Sunday 2 June 2013

Robert Bonner of Homeland Security Connected To "Clueless Death" of Brittany Murphy

Please note the GIF image is just a Clueless image and not Brittany Murphy.

Somebody at Homeland Security lied about Brittany Murphy of Clueless fame but when it was checked out she testified against it. That would have exposed the corrupt Department of Homeland Security to the glare of celebrity cameras so the DHS persecuted Brittany, ruined her career with the help of the Editor of the Hollywood reporter and finally she mysteriously died from poisoning despite being in great health. Her boyfriend also died in the same fashion four months later.

Hollywood didn't take Brittany's claims that she was been followed and harrassed preferring instead to spread media lies about her, even though it was well known she was healthy and preferred to be with her family and friends than fake Hollywood types.

The connection with the documentary above is not clear at first but if you listen to part two/second half of this Red Ice Radio interview all will be revealed. It's another amazing story of the depth of corruption in the abyss known as the United States of Celebrity & Terror Threats

Update: Original video removed.

That Banned Al Jazeera Article That Spoke A Little Too Much Reality

This story was removed by Qatari owned Al Jazeera because they are in bed with the Israeli Zionists and NATO warmongers who don't want this history known. It is however an extraordinary piece that shoved into my stupid face an important but overseen fact that the holocaust murdered the Jews that were anti Zionist. They thought that Zionism which expelled Jews from Germany was a racist policy and they paid for it with their lives. No wonder this couldn't remain on Al Jazerera. It's not an easy read but also there are glimpses of a forgotten Jewish culture which is more interesting than this psycho warmonger variant that has transplanted itself in Israel and is fake. It's not Jewish in my view. 

Rita Hayworth - Staying Alive

This just put a massive smile on my face. What a woman. Totally into her work in a happy and spontaneous way. I never saw that before.

Saturday 1 June 2013


I've no need to add anything. Give people enough rope and they will hang themselves with it.

Complexity Theory & Panpsychism - Neil Theise M.D.

Neil Theise, M.D. - Complexity Theory & Panpsychism from Matt Faw on Vimeo.

I only came across panpsychism two days ago and it immediately grabbed my attention. This is a brilliant example of its beguiling nature and one of the most stimulating science talks I've come across for quite a while.

Shapeshifting World Poker Playing Reptilians

Don't forget that humans have an R Complex reptilian brain that evolved long before our rather sexy prefrontal cortex and that many people say not all Reptilians are bad though obviously the bad ones tend to hog all the limelight. For example possessing our Royalty, Parliament and sneak into our World Poker Championships to make a few bucks to blow on hookers and drugs.

Who wouldn't if you could possess beings on another planet and have fun while making trouble and tons of cash?

Thursday 30 May 2013

The Wizard of Ozrael - Wag The Dog

A three minute neoconservative Israeli primer on the forthcoming breakup of Iraq and Syria. You tell me if  it's not reality. For a longer more punishing look at the subject this new post at Voltaire by Laurent Guyenot is exceptional.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Gwenyth Todd - The Conspiracy For War On Iran

I read about Gwenyth Todd when this story came out but I didn't know about the Turkish Billionaire who paid her bills when he learned the US military were out to get her, and who was found shot dead days later outside in Istanbul  This is an amazing interview well worth the time.

These people do not mess about.

1984 - UK Is Being Manipulated

Ignorance is a lifestyle choice in the information age. Any British person unfamiliar with UK Column live has a chance to rectify that here. You've got former head of MI5 Stella Rimington saying the exact opposite in the newspaper of her words in the video below. Connect the dots. Figure it out. Nobody can do it for you. Don't trust professional liars. Like spies.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

If You Speak My Name

Army War College Director Says Israel Behind 911

Strategically I admire Israel for executing 9/11 to push America around the Middle East and fight their wars for them. Morally they're war criminals. This video by Pentagon Chief Honcho Dr Alan Sabrosky just lays it nice and solid. He was even friends with arch Neocon  and dual Israeli/US passport holder Douglas Feith. Imagine that.

Don't tell the consumer classes though. Might upset them a bit.

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.

Monday 27 May 2013

Interesting UFO & ET Discussion

The UFO/ET subject practically sent me round the bend trying to figure out what the real story is so I conceded defeat and stopped a long time ago but this was an exceptional talk (especially the last half) and I'm glad I listened to it. It might be a little too super woo for some of you. Get over it.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Corporate Media Silent Over The Hottest Story On The Planet

Worldwide protests against Monsanto completely ignored by the media.

Monsanto are a corporation, the media are corporations. They take care of each other while the most dangerous company on the planet plots to control who can grow food and who can't. You need to wake up if this is lost on you. Time is running out.

Where's Daddy's Pig?


Saturday 25 May 2013

The Corporate Media Sell Wars. Why Wouldn't They Digitally Deceive?

It was Gore Vidal who first questioned the amount of population manipulation going on in the studio instead of real events during the Gulf War II. Lately I'm seeing unaccountable mobile phone clips being uploaded at so called terror events. People running towards bombs not away. People filming characters looking like they are rehearsing their lines.

Not questioning anything is a perilous way to experience reality.

Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms [Psilocybin - Psilocybe Cubensis]

Mushrooms, Ayahuasca et al are like sex. I claim you've not lived an informed life unless you've experienced the consciousness of entheogens

Sex isn't for everybody though. 

Only you know what level of reality maxes you out.

This is an excellent educational video. He's a most excellent presenter.

Friday 24 May 2013

Pulling The Woolwich Over Our Eyes

There'll be no crocodile tears from me. 

Only last week David Cameron pledged 40 million pounds to Islamic extremists cutting heads off in Syria. Until we distance ourselves from blind worship of military, arms dealing Royal visits to Saudi Arabia and uncritical relationships with the corporate media exploiting the Woolwich murder to continue the eternal war on terror then we're just kidding ourselves that we really care.

John Stewart On Iran Contra

Good to see popular culture namecheck the ground zero of United States corruption because it's a pet topic of mine that history and the corporate are not allowed to spend too much time on. Reagan was by all accounts a super nice guy who was told what to say and didn't spend much time thinking of the genocides he sponsored. Iran Contra is easily twenty times bigger than Watergate but Watergate was the power elite bringing down a Republican so they gave it the spinmeister treatment. Reality is a bit more complex than what you're told.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Artist Taxi Driver Outside The Royal Courts of Injustice

I wouldn't have a clue what is going on in the UK without @ChunkyMark. Instead I know more than most Brits who marinate in dumbed down corporate media news of distraction, trivia and selling hate.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Bilderbergers Are Real People. We're Just Scum On Their Land

Just in case you thought the police were here to do anything but protect the corrupt political elite. These police are relatively nice people but are still there to take orders and they will do so. The political banker pigs will win with order takers like this. Watch this Bilderberg 2013. You're already guilty of something.