Showing posts with label united states. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united states. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Crocodile Tears of Cameron & Obama

Cameron was first off the starting blocks to sell guns to the petro-monarchies crushing the Arab spring and Obama personally oversees double tap child executions by remote drones. He chooses the victims and watches the kills. He does not watch the double tap kills where the US drone murders the people turning up to assist the victims or attend the victim's funerals. He leaves that to the Camp Lemonier drone operators.

What goes around comes around.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Israeli Lobbyist Calls For False Flag To Start War With Iran

In a recent talk at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Zionist Neoconservative pseudo think tank, Israeli lobbyist Patrick Clawson said that either America or Israel should stage a false flag event in the Persian Gulf to initiate a full-scale war against Iran. Washington DC is chock full of toxic lobbyist warmonger cowards like this working at think tanks and encouraging senseless murder, death and massacres in middle East countries. Read more about his remarks here.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Weather Underground

I understand exactly what Mark Rudd means when he says some knowledge eats away at you day after day. Bernardine Dohrn is a remarkable American human being.

The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live." ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“These are things I am not proud of, and I find it hard to speak publicly about them and to tease out what was right from what was wrong. I think that part of the Weatherman phenomenon that was right was our understanding of what the position of the United States is in the world. It was this knowledge that we just couldn't handle; it was too big. We didn’t know what to do. In a way I still don’t know what to do with this knowledge. I don’t know what needs to be done now, and it’s still eating away at me just as it did 30 years ago.”

— Mark Rudd, former member of the Weather Underground

Underground (Emile De Antonio 1976) - White Middle Class U.S. Revolutionaries

This kind of American Accent doesn't exist so much any more. You can hear it's conciousness. It's a beautiful thing to listen to.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Zbigniew Brzezinski vs Brent Scowcroft On Libya

I have to check my premises for their structural integrity. People are a lot more complex and multidimensional than black and white but I need to be binary on my own conclusion and judgement with respect to who runs the show. 

Brent Scowcroft is going to be the man I*m going to learn a lot more about. Either I'm right and Scowcroft was fantastically unaware of Bush Senior's criminal genius or I'm wrong. The evidence for Bush Sr's mastermind criminal mind I've already blogged and will continue to blog (there's so much, it's more an open hose than a dripping tap). But Scowcroft has just enough credibility in the tiny thin slice I've taken from watching and listening to him for a couple of hours that I'm going to see if I can prove that his judgement is better than mine.

In the meantime here's Brent arguing against a deluded or deceptive Brzezinski (Benghazi was a set up for NATO intervention but you wouldn't know this listening to Zbig) and as history has shown us Scowcroft's caution has been proven to be right. Couple this with his WSJ Op-Ed where he declared Bush Jr's war on Iraq was unwise and I think he's got just enough credibility and integrity to let me believe there's no way he could have stood by Bush Sr if he knew how criminal the man really is. Unfortunately if I'm wrong, Scowcroft is a criminal and if I'm right Scowcroft isnt' very astute. But that doesn't mean I don't respect him right now. Complex isn't it?

Brent Scowcroft was George HW Bush's National Security Advisor. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Conversation With Brent Scowcroft - Council On Foreign Relations

Brent Scowcroft confirms my view that he's not instrumental in some kind of CIA Mormon Mafia and that he's not as smart as his reputation might suggest in this video conversation. 

That doesn't mean he's not interesting. Aside from having a solid gold elite career as a Trilateralist, National Security Advisor, Kissinger Associates and of course Council on Foreign relations his reputation is good. He fought with the really bad elements of the Bush administration (and eventually fell out with Bush Father and Son over a WSJ Op-Ed advising no Iraq invasion) so his well respected reputation is in some respects deserved and interestingly he was chosen by Obama to choose his national security team, a classic Obama bipartisan move. I'd say Scowcroft is like Jimmy Carter; half unwitting shoe-in, half intelligent and half decent. In the scheme of US politics this is as good as it gets.

His marbles are reasonably well together for his age. He is fairly coherent and has a good recall of his time in office during this interview despite being 80ish. He is pictured above in front of Gerald Ford and with Kissinger. This was when all the Neocons moved into the Whitehouse and was a fascinating time for ponerology or the study of evil.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Saturday 8 September 2012

The Increasingly Creepy American Political Mirror

I just think there's a sickness when both sides are unable to see the lies that their heroes are capable of. Worse is that the broken promises Obama has made will most be felt when he's out of office. They're freedom and liberty issues that are baked in Nazi oven think tanks and secret societies. He might not use those laws but do you think the GOP are less inclined to use military arrests?

Friday 7 September 2012

Mitt Romney's Mom

The video keeps getting removed so make your mind up if you're interested to watch it now. 

Yesterday I was reminded that most politicians in Washington have sexual scandal being used to blackmail them. I originally  heard it in some MKULTRA interviews but the content was so shocking I didn't want to quote it but yesterday was a pretty tame interview that made it clear that the allegations are true.

Why do I mention this? Well because Mitt gives me the creeps. Whatever it is he's interested in it's not the well being of normal people and I sense there's a different agenda that pushes him to do things that no decent person could ignore.

But all said and done his Mom comes across as a decent person. However, I also read earlier that his father George Romney was heavily involved with CIA MK ULTRA.

This is not an endorsement for Democrats. Both sides are owned by Wall Street.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Noam Chomsky - Haiti, Honduras - History of US Rule in Latin America

Some people criticize Chomsky for not talking about 9/11 being an inside job. All I know is he taught me all I need to know about how power works and from there I figured out the rest. I don't mind if 9/11 isn't that important for him. I do mind that 5 1/2 million people died in the 2nd Congo War and I didn't know it was going on. I feel angry that I was only interested in my own fun to keep an eye on the largest amount of deaths since the second world war. And I consider myself informed and have been an information junky for decades now.

Did you know that Haiti was the crown jewel of the Caribbean before the US inflicted its revenge on the country for rebelling against slavery?

Saturday 1 September 2012

Al Jazeera - Goddam Conspiracy Theories Wont Go Away

Poor old Western media and poor old United States. So steeped in mendacity the people are completely divided and nobody knows what the truth is any more. The Conspiracy Theory 'expert' Kathryn Olmsted actually says "when you believe the President of the United States is not legitimate.....then why should you believe anything the Government says?".

Exactly Kathryn, unfortunately everyone in this studio wouldn't get a salary if they held a contrary view.

This is a brilliant piece of media and cultural analysis of U.S. dysphoria. The media have crafted the art of petty and trivial division so deeply they now congregate to take comfort from each other that the whispers are not true. 

Ha fucking ha.

Incidentally nobody says the emperor has no clothes and points out that colonialism is a bad thing and that's the end of D'Souza. But the reality is that for America, colonialism is a great thing because it's perpetual war economy around the globe props up the fiction that it the spreader of democracy instead of the most resource greedy, wasteful, toxic, bloody and immoral entity on the planet. 

Nobody can discuss the conspiracy that colonial wars are the lifeblood of the US economy. Nobody can say that D'Souza is vile and so are his attackers. 

The United States of talking heads.

Saturday 25 August 2012

US State Department's Asshole Visibly Tightens Under Professional Journalism Pressure

Wow. Check out the journalist actually doing a professional job and watch the professional liar at the State Department closely. Just like her mouth, her asshole is visibly tightening under real journalistic questioning. Nice one sir.

Monday 20 August 2012

THE Praetorian Guard | John ''Bob'' R. Stockwell - former CIA case officer (1979)

We all owe John Stockwell a great debt. Unable to continue the CIA corruption he committed economic suicide and professional destruction by quitting the CIA and sharing with the outside world what the CIA was doing wrong - organised criminals. Normally the controlled media would leap at the chance of portraying a handsome and principled American as heroic which indeed he is but that's not possible in a corporate for profit media culture.

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) Major (Ret.) John R. Stockwell, former CIA case officer and former CIA Angola Station Chief who served 12 years in CIA introduces the documentary made about him by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Saul Landau. The movie has been shown in several film festivals around the world and on TV in many countries; but the U.S. networks, including PBS, refused to show it. Consequently, our showing provides its American premiere. Next, we look at segments of three weeks' coverage by the TV networks of the situation concerning the Russian troops in Cuba, interspersed with John's comments. Finally, John gives his evaluation of Cuba, having recently visited there three times, and his arguments against the CIA. The program was designated "tonight's highlight" by the Austin American-Statesman and evoked much discussion. During his career in CIA -- John was also high ranking member of United States National Security Council (NSC). 

John R. Stockwell served 7 tours of duties in: Ivory Coast (1966-1967), Zaire (1967-1969), Burundi (1969-1972), Vietnam (1973-1975), Angola (1975-1976).

Documentary Copyright 1978
Recorded October, 1979

¤ John R. Stockwell

CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II

An excellently produced documentary that is interesting I think even to the lay person. 

There's a young Amy Goodman of Democracy Now who has always impressed me with her grasp of South East Asia affairs although her 9/11 denial makes her a left gatekeeper. 

She explains the E. Timor deal lucidly here.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Naomi Wolfe On The Corporate Media NDAA Silence

The Nazi Enabling Act of March 1933 is in many respects the same as the U.S. NDAA act signed over new years eve by Mr Obama to conceal it from the American people. The corporate media are controlled when it comes to critical issues and so it was ignored but we've been pointing out that people are in danger. Now obviously if you're sipping on the Obomney Kool Aid it's preposterous that essential liberties are in danger but between you and I, most people are already too intimidated by the American secret police and associated spying organs to stand up and even ask honest questions. They're scared to find out, and as a result they're now badly informed.

From my tropical hidey hole, I'm not and so you don't get too many chances to listen to a grown up explain it so listen to Naomi Wolfe. You'd be mad to trust the corporate controlled media. These are crucial times and there's a lot holograms around the most basic trusted foundations of ordinary life. Question, question, question.

Will The United States Ignore Hans Blix On Nukes Again?

If I was American and undecided about Iranian nuclear weapons and waging war on them this interview is a highly intelligent and sympathetic to the United States world view of the matter. Hans Blix is a diplomat of the highest quality. I'm much more aggressive when addressing the US and this is softer, kinder and ultimately more effective analysis. It's the latest thinking on the matter at an international diplomatic level. Essential listening for those who don't follow these important matters.

Saturday 18 August 2012

MEK Terrorists Being Trained On US Soil

Iranian terror group MEK are lobbying US politicians with tens of thousands of dollars and persuading Americans with Israeli funded advertising to take MEK off the terrorist list as they are against the current Iranian leadership. This is a really bad, short term thinking idea.

CIA & DEA Drug Trafficking In Honduras

Unable to arrest the CIA architects of drug smuggling, the DEA shoot and kill two pregnant women in Honduras thinking this is a good way to control the cocaine addiction of the US. 

As usual the guns and arms go to the right wing military who are connected to the drug trade, and the left wing leadership trying to push through land reforms are deposed with the coup leaders getting State Department backing. 

An excellent documentary from Al Jazeera. Tough watching in parts.

Have Iran, US & Israel Ever Been Allies

It's true that in the mid eighties (and according to Michael Ruppert from the mid 70's) the US was selling arms to Iran through Israel in the Iran Contra scandal so the answer is yes but from time to time I come across information that says the Iranian theocracy is Western intelligence assets because they keep the facade going. I'm going to tag this under conspiracy theory because unlike straight forward conspiracy/corruption I just don't know what level the game is here. It's worth watching and there's even an appearance from an ONI intelligence officer called Jonathan Pollard who is in solitary after giving information to Israel. What caught my eye is that even Netenyahu can't spring him from prison which tells me he's not as powerful as we all think.

As ever, thoughts and feedback on this one appreciated.

U.S. Training of MEK Terrorists At Site 12 In Nevada Desert

The Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK) are the terrorists murdering Iranian scientists. How do you feel about that? Is it more important than the VP pick obsessing the United States of Triviality?

Journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Bush administration secretly trained an Iranian opposition group on the State Department's list of foreign terrorists. Hersh reports the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command trained operatives from Mujahideen-e-Khalq, or MEK, at a secret site in Nevada beginning in 2005. According to Hersh, MEK members were trained in intercepting communications, cryptography, weaponry and small unit tactics at the Nevada site up until President Obama took office. The MEK has been listed as a foreign terrorist groups since 1997 and is linked to a number of attacks, spanning from the murders of six U.S. citizens in the 1970s to the recent wave of assassinations targeting Iranian nuclear scientists. Hersh also discusses the role of Israeli intelligence and notes the Obama administration knew about the training, "because they have access to what was going on in the previous administration in this area, in terms of the MEK, in terms of operations inside Iran." His new report for The New Yorker blog, "Our Men in Iran?," comes as nuclear talks are set to resume this week between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency.