Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts

Thursday 8 December 2022

The Twitter Files

It's an unprecedentedly juicy and mouth-watering steak being served up on social media. The people who still trust the legacy media for most of their information are in for a world of pain. Like all pain, the longer the deferment, the more painful it is.

It's like a snowball gathering pace and the avalanche, while not with us quite yet, is in slow enough motion for the entire world to see a transparency at levels of global power-elite that most people don't even get close enough to wait their tables.

Most informed people will know the names of the people above, but Jack Poso might be new to you. Back in the day I used to give him a hard time because he's ex Naval Intelligence and didn't even know MOS/Neocons/Zios were the key actors of 9/11.

The irony is that ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) lost 8 of their own at the Pentagon that day, and if I'm not mistaken were assigned to the room where the missing $2.3 Trillion was being investigated and which was taken out by high impact explosion. Literally killing that investigation stone dead, or as Bill Gates likes to wail at the wall "aaaah that'll be a dead end'.

Poso has been red pilled since those days, and it's been informative observing the necessary changes and checks to his speech he now makes.

Many will never know because it's through omissions, which the BBC are the world champions at, but not here.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Saturday 28 September 2019

Non-Linear Technological Unveilings

Burdens of conspiracy theory epithet include MSM articles stating... uniformly, that "conspiracy theorists believe.." followed by the most preposterous version of anything from Space Lizards to the the execution of JFK.

For example:

"Conspiracy theorists believe JFK is chill-axing with Elvis in a Pakistan Madrasa"

My first experience of the Zapruder film-hoax was in B&W.

Here it is, in colour.

The Las Vegas shooting, official version states that there is no known motive, over two years later.


Make your own mind up.

What's the point of speculation, when the only respected speculators on the planet are on Wall Street and/or Corporation City of London.

Friday 19 October 2018

Nine Eleven // KSA

I believe there are good people on left and right who seek truth. 

They may disagree how to spend the money (spoils), but it's only the theorists asking troubling questions such as, who prints said money? 

It follows that....

Lift the veil

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Steve Pieczenik Schools Alex Jones

Alex Jones is discredited within the truth seeking community for dispensing with 9/11 truth to shill for Donald Trump. He has been told of Israel's considerable role in 9/11 by Steve Pieczenik, and now prefers to focus on anything but what really happened to bring us to this point in time. Pieczenik is not my favourite CFR member so I have no attachment to him in particular but from time to time he does say the uncomfortable truth and here we see him remind Alex that Trump cranking up the war machine in Afghanistan is another example of political and military cowardice in action.

Until people are prepared to join the dots up and call out 9/11 for the obnoxious lie it is then nothing gets fixed, and I am hearing the silence of the left and right on this for over a decade now because unless people are talking about it, they are moral cowards.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Fight Club 9/11 Twin Towers Predictive Programming

The Alt Right are suffering cognitive dissonance on this. Instead of apprehending the perpetrators they're blaming Muslim immigrants for the downfall of the U.S., which is odd because being cowards, like the well meaning but even easier to manipulate hypocritical SJWs, they have one thing in common. They prefer not to discus the seminal event that was initiated and framed chronologically and geographically as Ground Zero to implement infinite war in the Middle East on innocent Muslims.

One of the frequent responses to conspiracy analysis is that nobody could keep such a large operation secret. 

Well it's not. 

It's common knowledge by people who take an interest in reality.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

George Michael

I think even the blue pillers will be scratching their heads at the statistically impossible flurry of celebrity/legend deaths this year. I wonder what they were saying to their celebrity friends privately in emails that the NSA scans for potential acts of 'National Security''? If celebrities struggle to live out their homosexual lives as George Michael describes here, then what else can't they say. We know some of the biggest lies that society compels people to be silent on.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

War Dogs - Official Trailer [HD]

War Dogs is a film about two Jewish American guys who join the Pentagon arms-tender gravy train. It's college humour mostly but based on a true story. The photo I've used is a picture of Israeli General Mofaz after 9/11 instructing Zionist Neocon Jews Wolfowitz, Zakheim and Feith at the Pentagon on how to lead the war against Iraq who were accused in a Zionist Neocon conspiracy theory of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (Delusion).

This conspiracy theory cost Iraq a million plus lives and as a result the planet pissed away trillions on a global snoop state that digitally scoops up everything everyone else does.

Monday 19 December 2016

Walter Bowart ~ Big Secrets in Plain View

Walter Bowart was the first to really get the word out on the CIA's mind control programmes. He's dropping knowledge in this 2002 presentation that many of us took another decade at least to process. Oklahoma bombing, Freud the Fraud, The Freeman MovementIsrael and 911 and Remote Viewing. You name it, he name checks it in this presentation.

Update: I found another one, and it's a  gem, though I can't work out why Walter Bowart looks so young? He was born in 1939. Not a grey hair on his head. Peggy Kane is also in this video and I think it's about time I reminded people of her work as it's always been very solid testimony.

Subsequent UPDATE: Original video censored/taken down.

Monday 26 September 2016

Israel and 911, The Empire Unmasked (excerpts) Ryan Dawson

Some people say the BBC made a mistake broadcasting the the demolition of building 7 before it happened. I claim it was a deliberate mistake by the kind of people who resent having to create toxic propaganda and just wanted to tip us off.

Israel and it's Zionist puppets in the media such as paedophile defender Lord Finkelstein never tipped us off. They gloated about it after.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Tariq Ali's 9/11 Blindness

Dear Tariq

It pains me to respond to your recent 9/11 interview uploaded on Youtube but I was so offended by your words that I request you consider a more pluralist and nuanced opinion in future.

Like you I felt it preposterous that 9/11 was not orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden. I have no wish to persuade you otherwise but it is of critical intellectual importance that some sympathy is considered for the magnitude of distress that arises when over a period of years not months of research, I was obliged to change my opinion.

It is not a light decision. 

It poisons the well of good faith, attacks the integrity of consensus reality and earns the greatest of ridicule. It is so anathema to Western civilisation it has been career suicide in the past to be open on the matter. One can question the million deaths the ensuing war on Iraq incurred but one cannot question the veracity of the event that promulgated it. Is not this magnitude of deceit the strongest evidence that something is rotten in the heart of the Anglo Saxon TransAtlantic alliance?

It is crushing that the examples you used to argue your case were not very well informed points of order at all and require the worst excesses of damaging speculation to address. The sine qua non of the coincidence theorist is Building 7. Speak about that for ten minutes and no conspiracy realist will ever question your integrity.

Look, Tariq. I don't know if a plane or not hit the Pentagon because I've heard incredible arguments for both. I also don't know if it was an inside false flag or as some have framed it, a coup d'etat on the Bush Government that a new group were the new gang taking over.

The point is certainty is the last stance a person should make and that applies so much more to the people who believe the official narrative. To give these warmongers the benefit of trust makes no sense.

It is not easy to be persuasive on this matter. My intention is largely to convey one point so often not fully grasped. It is very painful to change one's mind on 9/11.. The consequences change one's life and bring great sorrow.

By the way I thought your 9/11 Berlin Cellar address in New York suggested you might be unable to be candid on the matter. Either way I ask you to be courteous to the complexity and power of consensus reality.


Charles Frith