Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Monday 11 November 2019


The most curious example, in my opinion above, is the rejection of my card for 5.55 at The Key & Anchor, three times yet I only used cash in the pub that night. The screengrabs were arbitrary, I looked up from time to time for no specific reason, and noted the numbers which came at me like a blizzard. It was quite a wild ride but also not without intense interest.

A post of mine was reported to Facebook and the automatic review process has taken offence to starving and partially clothed people as above. There was a chance to appeal but in the end, I've posted loads on Churchill so I let it go.

That's OK as it's their business platform. Facebook was OK a few years ago, but it's not an activist tool anymore, though it has worked well in the past.

This post, I hope will remain in the public domain to raise public awareness of MKULTRA, Palestine and institutionalised child abuse.

I still have more work to do on this post but this will do for the time being.

Update: It still goes on but less intensive.

Just so all are clear. I don't wait for the numbers to align.

I merely look at anything with the display of a number (clocks, computers etc) and the synchronicity is there. The camera on my phone is broken so I'm unable to take photos and am restricted to screenshots. 

Otherwise, there would be more.

Monday 26 November 2018

Celine Dion's New Order

Celine Dion peddles the New World Order's multigenerational plan for a sexless, genderless, ethnic free world, by echoing Hillary Clinton's line that the State is responsible for baby care not the parents ("we don't really own our children"), and by introducing her new transgender agenda clothing line for infants made in Israel.

At the 33 second mark the commercial goes full New World Order/Luciferian imagery which has been received with rapture and fawning credits by paid writers, and called out by people who can see how obnoxious an agenda it really is.

There's nothing wrong with babies and infants wearing what they want, indeed all infants often wore girls clothes in Victorian times. However it seems the only symbol that is universally accepted as bad is a Swastika, which kinda tells us how symbol illiterate people really are.

Update: I forgot to mention that the Instagram Account is even more blatant:

Thursday 1 November 2018

NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein - The Global Child-Rape Blackmail Network

Part One of this interview is available over here, but it was part two that really drops some knowledge bombs on the child rape network and specifically his dealings with POTUS during their crossover careers in New York.

Rothstein says the things that a lot of people who are triggered by Trump, can't process. That is, he knows exactly what is going on and more importantly what he can choose to say that plays into his enemies hands.

Although most of this two part interview is about US child rape networks, Detective Rothstein adumbrates the involvement of the Profumo affair in the United States.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

I'm Sceptical of Navy Seal Craig Sawyer & His Child Abuse Crusade

We are witnessing the slow unfoldment of the VIP paedosadist rings that run things. I've been researching this subject for many years, and the latest initiative is by former Navy Seal and TV star Craig Sawyer, and a coalition of NSA, CIA, FBI and all the other organisations that use child abuse as a blackmail mechanism on the levers of power.

First of all the SEALS occasionally use sexual blackmail on their own recruits to ensure they do immoral acts like bomb Muslims in far away villages to radicalize them. We know this information from Navy Seal Bill Brockbrader who Don Shipley tried to discredit and failed.

Now Craig may be well meaning. I don't know if he's a dupe, a patsy, a cutout or a sincere guy, but the hero-narrative of the good guys coming to take out the bad guys just doesn't work out in my experience. It doesn't matter how powerful you are. If you try to take on the paedophile rings in power you're taken out or disable or silenced. It's their source of power and energy in ways only the informed can grasp.

Craig claims he wants do documentaries exposing them. I hope he's authentic, but the first rule of taking on this top-tier enemy is not telling them what you're going to do. If Craig thinks the Muslim Brotherhood are the VIPaedo top tier he's deluded. If Craig thinks only one political party is involved as he states in the above video.... then Houston, we have a problem.

My experience of the deep state is that if Craig is recruiting from the deep state there will be plants used. That's just basic. Let's see what happens. I wish them luck. Craig if you read this and want to know about all the years research I've compiled then email me.

Saturday 3 September 2016


This movie eluded me for so long. I downloaded the wrong languages, my media player wouldn't sync with the dialogue, the subtitles I downloaded didn't work with the version of the movie but I finally cracked it a few nights ago.

I opened the latest the file I had downloaded and pressed play and it was in Spanish. Oh well it's not meant to be I thought again, but then I noticed the subtitles option had three options including French and English.

Mommy is a great movie with powerful character portrayals. It also taps into a subject that is increasingly an issue in the Western world where the state can kidnap your children. As vaccines become mandatory, and other privacy and human sovereignty intrusions take place, you can expect more people dealing with legitimate support issues on their own rather than go anywhere near the educational indoctrination and purposeful medical intoxication of the state with prescribed drugs for conditions that are sky rocketing without anyone asking why.

Saturday 2 January 2016

President Obama on Children

We can speculate endlessly about the contradictions of President Obama, such as allowing the Neocons to perform business as usual in Syria, Libya and Ukraine irrespective of who they ally with including Nazis and ISIS terrorists.

However I think it takes an extraordinary inability to process reality for people of all shapes, ideologies and colours to ignore that he appears to be the most human President I can recall since Kennedy's about turn while in office which led to his execution.

Friday 12 December 2014

Leon Brittan & The Court of the Internet

I don't hate Leon Brittan. For all we know he might be a product of an abusive system and was raped at school or at home by his family or peers. That's how the power matrix works. If you can learn to circumvent your empathy wiring, rising to the very top gets a lot lot easier.

I was one of the first to name Leon Brittan as a paedophile using my own identity. There are witnesses who are so credible I knew I could stand in court and explain if I was charged with slander or libel. 

I don't care if he goes to jail or not. 

The internet court has examined him closely over more years than any inquiry will take, and the internet court has found him worthy of investigation. For me (and I'm not a victim so I'm just an opinion) the media outside his Georgian Terrace Home, that is neighbour to Fiona Woolf is an ignominious end to a career of selling out to foreign powers, and abusing infants. I hope the embedded video works below so you can see what a cornered rat looks like.

Update: The video wouldn't embed and is also blocked in Thailand. I recommend you invest 30 seconds to watch it over here.