Thursday 8 December 2022

The Twitter Files

It's an unprecedentedly juicy and mouth-watering steak being served up on social media. The people who still trust the legacy media for most of their information are in for a world of pain. Like all pain, the longer the deferment, the more painful it is.

It's like a snowball gathering pace and the avalanche, while not with us quite yet, is in slow enough motion for the entire world to see a transparency at levels of global power-elite that most people don't even get close enough to wait their tables.

Most informed people will know the names of the people above, but Jack Poso might be new to you. Back in the day I used to give him a hard time because he's ex Naval Intelligence and didn't even know MOS/Neocons/Zios were the key actors of 9/11.

The irony is that ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) lost 8 of their own at the Pentagon that day, and if I'm not mistaken were assigned to the room where the missing $2.3 Trillion was being investigated and which was taken out by high impact explosion. Literally killing that investigation stone dead, or as Bill Gates likes to wail at the wall "aaaah that'll be a dead end'.

Poso has been red pilled since those days, and it's been informative observing the necessary changes and checks to his speech he now makes.

Many will never know because it's through omissions, which the BBC are the world champions at, but not here.