Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Neil Kramer - Detaching From The Construct (We're Just Cabling Otherwise)

An excellent forty minutes with Neil Kramer on the toxicity of broadcast media pollution and how a movement to integrity starts with self and not on the outside. The construct has only one purpose. To disempower you with negativity or feelings of inferiority through images of superlatives, superiority and confusion. That's pretty much it.

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Turin Shroud & Religious Manipulation

Update: We've known since April that the Turin shroud has marks we cannot duplicate with any technology today and so the question the savvy Vatican watcher should be asking is 'Why are they spinning it now?' and 'What's the agenda'. My interpretation is that it fits into their pseudo spiritual harvesting of Catholic mindshare should we face impending volatile times. To repeat this news officially now is a trigger for the sheep to turn to the Vatican in times of despair. The interview embed is not working so I will find an alternative to repost but you can listen to the original at Red Ice Radio and read what I wrote in April below.

This double interview might be a little heavy. I'm not sure I fully get Nigel Kerner's harvesting of souls hypothesis completely and his interview style is quite hard as it swings between fabulously complex and then lots of 'if you see what I mean'. Or maybe it's just a simple premise of Grey aliens harvesting souls and that they are lower down the food chain of conciousness and thus more of a warning than a threat if taken pragmatically as omens of technology fetishism.

However it's the Andrew Silverman part that kicks in around 15-20 minutes that blew me away. He takes us through the solid scientific evidence that the Turin Shroud wrapped a dead man who shone momentarily brighter than the sun and left the mark of his body imprinted against the cloth as if the cadaver lit up a like nuclear flash gun for a nano second. That in itself is worth listening to and there's loads more juicy science that the shroud is likely to have wrapped someone who bears fistfuls of biblical evidence similar to the story of Jesus Christ.

But then Andrew continues with a story that segues into quantum physics where he rightly points out that mind manifests matter and not the other way round. That's why the Schroedinger cat thought experiment is not just a fanciful brain game but important to understanding who we are. Then Andrew takes that thinking back to the big bang and draws the fairly robust correlation that if our conciousness is from the same source than we are in fact one and that our earthly incarnation is but a test for us to figure that out. 

I'm with him on this one as all my research from entheogens to learning about Pandeism from @pandeism on Twitter has revealed to me that this is both intellectually, psychedelically and emotionally resonant. It's the most important learning I ever came across and it seems there are many ways to scale the peak of that mountain with this podcast being an excellent example.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Neil Kramer - Cognitive Dissonance & Mapping Negative Polarity

James Gilliland interviews Neil Kramer. It's grown up stuff ranging from spirituality to the fragility of introducing dangerous information to comfort zone minds. Nobody thanks your for rewiring their reality to something that is more faithful. It's a fresh upload for those who follow his work.

Friday 30 December 2011

Ben Breedlove's Parting Gift

Teenager Ben Breedlove died a couple of days ago, but not before sharing his near death experiences to Youtube. I've been quite lucky to learn as best as is possible to know that we're eternal specks of conciousness and that we incarnate on this planet to learn lessons that we chose to experience.

When Steve Jobs had his Oh Wow moment just before his death I knew exactly what he was referring to and I thought it was interesting that a very public death would give a hint that the cultural programming we've been bombarded by since the Council of Nicea (at least) is coming to an end because if you do the right research the scientific data is very supportive, the entheogenic experience was for me an epiphany, and most of all you should learn who knows this information, and why they don't want you to know that energetically you are infinite.

It's an extraordinarily valuable thing to learn that dying is nothing to fear because paradoxically we start living so much more fully. This information is well known in certain ancient and dark circles very well and it is one that very powerful players have had and continue to have a vested interest in keeping the unaware in the dark.

This information is reaching public conciousness right now through the likes of Steve Jobs and Ben Breedlove's million views so far on Youtube because as Bob Dylan sang.

The times, they are a changing.

It's up to you what you do with the information. 

Look at Ben's smile when he talks about the important bit of the experience. That's real.


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Neil Kramer - Goodbye To The Zero Years

Neil Kramer reiterates here the historical sequestering of conciousness by empire over peaceful groups for millennia. For example the Roman devastation of the British Druids, the Vatican's killing and persecution of so called witches. Then there's the slaying of the Gnostics and the Mesoamerican cultures of South America to the present day painting of reality through Hollywood and corporate media via Capitol building modelled on the Holy See. These justify obscene wars abroad while protecting the lifestyle of a comparatively small and wealthy population at home that by removing the peoples of conciousness while expanding materialist needs, crowbars a disconnect between humans to each other.

When Mao Zedong took Peking, the first people he drove out were the fortune tellers and mystics. But not before he had his hand force-read, over which a terrified sage correctly predicted the age at which he would die. 

The elites know how to sequester conciousness. Over and again irrespective of ideology or geography they have attacked the same groups of spiritual and non materialist people. That should be every reason for considering what it is that elites have had to fear from these groups, and is it connected to their hold over us?

Update: A book detailing the charges I make has just been published echoing my sentiment here and in other posts on hidden Vatican wealth:

Throughout his book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, Mr Buddy Page, aka Seven Star Hand, presents verifiable proof that ancient sages and prophets opposed religion and wisely never trusted religious leaders. In fact, they participated in a very long-term and well-orchestrated sting-operation against religion and purposefully hid vital secrets from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. Mr. Page has been tasked to complete an ages-old sting operation against religious leaders and the rich and powerful. As the direct result, both religious and political leaders have panicked and acted strangely and foolishly. The precise reasons have been well hidden from most behind layers of misdirection.

The ancient sages and prophets employed a body of symbolized wisdom encoded within well-known symbols and symbolic narratives, and passed down through the ages by a long series of sages, prophets, and like-minded groups and individuals. They purposely used religion and religious canons as the conduit to transmit encoded proof of religious lies throughout the ages. For most of the last two millennia, Christian Rome oppressed and terrorized myriad souls for trying to understand the truth about ancient symbols and what they have always encoded about human existence. Now that this long dark game has been exposed to the bright light, religious leaders and their rich cohorts have been working overtime to distract and misdirect from proof that their age-old con-game is exposed.

Seven Star Hand demonstrates proof that the details of this ancient sting-operation were always protected by a series of enlightened individuals and secretive groups who were experts with ancient symbols, all awaiting a very specific future time, hence now. Conversely, religious leaders and their rich and powerful cohorts have gone to great lengths to oppose, confound, and misdirect any efforts that sought to reveal the truth and wisdom encoded within ancient symbols, the symbolism within their canons, and alluded to by the heavily symbolic ancient mysteries. As history and current events have shown us, top religious leaders fear the truth about religion and go to great lengths to prevent widespread knowledge of any evidence exposing pivotal foundational lies.

Ancient symbols, and the profound wisdom they encode, are also a pivotal focus of Freemasonry. This provides insights into why those involved in similar esoteric endeavors over the centuries were so violently opposed by Christian Rome and why Freemasonry is still feared (and smeared...) by the Vatican and cohorts. Though Seven Star Hand is not a Freemason, his research proves that religious assertions about Freemasonry are mostly well-orchestrated lies and purposeful misdirection meant to prevent most people from gaining any true insights into ancient symbols and the associated wisdom. Earlier articles and releases explore proof of this reality in great detail.

Throughout the history of Christian Rome and its proxy-kingdoms, empires, and leaders, we saw them target numerous so-called heretic and pagan groups, which often included entire populations. From the outset of Christianity, through the early centuries, through Medieval Europe, the various Crusades, the Inquisition, and much more, one blood-soaked thread runs throughout the pogroms, massacres, crusades, and extended periods of religiously inspired oppression and war. Christian Rome has been desperately afraid of people learning the truth about the symbolism of the ancients that also permeates the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham. They have always known that the lies at the core of these religions were completely exposed to anyone that grasps what the ancient symbols have always encoded.

Insights into ancient symbols, and the wisdom they have always encoded, is why groups like the Essenes, Gnostics, Druids, Cathars, Templars, and others were targeted for extermination by Rome. It is also why Jews were targeted as a group from the outset of Christianity and why Islam is a repeated target. It is why symbols and symbology have been labeled as evil, the occult, heresy, blasphemy, and any other slur required to scare people away from learning the truth. Any individual or group that gained true insights into the meaning of ancient symbols was always targeted by Christian Rome or its proxies, and now by the Vatican and its cohorts. 

Even the present Vatican has been desperately struggling to prevent most people from ever understanding the whole truth about ancient symbols, but especially stars and angels, and the profound disproof and insights they encode about pivotal ancient mysteries and religious claims. Their behavior towards the Dead Sea Scrolls is only one recent example. The Vatican's fear of what the discovery of the Dead Seas Scrolls represented was clearly well founded. Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols describes some simple yet devastating facts about the symbolism employed by the burial of the Dead Sea Scrolls in exactly 11 caves during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar and its purposeful relationship to star symbolism. This and other long-hidden secrets decisively disprove Christian assertions about the source of the Book of Revelation, and expose numerous deceptive changes made by the early Christian leaders.

As mentioned earlier, the ancient sting operation also focused on the rich and powerful and the ages-long illicit relationship with religious leaders, but most especially with Christian Rome and now the Vatican. Ancient prophecies like Isaiah and Revelation leave little doubt that exposing and ending the excesses of the rich and powerful were a vital focus of the ancient saints and prophets. As explored in the article Money is Slavery by Proxy, the close marriage between religion, money, and governance/politics stretches back for millennia to ancient Babylon. History also shows that control of the source of money and religion were still tightly wed in ancient Rome, later in Christian Rome, and now in the Vatican. Discussions of usury and financial fraud are found throughout the Hebrew texts. Even the New Testament speaks of the "money-changers in the temple" as one of the primary grievances against the Romans leading up to the Jewish revolts against them.

One of the great secrets of our modern world revolves around the Vatican's great wealth, the Vatican Bank, and why world leaders maintain such close ties to this obscenely rich and opulent ancient city-state. Solving that mystery and exposure of this most explosive of long-hidden secrets has been an important component of the ancient sting operation. In short, Rome has had control of the source of money in its empire since the time of Imperial Rome, and they never lost it. In other words, Rome has been hiding a secret central bank for centuries. 

Over the last century, they and cohorts extended the banking system secretly controlled by the remnants of ancient Rome to the entire planet. All central banks like the Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank, and the Bank of England are tied into a secret bank hidden by proxies like the Rothschild Family. Thereby, the secret central bank of Planet Earth is hidden by the Vatican and its primary cohorts. This is precisely how it was done in ancient Rome and throughout the past two millennia. Now that same secret and illicit merger between central banks and top religious institutions is finally exposed for the world to see.

The other important component of the ancient sting operation has been to solve the ancient symbolic mysteries and prove that these religions are purposeful deceptions. In this way, it can be shown that the Vatican and world leaders have been struggling to hide the fact that these religions and the global financial system are secretly controlled from Rome through a series of proxies. Both religion and money are great deceptions used to deceive and manipulate the entire planet. World leaders are knowingly involved in this deception and that is why they show such deference to the Vatican. Exposure of this great secret is also behind recent moves by the US Congress and President Obama to pass the SOPA and NDAA legislation. World leaders and those that pull their strings from the shadows are now between a rock and hard place and have been acting strangely and foolishly as the result.

Now reconsider the correct phrasing of the story about turning over the money changers tables. It should have said; turning the tables on the money-changers in the temple. Now the tables have been turned and religious, monetary, and political leaders are desperately scrambling in numerous ways to avoid facing truth, justice, and the ire of the entire planet

Monday 19 December 2011

Why Does Thinking About Reality Shut Down Homo Materia?

Lovely interview with Neil Kramer here addressing why the present reality construct is wired to incentivise people not to think about what is real or not and instead seek comfort in shopping and material acquisitions or cling on to their work irrespective of the morality of it or the unhappiness it creates.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The Observer & The Observed, The Dreamer & The Dream. They Are The Same Thing.

If you dig about to find what's going on in quantum mechanics (it's not physics baby) and then read and listen around to thinkers in spiritual mysticism or shamanism or whatever metaphysical framework you want to call it; they are saying the same thing. 

There's a dark side with these matters too as any Satanic dabbler can share. The white coat laboratory Freemasons at CERN wont tell you they're punching holes into other dimensions without a clue of what they might be letting in through the back door but that's their very well paid agenda. There are ways to discover the basics by going inside (the Kingdom of heaven is within you) and this podcast interview of Neil Kramer by Occult of Personality Greg Kaminski covers the positive ways you can dissolve the illusion of separation, that to be candid, we all chose to incarnate into for this particular game show.

It's top notch subatomic to universal-mechanics FAQs and peace of mind. Conciousness is probably the least understood and largest subject one can imagine. Pun intended.

Update: If you don't have time watch the clip below for the condensed argument. It's not just good. It's exciting.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Dark Knight Rises On Wall Street

In the future art and life will merge into a single stream of creation

Sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from the highest forms of spirituality. They are indeed the same thing.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Eduard Albert Meier Is An Anagram For "Bearded Time Ruler"

Terrific documentary on 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier by Michael Horn. I started to pay his story a bit more attention recently when I learned of the disinformation efforts paid to his story by the usual alphabet agencies of the Anglo American empire. I know of some good researchers who have fallen for this but there's enough in this documentary including neuro linguistic programming analysis to verify that what he is saying is the truth though of course there's always the chance that some of what he was told may not be accurate or open to interpretation. Even if you don't like the topic of Ufology this documentary is the story of a man who as far as I can recall has no competition in the category of most interesting life. Seriously. This is one interesting dude.

Here's the blurb: How one man's meetings with extraterrestrials lead him through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders including Saddam Hussein and later revealing ancient prophecies that would eventually come true. In 1958 he predicted the Iraq Wars, Global Warming and even the AIDS epidemic. You will be captivated by how "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier became known in his early years as "The Phantom," (a real life combination of Indian Jones, Han Solo and Lawrence of Arabia), who carried a 44 Magnum and apprehended serial killers and mass murderers. Meier's life story is an enigmatic journey that ultimately culminates with him becoming the messenger for an advanced race of ET beings know as the Plejaran. 

Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, the people have been asleep, and we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for all of mankind. In his later years Meier stumped hundreds of skeptics with his clear UFO photographs, film footage and sound recordings of Plejaran "Beam Ships," all taken and recorded in broad daylight. Exotic metal samples he received from the extraterrestrials according to scientists, remain to this day, irreproducible. So decide for yourself if it's all a hoax, and if so, then ask yourself, why has Meier been the target of 21 assassination attempts? Could it be that the message that humanity so desperately needs to hear is not welcome by many of our world leaders? Discover why this, the most controversial UFO case in history has endured and remained alive in the face of intense skepticism for over 50 years. You can follow Michael Horn's blog on the subject over here.

Update: This was a reply to me in a forum. It is well worth reading.

Posted by: DNA
On: 7th November 2011 12:18

A member of the intelligence community sent this letter to Wendelle Stevens and Wendelle put the letter in the "UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLIEADIES" book. I think it is very telling. I believe Wendelle, and I believe this letter is authentic. Folks have to factor in the disinfo when looking at the whole Meier story and no one wants to do that. By being lazy, folks play right into the hands of the PTB. You can't discount volumes of informaiton because you find a few false entries. Especially when a multimillion dollar intelligence community is tasked with discrediting it. 

Contact from the Pleiades



Wendelle C. Stevens

Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)

Care of:

GENESIS 3 Publishing Inc

P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park.AZ 89017

Dear Mr Stevens

A friend of mine, Tom Farr, dropped off a copy of MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADES. I found it very Interesting. Tom had previously given me another book about Billy Meier, which was also interesting.

The following is information you might find interesting. The American Government did what could be called an extensive soft touch investigation of Billy, when he first attracted public attention to himself, to find out if the contact was in fact for real. The Decision was in his favor. It was extensive investigation, because of the unusual features in Billy´s case.

Billy, as an individual, and a citizen of another country, had an American intelligence gathering organization look him over from ass hole to appetite. He passed the inspection rather well, but has not gone off the deep end, as predicted by the personality profile done on him. It of course goes without saying that he had the intelligence gathering community of his own country look him over.

The American investigation was of the light touch vanity (forfenglighet), meaning use no force, make no scars, and leave no traces of the investigation. Which is to say play tourist, pack a camera, and take a lot of pictures, tell a lot of lies, and ask a lot of questions. Host countries(vertslandets-) intelligence systems get pissed(lei), if they catch you screwing off on their turf. So do not accuse us of any break-ins, and that type of thing, because it happened back in the days when Billy was in fact liberal with what he gave away. Your book indicates that he has up-graded his record keeping since the early days.

In the other book on Billy there was a big deal about the films, and having them tested. In one specific incident the film tested was believed to be a copy, and not the original negative as Billy thought. Sorry about that. The way we got copies of Billy´s pictures was by paying off the man who handled the film processing for Billy. The man simply ordered a second set of pictures for us, and a second copy of the negatives, at an attractive profit, and the man often had copies made for himself. In a couple of cases we took the original copy of the negative, for the type of lab checks that you wanted to make.

We also sent some garbage film through to the same processing company by the same store, under Billy´s name, to keep the boys doing the film processing honest. We did establish that there was a little hankey pankey going on at the processing plant, and/or in the mail some place. Someone else was getting off with the first copy of the negatives most of the time. Several times, according to the experts, our copy of the negative would be about the fifth one.

All intelligence communities are well aware that vast volumes of bull **** comes and goes in the UFO contactee game, as part of turf(dekke) but pictures make strong evidence, which is almost impossible to fake. Because pictures are the quickest way to find who in fact is telling the truth, they often get stolen. Or, why screw around with the bull ****, when the proof is in the film. The Intelligence gathering people are also aware of how to intercept mail, and bribe (bestikke) store owners. When the bribe was set up we did not know how agreeable Billy was going to be about passing out samples.

In the book you touched on one of the most important of all things about UFO´s, and may not have realized the true importance, to the history of UFOs, in what you said.

Page 219; "The visitor anticipated............and they immediately associated them with the Anti-Christ, of Christian literature and wanted nothing more to do with the situation."

The problem that Billy had with Karl Veit of Wiesbaden, is the key to understanding most of the American Government and Western Europe Government´s approach to UFO´s. In 1945, when it was first proven that UFO´s were real from space, operated by intelligent being, most of whom where human in form, the American Government did a soft touch check to see what the great unwashed public would say, and how the public would respond to UFO´s, and space people, if the President informed the public over National radio.

The results of the investigation would truly frost a thinking mans´ balls. The public´s response was all bad. 97% of the public took one of two approaches. Shoot first and ask questions later. Or call the UFO´S agents of the devil, the prince of the power of the air, the ant-Christ, and set up an even worse situation, where UFOs would became a real negative religious issue. What was surprising was the response of the Religious leadership, which was by far worse than the general public´s response. It could only be called grim news.

The science community showed no leadership at all, just a super case of stupidity, and prejudice.

As you might guess, the original investigations were by military men, under orders from General Marshal, under the direction of the President. And if you know your military men, finding one who wants to get into a fight with the preachers, over what is, or is not the Anti-Christ, when neither the military man, nor the preacher know a hell of a lot of factual information about either the Ant-Christ, or the UFOs, would be a lot like sending a blind person out to spot UFO´s. Just as soon as the blind man spots the first UFO, the military will get into the fight with the preachers over the Anti-Christ.

To say that the military seriously avoided the potential conflict with the religious community would be an understatement. To say that the military community successfully avoided a fight with the religious community over UFOs would be an accurate observation. To say that the military was real damned sneaky (fordømt lusket) about how they informed the public about UFOs, would also be an accurate observation.

The military mind will draw conclusions that the religious mind will not. The military mind quickly figured out that if the UFO´s wanted to take over the world, they had the speed, science, and fire power to do so. Hence, the military concluded UFO´s were working by other rules. The general nature of the rules the individuals in the UFOs would be working under, could be projected, based on previous contact records, however skimpy the records.

In other words, the military figured it was a safe assumption that the UFOs would not radically change their actions in modern times, but would stick with the casual and miss system of the past.

The military mind drew one conclusion. The single most important thing to do in the situation it was in, namely sitting on some hot, highly controversial information, was to keep the general public from a bad response by controlling the public´s response to UFOs. In other words keep that damned religious mentality out of the issues involved, as long as possible.

But, do not ever say that the military never did anything about informing the public about the existence of UFO´s. That will mean you have not figured out the methods used by the Government to spread the word about UFOs. You might say the military took the Bible´s advice about not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

The Military pulled the very same trick that Moses pulled, when he did not like the attitude of his troops, after crossing the Red Sea. He took the time to grow a new batch troops, who´s response and thinking was more to his liking. And that is what the military did about UFO´s.

The military also found a problem as bad, or worse, than the religious mind. Have you have ever noticed, Scientist are about as bad as the preachers, when it comes to UFO´s? Especially in the old days. What you missed is the little detail that Scientist, of the old pre-UFO school, got their basic concept of the Universe from an insane preacher: A Catholic Pope. That basic concept is the idea that man is alone in the Universe, and the only intelligent life in the universe.

Going into the dark ages all societies leaving records, in any amount, left some kind of UFO record. Those that left verbal histories left verbal records of UFOs. In effect it was known prior to the Dark Ages that man was not alone in the Universe, that other intelligent beings were out there screwing around. Even the damned cave and rock drawings show UFO activity.

The Greeks and the Romans also knew that the world was round. The Greeks had even tried to measure the size of the earth using wells and sun light.

The insane Catholic Pope decided that he was the most important thing in the Universe, and that the Universe revolved around him. The basic idea that the world was flat was imposed upon the world by an insane Pope, which in effect made the earth the Center of the universe.. That Pope also expanded on the powers of the Pope, in effect saying that he was not only at the center of the Universe, he was all that was good, smart, and holy at the center of the Universe.

That pope also pitched the idea that man was alone in the Universe. That of course left the Pope the smartest man in the Universe. When the Science-Religion fight of the early science days started, science in general won out. The one idea that the Scientist took from an insane Pope, which they loved as an idea, and used as there very own idea, was the idea that man is alone in the Universe. The idea that man is alone in the Universe, if valid, would the make Scientist the smartest, and best educated beings in the Universe. The Science community´s response to the coming of UFOs, and the possible drop in status from the smartest thing in the Universe, was somewhat worse than the religious communities response to UFOs. UFOs rather obviously, put the modern scientist in the position of being a backward person in knowledge, on a backward world. And farther insulted the scientist, by not bothering to make any contact with him. Few, if any of the scientist involved gave up their status, as the smartest and best educated beings in the universe, willingly. Most of the older ones died with that idea in their head. The idea, man was the only intelligent life in the Universe.

The existence of UFOs - truly lowers the status of the religious and scientific leaders of the world. They resisted such a lowering in their status, particularly the scientist. And here I should clear something up. Mention the word intelligence gathering community, and most people go into some kind of potty training shock, and think they have gone back to messing their pants, and are about to be caught at it. Doing what is called spying on people is an expensive and time consuming operation, generally involving a lot of people. It is surprising how many people think that they have some kind of secret, that makes them worth spying on. Casual surveillance, or simple information gathering, can be done much cheaper. The total amount of information needed, to make a high degree of accuracy decision, about someone like Billy, is in fact not as much as a person would imagine.

In effect, in the early days, if you showed up at Billy´s place, knowing enough about good manners, to bring as much food as you eat, wash as many dishes as you get dirty, and just help around the house, or yard a bit. It was possible to get all the UFO information desired from Billy, and be treated as a respected guest.

Looking into Billy with a professional eye will quickly show that there are a couple of things, which are not "totally normal" for this type of contact. The screw ball hours, and the many changes in location, make it somewhat different from most contacts, which generally proceed on a casual, but regular bases, with some consideration for the contactee. Billy probably holds the record for more bad weather contacts than anyone else. His case has some screwball features, but it had some very good pictures.

In a shared UFO information pool with other Countries, including India, it was noticed that Billy got his contacts whenever a woman, the Indians were watching, was missing. It was speculated that Billy´s female contact could have been one of two women that the India authorities were watching. One was a tall dark haired woman with a very fair completion who, according to what the Indians could find out had been working an area for about 200 years. The other woman was a short, some what dumpy blond, with kind of a flat face. Every time the dumpy blond left India, Billy had a contact. Because the Indian surveillance was of the soft touch type, and far from complete, nothing was ever established. But, for a period of about 2 to 3 years there was a one-to-one relationship between the blond leaving India and Billy having a contact.

And there is something else you might figure out, or work on. It is Billy stumbling onto Military men looking at his contact sites. For all their science, the clowns in the UFO do not always work out every thing to perfection.

As a military officer you were exposed to a few classes in physics. As the book says about the rocks and the gold, the physics are the same, this world, or some other. That means that what is known, about physics here, will also apply up there.

The UFO is has a power source, which is obviously related to gravity, and electro magnetic properties of physics. That is all packed into a small space and effects the world around it. Add to that some cloaking device, and a few stray things, and you have a ship, which will give off a few things in the line of radiation. If the dogs can spot the UFOs, then use dogs, which we did around some military and science bases In the early days. If the TV flutters when one comes by, start from there for making a detection device.

It logically follows that about the time that the Governments got into the business of knowing about UFOs, they also got into learning how to detect the things, when they flew by. And it was a dog, who´s action told us that flying saucer had clocking devices. It did not turn out to be all that hard to make a detection device. The Swiss Government has such devices and obviously uses them.

The last time I had anything to do with such devices, which was a long time ago, and the devices where physically very large because their radios had vacuum tubes, they could be rigged to do several different things, and the American Government was screwing with a model that would give the general direction the UFO was traveling. By now they could be the size of a pack of smokes, and give direction along with the make and model of the UFO. me In the late 50s we could define between about four types of UFOs based on how they effected our devices. If I remember some of the information coming out of Billy´s area, the DALs would normally send out a couple of other ships to scout the area, some time several days in advance, before the contact ship showed up. At that time the devices the Swiss had, could tell the difference between the two types of ships normally used. It could also tell the difference between several of the small ball-shaped probes that might be sent out.

I know it to be a fact that the Swiss Government has contact with Space people. But, like all such contacts, the restriction on who knows about it comes from space. The Swiss in fact probably have the best contact of any country in the world. But, that is speculation on my part.

And here I might should add something. Within the Governments of the world, how many I do not know, but based on the patterns, probably most of the reasonable governments, there has been contact from space. But, within any government there will exist two possible sets of information. Those who study UFOs, from the ground looking up, and trade some types of information some times, and those who are in the direct contact position. The two are not necessarily the same person, or department.

I know it to be a fact, having talked to a man who made the trip with him, that Ike had dinner on a space ship. I also know that the Queen of England has been on a space ship, once for medical treatment.

You mentioned something in passing that was interesting. It was your being "spied" on. I have no idea as to who is doing what to whom in your case. But, I do know that there was once a proposal put out to step on UFO investigators, and contactees a little bit, to keep the field from expanding too much, so the real contacts would not be lost in the pure bull ****.

As some one who has been in government, you can probably spot the conflicting, and over lapping authorities, that tend to keep showing up in cases like your self. You never out right ask the question, "what the hell´s Naval Intelligence doing in UFOs, but if you do, they were the "initiating authority" in the solution to the problem of the old FOO Fighters of WW2, and the boys who proved UFOs were from space. Once an Intelligence gathering community gets the initiating authority status in a field, especially if the job is dumped onto them, they are damned hard to pry out of that field.

Within the structure of the American UFO community there are a lot of stories running around. If you ever have the time and the chance, or inclination, you might look up the one piece of semi-hard evidence about a crashed UFO. It is the Brownsville, Texas saucer, which was a very old case. Dating back to right after WW2.

That ship came wobbling by Army Air Force base going about ten miles an hour. They first picked it up on radar, when It was about 40 miles away, which gave them vast amounts of time. Then with field glass as It approached, and finally as a visual. They had enough time that they were able to get a chase plane up in the air to follow the saucer to where it crashed, about ten miles deep in Mexico. Their first action was to get a parachute rigger into a plane, and jump him out over the crash site with a stencil and a can of Red Paint, to mark USAAF on the side of the saucer, so we could claim it was ours - in case the Mexicans showed up.

That ship was dragged back to the US by a cat. It left one hell of a skid trail. From the ground the skid trail can not be seen, because the government paid some Indians $5,000.0O0 to replant the ground. and hid all traces of that drag trail. But it can be seen from the air.

If seen from the air, it will be a very straight line that is almost due North and South. At the South end of the skid trail, there is an East-West gully, and just South of the gully is a small ridge, or very little hill. The small hill has a north south ridge on it. The saucer came to rest on the East side of that ridge up against the slope of the hill, or at the base of the very little hill.

Because the drag trail could be seen from the air the Indians were hired to make other trails on the ground, as a confusion factor. The true drag trail is the only straight one in the group.

This letter is long enough. Lots of luck with what you are doing.

Update: I have a lot of questions of the intent of the so called Plejarens or Pleiadeans of Billy and Clif High raises some pertinent questions here.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Why Science & Spirituality Need A Hotel Room Quickly

I watched the original debate where Deepak Chopra was questioned by an indignant Leonard Mlodinow on his understanding of quantum mechanics and where they agreed it might be a good idea to write a book together. Here they discuss what that book is about. It's reassuring that one of the top theoretical physicists takes a much more laid back view of Deepak than on that occasion and it's evident that they're both good human beings probably distracted by bogus religious theology in the case of Leonard and fundamentalist scientific materialism by Deepak.

Leonard makes it clear here, that before the big bang time didn't exist and so we're really back to discussing the ineffable or the transdimensional. If anything the more we examine the scientific evidence the more we see how close enlightened spirituality and cutting edge science are saying exactly the same thing. Unified conciousness, non material existence, transdimensional experience not forgetting the intellectual cul de sac of using self awareness to determine what conciousness is. It's unlikely that if the mystery no longer existed we would ever find anything more satisfying again. It's also just as unlikely that if we gave up exploring and explaining the mystery that any purposeful growth could take place.

It's urgent that spiritual awareness calls out bogus theology for the evil that it is and that science slams the breaks on and partners with spirituality if the future is going to be other than an existence where swiftly losing our capacity to make life desirable builds up with particle accelerators. An existence which I might add is already miserable for the billion or so undernourished people on the planet.

Sunday 7 August 2011

David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations

David Wilcock can be a little commercial for my tastes but there's no questioning that his areas of research are invariably fascinating and his grasp of science is wide enough to make the unusual connections that most materialist scientists will never achieve. This is freshly uploaded onto Youtube in the last couple of hours so I'm looking forward to seeing where his new work is heading.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Lucia Rene Interviews Inelia Benz

Part 1

Part 2

Only interesting for those who caught my first post of Inelia interviewed by Bill Ryan back in May. That video went viral (to use the vernacular) and so I picked up on her first session with Lucia Rene back here. You can also watch Lucia's interview, Unplugging The Partricarchy over here.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Bill Ryan Interviews Inelia Benz

Some people interpret "may you live in interesting times" as a curse but not me. Interesting is interesting. Prior to going for a run earlier I was hoping to find a way to explain that things right now are REALLY interesting to the point where I'm going to have to be more cautious what I think because it seems to be manifesting thick and fast and I don't want to make mistakes. But again, no complaints. 

It's an extraordinary time to be a witness to this rare example of human metamorphosis that only the most asleep are oblivious to though many are too rational and drugged out on reason to see the magic going on. They are increasingly less my concern. I know there is a logical conclusion of clinging on to scientific materialism. Here we have a group of elite occult worshipping groups, instructing the sheeple with mighty forces at their mainstream media disposal to trust the 3D world when we are so much more than that. That's partly the point of the game that Bill elegantly outlines on occasions including here.

I did see a trailer of this interview with Inelia just recently, and so I knew it was going to be a must listen. On top of that it adumbrates very nicely and with exquisite timing (as it landed in my inbox on return from my run) the game framework I'm trying to share with you. Still not with me? It's just ride. See Bill below. He had it nailed, and I'm pretty sure they shut him up for it too.

Thursday 3 February 2011

What Did My Dimethyltryptamine Experience Look Like

My first instinct when looking at this graphic was 'holy shit' is that a Harmaline graphic? It looks more molecular and without the geometric lines of the Mandala (see below) through a 5-MeO-dimethyltryptamine or Dimethyltryptamine entheogen concave lens (I don't fully know the difference, but I've read up on it enough to attempt to at least theorize).

But no it's not quite the Mandala above. It's more the Wired article about a 3D nano X-Ray of a virus protein.... Which isn't totally out of the game, though what caught my eye was the line by Stanford University Physicist Martin Seibert:  “Growing one of these crystals can be worth a Nobel”. Here's the DMT Molecule.

The intellectual model of my DMT experience during the short duration that lasted minutes not hours is not easy to condense. It was so extraordinary it took me three days to remember the bare essentials and six months to assimilate the shreds of information I could recollect. Above is a tiny hint of the colour and geometric palette I don't mind using as a speck of suggestion.  It doesn't come close to the intensity of colour experienced or the suspension of time and dare I say it, non three dimensional space. It's an entheogenic experience and not to be taken lightly

I've not had the courage to try it again after over a year since my one and only experiment. The journey was transdimensional but coming back to the reality on this level took ten minutes or so. It was brutal, coming round and back to 3 dimensionality. I thought I'd gone insane. Cognitively it was like living in a Bugs Bunny cartoon running backwards. Emotionally it was as psychology battering as I imagine say male on male rape to be. Couple that with the paranoia of a SWAT team of psychic entities swooping in to arrest me and frankly I was OK to take the strait jacket and be carted off to the comfort and security of a padded cell.

However, I came back with a saucer full of secrets that changed everything. I was shown things. I don't know who was doing the showing.

I would do things differently if I go back. Set and setting. Lower dose. Meditation beforehand. I would pray to the Universe 'please be gentle on me'.

I'll write up the actual experience shortly. I've been wanting to do it for a long time. All I've talked about here is colour and geometry. There's a lot of depth and breadth across many subjects in the 20 or so minutes I was dimensionally elsewhere. A long time according to the DMT testimonies on the net but still incredibly short compared to Ayahuasca or Psilocybin.