Wednesday 28 December 2011

Somebody Muzzle The Dog (The Silence Is Killing Me)

The Red areas are US military bases surrounding Iran. 

After 1953 when the CIA and MI6 toppled the democratically elected Iranian government to install their man the Shah of Iran, the people rose up and kicked him out. The United States was pissed and sided with Iraq by lending Saddam Hussein the money to buy the chemical weapons  and other WMD's for the Iran Iraq war

The Iran/Iraq war was ugly. It was like World War One multiplied twice but with kids involved as the Iranians sent 'martyr children' to trigger and blow up the land mines first so their army could follow after. 

At this point the Pentagon cut one of their famous two-faced double-dealing sneaky-fuck top-secret snake-oil-salesman hush-hush deals called the Iran Contra affair where they supplied arms to Iran and used the undeclarable profits to fund another war in South America with the democratically elected Nicaraguan government. This is pretty much how the CIA runs its terrorist operation globally.

Then when the Iran/Iraq war was over the corporations connected to the Pentagon had made a shed load of money to cause more mayhem and invest in bigger and better arms research and development. The Pentagon was ecstatic, the U.S. loved Ronnie Reagan more than any other president, Bush the ex head of the CIA was waiting in the wings, and everybody was pleased. Really really happy. It was like a fairy tale.

Iraq however was broke and asked for time to pay back its loans. This was the chance Kuwait had been waiting for since Mesopotamia fell in 1932. It fucked over Iraq by lowering the price of oil worldwide making it impossible for Iraq to pay back its loans. Furthermore, in a hostile and provocative manner, Kuwait was sending out it's drill pipes diagonally into Iraq land and stealing Iraqi oil.

Saddam was pissed about this and asked the US ambassador if he could invade Kuwait. He'd been a good U.S. arms customer and personally knew Rumsfeld and Bush. It was at this point, the U.S ambassador April Glaspie said to Saddam that the U.S. was uninterested before taking off on holiday.  

April Glaspie says this didn't happen but with Wikileaks we can prove this is not true 

Iraq then invaded Kuwait and the U.S. came to Kuwait and said if we help, you need to pay us back with your oil. 

Cut to today and it's Iranian oil that corporate America wants. Fortunately the biggest bully in the area is Israel which has 300 nuclear weapons to pick a fight it can't lose and not only that but they run U.S. politics with campaign contributions to AIPAC and four media conglomerates dominate the media landscape and can invent any reality they want to justify a war that pays back big dividends to everyone.

The largest media conglomerate though is Disney and as you've got the picture now about who creates the Mickey Mouse wars I'll just remind you of the Disney strap line.

As far as I can see people are behaving as if their Jewish neighbours are being rounded up to the concentration camps and only a few have got the bottle to say anything in case it interferes with their salaries or career plans. 

Let's be candid, those careers don't exist if you keep quiet. Speak up. It's about the difference between right and wrong.

Update: Here is Chomsky saying exactly what I am. This is not a surprise as he taught me how much the corporate for profit media repeats the governments lies.

Synchronicity & Synchromysticism

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I'm listening to a lot of interviews about synchronicity and synchromysticism these days and I'm posting the ones I like here. The visual above is from an Illuminati styled board game with some very interesting visuals. Go back to sleep. It's all a coincidence.

The blog associated with this podcast is Hidden Experience. Mike Clelland is very nice to listen to.

Mayan Pizza Recipe Discovered In Mesoamerican Jungle


David Hatcher Childress draws our attention to ancient Sumerian/Akkadian cuneiform writings turning up in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia (close to Lake Titicaca Peruvian border) on ancient artefacts of The Pokotia Monolith and The Magna Fuente Bowl. It's like an ancient chip shop turning up in an archaeological dig at Angkor Wat.You can listen to an interview with him on the subject by Coast over here or play the Youtube embed below. It's first class audio and further evidence of the concerted effort to conceal our true historical record. 

One great point David Hatcher-Childress makes that hadn't occurred to me, is that the Smithsonian may well be unaware of the deception it perpetrates. Most of the key evidence was spirited away around the 18th and 19th century in America and so the narrative is already in place. Once the story is bedded down i.e. the pyramids in Egypt have nothing to do with the Pyramids in Mesoamerica, it matters very little who is in charge from now on as they will certainly be innocent of revisionism and have a pension to protect. They will be unwilling to interrogate a time line that has been in place for quite some time. It's more about a nudge than a push if anything emerges to challenge the story like this incredible evidence that our ancestors had intercontinental trade not unlike the early 20th century at the very least. Possibly flying if we factor in those Indian Vimanas.

The end of the interview refers to the end of Indiana Jones where secret treasures are locked up under heavy government lock and key and as Jordan Maxwell claims 'Stephen Spielberg doesn't make movies to entertain. He makes them to comment on the world'. I think Jordan is right and if you listen to this interview you can make your own mind up. Here's a previous Smithsonian post.