Thursday 7 April 2011

Manly P. Hall & The Pyramids

If the pyramids had been washed away during the great floods and were an article of legend like Atlantis they would have been consigned to inconsequential and mythical status. People would laugh and scoff at something they couldn't touch. Something like Plato's description of Atlantis. A matter for ridicule instead of serious discussion.

The pyramids are the greatest teaser ever. They were built deliberately with part of their task to speak directly through the ages and give people with inquiring minds a chance. So the riddlers can hold their hands up and say we gave you clues. You ignored them and a chance to learn of their unfolding narrative before they reveal themselves. 

Listening to the Manly P. Hall talk above is fascinating as I've reached a sort of half way house on the de-encryption journey. I still don't know it all but like those crop circles I'm beginning to see the rules of engagement.