Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Monday 8 July 2013

Thank Yeesuz For Whistleblowers

There isn't a single crooked power institution I haven't criticized. The Queen, Mossad, CIA, MI6, NSA and DHS not to mention that gem taking the piss out of the ONI who were given a slap in the face on 9/11 and haven't got the stones to hit back.

My mobile number is public, I don't use a pseudonym, my emails addresses are easy to find and I only weed out the obvious security "friend me invites" on Facebook.

Occasionally I get anonymous threats. I'm sometimes attacked by coordinated astroturf groups on twitter and from time to time my phone takes a call from anonymous people who don't want to talk. My blog is regularly visited by the CIA and DHS and practically every U.S. GovCorp™ agency you can think of though of course many of these may be just be idle surfers looking to understand reality.

It has come to my attention that my name might soon be dragged through the mud. I did some Google Analytics of my websites and the data backed up the Intel I'm receiving. The worst that can happen is I could be be found in something like a compromising sex and drug related position and my family will be most hurt from this as that's the deliberate aim as you can see below.

I take it as a compliment of my research on who really runs the show that anybody would waste their time on a two bit blogger like myself. 

In order to preempt a couple of chess moves while nobody is looking I'll just link to these three URL's and tinker with some digital backflips, and then I will wait and see what happens. I'll be taking a screen grab of this but you should too if you want be fully documented. Particularly those links which point to areas of interest.

In any case it has all been worth it and I'd do it all again because it was the right thing to do. Sucking up to the scum who run things is not my cup of tea.


The Amateur Dramatics Of Counter Intelligence

Study the script a little. Learn the lines you are fed.

Saturday 25 May 2013

The Corporate Media Sell Wars. Why Wouldn't They Digitally Deceive?

It was Gore Vidal who first questioned the amount of population manipulation going on in the studio instead of real events during the Gulf War II. Lately I'm seeing unaccountable mobile phone clips being uploaded at so called terror events. People running towards bombs not away. People filming characters looking like they are rehearsing their lines.

Not questioning anything is a perilous way to experience reality.

Friday 24 May 2013

Pulling The Woolwich Over Our Eyes

There'll be no crocodile tears from me. 

Only last week David Cameron pledged 40 million pounds to Islamic extremists cutting heads off in Syria. Until we distance ourselves from blind worship of military, arms dealing Royal visits to Saudi Arabia and uncritical relationships with the corporate media exploiting the Woolwich murder to continue the eternal war on terror then we're just kidding ourselves that we really care.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Corporate Media News Is Pure Theatre At Best & Lies At Worst

These two actresses in studio makeup and hairspray pretending to be journalists display the heart of media news toxicity. They're in the same car park pretending to be on a live Satellite link in separate locations.

Do you really think NATO wouldn't false flag their way into a war with Syria on the road to Iranian oil? It's all so toxic it physically makes me feel ill when I'm around TV screens pretending to report the news. This is rare as I don't own a TV and would never change back. It's like letting someone take a shit on your consciousness. I'm not exaggerating. You'll only realise it when the media hypnotism stops. That's down to the individual to act.

The full story is over here.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Who Is The CIA's Graham Fuller & Why Are The Media Paralysed To Explain?

Remember that nasty piece of work from the Boston Bombing, Uncle Ruslan who came out to call his nephews losers even though he hadn't seen them since the younger one was barely a child? 

Well he works for a CIA front and even lived with master CIA Islam manipulator Graham Fuller

Graham is the kind of psychopath who only sees religion as a tool to bleed humanity dry. 

Do you believe the corporate media will report this or the fake reality show as it implodes? 

Take a look please. It's ten minutes. But not ten baby spoon-fed minutes. 

This is for the adults. Not for children or memory wipes.

Saturday 20 April 2013

My Favourite Postmodern Moment On Twitter

Wolf Blitzer's jumps the shark with CNN. Hey reality isn't for everyone. 

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Humorous Reminder That The Corporate Media Tell Whoppers To Go To War

Ray McGovern Versus Donald Rumsfeld from Jon Gold on Vimeo.

Jon Stewart reminds us that the first casualty of war is truth. Well worth a look when considering the Corporate media's reporting of Syria and Iran.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Hey Pseudo Journalists. This Is What Happens When You Ask Real Questions

Consensual reality is an interesting topic but it also gets a bit lame for people who only use the corporate media to inform themselves from. That is because it's unconscious media. Here's what happens when real questions that the corporate media are too uninformed to ask are put to the movers and shakers. Tony Blair is a classic. Dear in the headlights look.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Monday 25 February 2013

Blimey. That Six Million Figure Looks Fishy

If anybody can point me to independent holocaust counterarguments I'm keen to review all the available information. Until people respond in the comments below, the evidence is the six million figure is both hugely inflated and regularly pulled out to justify Zionism.

This is unacceptable; however even one Jewish, Muslim, Christian or any death is appalling, but if false figures are being used to justify attempts in order to stop people asking questions, and exercising freedom of debate (either wrong or right) then a great deception is taking place.

Update: Here are the Red Cross figures. Clearly the Zionists are exaggerating. These kind of lies are pernicious and so what else is being lied about. I invite you to research all claims.

Update. The International Red Cross revised their figures from 373 000 above to 6000000 once again as in the video of the pre war newspapers I've posted.  This is too much of a coincidence for the rational person so I assume it's somewhere in between half a million to  a million. 

A lot of people were killed in WWII including 20 million or so in the USSR. All of it needless manipulation.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Londoners Don't Trust @BBC

People are beginning to see through the propaganda. Even for the sake of diversity it's statistically impossible that there is not one journalist who questions 9/11. Their jobs and homes are at stake and so they are silent.

If Adam Curtis Went For The Jugular The BBC Would Fire Him

I've noticed that all the main run spook (disinformation/misinformation) blogs go in for a collage style of blogging that splatters different bits of information in the hope, I guess, that you make wrong conclusions or just spend a lot of time on them instead of elsewhere. Naturally there's a few nuggets of real information so there's a closely guarded way of scanning a lot of information very quickly and learning when to hit the 'next' button if one's chain is being pulled but that's for each to learn in their own manner.

Adam Curtis also goes in for a collage documentary style of documentary making but if we sift out the nuggets of analysis that go against the mainstream media news narrative, we're still left with a rigidly doctrinaire interpretation of history that weakly fails to challenge the 9/11 commission report, the CIA's involvement in JFK's murder and the worlds favorite paedophile network the Vatican or their paedophile blackmailers MI5 and MI6

Friday 25 January 2013

Why Do The Corporate Media Report Such Obvious Lies?

The relationship between advertising, the corporations, corporate "news" and the lies, half truths and decontextualised narratives is spell binding once you figure it all out. It's truly magic. Black magic. The dark arts of spin.

Friday 11 January 2013

Big Brother Corporation

Growing up in British Armed Forces Germany I could never understand the love of 'Auntie' as the BBC is called by the children in my schooling days when my family returned to the UK. Now I realise that they were programmed to love the British Broadcasting Corporation or the Beeb as some referred to it. 

It may take some time but until the BBC accepts it has no business pimping government propaganda, particularly for their immoral wars it runs the risk of losing it's entire portfolio of entertainment and information. Some of this content is world class. 

As is their mind control propaganda. The best of the best. Look at the witless British during the Jubilee celebrations for concrete evidence of that. 

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Is David Rose Of The Daily Mail Protecting Powerful Paedophiles?

As soon as the attention on powerful paedophiles became too intense the power elite used a classic disinformation exercise by exploiting a child abuse victim Steven Messham. By showing him a wrongly identified photograph and then changing it, the attention was diverted to an erroneously named Lord McAlpine (this does not mean he's not guilty, it only means he is wrongly identified in this instance).

Well David Rose, your name is all over the internet along with the Daily Mail and the Police as a paedophile protector and a child abuse victim exploiter. My question to you is what is it that has such great control over you that you are embroiled in this ugly chapter in British history? Call me on +66 8 47 33 47 69 if you wish to discuss this post. I've got only one question for you. Who are you going to expose as a power elite paedophile predator that isn't dead already?

Also on the list of suspicious establishment shills is David Aronovitch and Bob Woffinden.

Update: The Needle Blog proves David Rose is a paedophile protector.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Bahrain Regime Paying CNN For Infomercials Masked As News

Award winning CNN reporter Amber Lyon had her documentary on Bahrain pulled because the lobbyists and PR companies are spending a lot of money to keep the Americanos brain washed that the torture regime there are 'reformers and all round good guys'.

Bahrain is a paying customer of CNN.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX and BBC are no different. Bahrain is the real revolution and the corporate media have thrown them under a bus because the US fifth fleet is using it to keep the oil flowing where they want it to.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

For 33 Years They've Been Telling Us Iran Has Nukes

Even his own intelligence chiefs say Bibi Netanyahu is messianic about going to war with Iran. Why do we let these nutters twist our peaceful world into violence and destruction?

1. Earliest warnings: 1979-84

Fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon predates Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, when the pro-West Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deep in negotiations with the US, France and West Germany, on a nuclear-energy spending spree that was to yield 20 reactors.
Late 1970s: US receives intelligence that the Shah had “set up a clandestine nuclear weapons development program.”
1979: Shah ousted in the Iranian revolution, ushering in the Islamic Republic. After the overthrow of the Shah, the US stopped supplying highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Iran. The revolutionary government guided by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini condemned nuclear weapons and energy, and for a time stopped all projects.
1984: Soon after West German engineers visit the unfinished Bushehr nuclear reactor, Jane’s Defence Weekly quotes West German intelligence sources saying that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.

2. Israel paints Iran as Enemy No. 1: 1992

Though Israel had secretly done business with the Islamic Republic after the 1979 revolution, seeking to cultivate a Persian wedge against its local Arab enemies, the early 1990s saw a concerted effort by Tel Aviv to portray Iran as a new and existential threat.
1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon – and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the US.”
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres tells French TV that Iran was set to have nuclear warheads by 1999. “Iran is the greatest threat and greatest problem in the Middle East,” Peres warned, “because it seeks the nuclear option while holding a highly dangerous stance of extreme religious militanCY.”
1992: Joseph Alpher, a former official of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, says “Iran has to be identified as Enemy No. 1.” Iran’s nascent nuclear program, he told The New York Times, “really gives Israel the jitters.”

US america Iran painting

3. US joins the warnings: 1992-97

The same alarm bells were already ringing in Washington, where in early 1992 a task force of the House Republican Research Committee claimed that there was a “98 percent certainty that Iran already had all (or virtually all) of the components required for two or three operational nuclear weapons.”
Similar predictions received airtime, including one from then-CIA chief Robert Gates that Iran’s nuclear program could be a “serious problem” in five years or less. Still, the bureaucracy took some time to catch up with the Iran threat rhetoric.
1992: Leaked copy of the Pentagon’s “Defense Strategy for the 1990s” makes little reference to Iran, despite laying out seven scenarios for potential future conflict that stretch from Iraq to North Korea.
1995: The New York Times conveys the fears of senior US and Israeli officials that “Iran is much closer to producing nuclear weapons than previously thought” – about five years away – and that Iran’s nuclear bomb is “at the top of the list” of dangers in the coming decade. The report speaks of an “acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program,” claims that Iran “began an intensive campaign to develop and acquire nuclear weapons” in 1987, and says Iran was “believed” to have recruited scientists from the former Soviet Union and Pakistan to advise them.
1997: The Christian Science Monitor reports that US pressure on Iran’s nuclear suppliers had “forced Iran to adjust its suspected timetable for a bomb. Experts now say Iran is unlikely to acquire nuclear weapons for eight or 10 years.”

4. Rhetoric escalates against ‘axis of evil’: 1998-2002

But Iran was putting the pieces of its strategic puzzle together. A US spy satellite detected the launch of an Iranian medium-range missile, sparking speculation about the danger posed to Israel.
1998: The New York Times said that Israel was less safe as a result of the launch even though Israel alone in the Middle East possessed both nuclear weapons and the long-range missiles to drop them anywhere. “The major reaction to this is going to be from Israel, and we have to worry what action the Israelis will take,” the Times quoted a former intelligence official as saying. An unidentified expert said: “This test shows Iran is bent on acquiring nuclear weapons, because no one builds an 800-mile missile to deliver conventional warheads.”
1998: The same week, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reports to Congress that Iran could build an intercontinental ballistic missile – one that could hit the US – within five years. The CIA gave a timeframe of 12 years.
2002: CIA warns that the danger from nuclear-tipped missiles, especially from Iran and North Korea, is higher than during the cold war. Robert Walpole, then a top CIA officer for strategic and nuclear programs, tells a Senate panel that Iran’s missile capability had grown more quickly than expected in the previous two years – putting it on par with North Korea. The threat “will continue to grow as the capabilities of potential adversaries mature,” he says.
2002: President George W. Bush labels Iran as part of the “axis of evil,” along with Iraq and North Korea.

Army bases Iran America

5. Revelations from inside Iran: 2002-05

In August 2002, the Iranian opposition group Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO) announces that Iran is building an underground uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, and a heavy water reactor at Arak. It is widely believed that the evidence had been passed to the MEK by Israeli intelligence.
Enrichment and reactors are not forbidden to Iran as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), but the failure to disclose the work prompts an IAEA investigation and much closer scrutiny. Iran insists its efforts are peaceful, but is found in breach of its IAEA safeguards agreement, and accused by the IAEA of a “pattern of concealment.”
2004: Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell tells reporters that Iran had been working on technology to fit a nuclear warhead onto a missile. “We are talking about information that says they not only have [the] missiles but information that suggests they are working hard about how to put the two together,” he said.
2005: US presents 1,000 pages of designs and other documentation allegedly retrieved from a computer laptop in Iran the previous year, which are said to detail high-explosives testing and a nuclear-capable missile warhead. The “alleged studies,” as they have since been called, are dismissed by Iran as forgeries by hostile intelligence services.

6. Dialing back the estimate: 2006-09

2006: The drums of war beat faster after the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh quotes US sources saying that a strike on Iran is all but inevitable, and that there are plans to use tactical nuclear weapons against buried Iranian facilities.
2007: President Bush warns that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to “World War III.” Vice President Dick Cheney had previously warned of “serious consequences” if Iran did not give up its nuclear program.
2007: A month later, an unclassified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran is released, which controversially judges with “high confidence” that Iran had given up its nuclear weapons effort in fall 2003.
The report, meant to codify the received wisdom of America’s 16 spy agencies, turns decades of Washington assumptions upside down. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls the report a “victory for the Iranian nation.” An Iranian newspaper editor in Tehran tells the Monitor, “The conservatives … feel the chance of war against them is gone.”
June 2008: Then-US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton predicts that Israel will attack Iran before January 2009, taking advantage of a window before the next US president came to office.
May 2009: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee reports states: “There is no sign that Iran’s leaders have ordered up a bomb.”

7. Israel’s one-year timeframe disproved: 2010-11

Despite reports and intelligence assessments to the contrary, Israeli and many US officials continue to assume that Iran is determined to have nuclear weapons as soon as possible.
August 2010: An article by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic’s September issue is published online, outlining a scenario in which Israel would chose to launch a unilateral strike against Iran with 100 aircraft, “because a nuclear Iran poses the gravest threat since Hitler to the physical survival of the Jewish people.”
Drawing on interviews with “roughly 40 current and past Israeli decision makers about a military strike” and American and Arab officials, Mr. Goldberg predicts that Israel will launch a strike by July 2011. The story notes previous Israeli strikes on nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria, and quotes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the world should start worrying, and that’s what is happening in Iran.”
2010: US officials note that Iran’s nuclear program has been slowed by four sets of UN Security Council sanctions and a host of US and EU measures. The Stuxnet computer virus also played havoc through 2011 with Iran’s thousands of spinning centrifuges that enrich uranium.
January 2011: When Meir Dagan steps down as director of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, he says that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon until 2015. “Israel should not hasten to attack Iran, doing so only when the sword is upon its neck,” Mr. Dagan warned. Later he said that attacking Iran would be “a stupid idea…. The regional challenge that Israel would face would be impossible.”
January 2011: A report by the Federation of American Scientists on Iran’s uranium enrichment says there is “no question” that Tehran already has the technical capability to produce a “crude” nuclear device.
February 2011: National intelligence director James Clapper affirms in testimony before Congress that “Iran is keeping the option open to develop nuclear weapons in part by developing various nuclear capabilities and better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so,” Mr. Clapper said. “We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.”
November 2011: The IAEA claims for the first time that Iran is has worked on weapons-related activities for years, publishing detailed information based on more than 1,000 pages of design information that is corroborated, it says, by data from 10 member states and its own investigation and interviews.

    Ex MI5 Whistleblower @AnnieMachon On Israeli False Flag Bombing Of Israeli Embassy In London 1994

    That's right. Mossad blew up a car outside the Israeli embassy in 1994 to galvanise the Brits and International opinion against the Palestinians. They did the same in Buenos Aires and that was being discussed only days ago all these years later. Annie Machon spills lots of international false flag beans in this stunning interview.

    Annie Machon: ex-MI5 whistleblower, activist and author joins Jack Etkin for an elucidating and revealing look at 'Deep State' and high-level national and international intelligence and security methodologies. Annie covers subjects such as false-flag/black operations, the MI-5's botched attempt on Muammar Gaddafi's life, the London Tube bombing (7/7), 9/11 and others. This penetrating and articulate interview is a must see.

    Update. Annie confirms it was officer G91 who confirmed Mossad were the lead suspects in this latest presentation.