Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts

Friday 3 August 2012

The Panama Deception - George Bush, The CIA & Drugs For Arms

Russ Baker has written a wonderful biography of the Bush family and discovered that George H.W. Bush was on record as denying he knew his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination. This is odd because not only do we have records of his location in Texas on the day, but we also have photographic evidence. 

Furthermore we know he was on the books working for the CIA long before he was made director of the Agency before becoming vice president and then nearly president when Reagan was nearly assassinated by a chap called Hinckley who was connected to the Bush family. 

Lot's of coincidences huh? CIA connections to JFK's assassination are too extensive to list here.

However, this documentary is about more pedestrian affairs. Manuel Noriega was on the CIA books and when Bush took over him as an asset he increased his pay to 100 000 dollars a year while turning a blind eye to his Iran contra drug dealing for arms. This is all documented and pretty much par for the course for the Bush family and as you may learn from this excellent documentary that links Noriega to Ollie North, Poindexter and William Casey

The subsequent invasion of Panama by the United States under the pretense of stopping Noriega's drug dealing is just one of those eyebrow raising deceptions and twists of truth the U.S. has an Olympian track record of doing.

The Panama Deception is an excellent introduction to American meddling in South America if only for its self-evident treachery and double standards. 

It doesn't get more obvious.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Clintons, Bush & CIA Drug Smuggling

One of the reasons I have no time for the fake left right divide cheerleaders is they're too busy waving the team colours to do the grown up homework and figure out that at an elite level they're all in it together in business and crime. The Clintons were savvy enough to get into bed with the CIA and Bush senior to smuggle drugs using an Arkansas airport called Mena while on the road to the presidency. They were also smart enough not to get involved with the money but to use the favours they granted (and the killings they covered up) to gain political influence. That's how it works folks. Waving a flag for your team or getting into a spitting contest with the other side is for infants. Don't take my word for it. Do the work and make your own conclusion. But the work isn't a quick skim. It's the books, the interviews, the FOIA documents and the thinking it through.

Don't expect the corporate media to spend time on reality. There's no money in it, and if you think that through, that's a good idea in the long run otherwise we'd do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Friday 17 February 2012

Ron Paul On George Bush & CIA Drug Dealing

Ron Paul on what's the point of having a select committee chaired by John Kerry looking into Bush family drug dealing when both Kerry and Bush were secret society members of Skull and Bones at Yale?

Should they be rounded up and shot at dawn for scratching each other's back while pretending to run against each other at election time?

Or take it back further when Grand Pappy Prescott Bush was funding the Nazis. I pay attention when Robert Phoenix says keep an eye out for Jeb Bush becoming the frontrunner at this coming GOP convention. Bloodlines still run the joint and that's a tag worth spending sometime with either here or anywhere else.

This is not a partisan thing. After becoming acquainted with this information it becomes increasingly credible that Bill Clinton's record for moving a lot of drugs through Arkansas (with Bush connection help) is worth examining.

Monday 3 October 2011

Copenhagen Fall Out - Niels Bohr & Werner Heisenberg

Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg were close friends before the war and the race to create an atomic bomb commenced. In many ways they were both puppets for the war making profit-machine cunningly disguised as a plain old axis-of-money and power. This was the Bush family banking interests from the time of Prescott Walker Bush who funded the rise of Nazi Germany through close links with I.G. Farben. It's an annoying feature of early third millennium living that calling the Bush family Nazis raises a weak smile of ironic recognition when regrettably I'm being serious.

Like men many before and after them, Bohr and Heisenberg were divided and ruled by ancient bloodline and business dynasties doing what they do best. They had no idea who was ultimately pulling the strings of history while the rest of humanity got on with what we do best. Singing songs, waving flags and stomping off to the battlefields to slaughter each other.

The documentary isn't too bad if one factors in the the real history of the global race to build a bomb. It doesn't take to much imagination to portray the 20th century as little more than a game to observe who would build the ultimate weapon first, and see how they would dominate the rest of the planet with the power it bestows.

Evidence for prehistoric atomic weapons is found in glassy fused sand remains, corpses that died instantaneously in blistering heat and high radioactivity readings  in the same locations where the Mahabharata outlines these conflicts took place. Add those ancient Indian scripture quotes from the Baghavad Gita that Robert Oppenheimer used after Trinity tests and it all looks a little like some grand cyclical monkey drama, endlessly looping until such time as men wake up and understand that manipulation is the Occam's razor explanation for an entire planet where greed is rewarded, death on the battlefield is lionized and taking more than one needs is celebrated.

Friday 10 June 2011

Ruled By Secrecy

Jim Marrs is a persistent investigative journalist and author. This is the first time I've seen one of his presentations and it's brimming with the kind of information  that is very pertinent now that the Bilderbergs are in session. 

I'm old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan was shot. Recently the gunman's name John Hinckley has been popping up with respect to the real story who was behind it and the penny has dropped for me. Let me explain. The official biography of Reagan by Edmund Morris called "Dutch" was so bizarre it was dropped by the Reagans and another one written. 

It's weird because it's a kind of 'faction' (fact/fiction) hybrid yet I liked it a lot because of the 'impression' it left. Well Jim sets me straight in this presentation with a fact I never thought of before. If Reagan had died from that shooting, we'd have had the Bush dynasty in power 8 years earlier. The former CIA chief who couldn't get into power as President was manoeuvred into the position of Vice President didn't even have to be popular to gain the trust of the public.

Obama made a strange comment not so long back, that Reagan was his inspiration when we all know that Lincoln is the political-meister he most respected. Could Obama be hinting that he liked Reagan's ability to survive against all odds?

I know I've talked to many of you privately about our misgivings of Obama but I'm solidly behind him now despite mainstream sentiment, till this particular show is over. This is bigger than just politics. It goes against the evidence at a surface level but let's be candid. No president can change a thing if he treats the nest of vipers known as D.C. with a straight game. I don't do politics any more and there is no party I have any faith in. But I'm sticking with Barack Obama. (updat: What a snake)

To get real change we need a man who can play, like his favourite political biography, a shrewd hand of poker and bluff his way. 

Like an actor. 

I put it to you that Obama is bigger than politics. He's a leader with the potential to become a legend if my hunch is right. He's going to need all the prayers he can get. He's also going to need  our patience. 

Thursday 21 April 2011

1500 Engineers & Architects & 911

Lest we forget. You were instructed not to think about it. And most of you did just that.

Friday 25 July 2008

Shti Stain McCain - Come to Daddy

"For most of the past four years, John McCain and the man who beat him for the Republican nomination in a bitter campaign in 2000 have treated each other like a pair of reversed magnets, members of the same metallurgical family held apart by reciprocal repulsion. Now their locked arms are raising eyebrows."

It was at this point in 2004 that I realised McCain had the 2008 nomination wrapped. That's how in my opinion U.S. politics works. Power is handed over. Thanks to George for reminding me the picture is easily found through a Google search

Update: McCain goes pro weed to soften his warmongering stance. Will the stoners fall for the bomber?

Saturday 26 January 2008


I"m not so bothered with George Bush as some. I feel a wave of mild embarrassment each time I see him pretending that what is happening isn't happening. I'm embarrassed for his poor grasp of geography, his shunning of history and lately a reversal on GOP economic theory by advocating 'trickle up economics' with the stimulus package. Now they say it's because poor people are more likely to go spend the cash, and the cynicism this reveals for trickle down economics is only now manifest. Have they been fattening their wallets all this time? Selling cheap loans to people who will spend the next decade paying them off?. Keynesian economics is now evidently being practiced by POTUS and the mantra of free market economics as the unfailing driver of good, is a boil waiting to be lanced.

This doesn't mean I'm not horrified by the grotesque spectacle of Bill Clinton pulling tricks I never thought I'd see in order to gain reentry into the Whitehouse and of course his desperate wife Hillary who looks way past her time and a little ugly like Giuliani with his never ending repetition of what he did for N.Y. But don't let that colour your impression of my politics because my favourite candidate so far has been Ron Paul of the Republican party for his ruthless pursuit of presenting the unpalatable truth to the U.S.

It is however increasingly looking like Barack Obama's time and I see potential in him to lead the country forward in a way that the United States both deserves and desperately needs. It's time to rid the U.S. of that unholy alliance of the fundamentalists and neoconservatives because its just obscene listening to those pro lifers support the war in Iraq.

Via Rebecca Mackinnon