Showing posts with label bloodlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloodlines. Show all posts

Saturday 17 August 2019


Trauma based mind control is not a pleasant subject. 

Both C and W are alleged to be victims. 

It's a conversation worth having.

Friday 19 May 2017

Inside Trumps War with Robert David Steele

There's no denying that Robert David Steele is more up to date than 99% of CIA employees on how things really work. I also agree with a lot of his assessments, but he does make mistakes and the more influence he gains, the less time he has to vet the information he is digesting.

In the case of blood drinking he's misinformed about adrenalized blood. It's a high not just a rejuvenation elixir. He's also somewhat behind on conceding that some of his Trump appointees he backed, are Neocon hyenas.

I notice Robert is making inroads with Thai officials. I urge him to be cautious. Open Source is anathema to Thailand and ASEAN unless it's sharing Western IP.

Update: The video I originally posted was removed so I need to check if the above interview is relevant to the post. I've since checked and the relevant interview is below. Both are superb.

Update: I no longer trust RDS

Monday 25 April 2016

Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier is a Westpoint Cadet who decided to give his life to God. That path led him to deprogramming a large number of mind controlled survivors who claimed they worked for the Illuminati. They all said there are two things to understand about this group.

1. Bloodlines (Genetics)
2. Trauma Based Mind Control (Multiple personality programming through torture).

Monday 21 December 2015

Jay Parker - Free Your Mind

I think Jay Parker is the real deal. There's a point in this presentation where he begins to get angry and starts ranting at the aim low management.

Like I say, I've always known the bloodlines are important but now I embrace this group as above any other, though there may be new less recognizable groups that have as much or more power. All the books in this presentation are well worth making a note of as they will inform the interested student where to corroborate much of his information.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Le Martyre De Miss Cavell

As part of my research on ruling bloodlines and banking elites manipulating humankind through war, religion, ideology and greed (plus a few more) I go back and study the geopolitical landscape of the past. If the Rothschilds and Rockefellers were funding Trotsky then let's see if this is consistent with the drama that unfolds in the world wars. I'm constantly on the lookout for definite proof that I'm wrong. That way I can walk away from it. In all my research there's only one quote that didn't sit well with the framework I am building. I haven't been able to verify it though I know the historian who has read the cabinet diaries that I can ask. It was a comment that the British Royal family hid in the cupboard in Buckingham palace during air raids. This doesn't make sense when we know Churchill always hot footed it out of London as he had the Enigma codes advance warning. As I say it's just one line that doesn't fit the bloodline narrative in my head. Maybe it's a propaganda line. One day I'll find out.

In any case I learned about Edith Cavell in the documentary above. Two things stuck out. The first is her story comes from a time when the German army tried her in a military court. That wouldn't happen if the US Marines were there. They just shoot women who they think are guilty of aiding the enemy and we know that officially from The Phoenix Program from the Vietnam war and from Iraq and Afghanistan more recently, We've become even more barbarous with high tech warfare not less.

The second stand out point is Edith's words before she was shot. She said something I believe about veneer thin jingoistic nationalism and militaristic patriotism but I can only hope that I'd have the courage to say the same to a priest if I were facing execution. She said "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred and bitterness for anyone'.

For all my ranting. I don't hate anyone at all. That's what we're here to learn.

Edith Cavell was an English nurse who worked in Brussels during WWI. She was a nursing teacher, later starting her own nursing school in Belgium. After the war started, and the Germans invaded Belgium, she began to hide Allied soldiers and help them to cross the border into safe territory. Germans eventually captured the hospital and turned it into a Red Cross, but kept Cavell on as matron. She nursed and cared for German soldiers just as she had the Allied soldiers.
Cavell continued to hide English, Belgian, and French soldiers, despite German suspicions. By 1915, she had helped atleast 200 soldiers leave enemy territory and get back to their units. Eventually, German secret police discovered what she was doing, and had her arrested. She was shot before a firing squad on October 12th, 1915. Her death made her a martyr, inspiring an increase in morale and recruitment within the Allied ranks.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Time For Brits To Give Windsors The Chop & Get A Full Blooded Spencer In

It's an open secret that Prince Harry is the son of Major James Hewitt. Nobody will ever sue me for saying that as a blood test will prove me right. This means Harry is pure Spencer and has no Windsor/Reptilian bloodline in him. You can tell because he likes sex, likes fun, is a real human being with emotions and is a chip off his mum's block.

It's up to the British but if they really like all that pageantry and like the tourists coming over, I say get rid of the lizards running UK PLC and install a real human being. 

Nice one Harry.

Friday 17 February 2012

Ron Paul On George Bush & CIA Drug Dealing

Ron Paul on what's the point of having a select committee chaired by John Kerry looking into Bush family drug dealing when both Kerry and Bush were secret society members of Skull and Bones at Yale?

Should they be rounded up and shot at dawn for scratching each other's back while pretending to run against each other at election time?

Or take it back further when Grand Pappy Prescott Bush was funding the Nazis. I pay attention when Robert Phoenix says keep an eye out for Jeb Bush becoming the frontrunner at this coming GOP convention. Bloodlines still run the joint and that's a tag worth spending sometime with either here or anywhere else.

This is not a partisan thing. After becoming acquainted with this information it becomes increasingly credible that Bill Clinton's record for moving a lot of drugs through Arkansas (with Bush connection help) is worth examining.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Why Are The British Royals & Rockefeller Bloodlines Obsessed With Crop Circles & UFOs?

I do love it that the global-elite ruling-lizard bloodlines are, and have been, panicking over crop circles since the beginning - it's so very very revealing

The Rockefeller Banking family threw a huge wad of money at seasoned crop circle investigator Colin Andrews (who is from my home county of Hampshire) to investigate the matter and the Royal Household through Baroness Margaret Thatcher's cabinet and directly through Nicholas Ridley (Baron Ridley of Liddesdale) who requested Colin provide a report back in the Eighties when they first appeared. 

Both of these (and many other) ancient bloodlines families that stretch back to the Anunnaki in Sumeria have been running the planet for the last few centuries and accumulating wealth and property and power while dividing the people through their wars and family feuds.

The crop circle phenomena unsettles the ruling elites because the message of impending change points towards the end of their long overdue rule. There's a lot of opinions out there as to what the 20% of (according to Colin) genuine crop circles mean and I've written at great length about the sacred geometry, the magnetic fields, the solar and planetary changes but deep down you know in your hearts that this is a despicable age to live in where half the planet feeds off and beggars (starves) the other half through division, exploitation and militarism.

The outlook for the Windsor and Rockefeller dynasties if we pay close attention to the crop circles is not good at all. The quicker they fall the better.

Update: This post reveals even more about the subject.

Here's the blurb from the video/audio embedded above:

Nature of Luck:

First hour guest, author Ellen Whitehurst talked about the nature of luck. She cited four ways a person can enhance or improve their luck-- maximize your chances for opportunities (such as networking), listen to your intuition or trust your gut instincts, expect to receive good fortune, and turn a negative situation into a positive one. She also suggested that the last thing you see before going to sleep, and the first thing you see when you wake up should be something that makes you feel positive and purposeful.

Crop Circles:

Electrical engineer and researcher Colin Andrews coined the phrase "Crop Circles" 30 years ago. He discussed his research into the mysterious phenomenon, and its possible connections to the Mayans' calendar cycle ending in 2012. During a two-year period starting in 1999, he received funding from Laurance Rockefeller to study crop circles in England, and came to the conclusion that only 20% of them were real, i.e. not man-made-- a conclusion that angered many in the crop circle community. He found that the formations not made by humans, were with a few exceptions, "consistently of the more simple variety... [with] non-complex geometries."

As to who or what is creating the circles, Andrews suggested that it could be a "higher mind," such as an extraterrestrial species that's interacting with humans, as the messages evolve. While a low-level of directed microwave could account for the plant changes, the designs themselves contain mathematical, astronomical, and natural information, and fascinatingly, they are often "placed [in the field] in response to an individual's thought process, [or] prayer or meditation," he reported, citing a personal instance where a Celtic cross design appeared in a field near his home, after he made a mental request for it.

One crop formation depicted our solar system, and specifically referenced the date of September 2033, which Andrews was intrigued to discover corresponded to another end date for a different Mayan cycle. The date of 12/21/12 has a rare astrological alignment, and Israel and Iran may be drawn into a nuclear conflict around this time, he continued. Andrews also touched on encounters people have had with ET-type beings at crop circle locations, as well as a strange incident that occurred on the British TV network, ITN, when a metallic-sounding voice interrupted the program in 1977 and claimed to be an alien.

Update: Original video removed. 

Saturday 29 October 2011

Joseph P Farrell - PhD (Ox) Patristics - Alchemical Transmutation & Ancient Physics


I thought about the title for five minutes and it still doesn't do the interviews justice. I've listened to all three and a half hours of this twice since it turned up on Youtube yesterday it's so good. I don't put a lot trust in academia usually but Dr. Joseph applies a rigour and analysis to some of the widest thinking available on topics that are a long walk away from conventionality and a half marathon from pedestrian interest. If joined up sentences are your thing then this is joined up paragraphs and chapters. 

The trinity as mathematical metaphor cheered me immensely as it's almost word for word my "consciousness needs triangulation to exist" theory that has people running for the exits when I talk about it. His new book called Grid of the Gods is out though after this talk I'm obliged to go back to the beginning and read all of his work.

Monday 17 October 2011

Is David Cameron A Lizard?

Charlie Brooker of The Guardian takes the plunge and is the first to inform the British public of the inconceivable truth. His twitter crowd are unfollowing him in unprecedented droves unable to comprehend the magnitude of this news. An expected response in this seminal and breaking story. Unmissable.

For further analysis of the ancient bloodlines extending back to the blue blooded Sumerian Anunnaki as opposed to human red bloodlines, click on the reptilian tags below.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Are The British Prurient, Two Faced , Gullible & Spineless?

I've been all those things at some time or other but when it comes to Princess Diana she was no concern of mine till the morning of her death. Every fibre in my body screamed something unforgivable had taken place. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you bought tabloids that chased her to death, then mourned her at the funeral, cheered at her brothers funeral eulogy at how she was victimised by the Royal family and then waved flags at the next royal pageant  celebration, yet never question why the latest film documenting the FACTS of the cover up AFTER her death cannot be shown in the United Kingdom, then I will take your silence as tacit understanding that the answer to my post title is yes.

There is a chance still yet to redeem yourselves and right a wrong. 

Avail yourselves of the evidence and try to do whatever it is that comes into your heart about it because the consequences of pursuing the truth are not trivial. My wish is to see the overturning of the house of Windsor and ejecting them from the privileged position they hold while say installing Prince Harry as the heir to the throne given his unblemished parentage and restore the house of Stuart.

Britain has an important part to play in the future for one reason and anothe. In the mean time the last few minutes of the video below are as good a place as any to examine your conscience and decide if you are going to find out for yourself, once and for all, why she was held alive in a tunnel in a car while all the CCTV was switched off and the Police radio network fell silent all over Paris before she finally died in the slowest ambulance in the history of emergencies. 

She held out a lot longer than was planned, and for once England; can you not just put your foot down and reciprocate the memory with honour. She was worth it.