Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February 2017

3 Women (1977)

If you haven't watched Robert Altman's 3 Women by now you're missing out on a treat. It was made during that special time in the 70's when New York was decaying and Hip Hop was rising from the slums. Hollywood no longer makes movies like this as too many want to put their spoon in the soup, and scripts and ideas are destroyed. It's easier to make Part IV of an old movie than do authentic story telling.

I'm not so keen on Shelley Duval as an actress though she does play annoying women wonderfully (See The Shining for more on that). However if there was a time before I knew the moon landing was faked and I thought the Anglo American empire was a force for good, it's pretty much anything Sissy Spacek did during this time. If you're paying attention they were telling us something was rotten to the core. 

This is not occult information, it's in your face if you're paying attention. It is as it is.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tom Hanks - Big

Not my usual choice of movie but one that cropped up in my timeline over the Christmas Break. It's a pleasant movie, of the sort reviewed better elsewhere, but as anyone who has kept a close eye on who produces what, what directors are used, and the actors cast while noting any symbolism used, I was struck by the absence of any checkered floors, all seeing eyes, Boaz and Jachin Pillars, Pyramids, Baphomets, fractured mirrors, mannequins, Monarch butterflies and so forth that 

Of course Tom Hanks went on to do the The Da Vinci code followed up by Angels and Demons which had a different name in the German Market, and some people learned that he was actually playing Jordan Maxwell who taught so many of us the symbolism any enthusiast of reality needs to know in order to deconstruct the constructed reality of: War is Normal, Corporations are people, poverty isn't man made, fluid gender is the way forward, transgender toilets are more important than job creation, transhumanism is an escape from death and grab what you can and step on other because you're only here for a short time.

There's none of that symbolic agenda in Big, in fact it's charmingly naive in its childlike view of the world, but how many have noticed the change now that is the norm in most Hollywood Blockbusters you could probably care to mention? Let's be honest many have no idea at all, though there's no harm in imagining working relationship based on play, curiosity, competition, fun and laughter, collaboration and authenticity as depicted below by Tom Hanks and his visionary boss who eschews the marketing department and creates even greater profits by joining in with Tom Hanks and learning to play.

Update Jan 2020: The entire premise of the movie may be it's abuse link. Tom Hanks has a very disturbing Instagram account and an accuser claims he raped her as a child.

Monday 19 December 2016

My Own Private Idaho

Every once in a while I'll go back to a movie to see if it's any good. When I first watched My Own Private Idaho it was a little bit over my head as I was too young and inexperienced in the world. This time round it was a complete gem. River Phoenix later died outside the Viper Room which sounds like it was full of snakes, and we all know where Keanu Reeves went in his career. I understand he's quite a nice guy.

If I'm not mistaken both kids were members of the Children of God or at least had names of North American Indians? I heard once that Keanu was passed around Hollywood to make his name, and I think most are familiar with the sexual abuse in the children of God though I may have forgotten to post that documentary.

In either case both actors portray semi-homeless kids who make a living being hired for sex by lonely men and women. It seems they're not interested in each other physically but because of their shared experiences they have a love for each other that doesn't seem incongruous with a close friendship.

It's a sad movie but it's also very touching, and well worth reading the manner of it's production and direction through Gus Van Sant who hires non actors for some of the roles. 

It works very well.

"Surrogates" - Official Trailer [HQ]

Not my usual choice of movie but the idea of living through cloned borgs makes a lot of sense when we see how many live vicariously in the worlds of Corporate Mass Media, HollyWeird, CelebritiesVideo Games and so forth. Also the vanity aspect of it is intellectually robust as nobody lives the vicarious life of a homeless person or a battery chicken. Which is ironic because that's what low consciousness living is in many respects. Battery Chicken living.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Inherent Vice - Official Trailer [HD]

Joaquin Phoenix is probably the greatest actor living today. I didn't realise this was a Pynchon novel till I googled it after as I couldn't make out what the hell was going on. I will watch it again.

Tangerine Official Trailer (2015)

It's clear to many students of reality that the social engineers are pushing a transgender agenda in the mainstream corporate media. However, those alt media personalities who think a boy/man wishing to change gender-identity or sever their penis for fetish reasons are so often clueless. they know so little about this complex spectrum of identity dysphoria.

It's one thing to see what the cultural Marxists wish to push on society and to then project that as the only reason for this issue. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. The tranny came before the cultural engineers smart ass.

Tangerine is great fucking movie. It's a lot more authentic than many will ever get the chance to learn.

I don't particularly like trannies, though there was a time when I knew hundreds, or rather hundreds knew me. However, this is a great movie and also reminded me why I keep my distance in general.

Men who have issues who homosexuals or transgenders are generally uncomfortably with their own sexual identity feelings. This has been demonstrated in quantitative scientific studies. It is however a lot more complex than men wearing makeup.

Friday 7 October 2016

Listen Up Philip

A movie about Jewish literary angst. It starts of OK but tapers towards the end.


Still brilliant and complex. Everything is still contextual.

Empire Of The Sun - Suo Gan Scene

I'm not a fan of actors as a class of people. They often pimp such toxic ideas and false narratives that I can barely stand them. However, Christian Bale is a national treasure. He's flawless even as a kid. Just great credible character portrayal. What more do you want?

UNDER THE SKIN - Scarlett Johansson

I would watch this again, mainly because of the non actors they used in a few scenes. It's a brave alien movie with Scarlett Johansson. It doesn't quite work, but isn't on my shit movie list.


Not perfect but a fine animation and character driven story effort that is quintessentially English though it's from the US.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

I don't think a movie could be made today where a school teacher paints a 15-17-year-old student and later on does a nude portrait. Interesting movie. Released in 1969

Saturday 1 October 2016

Rescue Dawn Official - Christian Bale

I'm having a Christian Bale season of sorts. Rescue Dawn isn't my kind of movie but after a couple of hours misery it's hard not to feel happy for his rescue. This is even though he was bombing the shit out of Vietnam for the same banksters who engineered WWI & WWII.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Conspiracy Theory (1997) | Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts

A Hollywood movie about conspiracy theories is pretty much the last format I've ever have considered taking seriously. However, despite the over the top, too-paranoid-to-take-seriously, and buffoon-clown behaviour of Mel Gibson there are a few nuggets. 

The first hint is when he talks about "they" or "them" as NASA, among others.

In 1997 very few people would have entertained NASA as a deep state player but we now know most of the visuals they pump out, if not all, are completely synthetic, and that they played a huge role in the industrialisation processes of mind-controlled victims through trauma-based dissociative techniques. The evidence is mainly testimonial (although disparate sources state the same details) and of course the connection between Operation Paperclip NASA and Mind Control Nazis is self-evident.

Most mind control is done through Hollywood and Corporate Media programming coupled with some dietary factors like fluoride addition, GMOs (OMGs) and Big Pharma. This is easy to see when observing people who would rather eat their own vomit than discuss reality.

However those who claim that MKULTRA and mind control programmes to create assassins and so forth are largely fictional/exaggerated, simply haven't done their homework. Presidents, Sports Stars, Spooks and Celebrities are reliably documented MKULTRA victims and even mentioned in the mainstream Hollywood narrative (if you know what you're looking for).

Many are used in Occult rituals for their genetic propensity to manifest demons, djinns or whatever vocabulary you prefer to describe non-orthodox entities.

The movie is also interesting because it confirms that the mind control techniques which used to be Secret Society intelligence, spilt over into the CIA, NASA and all the other sadistic poisonous groups that infect consumer society with events that most have no idea of how to explain. 

So it's factional mind control wars which is fairly logical if the researcher thinks it through, and Trump vs Clinton is a working example of this dynamic at some level.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Mr Nobody

It's hard to tell if Mr Nobody is just incoherent or too convoluted too grasp on the first viewing. It's a pretty movie though so that helps but any script that has the same character with different accents for the same character is a timeline movie and that's pretty much the same as anything goes. Which isn't as interesting as it sounds.

Monday 12 September 2016

The Walk

In 2012 a documentary was made about the wire walk by Philippe Petit between the Twin Towers. I wrote about it over over here so naturally I was confused when a 'proper movie' was made about the same event only four years later.

We now know the latest movie was seeded in one of those Hollywood script games which reveals how obsessed the architects of 9/11 are with us.

It's a great movie, and all the more poignant given Hillary's 'loss of energy' on the 15th anniversary of an event that she most certainly is complicit of criminal through guilty by silence and association.

Friday 9 September 2016

Tuesday 6 September 2016

A History of Violence

Superb movie making, with an end performance by William Hurt that is the cherry on the chocolate pudding to lift a quote from Professor Freedman's Early Medieval Lectures.

Monday 5 September 2016


For a long time the establishment (police, judges, lawyers) and their complicit criminals the corporate media tried to say Snuff Movies were conspiracy theories. Eventually The Guardian came clean they do exist, though like all unpleasant truths they only get said once while the 'theories' label is used for a long time. 

Anybody who has studied the sickness that dominates our leadership becomes used to the power they like to exercise over the helpless. There are occult reasons for this, psychological reasons, hierarchical and social reasons and straight up kicks but one of the most misunderstood is that it takes weakness to rape, butcher and murder a child on film.

Not to the Satanists. They see it as a sign of great strength that only the most strong are able to do it and that's why they occupy a disproportionate percentage of the power elite.

8MM is a journey into that story, though I am reliably informed that Nicholas Cage got his Hollywood break by doing depraved 'favours' and pimping children and prostitutes to Hollywood suits.

Maps To The Stars

If you like Hollyweird being box-cuttered to death, Maps to the Stars is the best I've seen yet. 

At the 38th minute Julianne Moore playing Havana Segrand experiencing visions of her mother asks John Cusack "Am I a multiple". It's the only popular reference I've seen to reality's dirtiest secret that mind control is used on a wide cross section of prominent society from celebrities, sports stars, Presidents and yeah if you wish assassins and intelligence operatives too. However most mind control is movie and corporate media programming. It's also very effective at that level and easy to prove.

It only gets a mention because Cusack's films are just enough, off the radar to get away with it but I'm grateful for it because each sliver of evidence builds a pointillist picture.