Tuesday 27 December 2011

Dr. Karla & Elton Turner's Alien Abduction Analysis & Testimony


I still find it tough to listen to Dr. Karla and Elton Turner's testimony. They were and still are betrayed by the full spectrum of society from the least educated to the intelligentsia. Elton felt most upset that the educated were too programmed to evaluate the evidence without prejudice and this is the reason why I don't mind putting in another five thousand hours or whatever it takes is to honour these remarkable people.

Dr Karla says something quite extraordinary in this presentation. She points out that the abductors are so intent on making their victims feel powerless that she believes they're less in control then they admit. I think she's right and when the books are balanced and the windows are cleaned to let the sunshine through and disinfect the society that lets this slip under the radar we will know a lot more about the kind of people/beings who have profited from torment. The tipping point is coalescing and the hundredth monkey effect will surprise us all with its extraordinary swiftness.

Jungian Analysis Of The E.T Question - Professor Emeritus Of Religious Studies David J. Halperin

I took a quick look at this yesterday and decided Professor J. Halperin was a bit stuffy and  traditional for me, but today before closing the tab down I noticed he asked who gave the first telling of the mythical Greek Gods and then specifically he mentions Perseus against Medusa which was just enough to for me to give him a whirl. 

I haven't yet discovered if he's familiar with Douglas Dietrich's explosive revelations on the Roswell incident but he's a good introduction to the archetypal and transdimensional nature of the topic. Give him a whirl if you like it erudite and professorial. 

He's an Ezekial specialist for you spinning wheel obsessives and he picks up on Sagan's ambiguity of position which we now know was because he was holding back on us.

The Professors Betty & Barney Hill deconstruction is novel but doesn't really factor in the Gnostic account of the neonate entities known as the Archons and thus well before Striebers book cover illustration of Communion, or is he ticking off that subject with his mention of the Jewish mystics account in Hekhalot Rabbhati in which I'm not sure I understand his psychological point with respect to trauma and recalled memories drawn from the visual Zeitgeist. 

Monday 26 December 2011

Christopher Knowles & The Elusive Companion Hypothesis

See update below: At the one hour thirty two minute mark the host Mike Clelland guest Christopher Knowles both riff on the mind fuck qualities of the experiencer phenomena and I have to say it fits perfectly John Lash's Archontic description through the Gnostics, that by and large they are playing with our heads.

As an aside I only learned the name crypto-terrestrials last week which I kind of liked but understand the weakness of as well though elusive companion doesn't hit the spot with me either. 

There's a fantastic Arthur C. Clarke anecdote in this excellent podcast by Leo Sprinkle. Super cryptic and elusive but in some ways very revealing.

Update: The original video has been removed so I replaced it with another. You may have to scout about on this link to find the original audio file.