Showing posts with label kubrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kubrick. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Jay Weidner - Kubrick & Those Apollo Moon Landings

A compressed twenty five minutes explaining how Jay Weidner figured out that the moon landings used front screen projection as a film technique (an allegation supported by Hollywood film technicians) and how he put two and two together to conclude that Stanley Kubrick with the help of top NASA scientists like Fred Ordway created the most realistic space scenes though not without leaving clues as to its veracity or otherwise.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Jay Weidner On Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey


Hands down the best interview and discussion on the net about Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey and the Apollo missions.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Behind The Scenes Of Kubrick's The Shining

The internet is truly awesome. Thirty-five minutes of the making of The Shining filmed by Stanley Kubrick's 17-year-old daughter Vivian Kubrick. For more insights into why the film steered away from Stephen Kings' book, read this post.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Kubrick's Attention To Detail


It's frustrating that around the globe hundreds of Kubrick fans laud his attention to detail and yet gloss over the relentless symbolism in his movies confirming his NASA appointment to film the moon landings. Endless debates discussing the lingerie and ignoring the sex. It's the greatest money shot ever missed.

That Eye of Providence as used by Andy McDowell in Clockwork Orange for example. In a world with Eyes Wide Shut I can only encourage fans to Google Jay Weidner and Kubrick to understand the man. Jay doesn't mind a little hyperbole to rile those who fear most the Easter eggs Kubrick dropped into his movies, but his analysis is the authoritative big picture. 


Wednesday 27 July 2011

Was Anders Breivik Clockwork Oranged?

A reasonable question given that Stanley Kubrick would have been 83 today. Decades on his work's dual narrative is largely misunderstood such that most are unaware of Clockwork Orange mind control exposed, 2001 Space Odyssey solar system Saturnalia (among other cosmic dramas), Eyes Wide Shut's elite ritual sex abuse and The Shining's tale of Kubrick's work filming the moon landings for NASA

Arthur C Clarke says he was possibly the most intelligent man he knew in this eulogy montage video, and given his movies nested clues exposing a world he kept himself recluse from his greatest day may yet be to come. 

This is mainly from Jay Weidner's research and film making, taunting the elites with quips such as Stanley's world class chess skills. We both know what chequer board Jay's talking about and so do they. Tick tock, tick tock.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Stanley Kubrick & David Bowie - 2001 Space Oddity

Unmissable for Kubrick fans looking to listen and/or see remixed classic Bowie tracks set to 2001 Space Odyssey. It's cost free and available to download using a variety of channels including bit torrent for the movie content which presumably was made at David Bowie's expense, though there are some premium tracks available for the Bowie/Kubrick aficionado. Well worth downloading for possibly the finest full length audio visual display available on the internet. A tall claim but one you can see for yourself over here.

The Youtube clip is from a fan who had a similar idea and not from the Bowie 2001 website, though it is reflective of the overall creativity. It's also well worth researching Kubrick's filming of NASA moon landings for reasons that nobody has fully figured out yet but which led to an entangled life for Stanley who seems to have observed up close the sharp teeth of the elite power groups and filmed the issues and themes he was exposed to in his prematurely cut short career.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrik, Saturn & Alchemy,

Time Monk Radio tend to ask more cerebral questions than some of the radio hosts. The first segment is straight up Stanley Kubrick including why he had to change 2001 Space Odyssey from exposing Saturns's influence on  planet Earth to Jupiter. He also talks about that Chi energy issue I mentioned earlier.

Those ideas most repressed are likely close to the truth.

Sunday 12 June 2011

British Questions About NASA Moon Landings

The first time I heard about the hoax moon landings I thought don't be ridiculous. I've only given it a day's research now, and had to walk away from it because both sides put forward a pretty good case for fake pictures or explanations for photographic anomalies in an inhospitable environment. Also it get's complicated as some of it may be true and some of it may be illusion for political reasons as those who believe Kubrick was hired by NASA to film the moon landings after his 2001 space oddysey success. I'm going to walk away from this discussion but if it get's you questioning the processed cheese reality of mainstream media that's a good thing but good luck with coming to a conclusion.

The real dark side of the moon is that all the evidence suggests it was put in place and is therefore some sort of artificial satellite. It's size, orbit, position, gravity and density are just too weird for anybody too explain.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrik, Arthur C Clarke, The Moon Landings, NASA & Saturn

The tiny moon in the picture above is actually Mimas (of Star wars death star fame)  but because I was confused with Kubrick movie 2001 space odyssey and Arthur C Clarke's landing on Saturn (it's gaseous how would it do that?) I now know it was Iapetus that was originally in the book but was changed to a moon of Jupiter by Warner brothers. 

Why would anyone would care? Well Saturn is Saturnalia and the studios got nervous about how much Kubrick was revealing. I've posted part two of the interview because it's just so interesting and gets straight to the sizzling bacon though I'm sure you'll start at the beginning if it grabs your attention. It did mine.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strangelove (How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb)

I never really understood Stanley Kubrick's films until I read Jay Weidner's deconstruction and now it's hard to see any other way of interpreting them. I was reading a review of Clockwork Orange just last week that didn't even touch on the key themes with Andy McDowell descending into trivia over aloof directors once the film was finished. 

I just completed watching Dr Strangelove to see what I could get out of it. The first time I watched it with my political mentor I didn't find it funny, though now I know about Project Paperclip the over the top Nazi Scientist makes sobering sense and though there's plenty of parody and caricature in the movie it's on the money over the big themes of hidden cold war power play, paternalism (not one woman in the movie), brain dead and brain washed military subordination, missiles as extension of penises and gum chewing as the signature of primate aggression (I never figured that out till watching Kubrick linger on it more than once).

There's a clear mention of water fluoridation disguised as pinko Commie plotting though it doesn't shirk from describing the intended result of a docile and unimaginative public. I might be reading a little too much into the war room scene of a Saturnalia ring of lights above the war council but Kubrick knew full well of Saturn worship at the highest levels

I only wish I could see the unedited cut of Eyes Wide Shut that was censored by the film studies before Kubricks untimely and unexpected death just days after completion. It was previewed and its first showing to the film studio who weren't happy with the candid revelation of Satanic sex rituals at the highest levels of elite U.S. society (although it applies with all elites)

For the cryptographers among you I have a hunch that Kubrick dropped something into the nuclear key codes scene of Dr Strangelove that were scribbled onto a notepad and essential to prevent the world descending into thermonuclear war. Let me know in the comments if you see anything.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Cosplay Meditations

Did a bit of location scouting today and came across a Cosplay scene at the Sirikit Convention Centre who were there to raise money for charity to help the Japanese out after their recent earthquake. The gentleman above was dressed to kill so I taunted him with an invite to torture me and blow my brains out. He obliged my request though what is less obvious is how gay his voice was during this pose. A sort of campy faux moaning that his arm was aching keeping me pinned down.

Something I forgot about people who use cameras for a living is how long they take to set a shot up so I used the time to chill out and work on my breathing and meditation. Instead of being irritable while angles and setting were being worked on I found myself needing to be reminded that the next location had to be checked.

The Clockwork Orange T Shirt seems an incongruous addition to the setting but the colour orange tied in nicely with the Saffron material around the shrine and I am very interested in Kubrick's work at the moment as you may recall. I'm rarely this chilled but that's how  ten minutes of deep diving works out these days. I'm finding it all very interesting.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Saving Face - The Space Race (Behind the scenes at Hollywood)

Did Kubrick film back ups of the moon landing in case things didn't work out, leaving NASA embarrassed in the psychologically crucial space race? Here's a paper by Jay Weidner on the topic. I'm sure they did land there at some point but that doesn't trouble me as much as the odd idea I hold that the moon isn't quite what it seems. It's a little too perfect. Precise even. It's like the BMW of celestial bodies. A thing of beauty but slightly terrifying.

2001 Space Odyssey

We were watching 2001: A Space Odyssey last night. I vaguely recall watching it when I was younger but this time round it was such a treat. A lot more fell into place on this viewing as I'm getting a sense for Kubrick as a director and as a person. I'm trying to think who else is as good as him and apart from Lynch there is nobody is there? Funny thing was we both turned to look at each other half way and said 'those look like iPads'.

Now you might think that's a coincidence but Steve Job's amazing streak of success over the last few years has definitely had me wondering if he has had access to those allegations of back engineered gizmos that the UFO crowd swear are largely withheld from us by a self serving elite who accumulate wealth by enslaving our time to a mortgage/debt treadmill before egging us on to ripping each others throats out over oil and destruction through soul draining organised religion and misery. Like that feeling of being disconnected from who you really are. Precariously attached to a marginally differentiated lifeline of drudgery and artifice.

Well of course I'm riffing a bit here because Stanley Kubrick was a very secretive man.  Then there are those allegations of filming the moon landings in case they went wrong and thus potentially losing the U.S. a crucially psychological information war.  Allegedly Stanley demanded a deal that in return for shooting the moon landings he could later do the films he wanted without Hollywood interference. Has anybody got any recommendations for which Kubrick film I should watch next as I'm obsessed with his work now. Also does anybody know the rumour about why he changed the destination planet in 2001 Space Odyssey? It was meant to be Saturn but that was too close to the mark so he changed it to Jupiter. Saturn has that distinctly odd looking moon Iapetus which I've mentioned before was the spark for my synchronicity post and which looks like the death star in Star Wars. Just saying folks. Draw your own conclusions folks. I'm only on the lookout for better questions.

It's the circular parts of Iapetus that merit comment and then on closer look the ridge around the equator is distinctly uniform.

But rather than get bogged down with the differences between man made and artificial. You can leave that to Benoit Mandelbrot. The question I have is why call the moon landing missions Saturn V. What is it about Saturn? Why not call them Neptune 5?