Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate media. Show all posts

Saturday 23 November 2013

Media Propaganda™ In Your Nut

The Artist Taxi Driver deconstructs the Corporate Media™ propaganda through visualizer Mr Super Bafrango. 

It's well worth a look in light of the French siding with the Israelis and Saudi Arabia, to go to war with Iran despite all the intelligence agencies reporting they do not have nuclear weapons.

Maybe it's the French and the Israelis who are destabilizing the planet for their own selfish ends?

Get that in your nut.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

You Wont See This In The Corporate Media

Some of you may recall I've been talking about the CIA running the Muslim Brotherhood. Via Doug

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Russell Brand Exposes Corporate Media Puppets

Comedian Russell Brand terrified anchors on MSNBC's Morning Joe program by lecturing them about how the media distracts from real news by obsessing about superficial distractions.

Brand almost immediately put host Mika Brzezinski on the back foot by describing his tour as an exploration of how Malcolm X, Gandhi, Che Guevara and Jesus Christ "are significant culturally and how icons are appropriated and used to designate consciousness and meaning....they're all people that died for a cause, they're all people whose icons are used to designate meaning, perhaps not in the manner in which they intended."

Brand then poked fun at MSNBC's army of "actors" in the back of the shot who were supposedly tweeting, noting that they were merely a gimmick to create the impression that the program was a hotbed of news.

The anchors began to get visibly uncomfortable when Brand made the point that mass media was an operation in changing information "so it suits a particular agenda" and that viewers were being manipulated.

Instead of addressing Brand's point, the anchors instead obsessed about the comedian's accent and his clothing.

"You're talking about me as if I'm not here and as if I'm an extraterrestrial," responded Brand, "thank you for your casual objectification."

"I'm a little nervous," retorted Brzezinski, presumably not used to entertaining guests on her program who act like real people.

When the conversation began to break down, Brand asked , "Is this what you all do for a living?" before hijacking the broadcast to talk about Edward Snowden, the NSA spying scandal and Bradley Manning.

"Look beyond the superficial, that's the problem with current affairs, you forget about what's important, you allow the agenda to be decided by superficial information -- what am I saying -- what am I talking about -- don't think about what I'm wearing, these things are redundant, superficial -- don't be distracted," said Brand as Brzezinski physically cowered.

Source: Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet


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Update: Mika Brzezinski has changed her tune over what is and isn't trivial. They can all rot in hell as far as I'm concerned. Totally fake people.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Corporate Media Silent Over The Hottest Story On The Planet

Worldwide protests against Monsanto completely ignored by the media.

Monsanto are a corporation, the media are corporations. They take care of each other while the most dangerous company on the planet plots to control who can grow food and who can't. You need to wake up if this is lost on you. Time is running out.

Saturday 25 May 2013

The Corporate Media Sell Wars. Why Wouldn't They Digitally Deceive?

It was Gore Vidal who first questioned the amount of population manipulation going on in the studio instead of real events during the Gulf War II. Lately I'm seeing unaccountable mobile phone clips being uploaded at so called terror events. People running towards bombs not away. People filming characters looking like they are rehearsing their lines.

Not questioning anything is a perilous way to experience reality.

Friday 24 May 2013

Pulling The Woolwich Over Our Eyes

There'll be no crocodile tears from me. 

Only last week David Cameron pledged 40 million pounds to Islamic extremists cutting heads off in Syria. Until we distance ourselves from blind worship of military, arms dealing Royal visits to Saudi Arabia and uncritical relationships with the corporate media exploiting the Woolwich murder to continue the eternal war on terror then we're just kidding ourselves that we really care.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Corporate Media News Is Pure Theatre At Best & Lies At Worst

These two actresses in studio makeup and hairspray pretending to be journalists display the heart of media news toxicity. They're in the same car park pretending to be on a live Satellite link in separate locations.

Do you really think NATO wouldn't false flag their way into a war with Syria on the road to Iranian oil? It's all so toxic it physically makes me feel ill when I'm around TV screens pretending to report the news. This is rare as I don't own a TV and would never change back. It's like letting someone take a shit on your consciousness. I'm not exaggerating. You'll only realise it when the media hypnotism stops. That's down to the individual to act.

The full story is over here.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Who Is The CIA's Graham Fuller & Why Are The Media Paralysed To Explain?

Remember that nasty piece of work from the Boston Bombing, Uncle Ruslan who came out to call his nephews losers even though he hadn't seen them since the younger one was barely a child? 

Well he works for a CIA front and even lived with master CIA Islam manipulator Graham Fuller

Graham is the kind of psychopath who only sees religion as a tool to bleed humanity dry. 

Do you believe the corporate media will report this or the fake reality show as it implodes? 

Take a look please. It's ten minutes. But not ten baby spoon-fed minutes. 

This is for the adults. Not for children or memory wipes.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Hey Pseudo Journalists. This Is What Happens When You Ask Real Questions

Consensual reality is an interesting topic but it also gets a bit lame for people who only use the corporate media to inform themselves from. That is because it's unconscious media. Here's what happens when real questions that the corporate media are too uninformed to ask are put to the movers and shakers. Tony Blair is a classic. Dear in the headlights look.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Below Average Representation The Corporate Media Portray Of The Human Experience


Having a negative view of yourself and of humanity is a crucial part of the military industrial complex's propaganda to sell wars and have no feeling for others pain. Please enjoy your TV entertainment and avoid thinking about the extended responsibilities consuming toxic messages has on yourself and on your fellow humans.

I don't care who has sex with who or what as long as it is consensual but there's no need for this information in mass media programming. Enjoy the commercial break.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Londoners Don't Trust @BBC

People are beginning to see through the propaganda. Even for the sake of diversity it's statistically impossible that there is not one journalist who questions 9/11. Their jobs and homes are at stake and so they are silent.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Gatekeepers - Six Israeli Security Chiefs Stun The World - Israeli Violence Killing Peace

I'm always slagging off the spineless corporate media like CNN and BBC so if I embed their content here on my blog, you better believe it's fucking well important. Christiane Amanpour is still a toady sycophant to Israel claiming only Israelis can say certain things (a Nazi thing to say if ever there was one) but she still lets the Israeli documentary maker of Gatekeepers have his say and it's not just two minutes of jack hammer editing bollocks either. This is historic and a little bit of proof that behind the scenes things are changing. It might be too late but this is the right thing to do. For Israel, for Palestine and for world peace. It's that important.

Update - The CNN clips have expired so I've replaced them with the above.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Sandy Hook & Baudrillard

I don't know what the full story is but there's something not right about Sandy Hook and the coincidence theorists can scream and shout and throw tantrums in the mainstream media but the alternative media researchers are standing firm. If you don't have time to conduct an open minded investigation that's understandable but to quote Wittgenstein- Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must pass over in silence".

Friday 25 January 2013

Why Do The Corporate Media Report Such Obvious Lies?

The relationship between advertising, the corporations, corporate "news" and the lies, half truths and decontextualised narratives is spell binding once you figure it all out. It's truly magic. Black magic. The dark arts of spin.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Internet Decides Sandy Hook Is A Corporate Media Confabulation

Four million hits and climbing on Youtube because real people are asking real questions unlike the corporate media who have painted themselves into a corner that at some point requires them to announce their own toxicity and corrosiveness as lead news item. 

You think I'm kidding don't you?

Watch the video and have a think.

Monday 3 December 2012

Lord McAlpine's Taste In Prepubescent Girl Art

Lord McAlpine has for decades been accused of paedophilia in print by Scallywag Magazine and Anti-Paedophile Campaigner and Activist, Mr David Icke. In all these years McAlpine has never sued anyone or publicly rejected their claims. 

In addition to his taste in art (sample above) a picture emerges of him that fits a character who is being protected by the establishment including media figures such as former Times Editor Andrew Neil (Annabells nightclub nutter) and Rupert Murdoch lackey "Dirty Dave" Aaronovitch.

I leave it to you to decide how you interpret the following evidence.

Here is the post that alerted me to McAlpine's taste in prepubescent girl art and photography. Here is a post on the topic by the Aangirfan Blog that is always essential reading and a Twitlonger kindly shared with me just now.

But most importantly are the words of Lord McAlpine himself on how to deceive the media.

Saturday 1 December 2012

MI5 Run The VIP Paedophile Rings at Westminster [the media] & Protect The Buckingham Palace One

I've known for some time of the allegations that Congress and Parliament are run by blackmailed politicians captued on film doing depraved sexual acts with children and whatever takes their fancy. This explains why politicians seem to be comfortable defending Royal paedophile connections and allowing places like Israel to bomb innocent civilians in Gaza. Indeed Kay Griggs says exactly this in her testimony against her husband who was the Marine Corps Chief of Staff. 

Subjects such as Royalty and the unwavering support for Zionism are at the heart of international political sexual blackmail.

The challenge with communicating the issue to time starved celebrity obsessed people is that it is more War & Peace than a corporately controlled newspaper headline. Most people don't have a hundred hours or so to look into how MI5 and the CIA recruit future politicians who are then encouraged to be in situations where they can subsequently be blackmailed.

Naturally this depraved milieu is well defended in the mainstream (for-profit news) media by people like David Aaronovitch, (and Hugo RifkindLord Finkelstein - all writers for The Times) who are ultra-staunch defender of Royalty, paedophiles and Zionism over at least a decade or so. 

It's natural to assume there must be something in it for Daniel to be so comfortable with the obnoxious, the disgusting and the depraved. 

The alternative is he just feels at home with these issues.

The recording I've posted above is only 30 seconds. 

Listen and wise up to why the planet is so dysfunctional. 

Cause and effect. Cause and effect. Cause and effect. It's science.