Saturday 9 March 2013

International Vagrant In Burma, Japan, Thailand & Hong Kong

Hurrah!! I just received my portable hard drive back from over a year in storage and I've been looking through all the stuff again. I'm really pleased because I've got a bunch of files including my first digital photography back from when I travelled around Burma with an Olympus C-2000 that I wrote about over here. I'm really chuffed to rescue those amazing fishermen shots just down the road from Ngapali beach that you can see above and which I wrote about here and here. Then there's also the Nokia 8250 launch party in Bangkok on Feb 23, 2001. I can only remember the phone model because of the sign to the rear of this chap Johnny Doran from Saville Productions below, with 'Walk on the blue side'. Remember when a blue Screen was the latest thang? Before mobile cameras and colour displays.

There are the trips to Bagan, the ancient capital of Burma. You might need to click on it to see this stitched together panorama shot. The journey took me over 24 hours on a nightmare bus journey that I wrote about here. Bagan took a hit during an earthquake in '74 I think but its still breathtaking to imagine the monks, merchants, families, kids and officials running around this place, breathing life into it around the time that the Normans gave us a good hiding at the battle of Hastings isn't it?

I've now also got the shots from many trips to Cambodia (but not the one where I went missing in the heart of darkness for a few days) including Angkor Wat, which is just plain spesh because of all that South Indian influenced Jayavarman architecture. Khmer culture is so important to S.E. Asia.

Then there is me during my camp yachting period around the Andaman Sea. Never was a hangover washed away so quickly than by jumping off the Piraya (our boat) in the morning.

Not to mention my gay cowboy look long before Brokeback mountain was a hit. That was quite a smash hit with the ladies, if I recall correctly. Cowboy boots 'n all.

The Tokyo period which was all too short because Tokyo ROCKS as far as I'm concerned.

But the wack stuff I've saved is from Hong Kong.

And no photo story can be complete without those Bangkok nights. As a friend of mine once said. More can happen in a Bangkok night than most might expect to happen in a year. This was taken on Soi Cowboy.

And of course those Hua Hin days, weeks and months. It never occurred to me before but I guess this blog is as good a place as any to explain why this bug very memorably fell in LOVE with me and then scared the very life out of me.

Any requests? ;)

Israelis allowed to use 2400 cubic metres of water in Jerusalem. Palestinians only 15

Solid grown up TV debate on Israeli bus segregation Israel which the Palestinians are being forced to ask for so they can commute to work. In this way it seems like all sides want to live in hate. This is not accurate.

Inelia Benz Interviewed By Lilou Mace

Inelia's latest talks are very practical and helpful for me. Here's the other one that recently impressed me. Her website or toolbox is over here.

Thursday 7 March 2013

A Visit By The Department of Justice To My Blog

The corrupt Department of Justice visited the essential Kay Griggs post after a link drove 30000 people to this blog. I doubt anything will come of it but I hope for the US Marines and for Kay Griggs that lots of people wake the fuck up and realise that Satanism in the army is a large driver of human sacrifice and I include the bombing of Dresden and Tokyo in that category. Nobody has ever challenged me to a recorded debate on this matter. I only know a handful of people who know more than I. It's a few hundred hours of evidence gathering.

The State Department in Washington D.C. also paid very close attention to this post. Your choice how you wish to interpret it.

Google Glass - More Transhumanist Meconium You Don't Need In Your Life

By all means live your life as you wish but I enjoy living in the now more and more as I get older and nothing is more valuable than the undistracted presence of human conciousness for me. Others need a drop down menu while they engage, but they're not my cup of tea. Mark at Wayki Wayki has blogged about this too.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Blocked By Mossad, Genocidal Dictators and Zionist Paedophile Defenders

Some Ex Mossad guy lost the plot with me today and blocked me so. This means he joins London Times journalist, Pro Zionist and Paedophile defender David Aaronovitch, Peadophile Defender Andrew Neil (Former Sunday Times Editor), Pro Tripoli Bomber Mia Farrow (Actress) and Genocide Dictator of Rwanda Paul Kagame.

I'm gutted.

Dr Stephen Greer Claims He Briefed Obama On UFOs

Stephen Greer's ego is unpalatable to modest people of inquiry and he tells information that I confidently know is either misinformation or disinformation. However if you can ignore his non stop showing off his inside knowledge over spooks and military parasites there's some killer information in this and he also claims to have briefed Obama's people on UFO's.

Greer could just as easily be MKULTRA or part of the establishment but this interview is still a must listen. Joe Rogan is as professional and diligent as one could wish. Make up your own mind when he is exaggerating, lying, or not as informed as he likes to think. That Roswell yawn for example.

Remember When The CIA Tried To Assassinate Chavez?

Chavez was loved by millions. He spoke the truth about Palestine, George Bush and shared with the people, the profits of Venezuela's huge oil reserves that the USA corporations want to steal through their connections with the military industrial complex. The CIA tried to organize a coup against him, and the America ambassador even came out and hugged the stooges they were backing.

Chavez was not loved by everyone but he was more human than any leader the greedy Western powers have to offer.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Beppe Grillo, Gianroberto Casaleggio & Italy's Five Star Movement

Wow. I've been so jaded with politics, that I completely took my eye off the ball and missed the Italian elections. Earlier today I had a conversation with someone I respect politically and learned that the new superstar party in Italy might not be so cool with immigration issues which is the hot potato issue that the power elite want to divide Western Democracy with.

Anyway  I've done some research and Beppe Grillo's Five Start Movement is masterminded by Gianroberto Casaleggio and they've got a very interesting democracy 2.0 video posted above that amazingly even name checks the Bilderberg Group that the corporate whore media can barely mention without spluttering. Couple that with the Huffington Post and the Guardian shitting their pants over people voting in or out of the Euro by fast electronic democracy and I'm very attracted to the Five Star Movement. Huffpo and Guardian readers are the ultimate anus scratching finger sniffers.

But hold on a second. 

There's a Leni Riefenstahl nod in the video above and I'm too jaded to believe in parties that appear out of nowhere, even though a crowd sourced movement is almost obvious really.

I believe in humans. Our collective ability to get rid of the parasites that are bleeding us dry. I don't believe in isms or ologies. I believe in doing the right at the right time and sometimes it's a new thing and sometimes it's an old thing. 

So I'm cautious but I'm watching these guys. They're interesting. Whatever you do watch the video. It could have been written by me without that jarring Leni Riefenstahl nod, who I like creatively but probably shouldn't be in a political video. 

I get nervous about symbolism like that. No more Swastikas. No more Stars of David. No more Stars and Stripes no more Union fucking Jack Offs. 

I'm sick of you.

It's a very exciting time to be alive. History is starting to take shape.

John Kerry's Secret Society At Yale - The Order by Professor Antony Sutton

It wasn't until the daughter of a Yale, Skull & Bones member Charlotte Iserbyt gave Professor Antony Sutton the membership book of The Order (as it's known to insiders) when her father died that Prof. Sutton understood the magnitude and influence of this secret society. 

The usual suspects are to be found mentioned in this excellent interview but it's the level of academic respectability that he and Charlotte below give to the research that made me wake up and realise this group is real, it is pernicious and is, in the final analysis a crime syndicate with fingers in every significant transgression against humanity.

If the notion of a secret society controlling the world is too far fetched for you, then these interviews are the most cogent and documented arguments I know. There are other groups but its rare we can peer into the inner workings of a secret society so thoroughly. If you think Hillary Clinton was a nightmare you're going to love John Kerry who belonged to Skull and Bones with George W. Bush

Everybody Loves Cats Right?

Can anyone tell me what NATO's psycho-Jihadist FSA friends are doing with the cat around 1 minutes 22 seconds? Why are we giving these people guns and night vision goggles with Saudi and Qatari money? Do you not see our own leaders are lying to us about how the planet is manipulated?

(Sssh don't tell anybody but it's a fake revolution so that everyone (Sunni Arab/Petro Monarchies) can steal Iran's oil and the middle East can turn on Israel and the West will have to back them up again (protecting democracy) with more war that keeps the planet divided and the oil profits flowing to the rich bloodlines and blueblood corporate superstars that run our planet).)))

Monday 4 March 2013

Love Thy Neighbour

Did America Just Get Caught Teabagging The Moral High Ground?

Very drole. Had me laughing out loud. Check out his site here.

I'm A Child of the Seventies

I've been saying this for a long time but to have been born Generation X is one of the greatest privileges in human conciousness. Old enough to have known survivors of the First World War while they were still lucid about the experience, lived without a telephone (or even a TV on occasions), born abroad (in my case) and lived in several countries, but most importantly to have lived without electronic mediation of everything. 

It's not so much that I don't love the internet (I love how it scours down tyranny and greed and holds a mirror up to ourselves) it's just I have a reference point to a golden external period, which admittedly was a bubble; but what a bubble to live inside, however briefly

Naturally we had all the usual issues that families have including an unhappy marriage between my parents.

But there was a soundtrack to it all and it sounds just as good today as it did over the radio back then. I can barely believe that I existed to hear this emerge fresh from whatever bubble of electronics and humanity that got together in the right way.

What Kind of Witless Lizard is @SharifNash ?

Sharif Nashashibi reveals himself to be inordinately stupid by claiming that Al Qaeda in Syria is all the fault of the existing leadership when we know full well that MI6 and CIA have been pumping in extremists and mercenaries into Syria using Libyan arms and Qatari and Saudi Arabian money (when they're not beheading Indonesian and Ceylon maids presumably).

The good thing about Sharif Nasashibi is he has put his views on Youtube for all to see how venal and greedy he really is. Make your own mind up. All the evidence is there.

Update: Sharif Nashashibi returns for more schooling from Tarpley though his performance is less arrogant than the first occasion. He still however is unable to entertain the idea that a small protest could be seized upon or even initiated by the worlds finest regime changers with six million deaths on their hands and that's from their own station chief in Angola. The CIA and let's not forget the wankers at MI6 and Mossad who are the real axis of evil on the planet.

Syrian politics isn't even something I pay that much attention to but I know what's going on here, and Sharif is the classic dupe. Stalin called them useful idiots. Willing pimps for a hollow cause. Let's be clear. NATO, Saudi, Qatar and Israel (and the GCC to begin with) are responsible for 70 000 deaths so far and Sharif is unable to accept responsibility for the enormity of his warmongering fervour most evident in the first video. 

Like all hypocrites and deluded amnesiacs he's already forgotten the inconvenient claims he was once attached to only last week, and which he parroted so earnestly in order to post rationalise the current situation and the humanitarian love bombs that still may come to unseat the sovereign Government of Syria. 

The Assad government I often remind people I was criticizing back in the 90's for sclerotic reform. I refuse to channel that unhappiness into becoming an apologist for NATO's war crimes in Syria. Sharif is different  He's cool with it because as you can see. He really doesn't have a clue what he's signed up to. He's not evil though. This I learned about him in his latest interview. He's just not that bright. and unwittingly is prolonging death and suffering. 

Remember That American Shouting Allahu Akbar Before Beheading Syrian Citizens?

You will never learn from the corporate media that Syria is being pumped with terrorists and mercenaries by NATO using Saudi and Qatari money using Libyan guns (that's what Benghazi was all about). The corporate media cannot inform you that the real target is Iranian oil but let's be candid. By the time consumers have finished following their favourite footy team, ogled a bit of celebrity nipple and texted in their favourite Britain's got talent candidate they haven't got much time to realise that the Western lifestyle is based on death and destruction. Other people's death, other countries destruction. Maybe this is why the churches are emptying faster than a stadium fire. Maybe this is why the spooks understand that to keep the divide and rule model working there has to be a group with something to lose and a group with something to gain.

Share and share alike I say, like this young chap above who lost the plot and his life for a few shekels more. I'm no fan of Syrian leadership but let me remind you till your dying days that NATO, Israel, Saudi and Qatar are the axis of evil responsible for a hundred thousand deaths through the divide and rule tactics including the most beastly beheadings of children by people like this American prick above.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Hey Pseudo Journalists. This Is What Happens When You Ask Real Questions

Consensual reality is an interesting topic but it also gets a bit lame for people who only use the corporate media to inform themselves from. That is because it's unconscious media. Here's what happens when real questions that the corporate media are too uninformed to ask are put to the movers and shakers. Tony Blair is a classic. Dear in the headlights look.

C - Span Is A US Cable Television Station That Still Asks Questions

James Corbett does a show on C-Span, a channel I've often referred to for its refreshing interviews and content on Iran Contra etc.