Tuesday 27 December 2011

Real Journalists Don't Ask Questions (Speak Up Or Forever Hold Your Tongue)

Between Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert television interviews and criticism of the Bush/Rumsfeld war crimes era has been defended microscopically but honourably. My question is how much more of the Uniuted States is upside down if the comedians do the cultural watchdogs job while the journalists and news presenters do political theatre? 

There's a lot that is twisted, and until the difference between right and wrong is discerned corrrectly by enough people in the United States no amount of innovation, or wealth generation can put a plaster over the metastasizing tumour. 

Speak up or watch it go down. Your silence is the silence of fingers crossed, service to self delusion. You're all in it together.

Update: Clif says the same thing as me at the same time. It's time to speak up or forever hold your tongue.

Christopher Knowles On Grok The Talk With Touchstone Tom

Listen to radio with Touchstone Tom 

Christopher Knowles is interviewed by Touchstone Tom (Malone) on Grok The Talk to explore one of the many fascinating themes of his unique blog, The Secret Sun. Topics covered include Synchronicity, Masonic and Egyptian memes and symbols, reflections of the Sirius glyph, Tutankhamen and much, much more in the way that only Christopher can so eloquently do. It's interesting to me that Christopher talks about the Romans appropriating the Egyptian symbols of Isis and that the very DNA of Egypt was embedded in Rome.

Take that thought one step further with the transcription of Akhenaten and Nefertiti's DNA from the visual above and this post here.

Dr. Karla & Elton Turner's Alien Abduction Analysis & Testimony


I still find it tough to listen to Dr. Karla and Elton Turner's testimony. They were and still are betrayed by the full spectrum of society from the least educated to the intelligentsia. Elton felt most upset that the educated were too programmed to evaluate the evidence without prejudice and this is the reason why I don't mind putting in another five thousand hours or whatever it takes is to honour these remarkable people.

Dr Karla says something quite extraordinary in this presentation. She points out that the abductors are so intent on making their victims feel powerless that she believes they're less in control then they admit. I think she's right and when the books are balanced and the windows are cleaned to let the sunshine through and disinfect the society that lets this slip under the radar we will know a lot more about the kind of people/beings who have profited from torment. The tipping point is coalescing and the hundredth monkey effect will surprise us all with its extraordinary swiftness.