Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Star Wars & Saturnalian Hexagons, Metatron's Cube & Occult Hollywood Imprinting

Some people say George Lucas channelled the story for Star Wars during an out of body experience after a nasty auto accident. The evidence in support of this is Lucas is a terrible writer and one only need look at the script for American Graffiti which would be lost without the sexiest baby boom American Autos on the planet.

Be that as it may, other quarters of the internet talk about the resemblance between Star Wars and feedback from people who have made interdimensional contact with Galactic Federations and so forth. The notion that good and bad exists through the universe and the need for a Joseph Campbell like hero's journey for the Terran humans.

Well that's all speculation and it's fun or scary to think about the parallels of a Hollywood machine that is imprinting memories and expectations through the power of a painted reality called film.

I prefer to look at the occult symbolism of these movies and not because I'm good at it but because others have spent a lifetime studying the matter and so I know what I'm looking for such as the symbolism of the Hexagon as a force for the dark side in so many movies even though I've talked about only a handful so far. The last one I noticed the obvious use of this Saturnalian worship was Tron Legacy and I've written at length about Stanley Kubricks nod towards this matter. Particularly in 2001 Space Odyssey and The Shining. Marathon Man is also worth a mention if one is acquainted with the Nazi connection to Saturnalia.

It's hard to convey quite why the 2D Hexagon's ability to accurately manifest/convey itself as a 3D cube is so remarkable but I tried to explain it in this post here which digs into religion, cubes and of course there are crop circle links. However I just watched Star Wars with the aim of seeing if there was anything in it that I hadn't noticed since the last time I watched it which would have been over two decades ago at least. Lo and behold I spotted the hexagonal snowflake design on the Empire's uniform helmets.

Those might not bring to life that 2D to 3D relationship of this cult that is linked to the dawn of time, the Kaaba in Mecca, Jewish Rabbis, The occultism of the black cube and of course the highest level Nazis (as ever). There's even a connection to Saturnalia worship with the Pope's Saturnalia hat. But then I realised I'd not been paying attention to the battles in Star Wars and it hit me. The Sides of the evil empire craft are as clear a dramatisation of Saturnalia hexagon to cube manifestation as one could wish for.  I've no idea of the value of this information but it's not a coincidence.

It's always the dark side that uses this symbolism. It's always the Hexagon. It's not called a Hex by accident.

Monday 26 September 2011

Channelling Tibet With The Dalai Lama


Not a lot of people know that the Dalai Lamma consults with spirits from the Tibetan pantheon through an oracle or through channelling or a medium if you like. There are differences and there's a reason that channelling gained a specific name separate from psychic or medium by Jane Roberts who created the term through her contact with Seth starting in 1964.

My thinking on the subject of channelling came around the time I began to read some material that I only realised after the fact was channelled. It was so clean (that's the only way I can describe it) I stayed up till four in the morning going through the archives looking for a mistake or some discrepancy I could satisfactorily terminate the subject, but I couldn't. So on top of being the kind of guy who can stand my ground in quantum mechanic debates with top physicists (a lot easier than you would think, you only need to know three things) I also included two or three channelled sources for information which is when I realised that channelling was portrayed as ridiculous long before I understood what it was. 

I think the ridiculing is orchestrated by the same groups who as I've repeatedly demonstrated are well into their occult but drill home to the uninitiated that only the empirical is of value. Over and over again we see that corporate media sells a message of scientific materialism (and most are so brainwashed they are lost till the bitter end) and yet the real string pullers of power know their occult and mysticism far better than most would suspect. My point is that an idea I used as a joking term. i.e. "I'm channelling Kevin Spacey" and so forth had been ridiculed and undermined long before I even knew what it was and my working premise is that most of you don't know what it is either.

Like all good wannabe generalists I don't base my decisions on one source alone and there's a brilliant bit in this highly personal Dalai Lama documentary where he makes it clear his relationship to this kind of information, and talks about the interdependence of all things and so if it's good enough for the Dalai Lama it's good enough for me. I pick an choose what feels right and a bit of channelled information has taken me way further than I could have imagined a year ago when it was a term I ignorantly aped for ridicule. But like life, it's also a minefield.

This documentary is well worth watching just for the intimacy and frankness that the Dalai Lama shares, as well as the ideas such as if consciousness is not understood by science why would we undermine that which belongs outside the traditional realm of the subject?

That's a logic bomb if you missed it.

Here's the Youtube blurb: Cloaked in secrecy for over 400 years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical aspect of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This ancient spirit, which has inhabited a succession of thirteen human mediums, advises the Dalai Lama on matters of public and religious policy. To witness the eerie spectacle of a medium entering a trance state and being possessed by the Oracle is to confront profound questions about the very nature of human consciousness. 

Monday 12 September 2011

Tron Legacy & Saturnalia

A friend of mine recommended Tron Legacy for visual effects and so I watched it last night.

I would have stopped much earlier than usual but one point caught my interest. Let me explain why I think it didn't work for me other than that point though.

If I didn't know better I'd say the director and editor of Tron Legacy collectively sabotaged the movie. 

Emotional reactions jump the shark in this film, from the opening of father and son throwing dire  cliches at each other, and then there is the editing, which over and again (to the point of comedy) ignores mortal danger, at the expense of valuable seconds wasted on hackneyed sentimental gestures. 

Jeff Bridges is a capable actor and yet he is so badly directed that he fails to deliver a convincing performance.

To be fair there are two interesting performances. One from the lead female role, actress Olivia Wilde who for the second time this month rescues a movie I'd otherwise have turned off. Once again Oliva leaves her co-stars  looking wooden with her convincing performances, and to top it all off is extraordinarily attractive. I had exactly the same reaction to her first in Cowboys & Aliens where she demolishes far more seasoned actors like Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig and sizzles with sexiness.

Her first scene above isn't until the 46th minute and right from the git go she is flashing a sexy glance at the lead role who as you can see above, is so wooden (or stupid) he fails to notice that he has been rescued by a beautiful woman who has just removed her helmet. Instead our hero prefers to assume a state of don't turn around shock despite investing the beginning of the movie portraying himself as invincible, super smart and good looking too. His character schizophrenia is never really reconciled after this duality becomes evident and it's clear he's perfect for no more than 40 second Gillette commercials.

But the reason for blog post is that this movie is partly Stephen Spielberg produced and he never does things by accident. The Saturnalian Hexagon is vivid in almost every single scene I've screen captured here. This Includes details like the print on the glove above. The Hexagon is the key visual of the nefarious virtual environment that all the dangerous scenes are filmed in.

Every single portal, doorway, entrance and exit is a Hexagon and I can assure you that Stephen Spielberg is well versed in occultism enough to know that this is a reference to Saturnalia. If I didn't know better I'd say he's trying to say be careful of the virtual environment folks. That's where the danger is for humanity.

I say that because there's a specific point of 2D to 3D sacred geometry magic that Saturnalia worship is familiar with. It's a point of dimensional transition that I've elaborated on in my Saturnalia posts here and most specifically here. I urge you to consider my point. It's a serious one.

Despite all the tech-fetishism, the Movie is unequivocally direct with it's wind-in-the-hair ending of lovers on the back of a motorbike free from the digital matrix. As you can see Olivia Wilde who is experiencing reality for the first time, is fresh and natural while our lead male role wallows in a confusing mix of triumphant got-the-girl with wrinkled forehead-confusion and firm jutting shaving chin ready for the next commercial. 

The point is made emphatically in the movie's concluding scene. Nature is the finest and most beautiful technology we will ever have or know. We are not only on the wrong path with tech-fetishism of iPads, iPhones and shiny screens but we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to Saturnalian manipulation. It's the creme de la creme of cosmic occult control that I have learned of since stumbling down the rabbit hole. 

I neglected to mention one other outstanding performance. Michael Sheen is a blistering Techno drag/fag queen of virtual world society. His star quality and stage acting experience is perceptible even when not facing the camera. Have I ever mentioned that Hollywood only ever portrays Brits as homosexual, villains or bumbling intellectuals? Yes I did didn't I.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

The PENTAGON's™ Middle East Shopping List

After bombing Libya in the 80's, selling them arms and then bombing them again, it looks like it may be over for Libya's leader who, like Saddam Hussein, is perfectly capable of murder when necessary but is equally one of the few moderate Islamic leaders in the world with a track record for education and women's rights that are unlikely to be improved upon with the rebels and their Al Qaida/NATO sponsors.

Like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Libya sits upon the oil that the junkie dependent West cannot resist and Tripoli was one of the few State run banks in the world and thus a threat to the dollar reserve status. Then there's the free market threat of China's business partnerships in Africa. Put simply, each time a UK or European person fills up their tank with gasoline they are filling up on Satanism. It's all about the Pentagon with the Pentagram and regrettably it's not a conspiracy if it's in plain sight and it seems the corn syrup  plasma screen classes are Eyes Wide Shut. Stanley Kubrick tried to warn us.

For the definitive Occult Washington D.C tutorial click over here. Inform yourself.

Sunday 7 August 2011

David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations

David Wilcock can be a little commercial for my tastes but there's no questioning that his areas of research are invariably fascinating and his grasp of science is wide enough to make the unusual connections that most materialist scientists will never achieve. This is freshly uploaded onto Youtube in the last couple of hours so I'm looking forward to seeing where his new work is heading.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Occult Disney

There's more than just the inverted Pentagon and Satanic star in this clip, but I wont bore the uninitiated though I do ask the sceptical a question. If the Pentagon was going to choose a shape that said "eyes wide shut" because you're too stupid to get it anyway, what shape would it be, or what shape could it be? 

Oh I get it. 

You think the Pentagon is a force for good right

They wouldn't do it hidden in plain sight.

At ease Soldier.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Elite Sex Rituals

Jay is going out on a limb here and we owe him a debt of gratitude for whistle blowing a subject that could endanger his life. This is an explosive interview. I urge you to listen to this segment at the very least.

Friday 27 May 2011

The Vatican & The Jesuits - The Kray Twins Of Religion

The two most underestimated and venerated institutions of power, money, sex, ritual killing and occult worship are Buckingham Palace and The Vatican. The enforcers of the Vatican business are the Jesuits. They are the knuckle duster of discipline and problem cleansing, working under the guise of spreading an ideology that has nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with evil cloaked in the deceptive cloth. Google is at your disposal should you wish to turn over a few rocks, though as a starting point you can't go wrong by commencing with Leo Zagami, the ex masonic aristocrat's, whistle blowing testimony in the video above.

Update: The original video was censored.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Harold Camp, The Rapture & Saturn

I'm annoyed with myself. On the same day I was parading my Matrix movie occult symbolism discoveries, Harold Camp was eating his words over his failed rapture predictions. Instead of ignoring it, I should have done a little investigating because his website is full-on Saturnalia as you can see below. 

It would not surprise me to find he's manipulated in some way, but in the absence of any evidence apart from that assertion, the all important symbolism is below. I should point out that it feels a little premature for U.S. citizens to be triumphant in the middle of this remarkable tornado and earthquake action (with volcanos going off round the world). 

I'd have been thankful he wasn't right. He may be programmed to test public reaction to a Rapture message. It didn't roll out this time but is it wise to ignorant of these topics given his new revised date and the occult worshippers love of parading in public what they intend to do? Just a few words of caution. I don't live there.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Matrix & Occult Symbolism

Trinity "Are you sure this line is clean?"
Cypher "Yeah, 'course I'm sure"
Trinity "I'd better go

I watched the Matrix for the first time all the way through yesterday because so many of you rate it. I've learned a thing or two about occult symbolism in movies recently though I'm by no means an expert. The opening scenes dialogue between Cypher the traitor and Trinity ends on the subject of being bugged with the leitmotif visual of the falling rain matrix ending in the numbers 506.

506 adds up to 11. 

11 is an occult number as I mentioned yesterday for the pope's videocon with the space shuttle time for 11.11 and of course 9/11 (and now 3/11) is the quintessential use of 11 with the twin towers (shaped like 11) falling to the ground. Then the camera zooms into the zero in the middle of the 501 which breaks up into a series of 11's inside 11 as pictured above.

The screen goes dark and a small dot of light appears and grows. The dot grows into a sphere before a sudden horizontal beam of light explodes very briefly into view. What does that look like?

Lastly the 'rings of Saturn' disappear and the ball of light dims in intensity it looks like the moon.

 The moon drifts to the right. It's the torchlight of a policeman.

18 minutes 22 seconds into the movie we learn that Neo's passport expires on 911

Sunday 22 May 2011

Saturn & Metatron's Cube

I spent the afternoon on Saturn. Or rather on Jet Propulsion Laboratories(JPL) and NASA's website doing some research and struck oil on that whole NASA/JPL obsession with the occult thing that says to me, more is going on under our noses, than you're average premier-league fan's blood pressure could handle. Let me you hit you up with the basics if you've missed the earlier Saturnalia posts.

Y'all can see from the sacred geometry below, that there's a two dimensional Hexagon AND a three dimensional Cube right?

You might not have time to watch the videos so let me articulate this carefully. Not every shape within a shape can represent both 2D and 3D structure with the integrity of Metatron's cube above, which can do a whole lot more than Hexagon and Cubes (Hexadron) and is really the DNA of platonic solids, and thus a building block to reality. If you wish the creator of the universe had Metatron's cube in mind before commencing with 3D reality. It's a transcendental form and a blueprint of holographic reality.

Where this gets sexy, is that Saturn was discovered in the 70's to have a rotating Hexagon on its North and South poles. Nowhere else in the universe is this the case (to our knowledge) and so we might ask ourselves a pertinent question. Why did the ancient Hebrews (and others) worship the black cube (Teffilin) and Saturn right up until today?

Or rather, how did they know that Saturn has a representational Metatron's cube when we only found out a few decades ago? The link with the Islamic Kaabah is hard to ignore too if you can now see the 2 dimensional Hexagon and 3 dimensional Hexadron.

I throw in the Islamic link at the end as a hint of today's findings. Saturn's influence on our space and time are hard to ignore and I've now had a Damascene conversion to the inarguable influence of of Saturn on our planet as displayed by the ancient Hebrew's AND the cosmic elites at NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories. I was sure before but now I'm convinced. Oh and the good news is maybe we got outside help on our side. The evidence has been under our noses for some time, but buckle up for the ride because there are those with everything to lose and we have EVERYTHING to gain.