Tuesday 15 October 2013

Illuminati Symbolism In Photoshoots


I'm sure most of these are just weak photographers copying a meme but there's no doubt that highly orchestrated celebrities are fully aware of the one eyed agenda.

Monday 14 October 2013

Ole Dammegard - The Conspiracy To Assassinate JFK

I first came across Ole Dammegard's work covering the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme using some of the same characters that were involved in JFK's assassination over at Red Ice Radio.

Because Ole Dammegard has spent decades researching political assassinations, you will find he has made an extraordinary amount of important connections in this business from Sweden to the USA and elsewhere. Basically proven teams are used all over the world to do the same business of keeping the power elite's interests in force. 

They use the same techniques (lone crazy gunman thus no conspiracy) and have a clear modus operandi when controlling the police and the media to keep the wider public dim, witless and ignorant of the very obvious cover ups that all these conspiracies necessitate.

This is a great interview and I'm keen to help Ole raise the necessary money to produce a documentary of his world class research and investigation.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Webster Tarpley on Oligarchy - [Emphasis On Roman History]

I usually give Tarpley a bit of stick on Twitter for his reactionary view of Julian Assange as avant-garde man about town/playboy-spy when in reality he's been locked up for the last few years. 

However if you can put aside this oddball failure (we all have a few no doubt) he really is a scholar and passionate about providing solutions for the working classes in his weekly radio addresses. I always learn a lot from Webster G Tarpley. Here's his Wikipedia entry. 

He's far superior to some of the lightweights academics spat out by think tanks and universities but his greatest weakness is he's an unashamed Zionist and never fails to plug anti Semitism when it's the Palestinians that are the Semites which makes Tarpley an anti Semite for as long as he says nothing about Palestinian suffering.

Tarpley's second weakness is he fails to see that the Venetian model is the Israeli Zionist model of underhanded influence around the planet. For a Princeton scholar this is unforgivable.

Tarpley however has been on the money about the Oligarchy, which includes the Zionists and is dominated by them. See the media, Hollywood, Oded Yinon plan and Neocons for evidence.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Rothschilds, Hitler, Israel & Zionism

It becomes fairly obvious after hundreds of hours of research that the biggest victims of the Jews are the Jews themselves. 

In a way this has nothing to do with religion, or race at all. We have a Kazar/Ashkenazi group of Europeans who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. These people are then later set up and manipulated by Jewish warmonger banking dynasties, such as the Warburgs and Rothschilds, to establish the State of Israel, despite having no connection other than the ideology of Zionism.

They are patsies. I'm often shocked how little Jewish history my Jewish friends and acquaintances actually know. I liken it to when I used to be a Catholic young boy and thought (as many Catholics still do) it was a superior religion, despite not knowing anything about it at all. This is an issue I have subsequently rectified.

Judaism is largely a superiority complex (a master race cult if you wish) and unless Jews listen to important information such as above, they will be victims again. Knowledge is power. Ignorance is a lifestyle decision in the age of information.

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Roman Creation Of Jesus - Joseph Atwill's Signature Presentation

I do have questions such as why are there Roman writings that nod towards the Flavian dynasty creation of Jesus to dissipate the messianic uprisings in Judea. However the overall thrust of Joseph Atwill's claim is robust and I'm confident that the Gospels are a form of propaganda that in many respects have taken on a direction of their own that I don't think even the Flavian dynasty could have anticipated.

The power of this work is that once we recognise that Jesus is a fictitious character used to mind control populations we are then more prepared to look around us and ask where else are we being misled. There's plenty of it about.

Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Part One

I'm only a few hours into this but these  tend to be taken down by Youtube so I'm putting it up in case. Michael Tsarion tends to rant at the choir in his radio interviews which is condescending and annoying. However in this 11 hour presentation he's a lot more relaxed and pleasant to listen to.

This sort of information is for people who ask questions. It wont appeal to those who believe the existing narrative of our origins.

I relearned the word theriomorphic in this upload. It's a word I've been trying to rediscover for over a year now.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

John Lash - Shattering The Zionist Entity Matrix

                                                                                   Popular Spirituality Internet Radio with Shattering The Matrix on BlogTalkRadio

The women interviewing John Lash in this interview go silent about halfway as he explains the messianic master-race cult that emerged from the Zadokite extremists in the middle East two millennia ago. These people believed (and still do today) that they are the chosen people and the rest of us are just cattle or Goyim.

The silence continues as John outlines the perpetrators of the 30-60 million Russian holocaust that never gets mentioned because the instigators were all Wall St sponsored Jewish Bolsheviks.

It's clear to me that people cannot make sense of the danger of the master race Zionist cult unless a full appreciation of the death and destruction waged by their ideologues is taken into account. That doesn't happen if we watch mainstream media that only talks about Nazi prison camps instead of say the Congo, Cambodia, China and the Soviet Union which have all suffered greatly if not many times more. 

Hell, even the American's through Eisenhower starved a million or so German prisoners to death after the war.

I recommend watching this documentary to fully appreciate that the peaceful Menshevik revolution that was exploited by a very cynical Wall St sponsored Jewish Masonic conspiracy. 

If that sounds outlandish, it's just history. Do the work and check the names. 

You'll learn a little. (Backup copy of the interview posted below)

Joseph Atwill - Caesars Messiah | The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

Earlier today, Richard Dawkins tweeted about Joseph Atwill's work on the synthetic creation of Jesus by the Flavian dynasty who also built the Roman Coliseum

I've posted a few times before on Joseph's brilliant information detailing the complex story of the Roman Flavian dynasty's manufacturing of Jesus Christ, through the gospels, to contain the messianic religion of Judah with their own God called Caesar

The clues are in the narrative genre of the day called a 'typology'.

Typology is no longer really used or well understood, but you can imagine it as say an allegory like George Orwell's Animal Farm. It would be difficult to understand this style two thousand years in the future if there are no farm animals left on the Earth. The story isn't meant to be grokked by those doing the religious mind control but fully understood by the educated Romans and Jews of the day.