Showing posts with label trauma based mind control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trauma based mind control. Show all posts

Monday 25 April 2016

Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier is a Westpoint Cadet who decided to give his life to God. That path led him to deprogramming a large number of mind controlled survivors who claimed they worked for the Illuminati. They all said there are two things to understand about this group.

1. Bloodlines (Genetics)
2. Trauma Based Mind Control (Multiple personality programming through torture).

Tuesday 9 February 2016

MK ULTRA Sleeper Confession: Government Scopolamine Secrets

Interesting interview by a Canadian man who claims he was taken for trauma based mind control. I have no doubt he was subjected to something but we must also include the possibility that the identity he is using here could be a multiple. Or he might be just telling us what happened to him. My research tells me TBMC is best done on children as adults suffer PTSD not the dissociation that happens with children.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave

A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.

I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work

Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.

Monday 1 February 2016

Mark Phillips & Cathy O'Brien - Tranceformation of America

George HW Bush is outed as a child abuser, and his son George W Bush a victim of Trauma Based Mind Control but it's only through years of studying the material that it is also repeated by other victims in writing or audio interviews and presentations. 

It takes years before it sinks in. Or it did with me.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Thursday 28 January 2016

Trauma Based Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse

You probably don't have enough time to study this subject in depth so I don't ask you to believe the content the first time, but I can assure you there are hundreds of people coming forward with this information. 

I'm now more confident that as informed a long time ago,  1 to 2 million children have been subjected to trauma based mind control in the US alone. This explains much of the schizophrenia, bipolar and multiple personality disorder evident in the population which is largely ignorant even to psychiatric professionals of this topic.

Some of the key points raised in this brief interview are that the military and CIA targeted Satanic Groups to collaborate with exploiting children because the multi generational aspect means there is a genetic propensity towards mind control from families that engage in ritual satanic abuse. This is good for the military industrial spy complex and means less wastage of time and children turned into ineffective zombies through strenuous torture.

Once again we hear of a victim's direct contact with Joseph Mengele (where are the holocaust gravy train riders like Danny Finkelstein and Marko Hoare when this subject is staring them in the face?).

Instead of milking the obnoxious 6 million figure why don't these Zionist low lives draw attention to the human experiments in concentration camps that were then taken by the CIA for their MKULTRA programs? 

The reality is the British, the Nazis, The Americans and the Soviets are all the same on this subject of abusing their own children. This is the legacy of Statism.

Fritz Springmeier - Free Your Mind Podcast

In 1973 there were around 40 plus Institutions including Universities, Military Hospitals, CIA and so forth experimenting on US Citizens for mind control methodologies. However it's not until one reads the first hand accounts of NSA factory farms inhabited by infants in cages being electrocuted to keep in a dissociative state that the estimates of 1 to 2 million US citizens suffering trauma based mind control  effects such as Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder or any one of the number of names the psychotic psychiatric profession had to come up with to prevent consumers understanding what was going on to their own children, family, friends and so forth.

Mind controlled slaves are like drugs. They create new realities for the Gods.

This subject is going to be huge and so now is a good time to learn about the pseudo reality painted by leaders, church ministers, celebrities, sports stars and whatever else consumers soak up their cognitive bandwidth with.

Friday 22 January 2016

David Rothschild

David Rothschild strikes me as a thoughtful and caring person. He understands that climate change is less of an issue than ecological harmony. The latter encourages a stable climate and it is this point I find the "for or against" crowd most tedious on.

However we are still faced with a troubling question(s). 

We know the ruling bloodlines use trauma based mind control on their own children and so it's impossible to determine if David's Ecowarrior, Traveller and Adventurer credentials are just one of many identities without spending any significant observational time in new world order to identify

.... if there are any inconsistencies such as loss of time, change of personality or any other indicators of trauma based mind control....

David has recently blocked me on Twitter yet the only question I've ever asked him is 'Does he know what a multiple is?". Probably very annoying if he doesn't and annoying if he does.

While writing this it occurred to me that if I had centuries of experience at mind control it would be easy to run the entire Rothschild clan under mind control with different personalities for generation ...

... after generation while the real power, the handlers, resided outside the immediate field of view. Just a thought and one I might develop in subsequent posts.

Monday 18 January 2016

#Multiples #TBMC #Multiple #Alters

Even if you study this subject for a few years it can still take longer to understand it. Let me repeat that. You may learn the information about trauma based mind control, alters, multiples and multiple (George W Bush is a multiple) but when you understand the information that's a completely different issue. It is much like DMT. It changes the world you experienced before and that's what I call the information drug. It happens so rarely that I look forward to any feedback from others.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

How To Spot Celebrity MKULTRA Victims

Have you looked into the symbolism in celebrity content that points towards mind control?

It's worthwhile checking out the MKULTRA video above and the tag below to understand this important subject.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Intel, Information, Stories & Narratives


It's always very difficult with MKULTRA victims to know what's what and so I've never really had much time for Michael Prince's video recordings. However when seen in the context of disinformation and fear mongering product from factions who run things, there are snippets of information that sound more like intel. 

These guys make no money from this, they live in surveillance state America, admit to killing people and the FBI aren't knocking down their door. You ask yourself why they are getting away with it when stupid kids are being jailed for having rap lyrics on Facebook that talk about killing?

Welcome to information warfare. Lots of Transhumanism selling from these boys. That's for sure.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Jan Irvin & Dr Colin Ross - CIA, MKULTRA, Gordon Wasson & The Century Club

When the US Government realised the CIA were liquidising people's minds in an effort to become the best at mind controlling populations the Director of the CIA Richard Helms shredded all the paperwork. What we have left is the low risk to the CIA damage control but it's still revealing.

With this interview we piece together more of how the entire United States (and indeed Western civilisation) has been manipulated by the CIA (Century Club/Esalen etc) including this age of Aquarius that the CIA took a lot more seriously as a window to hijack global consciousness than the science establishment they also manipulate to repeat the mechanistic view of the universe.

The CIA used this time to keep the planet distracted on LSD and flowers in guns rather than protesting against the psychopathy of all the paternalistic institutions s that actually run the planet. This is top notch research in action. No celebrity nipple here. Lots of dots connected in a rich discussion that fans of reality will appreciate.

Friday 28 December 2012

Targeted Individuals Of Psychotronic Attacks

People who think tin foil hats are a joke are just badly informed that in fact tinfoil hats are one way to protect victims or targeted individuals as they are properly called from psychotronic attacks by the likes of the CIA and Military Laboratories experimenting with this technology for decades now. 

Don't believe me? 

Please watch the evidence. 

The entire show is on Youtube but I've picked out the important chunk above and the official proceedings below. We should sympathise with these people. They really are living hell.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Presidential Bioethics Commission (Is Dr. Amy Gutmann A Reptilian?)

Industry Icon - Amy Gutmann from History Making Productions on Vimeo.

Dr Amy Gutmann creeps me out. I've watched her stone cold bioethics hearings and written about it below. Update: The original video was removed so I've embedded a clip of her with creepy Joe Biden (Nov 2020).

March 1st 2011, bioethics commission, session 10 from Jeremy on Vimeo.

The experienced researcher will note the disengaged and hesitant approach of the chair Dr Amy Gutmann and will do a background check on her and discover she is the quintessential fascist apologist calling it the spirit of compromise. Yeah, why don't we compromise between locking her up or locking her up without trial. Maybe a half trial where we win?

The keen observer will note the gentleman whispering sotto voce into her ear when a victim demands representation on the bioethics committee and the pro forma response so quick to invoke Obama's name as an empty appeal to authority.

The testimony in these hearings is explosive and repeated over and over again. The US is remotely controlling thoughts, feelings, pleasure and pain of US victims across the coutnry. There's plenty of discussion on the net of the methodology by Dr Nick Begich invoking directed energy  but the reality is we just don't know how they do it.

I see for Dr. Amy Gutmann tenure is looking golden. How nice. How very comfortable.

Thursday 23 August 2012

How Far Down The Reality Hole Have You Been?

MKULTRA, Monarch Mind Control, Multiple Identity Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Trauma Based Mind Control have all entered the vernacular in the last twelve months and I've seen a lot of discussion online. I really don't mind too much if people get things wrong and say things that show they don't know too much. It's really desirable if people have even just a smattering of knowledge. In this respect Cathy O'Brien is the hero of our story. There's more modern electronic remote mind control going on now but her experience and courage in sharing it publicly will be partly responsible for the downfall of the United States of grotesque exploitation. Watch it and take a trip down the reality hole.

Friday 17 August 2012

James Holmes MKULTRA/Mind Control?

I welcome alternative narratives and analysis to the corporate media who have failed on so many of the leading issues of the day. I've not the time to watch this though as I'm immersed in Iran Contra things so if anyone has any opinions on it I'd appreciate some feedback. I don't accept the mainstream media analysis of the story given the number of indicators for false flag mind control but I'm open minded.

Here is the claim that James Holmes purchased $20000 dollars worth of weapons and gear.

Thursday 2 August 2012

RFID Chip Gang Stalking - 21st Century Greed

Another must listen interview by Randy Maugans as we hurtle into the 21st century of mind control and gang stalking. I didn't fully understand what gang stalking victims were talking about even though I researched it and saw it happening on video, until I listened to this interview. 

In short James Walbert designed a multi million dollar innovation that would compete with the beverage industry's ready to drink canned sodas, and that's like stepping into the Cola wars. It looks like the corporations paid for an associate to drug him. He woke up bleeding after being out for the count for a weekend and a sore ear canal from what a later MRI scan proved to be an RFID chip implant. Then he started to be followed around by strange vehicles with $30000 dollars worth of aerial equipment alone. What I learned from this interview is how the RFID chips are placed near hormone creation glands so not only can they measure the victims biochemical states but can also activate them. It's like a William Gibson novel has arrived. 

Next stop Shibuya.

Update: The interviews have been lost.