Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts

Friday 5 June 2020

Reader's comment. Opinions welcome 👍

I saw this video myself, came across it online and I have seen a few of the guys other videos throughout the lockdown, not sure what to make of the guy himself, he seems a little slick but what he’s saying is certainly hitting home and his content is factual. There is 100% a script the leaders are are following globally they all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet, this is not surprising considering the last 2 decades and more have been spent overthrowing governments, intalling central banks and puppet governments in all countries which were not cabal controlled. Has the goal of ‘one world government’ already been achieved? Probably, if not they are not far off now but they like to give the impression we have independent countries and leaders. The… I watched the 5pm boris briefing yesterday and was surprised to hear him say he will be working closely with bill Gates at a vaccine summit and they will be delivering vaccines to Africa firstly.

[09:41, 04/06/2020]: This means they are now beginning the vaccine narrative again and using the 3rd world as a starting point to administer them, which is what they have always done, start where they will get the least resistance. The question is what’s in the vaccine?? I believe this is where it ties in to the luciferian agenda, I believe there will be a dna changing substance and nanotechnology which will allow us to be lit up inside and tracked by the 5g tech but also begin to connect us to the tech and AI changing our body’s making us gender less and allowing our brains to be manipulated and susceptible to thoughts and emotions recieved. We will basically be controlled our thoughts and behaviours more easily controlled over time.

[10:14, 04/06/2020] : When it comes to the are they human question I feel they are probably not. I think there is a vampiric consciousness that understand how to harness and harvest energy. I think the forces that control this reality use our energy and feed of it to manifest their false reality. So many things are set up to harvest energy, religions, music, media, large scale events like music festivals are set up in such a ritualistic way to harvest energy from the crowds even cinemas are set up in this way. They don’t care what religion you follow as long as you follow and give your energy to one of them, they don’t care wether you cheer or boo for a cause just that you do it strongly and passionately and I believe it’s the same thing with this pandemic and the riots, thes…

[10:15, 04/06/2020] : Don’t let outside forces manipulate and control you. This is still possible, hard but possible, the moment we allow ourselves to be connected to AI it will become impossible as we won’t be in control of our own thoughts and emotions which is why they want it so badly. Just my two pence worth.

[19:24, 04/06/2020] Charles Edward Frith: can i publish this post? I'll keep it anonymous. it's great #writing 👍

Thursday 6 February 2020

Blue Collar Boom

Nancy Pelosi sucks her teeth for nearly an hour and a half.

2020 won't be a knife edge election.

it will be vindication for the righteous and annihilation for the marlarky tyn-pot dictators (sic).

Saturday 30 November 2019

Trump & Black People

There are many reasons to be critical of POTUS, but domestic racism is not one of them. Do your homework if you still believe otherwise. Start with the above and then work your way through the Whitehouse video channel on Youtube.

Reality requires research not opinions. Those can be found in the fake news corporate media.

Sunday 14 July 2019

Alex Acosta Resigns

If Donald Trump hadn't hired Alex Acosta as Labour secretary, the media would have buried the Epstein News.

Monday 17 June 2019

Trump on Form For Prison Reform

The US prison system is designed around locking up black people. They have been targeted by the CIA, Hollywood Rap Culture and the judiciary. The only person to work on this problem is Donald Trump.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Bill Smith

Excellent analysis. I too sense that Pence is a despicable person.

I'll elaborate when time permits.

Friday 25 January 2019

Trackdown : 1950's TV Series & Trump Synchronicity

There's a lot of weird synchronicity/foreshadowing when it comes to Trump. I can't explain it or ignore it.

Thursday 1 November 2018

NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein - The Global Child-Rape Blackmail Network

Part One of this interview is available over here, but it was part two that really drops some knowledge bombs on the child rape network and specifically his dealings with POTUS during their crossover careers in New York.

Rothstein says the things that a lot of people who are triggered by Trump, can't process. That is, he knows exactly what is going on and more importantly what he can choose to say that plays into his enemies hands.

Although most of this two part interview is about US child rape networks, Detective Rothstein adumbrates the involvement of the Profumo affair in the United States.

Friday 19 October 2018

Nine Eleven // KSA

I believe there are good people on left and right who seek truth. 

They may disagree how to spend the money (spoils), but it's only the theorists asking troubling questions such as, who prints said money? 

It follows that....

Lift the veil

Thursday 18 October 2018

Did Donald Trump Just Cut Off A Finger Belonging to Jeff Bezos?

It's a gruesome story but let's never forget that all sides in the power game are quite capable of genocide, arms deals and burning the skin off infants to hold onto power. 

Seven minutes of torture followed by death, is a small price to pay for warning off another gang. A small price not for normal people like us, who eschew the corruption and depravity that goes with power but small in international geopolitical history.

We need to acknowledge that a Saudi Arabian coup took place when Trump took office and that his faction represented by MBS (now sometimes known as Muhammed Bone Saw) subsequently assumed full power in the KSA from his father King Salman, who is suffering from dementia. MBS then allegedly hung his cousin Prince Alwaleed upside down and had him beaten, before releasing him three months later.

Now we cut to Donald Trump who is being taunted and daily abused by the the fake news corporate media. The most intense hatred is from the Deep State Washington Post, owned by the worlds richest man in modern history, Jeff Bezos, who also has a secretive juicy contract for cloud services from the CIA.

Cue the arrival on scene of Jamal Kashoggi. A Saudi Dissident, Deep State Operative and Washington Post apologist for Saudi Arabia while also criticising the new heir to the throne, MBS. In many ways a decent sort of man and the perfect patsy to send a signal (or a severed finger) to the deep state, fake news media and last but not least Jeff Bezos.

However, when I say decent, I don't mean decent like you or I. JK lived off the cream of dirty money, war and oppression like they all do at the top. He may have been mild mannered and earnest in some respects but his life was gilded by the very worst of connections.

Jamal was the cousin of Princess Diana's murdered boyfriend Dodi Fayed. The nephew of Mossad handler and Billionaire Iran-Contra arms and drug dealer Adnan Kashoggi.

The same Adnan Kashoggi who also sold his 280ft yacht to none other than Donald Trump.

We know from QAnon that Trump was behind the ascendance of MBS and so it follows that if he takes the rap for taking out one of Trump's Muslim Brotherhood/Globalist enemies while sending a signal to Jeff Bezos, it would be a small price for luring Jamal Kashoggi to the Saudi Consul in Ankara for divorce paper procedures, restraining him on a table and dissecting his fingers off before beheading him while still alive, so Turkey's Intelligence services could record it all (normal spying procedure in Consuls and Embassies) and send a loud message around the world that you don't mess with the Donald or his puppets in Saudi.

This is a more solid explanation than the whining from the fake news presstitutes, who prefer to finger-point than ask the important question why?

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but it needs fingers to hold it.

Update: Jeff Bezos’ texts to Lauren Sanchez reportedly include nude pics .

Sunday 7 October 2018

Deep State Kavanaugh

It's just extraordinary that instead of going for real facts about the new Supreme Court judge's  record of lying, the left are so gullible, they snap up salacious claims aimed squarely at the credulous.

In an honest world it would be widely understood that Vince Foster was murdered and the Clintons covered it up and may even have been involved in ordering it.

It's impossible to know what's really going on at this level, but we can assume that Kavanaugh knows where the bodies are buried. 

Whether that makes him good or bad has nothing to do with what will next happen.

Monday 30 July 2018

NXIVM, Stormy Daniels, Eric Schneiderman, Huma Abedin & Anthony Weiner

Consumers of mainstream media narratives will be oblivious to the extraordinary furore kicking off on the internet at the moment.

These are precarious times as the cesspit of Hollywood's obsession with child rape, sex trafficking and so forth is bursting like a fetid boil all over the chans, twitter, youtube etc. although very little on Facebook.

We've seen the misdirection in the past for whistleblowers of the dark side, and the use of honey pots to distract and scoop up additional victims, so while I'm not particularly invested in this video testimony, (I've known for years how it now works) I can share that Ben Szemkus' body language has been analysed and he has also passed a lie detector test.

Update: Troubling Questions about Ben Szemkus.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Trump's Derangement

The same media that howls at every Trump move will applaud this and the left and the right and QAnon will join in. 

Monday 2 July 2018

Why The Media Can't Prove QAnon Is A Conspiracy Theory

Regime change in Iran sounds exactly like the anti-semitic Zionist-Neocon agenda all over again that has failed in Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.

I have met Iranians who told me they hate their government. 

It's just not the US Military's problem when we know who were the key players in 9/11 were-not-was, and who dominates US political discourse.

Focus on arresting Hillary and Obama and a few child abusing Luciferians, and then you can use your soft power if you wish in Iran.

I believe QAnon should deliver concrete results at home before aping the toxic AIPAC agenda, that dominates Trump and most QAnontards, who haven't learned that QAnon as fighter-for-the-people is just another Daddy issue for U-mans who haven't learned to grow up themselves, and take responsibility for their beliefs.

The Messiah Complex has been well documented over thousands of years.

That said, I have no doubt that QAnon is connected to the Oval office, militarily or otherwise.

In this respect the media have checkmated themselves in a very unusual endgame.

The more they cry conspiracy, the more stupid they look if not-one reporter will ask Trump what his connection to Q is.

The one thing the media never do, is ask the right question.

But this time they may have no option.

Your move. 

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Before & After | Mickey Rourke (Photoshoot)

I've enjoyed Mickey Rourke's work. 

Here he looks coked-up & belly full of bravado and a little more beaten up (exiting, not) entering the night club.

But still a party boy after all the excitement.

What do you think?

 I'm receptive to feedback.