wondered if Piers Morgan could do it different but instead it's evident from this interview with Jesse Ventura that he is incapable of entertaining a single view point that isn't toeing the govcorp line. There is no way that Piers Morgan is going to break a single important story at CNN other than those he is given as favours for services provided. 

How anyone can invite Jesse Ventura to his show and then say something so insulting as "surely you can't believe all this" is only equalled by his ignorance of the military weapon  HAARP while interviewing the most respected and high profile conspiracy theorist in the country. It's like inviting the Pope over and saying surely you don't believe in all this religion malarkey. What a douchebag. A corporate toady. A first class weasel. Ill informed. intellectually pedestrian, historically illiterate and unable to say anything that will ever rock the boat. A CNN special. Made for each other.

Clif High

Clif's latest interview on ZMRadio. Not the best I've heard but always stimulating. Lots of release language pointing towards late March action. Clif says it's stronger release language than the Fukushima disaster so a useful benchmark for those just joining his forecast methodology.

Celebration of the Lizard - The Lizard King

Lions in the street and roaming
Dogs in heat, rabid, foaming
A beast caged in the heart of a city
The body of his mother
Rotting in the summer ground
He fled the town

He went down South and crossed the border
Left chaos and disorder
Back there over his shoulder

One morning he awoke in a green hotel
With a strange creature groaning beside him
Sweat oozed from its shining skin
is everybody in?
is everybody in?
is everybody in?
the ceremony is about to begin

Wake up!
You can't remember where it was
Had this dream stopped?

The snake was pale gold
Glazed and shrunken
We were afraid to touch it
The sheets were hot dead prisons
And she was beside me
Old, she's no, young
Her dark red hair
the white soft skin

Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom
shes coming in here
I can't live thru each slow century of her moving
I let my cheek slide down
The cool smooth tile
Feel the good cold stinging blood
The smooth hissing snakes of rain . . .

Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl, back in my brain
I think you know, the game I mean
I mean the game, called 'go insane'

you should try, this little game
Just close your eyes, forget your name
Forget the world, forget the people
And we'll erect, a different steeple

This little game, is fun to do
Just close your eyes, no way to lose
And I'm right there, I'm going too
Release control, we're breaking thru

Way back deep into the brain
Back where there's never any pain
And the rain falls gently on the town
And over the heads of all of us
And in the labyrinth of streams
Beneath, the quiet unearthly presence of
gentle hill dwellers, in the gentle hills around
Reptiles abounding
Fossils, caves, cool air heights

Each house repeats a mold
Windows rolled
Beast car locked in against morning
All now sleeping
Rugs silent, mirrors vacant
Dust Lying under the beds of lawful couples
Wound in sheets
And daughters, smug
With semen eyes in their nipples

There's been a slaughter here

(Don't stop to speak or look around
Your gloves and fan are on the ground
We're getting out of town
We're going on the run
And you're the one I want to come)

Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run
lets run

House upon the hill
Moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me
Let's run

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill
Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs
And you won't know a thing till you get inside

Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
The engine runs on glue and tar
C'mon along, we're not going very far
To the East to meet the Czar

run with me
run with me
run with me
let's run

Some outlaws lived by the side of the lake
The minister's daughter's in love with the snake
Who lives in a well by the side of the road
Wake up, girl! We're almost home

We should see the gates by mornin'
We should be inside by evening,

sun sun sun
burn burn burn
burn, burn, burn,
i will get you

i am the lizard king
i can do anything

We came down
The rivers and highways
We came down from
Forests and falls

We came down from
Carson and Springfield
We came down from
Phoenix enthralled
And I can tell you
The names of the Kingdom
I can tell you
The things that you know
Listening for a fistful of silence
Climbing valleys into the shade

for seven years, i dwelt
in the loose palace of exile
playing strange games with the girls of the island
now, i have come again
to the land of the fair, and the strong, and the wise
brothers and sisters of the pale forest
children of night
who among you will run with the hunt?
now night arives with her purple legion
Retire now to your tents and to your dreams
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth
I want to be ready'

Thursday 7 April 2011


The Idiot's Guide To Non Terrestrials

Can't remember who recommended this Alex Collier video so if it was you let me know and I will link to you.

Close Encounters & Other Stories

Battle Los Angeles

After a century of demonising first Martians, then Nazis (who were airlifted into the U.S. with project Paperclip after the war), followed by Communists it seems Hollywood  is back to demonizing non terrestrials with Spielberg's War of the Worlds and Harrison Ford's Cowboys and Aliens with Battle for L.A. which puts forward the idea that it's the corporations that need saving given that nobody trusts the military or the nation state. Give me space invaders any day.

Terence McKenna - Earth Trust

[แด่กองเซ็นเซ่อ] - Censorsh*t

This is a little stroke of genius in the ongoing war of ideas that says gun imagery is lauded while peace and flowers are trivialised. That selling sex in advertising is OK but prostitutes are frowned upon. That excessive materialism is aspirational but ubiquitous poverty is pushed to the margins. That advertising is culturally representative yet failing schools are unimportant.

Manly P. Hall & The Pyramids

If the pyramids had been washed away during the great floods and were an article of legend like Atlantis they would have been consigned to inconsequential and mythical status. People would laugh and scoff at something they couldn't touch. Something like Plato's description of Atlantis. A matter for ridicule instead of serious discussion.

The pyramids are the greatest teaser ever. They were built deliberately with part of their task to speak directly through the ages and give people with inquiring minds a chance. So the riddlers can hold their hands up and say we gave you clues. You ignored them and a chance to learn of their unfolding narrative before they reveal themselves. 

Listening to the Manly P. Hall talk above is fascinating as I've reached a sort of half way house on the de-encryption journey. I still don't know it all but like those crop circles I'm beginning to see the rules of engagement.

The Good Arab, The Bad Arab & European Pretensions

Do you mind if I interrupt your Starbucks Coffee and Pret a Manger sandwich for just one moment? Media is war and the longer we continue to allow the glowing screens of corporate controlled media to shape our opinions, inciting us to war where oil is at stake the deeper the pain will be when war arrives at our doorsteps.

A few weeks ago, I watched clueless and well entrenched media talking-head Paxman embarrassing himself on British TV defending Western imperial bombing of Libya and attacking Noam Chomsky for defending pursuit of peace. Where are our Michele Collon's? We don't have them. Instead we prefer to drive our fossil fuel-mobiles stop off for coffee and a sandwich at lunch and pretend that what we consume, be it oil or labour, has no bearing on the rest of the world. What we consume will consume us. Walk away from it or one day you will have to run.

Via Breathing Out Psychedelic Air

Camelot Interviews Jordan Maxwell

The best interview of Jordan Maxwell that I'm pleased to see is inching towards half a illion hits on Youtube. Lovely story about Tom Hanks role in The Da Vinci Code playing the symbolist likely based on a memorable presentation Jordan once made. Also Jordan talks about the use of 'Dawn of a new day' rising sun imagery used by every ideology under the 'sun' including the communist party to Barack Obama and stretching back into history.

Jordan Maxwell & Astro Theology

Jordan Maxwell's life story is extraordinary. His recent interviews are somewhat negative and like listening to a grumbling aunty decrying the futility of it all. After a life of decoding how power is really distributed across the Govcorp spectrum it's easy to understand his pessimism so I've been going back to his earlier work where he just gets on with explaining who does what.

Remarkably for a man of self study his knowledge of the occult, freemasons, religions and philosophy is up to scholarly standard. His ability to quote stuff sometimes seems incongruous with his ability to describe everyday observations where he slips back into pedestrian vocabulary. However when he moves onto darker groups of people who manipulate humans with every tool to hand including pain, media and debt his knowledge is encyclopaedic. You can learn a lot from a man like Jordan Maxwell. He is revered in the whistle blowing community for plugging away on his own for decades under a barrage of personal attacks, broken personal relationships and very very little money.

I'm just listening to another interview of Jordan and he says "you cant understand the second crusade unless you understand the first crusade" and suddenly I'm aware of how little history I really understand. Somebody clone me please. I need more bandwidth.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Alex Collier

I have big question marks about Alex Collier. He makes predictions in this video which undermine his whole presentation. He's also playing to a rapturous crowd desperate for a messianic figure to come and rescue them from the ills of the world and his demeanour is markedly different from later presentations where he seems to have lost the superstar nice guy affectation. However there's still moments in the presentation where he doesn't seem to be bull shitting or..or I'm not quite sure what.

NASA & Astro Theology

If the Nuremberg trials were all about separating the production line workers from the Nazi cream, then Project Paperclip was all about the schizophrenia of smuggling in the top Nazis into the United States to work with Jet Propulsion Laboratories and NASA. Take that Nazi and U.S. military industrial complex shotgun wedding with its SS occult DNA. Splice that black magic gene with occult master Aleister Crowley who was close friends with Jack Parsons of JP Laboratories fame and we have a marriage of unsettling history and destiny. Given that occult obsessed Hitler envied Aleister Crowley's reputation as the most evil man in the world and a reasonable question can be asked of the whole Govcorp complex?

Did occult Nazism win the second world war by stealthy transfer of ideological black magic DNA from the third Reich to create a fourth Reich in the United States? 

Given that Aleister Crowley ordained Jack Parsons as his successor and NASA's obsession with astro theology the answer is uncomfortable. Just don't expect that to appear on a NASA press release or mainstream mass media channel near you. That would interrupt the ball game wouldn't it.

Richard Hoagland not only does a great job of chronicling the history but is particularly talented at pointing out the bewildering number of coincidences on a cosmic scale. His eye for noting synchronised timing and locations between celestial bodies and historic events is unsurpassed. Throw in a little ritual sex magic (and Ron L Hubbard who stole Parsons wife) and it's a piece of history in motion that blows minds.

Feel Your Way (Credo Mutwa)

I recall reading somewhere that it's not what the story brings to you but what the reader brings to the story. It's an important point. There's no point listening to a story teller without being able to suspend disbelief and then, in this instance, only at the end can we make a judgement. One that like the Rubiks cube above I intend to feel my way through.

It seems to me that Credo Mutwa enjoys both being listened to and telling his story. I was delighted to hear an African telling this because it's the Dogon tribe who to my knowledge were the first to talk of an alien visitation to our planet many thousands of years ago. I loved listening to his story of our ability to communicate telepathically before the extra terrestrials taught us how to speak in order that we mine the monatomic gold they need. In the beginning was the word is an important sticking point to me from lots of different areas I'm researching. This includes from evolutionary biology to 3D metamorphic language transformation in the future.

But there's one point where I feel Credo Mutwa is being extraordinarily candid. Homosexuality in Africa is a life threatening persuasion. Africa is broadly speaking deeply homophobic and after his blood and semen extraction by aliens, followed by forced sex, his discovery that he had turned bisexual is both too odd an admission to make and one that is potential harmful to his well being. He reveals this both guardedly and with a soft of shame. It's a small point from the story, but one that is said in the same manner as the rest of his tale. 

There's a few more hours to finish this interview by David Icke and I don't want to formulate any thoughts till the end but the simple fact that I'm continuing is in itself validation of the content so far. David is a fabulous interviewer simply by virtue of letting the man speak. 

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Arizona Wilder

Even if 1% of what Arizona Wilder says is authentic the world is a whole lot different than any of us could conceive. I dont apologise for avoiding traditional fact checking as the volume of content I'm reviewing simply doesn't leave time. To compensate I'm learning to rely on every contextual detail I can draw on and an increasing library of body language, tone and demeanour. 

Half the time wasters have a story that is largely backed up by what I've learned but the 10% disinfo creates a lot of work to figure out things effectively. If there's one comment about Arizona Wilder it feels like her obvious trauma is an explanation for the nature of her story, but that is a vastly different story than being a time waster. I don't believe she is though it's worthwhile reading this account of her story so you can make your own mind up.

The Face of Chinese Consumption

Guangdong 4-year-old Xiao Hao's weight is 60kg. He does not have a hormone imbalance, and below he is taking a nap at his kindergarten. More on the story over at China Smack.

More on this blog from my Bloated China post.

LSD for 80 Straight Days? Thanks @CIA

That's what the CIA did to a human out of curiosity when experimenting with LSD to see what benefits they could achieve for mind control. I can't actually tag this post with Langley in Virginia. Whatcha hiding boys?

Good Morning America (Are you even awake)

What a complete sell out George Stephanopoulis has become. The idealistic and bright young Greek American Democrat of the nineties is now just another paid mouthpiece. 

The only people who believe the 911 Commission report are those who haven't done their homework. Rather than interrogate the hard facts of Jesse Ventura, George insults American people's intelligence by switching to an old comedy clip. Put another way, Jesse Ventura (who has chronic ego issues) points out that the United States is indistinguishable from Nazi Germany and isn't run by traditional political parties and the media feel that comedy clip is more important. How telling.

Ex CIA Exposes CNN Propaganda Machine

This is a must see. The CNN hosts are genuinely outraged when confronted by the truth and are hell for leather toeing the corporate line. Yet there's no question who is on the more solid ground. Props to Michael Scheuer for telling it like it is.

Monday 4 April 2011

Consciousness Sovereignty

Graham Hancock author of Fingerprints of the Gods is a top bloke. However ever since he embarked on a personal odyssey to South America to drink the jungle tea brew of Ayahuasca with South American Shamans his spirituality has sky rocketed and he has become a wonderful ambassador for confronting the ignorance that entheogens are the same as the loosely banded drug term which applies to a pharmacy and heroin. Well worth a listen and of course there's more on DMT and entheogens on this blog if your curiosity is wetted.

My Pointy Head


There's a bunch of stuff I'm in need of doing on this blog. The feed is borked and I don't know exactly how to fix it yet but I will. The other thing is I really want to do more podcasts. I will probably wait till Blogger deliver on their SXSW pledge to refresh everything before I do that so that I don't have to do it twice. In the mean time hang in their and look at my pretty face while I talk some nonsense in my first podcast above  ;)

Exotica Interviews Duncan O'Finionan

I think I'm finally toughening up a little. Only a few months ago I felt guilty about watching the most AWESOME UFO.TV on their Youtube Channel but that's now a feeling from the past. These days I'm shooting hoops with the mind control and demonics crowd. I'm beginning to think what else could possibly throw me a curve ball? It's a little premature to kick back, but I have almost moved on from the WTF stage.

I'm beginning to filter witness interviews between those I don't trust and those I do. Of all the ex military black-ops type interviewees, (apart from WWII gentleman types like Bob Dean) I find Duncan O'Finioan's testimony the most fantastic and the most humble. Also he laughs a fair bit and that's always a good sign in my book. So here you go. Even if it works out for just one person I've done my job (thus far). If the interview by Randy Maugen's Exotica, embedded below isn't Duncan O'Finioan then visit this URL. 

Supersized Consumerism?

Not so long back Morgan Spurlock gained notoriety and acclaim with his award winning documentary Supersize me. His latest venture 'The Greatest Movie Ever Sold' is a powerful satirical documentary of product placement in movies using humour to portray the insidious way that brands have crept into the film making process. Funded by corporate sponsorship in exchange for the opportunity to feature in the movie, Spurlock creates a self referential odyssey of "fame creation" through funding in much the same way that famous for being famous is the critique of the modern X Factor celebrity obsession. 

That ability to brand that moment you thought was entertainment is really an opportunity for brands to intervene and hoover up the "mind sharing moment". Flowers brought to you by Interflora not humans>? Ejaculation facilitated by Durex not love? Oh Hollywood. You prostitute.

Where does brand intervention draw the line? Are we clinging onto old models in our own self interest at the expense of the misery of others as I pointed out in my last post regarding luxury advertising in Beijing? 

Something feels like the cogs are changing. Though not immediately given this movie was produced by Sony Entertainment and highlights that branded material consumerism is having the last laugh and begs the question. Do brands take the piss out of you? Does Morgan think you're an idiot by betting on you paying for the experience to be told so? I think he does.

Sunday 3 April 2011


Popular with Gandhi, Einstein, Herman Hesse and Emerson try to read The Bhagavad Gita as it was written. It's not fiction and it's free online at Google Books.

The Cosmic Midwife


There are two reasons I use the childbirth visual above. The first is a peculiar experience I had which I'll call a transdimensional unity experience whereby everything fell into place and I was aware of the true nature of my individuated conciousness as a baby who is just delivered learns in a startling manner that the womb is no longer the only reality.

The second reason is that I suspect if our species is to experience a leap into higher conciousness we are unlikely to do it fully on our own given the forces of targeted and automated cynicism lined up against us, and that some sort of cosmic midwifery action would be helpful in facilitating the transition. An analysis of the solar system and cosmic events like precession suggests the universe does indeed conspire to facilitate that metamorphosis but I can't help feeling that some last minute external well wishers are also rooting for us.

Stuxnet & Information Warfare

Via @lovepanchgani

Prejudice Throttles Thinking

Some of you may remember that I believe the crop geometry phenomenon to be a stroke of genius in terms of sustainable media communications. It is my assertion that we shouldn't shoot the messenger because they are a helpful and compassionate sign of impending metamorphosis. I suspect that there is a strong connection to and between sacred geometry and the earth's magnetosphere.

The opening scene of this documentary film touched me a little with early 80's film of a crop circle that appeared not to far from my home in Southampton near the city of Winchester on a route I passed hundreds of times between drives between London and Southampton and back again. It seems to chime that here I am 12000 miles away in Bangkok with footage of familiar and evocative scenes reaching out to me from my home town.

The crop circle phenomenon is multi dimensional. It's a portend of things to come. Be it size, shape, pattern, media, symbolism or geometry they work on so many levels from the alchemical to the scientific. They are the antithesis of corporate logos, masonic  signs and the all pervasive relentless pursuit of profit, carnage and power.

This documentary is directed by academy nominated director William Gazecki of whom Roger Ebert said ""There should be a Pulitzer Prize category specifically created so that film makers like Gazecki can be properly recognized.". I hope it triggers some curiosity in you as the rewards for me have been wilder than I could have ever imagined and intellectually the cleanest breath of fresh air since I can remember.

Richard Dolan & Exopolitics

Richard Dolan's talk here is an erudite analysis of the issues we as a species are confronted by with the emerging notion that political interaction is going on between groups of our species and external (or advanced sub-terrain) life forms. Richard is a scholar and brings an academic approach to analysis of the political dynamics. They are more convoluted than one could imagine without some familiarity with the topic and in my view are increasingly as important an event in history as the very emergence of conciousness in man.