Thursday 8 September 2011

On The Road

I'll never forget the briefest and best description of Jack Kerouac's, On The Road, given by a young man who like me was reading the book at the time. I was in my early twenties and he was about eighteen.

'Yeah it's brilliant he said. It's all "and then we did this, and then we went there, and then we got drunk, and then we had sex, and then we moved on, and then we fell asleep, and then and then and then"


He went insane later in life and not for the first time I realised the brightest often do. But seriously this video is one beautiful piece of history. First I learned that beat generation meant 'sympathetic' and suddenly the Beat word made a lot more sense to me. Beaten up, beaten on. Only Kerouac could legitimately explain what it means. Secondly Jack goes on to read some of his work and I'm left wanting to read the book one more time if the road ever opens up for me again. Which it will. When I'm not expecting it.

Terence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape

All four and a quarter hours of the Bard. It's been a great reward to me knowing that I've spread the word at least a  little successfully on Terence McKenna as he's a gateway drug to rethinking the world. We've needed every single rethinker and so have they.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Suns Of God


I love this portrayal of how big stars actually can get. It's almost unimaginable, and yet something tells me that the reason why stars are so distant from each other is to keep civilisations who fail to keep their spiritual progression matched with their technology advances from travelling and polluting the universe. 

I can imagine planet Earth would be arming space and punting a central-banking perpetual warfare model around the universe were we able to traverse the galaxies.  

By coincidence and even though I stay away from the subject of Nibiru this chap here, Kevin Hunter uploads a couple of videos assembling a robust case for the non existence of Sitchin's planet, but if I understand him correctly, believes that a neutron star may explain some of the peripheral explanations for comet Elenin and or Nibiru-like bodies in the solar system. It's clear he's a top notch astro theorist and knows his stuff. 

On The Verge Of Disclosure

Clearly UFO's aren't running around on petroleum combustion engines. This is a big deal and one of the reasons why full disclosure of the topic hasn't yet taken place. Along with this issue and the black Ops budgets who have been fully in the know for a long time now, Richard Dolan discusses the finer points of what disclosure means. I'm not sure that disclosure will ever take place with a White House statement. Judging by the crop circles it's likely to be a more grass roots field-effect (pun intended). Anyhow, Richard is one of the more seasoned and reassuring voices on the matter and well worth listening to until it stops getting interesting which is unlikely.

The Yoga Police

Regrettably the original video was removed, so I've posted another humorous Yoga video.

9/11 Conspiracy Perspectives Seldom Appreciated

It took me a few years to accept the evidence that I had rejected time and again. I couldn't conceive of such an horrific attack being orchestrated by the very people who then went to war for it. Here are a few points that people often miss when defending the very people that they otherwise know to be morally bankrupt politicians.
  • The Government couldn't hoodwink an entire nation.
It's not Government per se that facilitated 911, but it would have taken a Cabal within Government to achieve. NAZI Germany showed us that entire nations can be duped. People are hugely influenced by mass media and particularly so if they still trust their leaders. The famous radio broadcast of Orson Wells that panicked the U.S. into running for the hills was not only an elite sponsored propaganda test but also a great example of the power of broadcast media.
  • The Cabal are too inept to carry out a vast conspiracy.
You're right. A few hours of research will highlight all the loose ends that are exposed. But if a White House proclamation is what it takes to process the evidence correctly then evidence alone is never going to persuade. I've seen this all round the world time and again in lots of conversations I've had.
  • The Cabal couldn't keep a secret.
Yes they could. The Manhattan project was unknown to the Truman when FDR died and yet it was Truman who dropped the bomb on Japan. The Vice President didn't know about the atomic weapon programme the President instigated. Government is very good at keeping secrets and couple that with a few deaths of investigators, the threat of losing one's pension and it's quite easy to keep large groups silent over what are actually widely know facts. 911 is an open secret and there are many more that with discernment are available on the internet and understood by a small portion of the population.
  • Conspiracy theorists enjoy conspiracy theories.
Thinking the unthinkable is the  most depressing thing I've ever learned. That malicious families, groups and bloodlines throughout history that have manipulated an entire planet to go to war with each other, fight over oil, religions, ideologies and resources and generally divide and rule. It's thousands of years old and much of it is planned well in advance.
  • Conspiracy theorists have an explanation for everything
Guilty. There are three explanations for 911 with overwhelming evidence including partially remote controlled planes (piloted till the last few seconds), thermite explosions and scalar 'dustification' weaponry. It's quite possible that a combination of all three were used to obfuscate the matter but in the final analysis I certainly don't know why. But I do know the official story is by a long chalk the weakest explanation.

It's also the 'cui bono' one that helped a decade of unnecessary and gratuitous violence through a war on terrorism. More dogs kill people than terrorists in the U.S.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Hollywood Icons On Malibu, 1965 (Silent Home Movies)

These were just uploaded to Youtube and reveal a more gentle normality about the stars of the day including super normal face pulling that I can't imagine contemporary celebrities being either capable or permitted to do. Natalie Wood, Paul Newman and many more recognisable faces. Quite charming and informative. Via Open Source

Sweet Drum & Bass/NATO Obscenities

Or how to keep the perpetual war, central banking model going for a little while longer. Worth listening and reading. Check the facts for yourself.

Terence McKenna - The Transformations Of Language

Poor Old Oliver Stone

When Oliver Stone was directing the largest Asian mobile phone commercial for Motorola  the advertising production representative for Saville Productions Johnnie Doran informed me that Oliver Stone was often slamming down the phone in exasperation at odd hours over harassing conversations with government officials who were pressuring him over making JFK. 

I've assumed that his  films since then such as WTC and W. (George Bush) are the concessions they squeezed out of him for telling the truth over JFK. And that ladies and gentleman is how the U.S. brainwashes its public to believe the conspiracy are just wild eyed theories.

But if you're looking closely at W. (I never watched WTC the movie) there's plenty of evidence that Stone is telling you it's a cartoon of his usual work. The actors resemblance to the real life characters for example. So literal. So cartoonish.

Missus Alert

Slightly spoiled by a foul looking blue drink at the end (or is that the tipple du jour in the UK?) but other than that genius simplicity. Via Famous Rob

A Budd Hopkins Tribute

Budd Hopkins was a highly regarded abstract artist who bravely took on the subject  of alien abductions before it was a recognised phenomenon and felt to be inconceivable or subject to ridicule and derision. The issue has always earned ridicule but Budd Hopkins saw enough similarities from disparate sources to know that something was up. I've never heard him try to portray himself as an artist when he was presenting abduction information and it must have surely burdened his reputation to be taken seriously as an artist though he went on to become recognised in both fields.

My realisation that the inseparable relationship between alien abduction and the military (Eisenhower agreed with one group of E.T. to exchange technology for genetics, a disastrous agreement for the United States morally and spiritually) came from listening to Dr Karla Turner who despite being a victim had objective and compelling presentation skills and later I came across Budd's work which is invaluable to the subject which is trans dimensional, involves memory wiping and even replaced memories but always involves missing time for those not asleep during abduction. I can't imagine the true story behind the phenomenon remaining concealed for all that much longer given the huge increase in UFO activity by what is considered to be largely benevolent ET.

Coffee Jerks In Advertising

Some of the men are borderline psychotic. Probably a generation of aggressive husbands felt  commercial messages like this endorsed violence in marriages. More disturbing than amusing.

Monday 5 September 2011

Alfred Webre Interviews Tolec

Make of it what you will though much of the background information in this interview by Alfred of Exopolitics is well documented elsewhere. Naturally it's hard to feel euphoric over the successful conclusion of a war that most people were never aware of in the first place but it was still an interesting interview for me on the second occasion. It would be fascinating to put Tolec with James Horak and ask why one thinks the Orion Grey's are Extra Biological Entities and the other a race of organic beings. Or maybe I have misunderstood that. In any case the Draco Reptilians look like they're having a bad year which is always a good thing isn't it?

Update: I don't have any confidence in what Tolec says. I'd say he's disinformation. Let's face it. Alfred is under a lot of pressure to be discredited and everything Tolec has said about YU55 etc has not come to pass.

Sunday 4 September 2011

The CIA & MI6

Didn't take long for proof that the Anglo Saxon perpetual war, central banking model is the only thing that our so called intelligence services meat puppets serve.

The X - Files Episode That Pre-Scripted 9/11

I've been hearing about this episode for a while now and somebody uploaded it to Youtube. There are times when brainwashing public opinion has been the admitted use of Hollywood by both the CIA goons and the Department of Defence cigar chomping psychopaths, but on this occasion it takes some naivete to reject that this wasn't a friendly scriptwriter in the know. For the record this is the first X - Files or related program I've ever watched and probably the last.

I make no apologies for using the 911 jumpers as a visual. If you're still under the spell of the  911 smoke and mirrors and Weapons of Mass Delusion than you have a problem that evidence plays no part in. Here are my 911 posts. Knock yourself out.

Saturday 3 September 2011


The best rips. Genius writing.

The Ultimate Skull Fuck

Jon Stewart for adults. The funniest thing I've watched for months leaving the Council of Foreign Relations self evidently populated by psychopaths. Give it one minute. You'll know if you're a zombie very quickly.

Stoned On Rock

I had a couple of epiphanies recently and one was about ten minutes ago. They involve secondary qualities of reincarnation and like my other best thought it came from nowhere but resonated so powerfully I was unable ignore it. It's a very unusual and enjoyable experience in terms of meaning. If you get to the last ten minutes of this latest Ancient Aliens episode you may see what direction I'm pointing towards. It's possible you might not find that incentive enough so allow me to pitch this particularly outstanding episode that only a fool could watch and not realise something extraordinary is missing from today's knowledge base.

I'm going to go out on a limb on this episode and explain that the ancient alien thesis is not necessary this time round. This forty minute episode of the extraordinary beauty of rock remains around the world is proof that as Graham Hancock puts it, we are a species with amnesia. I'll go further. It seems that resetting the history of Planet Earth has not only occurred again and again but that some greater intelligence uses this information to their advantage. It's more than likely that we are a mix of on and off earth genetic heritages but that something clever knows just when to play the game hack and reset the score back to zero for reasons that are loosely associated with enjoyment. Many have suggested and provided oral testimony that feeding off us is another way of putting that. Energy works in so many more mysterious ways than current science is able to even articulate or willing to bite that hand that feeds it.

Gravity, UFOs, & Mars - Dr. John Brandenburg, James McCanney

Probably the finest science radio show I've ever listened to. I loathe the stupidity and myopia of materialist science fetishism as it is a straitjacket for true scientific inquiry as typified by the Higgs Boson slaves who are unable to know what gives it mass should they discover the Higgs Boson (that gives mass to other sub atomic particles).

It's instructive that shows like Coast To Coast and Internet Sites like The Onion are some of the most honest and progressive media apertures in the United States. Naturally they're consider marginal or unimportant by heavyweights that lie depending on the agenda. That includes august papers like the New York Times from time to time.

Update: The original video was removed. The replacement isn't much good but you can do your own search and see if anything quality has been uploaded.