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Showing posts sorted by date for query karla turner. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 4 November 2023

Crooked & Cloned, Doubled & Masked

Wakey Wakey

The process has to be gentle and humourous because the subject matter is so grave. Masks and Doubles are a deception but the cloning is vast and much more serious. I always avoided the subject as most of the info back in the day was about Hollywood clones and I have a natural aversion to celebrity info. 

However, I did study and deeply respect Dr Karla Turner's work all those years ago and recently went back to it, and if you click the link those videos are all gone for good reason. That's where all the dangerous information was. So they killed her. 

Cancer like my mother.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave

A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.

I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work

Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Nadine Lalich on Alien Abduction

Probably one of the best alien abduction interviews since listening to the late Dr Karla Turner. It's even more worthwhile for the person who hasn't got time to put a thousand hours into one of the most complex subjects I've encountered.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that the future coming back to the past to secure DNA is not only scientifically possible but very much part of the story.

Even if the subject matter doesn't interest you, if you like gut punching interviews where the room walls suddenly contract closer. This is one them.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Cathy O'Brien - That CIA/Child Sex Abuse Thing Kept Out Of The Media

As Cathy O'Brien testifies, there are both good and evil factions within the CIA but today is a good day to acquaint people with the utility that the demonics in Langley, Virginia have for children who come from multi-generational child-abuse families and who thus often have dissociative identity disorder. 

As with 9/11, people become suggestible after trauma and do things like run out and buy flags, endorse torture and ignore reality if the collective corporate media painted reality is dominant.

Of the women I admire the most from Youtube for speaking up bravely Cathy O'Brien and Karla Turner will never leave my memory and without their testimony I would never have grown up. I honour them.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Black Ops: Blindness & Stupidity

Podcast Powered By Podbean

The military/covert ops connection to the extensively documented alien abduction phenomena is revealing and asks a better class of question as to what's going on. This interview with Melinda Leslie by Mike Clelland is the best I've heard since being convinced of the issue by Dr. Karla Turner PhD. who died prematurely after receiving death threats from the black budget male only Archons back in the 90's.

What is clear to the listener is how out of their depth the military mindset is in either solving the problem of alien intervention and respecting the lives of the individuals involved. What they don't understand is that there's nothing worth fighting for if this is how they treat their citizens and that really the whole gravy train is about who has the best toys.

We also get to learn a little more of the collaborative side of the topic between the parasitical black ops and E.T.

I'd like to know more about that subject.

The story about the male police officer losing his temper with one of these types in an abduction scenario and then when nobody is looking taking a blow to the testicles is a story of two alpha males in reversed hierarchical positions that nobody could invent and is exactly the sort of information I've been looking for. In addition to this we get to know about what happens to military members who become abductees. We also learn more about the use of sexual abuse to secure the emotional states that these people (and E.T.) are most interested in and which supports the curiosity into our genetics that I've heard is the most important I.P. in the galaxy from very very different sources.

There's a lot more for me to learn and I suspend judgement on this information as the use of mind control would normally invalidate the information but I think if like me you listen to the entire (excellent) interview then it's hard not to take much if not most of it at face value. This is the value of oral testimony over text. The more one listens the easier it is to filter the rubbish out and believe me I wade through a lot of rubbish before I post media I think is of value.

There is a wealth of information in this interview.

Friday 30 December 2011

The Trickster Archetype (Wave Particle Super Woo Duality)

One of the challenges about the poorly named UFO phenomena is how quickly and extensively it spreads into every area of super woo phenomena. I got into it by targeting quantum mechanics and mysticism for personal study at the beginning of the year and every trail led to UFOs or aliens at some point . As I was studying mysticism, hermeticism and gnosticism I thought it couldn't be that much of a side path to take a fun stroll down.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

And so it's important to say that I don't really find UFO's all that interesting. I find the possible occupants of these craft interesting and that interest doubled as I learned from the likes of Dr. Karla Turner and Niara Isley that the military has a close working relationship with, and is often performing the abductions to conduct experiments on people that are all about  the genetics, the genetics, the genetics.

So it's easy to be misrepresented as to what I'm interested in but the reality is I'm the last to have cause to complain because I've been deceiving myself. All along I've drawn the line at Cryptozoology because it's one thing to be exploring popular culture mysteries that have a military industrial complex trail of evidence, but did I really want to be investing time in Bigfoot and The Mothman prophecies? They just seemed so lo-tech to me and it is this that unveils my cultural bias.

Well, it took a British Midlander's point of view to hold up a mirror to myself because even though I don't wish to pursue CZoology (look I can barely bring myself to spell it out) as a subject I now accept that it's all one big overlapping Venn diagram clusterfuck overlap of super woo Rorschach testing and exploring of the self. Synchromysticism cranks up around UFOs, and UFO's crank up around Cryptozoology sightings and so on and so forth. You get the picture.

Listening to Nick Redfern and the likes of Christopher Knowles and Mike Clelland of late I've  had to accept that as much as I'd like to have nice neat lines of confusion the reality is I haven't got a clue what is going on with the multi dimensional and multiple tiered nuanced and highly contextual subject.

I guess I should have followed my own advice from the way back machine. Everything is contextual. The Trickster is at at play as author Christopher O'Brien explains to a witless interviewer in this interview and as Nick carefully relates below where he says 'it's not that it's just weird, it's too weird'. I didn't want to be here but here I am anyway so I might as well just accept it. It's not cut and dried. Nothing ever is.

Update: Below Nick Redfern I've posted a two part Christopher O'Brien podcast interview on a similar subject though there's some interesting 2012 perspectives in there too and below that (hopefully) is Mike Clelland interviewing Christopher O'Brien on stalking the trickster.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Dr. Karla & Elton Turner's Alien Abduction Analysis & Testimony


I still find it tough to listen to Dr. Karla and Elton Turner's testimony. They were and still are betrayed by the full spectrum of society from the least educated to the intelligentsia. Elton felt most upset that the educated were too programmed to evaluate the evidence without prejudice and this is the reason why I don't mind putting in another five thousand hours or whatever it takes is to honour these remarkable people.

Dr Karla says something quite extraordinary in this presentation. She points out that the abductors are so intent on making their victims feel powerless that she believes they're less in control then they admit. I think she's right and when the books are balanced and the windows are cleaned to let the sunshine through and disinfect the society that lets this slip under the radar we will know a lot more about the kind of people/beings who have profited from torment. The tipping point is coalescing and the hundredth monkey effect will surprise us all with its extraordinary swiftness.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Dr. Karla Turner - The Connection Between Military & Alien Abduction Phenomena

Like Niara Isley, Dr Karla Turner's recollections of military involvement in the alien abduction phenomenon while undergoing hypnotic regression treatment led her to speak out about her experiences. Unfortunately Dr Karla had a PhD and a lot of experience of the world and that kind of rational, problem solving and articulate mind led to her receiving death threats. She then picked up one of those fast acting cancers known to be at the disposal of the intelligence agencies as we've learned from Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen and Colonel John B. Alexander.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Dr. Karla Turner - The Presentation That Cost Her Life

I liked Dr Karla Turner a hell of a lot the first time I listened to this presentation, and the more of her testimony I heard, the more I recognised that in addition to being likeable, Dr Turner brought rigour, tenacity and intelligence to the phenomena of alien abductions.

Unfortunately that's a very dangerous combination to the chain of obedience. Her experience of the world including a Masters Degree in Nottingham and a subsequent PhD in the United States meant her talks were articulate and a model of critical thinking. Weaponised truth is a threat to the spooks from the alphabet agencies.

From 1988 Dr Karla Turner began to receive death threats for speaking out about the relationship between the military and the abduction phenomena.

Shortly after this presentation she was killed with fast acting cancer drugs

Thursday 24 November 2011

Dr Karla Turner - American Martyr

Dr Karla Turner made the connection between alien abduction and the (shadow?) military industrial complex. She was warned off, threatened and then mysteriously died from cancer followed by her husband shortly after. Fast acting Cancer-inducing drugs (as I discovered) are part of the portfolio of options that who ever sanctions these murders have. 

Dr. Karla Turner was a remarkable women and her courage and testimony made me dig deeper into some of the most difficult topics I've ever had to research. I learned that the smarter you are the greater the threat you pose to the control complex that keeps so much hidden from us.

The point of this testimony isn't to change your mind it's to make you ask questions that lead you to doing your own research. More often than not it's the implications of what they say that is even more staggering than what they actually state. It's not for ostrich head-in-the-sand types.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Dr John Mack MD - Harvard Clinical Psychology & Alien Abductions

To paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from the paranormal'.

Increasingly in the scientific press these days we're presented with technology progress that should make the thinking person review the E.T. and abduction question more intelligently. If terrestrial science is making developments in traction beams and invisibility cloaking (two examples from last month alone) one should have no problem in understanding that beings with a thousand or a million years or more of technological superiority would have little problem dragging people out of their sleep for biological tests, then wiping their memories (subsequently recalled in hypnotic regression) and returning them to their sleep largely undetected.

Why would they do that? That's a hundred hours of study just to have some solid speculation so it's not very helpful to the novice at this stage as it opens up more questions than it answers.

Dr. John Mack M.D. was Harvard's top psychologist when he first heard about the alien abduction phenomenon and rejected it immediately as nonsense. However on further examination the data said something was really happening and his continued interest nearly cost him his job. It certainly had his reputation smeared by the academic elite controllers who are instructed to lean on scholars who come too close to the truth. The Dean of Harvard in this instance.

Amazingly Alan Dershowitz (Ultra Zionist Jewish American Lobby) comes to the rescue arguing a case of tolerance and scientific independence. Now that might fly in the face of his attack dog politics for anyone who criticizes Israel but it is as it is. He comes through and does the right thing for Dr Mack in this interesting documentary that compliments the Dr. Karla Turner and Bud Hopkins testimony I've previously written a fair amount about.

Just one anecdote I picked up along the way to fit with the visual of this post. One abductee was taken by traction beam or whatever through the UFO exit and entrance port hole and could see the alien beings paying no attention to him. It was so normal they were talking to each other as a human slid by in the middle of their interaction. That is or was the scale of alien abduction.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Budd Hopkins Tribute

Budd Hopkins was a highly regarded abstract artist who bravely took on the subject  of alien abductions before it was a recognised phenomenon and felt to be inconceivable or subject to ridicule and derision. The issue has always earned ridicule but Budd Hopkins saw enough similarities from disparate sources to know that something was up. I've never heard him try to portray himself as an artist when he was presenting abduction information and it must have surely burdened his reputation to be taken seriously as an artist though he went on to become recognised in both fields.

My realisation that the inseparable relationship between alien abduction and the military (Eisenhower agreed with one group of E.T. to exchange technology for genetics, a disastrous agreement for the United States morally and spiritually) came from listening to Dr Karla Turner who despite being a victim had objective and compelling presentation skills and later I came across Budd's work which is invaluable to the subject which is trans dimensional, involves memory wiping and even replaced memories but always involves missing time for those not asleep during abduction. I can't imagine the true story behind the phenomenon remaining concealed for all that much longer given the huge increase in UFO activity by what is considered to be largely benevolent ET.

Monday 13 June 2011

Dr Karla Turner - Cattle Mutilations and Abductions

I am in the middle of transferring Dr Karla Turner's Google video presentations to my Youtube account to save them, and so this radio interview isn't either mine or the best presentation format I prefer but it is with the legendary Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM.

Karla Turner, like Cathy O'Brien are two stories I can't ignore since I learned of their horrific (and in both cases multi generational) ordeals that society would prefer to pretend didn't exist. 

It makes me angry that the government is complicit in both their accounts and I wont rest till their whistle blowing has been honoured. It's the least I can do.

As the Manics once wrote. 

If you tolerate this then your children will be next.

Dr Karla Turner Ph.D - Military Connections To Alien Abductions

Dr Karla Turner's testimony is lucid, comprehensive, super intelligent and gutsy in that down to earth way I admire very much and find time and again with U.S. women from the southern states. 

She paid for those qualities with her life. 

The military really don't like it when someone clever, witty and articulate starts to nail their game bit by bloody psychopathic bit. Generally speaking when discussing the hidden alien connections to the military the stories are an obscenity to humanity with negative  psychologies working closely together on agendas that have only contempt for the rest of us.

You should honour Dr Karla Turner's memory with at least an attempt to hear her findings out. She mentions that she did her American Studies Master degree at Nottingham University and says the English take on her country was a whole lot different than the one she was raised with.

Not that I trust either country as far as I could throw them. My flag is in the trash where it belongs.