Monday 20 June 2011

Large Fluoridated Soda, McTerror Burger & Conspiracy Fries Please.

One of my Google alerts is the word conspiracy. There are two types of article it returns day in and day out. One is the kind of conspiracy where the police apprehend the criminals and prosecute them for conspiring to commit crime. The other is the unilateral, ubiquitous portrayal of a global network of amateurs as conspiracy theorists for refusing to accept the appalling decline in our priesthood, our politicians, our businessmen (it's usually men) and our generals. I could go on but the most pernicious act of consensual cowardice has been Western media's utter collapse of moral backbone to prosecute through investigative journalism the assault on human rights and human decency. There hasn't been a single media scalp since Richard Nixon and it's an irony not missed on the seekers of better explanations that the loudest of voices attacking the conspiracy realists are guilty of manufacturing consent through the conspiracy theorist calumny with mainstream and corporate media pummelling.

Out of nowhere Foreign Policy has written the first article that challenges the bland, spineless and ubiquitous iniquity peddled by the corporate controlled media. It's so unusual that I'm inclined to paste my comment below.

"Extraordinary. The first authoritive media voice to break ranks and put forward another point of view. The lap dog press parading as guard dog have unilaterally smeared every single question that a network of amateurs without direct access to the evidence demanded with the conspiracy calumny.

Like the word terrorist, has the establishment trashed their own creation? I applaud Foreign Policy for having the guts to put forward a point of view that is not to be found elsewhere"

Alien - Thierry Mugler

It's all about timing isn't it? Via Steve

Is There A Debt Jubilee Round The Corner?

Fascinating interview with real life forces of monetary good and vampire bankster evil at war with each other. Death of Capitalism isn't impossible. It's been an appalling experiment in terms of its cost.

Marshall Klarfeld - Anunnaki Interventions

If there's one book I want to get on the subject of the Annunaki it's Marshall Klarfeld's. This is one of the better interviews that I've been posting lately and so I'm going to cut and paste some blurb to persuade you that his book is a sorely missing third way between evolution and intelligent design. Both sides are ignoring the evidence and that's just the way they want you to behave as well. Too much invested in their own belief system:

"ADAM, THE MISSING LINK," blows the lid off a closely-held package of historical and scientific facts proving that the human race was created by genetic engineering technology nearly a quarter of a million years ago.

"This is the biggest news story of the century," says Klarfeld, an engineer-turned-investigative researcher. "Once the public has seen the facts they can't help but accept our history as descendants of extraterrestrial visitors. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable."

"ADAM, THE MISSING LINK" tells of mankind's creation by an extraordinary species that occupied planet Earth 450,000 years ago. The book is complete with 145 photographs of the symbols and accomplishments of this highly advanced civilization, that makes Klarfeld's new book a spellbinding and ultimately convincing account of non-fiction. "The artifacts left on earth are convincing evidence of this enormously intelligent species and their many accomplishments," says Klarfeld. "And mankind is their greatest creation."

As an undergraduate student at CALTECH in the late 1940's, Marshall was fascinated by the advanced scientific knowledge found in the Bible's story of creation. Genesis describes the creation of our solar system as occurring in a 6 "day" time frame.

His question was, how did this 5,000 year old Bible description of the birth of our solar system disclose the advanced scientific information (the ignition of our Sun occurs at the 4th "day", in a 6 "day" creation process), thousands of years before we discovered it?

Uncertain how to unravel this puzzle, he questioned his Nobel laureate professors, Linus Pauling and Richard Feynman. Their powerful answers stayed with him for decades and inspired him to pursue the knowledge that he is now able to share with the readers of "Adam, The Missing Link."

The Only Evil With Mushrooms Is Not Taking Enough - Terence McKenna

I'm uploading some of the more obscure Terence McKenna talks I have to my Youtube account after conversion from MP3 to video files. The one above is McKenna talking to a small group and is simply prophetic if you're plugged in to some of the macro changes that the edges are now in full chatter-mode about. 

By that I mean if you only soak in mainstream media including movies, news, press and radio, it's unlikely you'll grasp what is being said at all.

To overcome that it's crucial to consume information that makes you uncomfortable, that inverts your reality and tests your sanity. Either that or take sacred medicines like psilocybin mushrooms and don't dilly dally on the dose. It's five dried grammes or you're wasting your time.

The last alternative is 20 years of sweeping the ashram floor, or meditation and I'm afraid we don't have 20 years. Last train for that gig was back in the 90's. Nobody told me either.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Marathon Man & Nazi Saturnalia

Indulge me on this one. The dental drill-to-torture scene in Marathon is legendary and one I'd wanted to review as I once learned that clove oil really does fix tooth nerve pain. Gareth and I were having a friendly bicker on twitter some time back over best actors, and for my money Sean Penn (and one other I cant remember) totally outclass Olivier and Gielgud, though to be fair stage and screen aren't a level playing field.

So I rewatched the film earlier today and it's got a script that stinks to high heaven. It's riddled with credibility gaps even though I love U.S. films of the 70's with great New York city and neighbourhood photography. However, the suspense filled diamonds down the drain scene pitching evil Nazi against brutalised and innocent history student set my Saturnalia alarm off.

As you may recall, a hexagon is a 2D representation of a 3D cube which takes it into pure Saturnalia country. I doubt that's why Schlesinger filmed the scene here but it stuck out like a sore tooth so I thought I'd make a note of it. 

The water swirling around the hexagon is a Saturn-like ring too.

Marshall Klarfeld - Visitations of the Annunaki

Marshall Klarfeld studied under Richard Feynmann and Linus Pauling at Caltech.

Marshall Klarfeld - Adam Was The Missing Link

Not a great interview of Marshall Klarfeld again but there may be a few nuggets emerge from it as I'm still listening right now. I'm hoping that more information about his relationship with Zecharia Sitchin will be given. One bit of gossip is that the Marshall insists the Annunaki wore high heels which means God (as in the white bearded paternalistic to religious fervour figurehead god (small g) might possibly be a cross dresser).

I'll keep you posted.

Reptilian Redux

Excellent serpent post by Andrew over here.

Faked Alien Invasion Using Lockheed Skunkworks Tech?

Somebody went to a lot of trouble to get the small details right on this. I wouldn't post if it hadn't been for Carol Rosin's explicit warning from Werner Von Braun the former Nazi rocket science brought over to the United States with Project Paperclip.

Have you seen End Scenarios? Worth a gander.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Zecharia Sitchin - The 12th Planet (Audiobook)

UPDATE: Sitchin is discredited.

I don't follow the Planet X, Nibiru, Tyche, Brown Dwarf topic any more, but it's such good fear porn that it might be a good way in for one of you to learn about Sitchin's work. This audiobook is a good introduction to the impending potential disaster of a planet either bashing into us or whooshing by and sucking all the water out of that Nuclear Power Plant in Nebraska that the mainstream media are pointedly ignoring. 

Sandbags and nuclear power don't go together do they?

However, I do keep an eye on Comet Elenin's activity. I don't mind saying I have my fingers crossed that its flight path is artificial and more purposeful than Dawkins random universe suggests.

If it is manned I pray it has a large crosshair aimed at the Pentagon. That would be worth popping a bottle of bubbly over.

Zecharia Sitchin - Sumerians, Anunnaki & The Elohim & Nephilim

I've just listened to this interview of Zecharia Sitchin. It's in 12 parts so you'll need to work your way through it and also if anyone wants an electronic pdf of his books there are plenty available on the net if you don't mind digital scrumping action.

Perhaps the Nephilim had the technology to do the relief 'printing' on hard stone as used in the video above. Maybe they took that technology with them when they left their lieutenant bloodlines in charge at the time of the last flood. 

The Darwinistas might want to research points like that if they weren't still slugging it out with Genesis peddlers.

Will Darwinism Wake Up And Smell The Godamn Anunnaki Coffee?

David IckeMichael Tellinger, Dr Jack Pruett, Zecharia Sitchin, William Bramley, Jordan Maxwell and Lloyd Pye inform of us of the overwhelming evidence for genetic intervention in our evolution by the Anunnaki.

It's about time the Darwinistas gave up their trivial (and unprovable) squabble with the God Squad and man up to the real historical puzzle that is unravelling with cutting edge researchers, writers and scientists. The future oriented types, long ago walked away from the quackademic debates that don't explain some very basic issues like the leap from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien and how our brains jumped in size faster than any evolutionary process in the history of the universe.

Punctuated equilibrium is a weasel card played by the evolutionists to explain a part of the brain that I'm using right now to explain that part of the brain. As an idea it's as plausible as piece of fillet steak introducing itself at a cocktail party with no explanation of how it got there because language didn't exist before arrival. How convenient. You don't happen to have a business card do you?

I'm fine with big chunks of the 'theory' of evolution, you're fine with evolution, we're fine with evolution, hell even the Vatican is OK with much of evolution and yet still the evolutionary fundamentalists are stuck in a debate with Genesis when the rest of us are on Revelations. It's time to do your Sumerian cuneiform tablet homework girls and boys. They were the Google start-up of civilisation and transformed overnight from hurling primate excrement at each other to art, poetry, writing, philosophy and architecture not to mention inventing the god damn wheel.

The evolutionary fundamentalists need to get over their smooth illusion of history as a painted Potemkin village with all the dirt swept under the carpet. It's you Darwinists who are holding us back from reaching out for the stars with a doctrinaire and inflexible interpretation of our origins. 

They need to man up and do the work. The progressives and non indoctrinated need to kick out the quackademics of history, archaeology, genetics, and architecture who are bullshitting their monthly salaries to keep tenure. What a back scratching, boot licking existence those types of academics live. They are spineless fucks.

This latest interview of Marshall Klarfeld, is of yet another Anunnaki scholar. It is by far the worst one I've ever posted compared to those I've linked to above as Kerry Cassidy's legendary interruptions to do her 'we're whistle blowers' (we're so spesh) soliloquy are inevitably frustrating. Hardly any of us know enough about the Epic of Gilgamesh so please Kerry, let the Goddam expert share his knowledge and be humble instead of bluffing your knowledge of archaic history, when we all are hungry for information to learn from the handful of people who have put in decades of research and do. Take it from a Maltese Falcon. It's so transparent when you're bluffing.

OK, rant over. Kerry has also done us all a legendary favour in the big picture of things so you'll just have to roll with the idiosyncrasies of a bad interview that wouldn't be happening or even interesting in the first place if it wasn't for her frequent ego bursts.

Unfortunately there's advertising too in this interview which doubles the torture, but still, Marshall Klarfeld is another gem I'm grateful for, in building up my case for rewriting the history books before the real history is unveiled by outside intervention. 

At least we can then say we figured it out for ourselves instead of having the answer handed to us on a plate like our fuckwit academics like when they're not sucking each other off.

Are The Sheeple Wising Up?

In my experience it's never ever about the evidence. It's about 'they wouldn't do that'. Oh no my dear lambs. You would never do that. They would.

I'm not sure what the full story is of the events of 911 but I smell the scent of one hundred monkey syndrome. Sooner or later people are going to realise they've been had. Not just on this. But on every major false flag event that shoved their sons into war. Let's see who waves a flag when the coin finally drops. To quote Bob Dylan... The answer is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.

Shamanic Approaches To The UFO - Terence McKenna

Is there another tenant in the building that we're unaware of? - Terence McKenna

Friday 17 June 2011

Oh You Slightly Weird But Pretty Things

Wake up you sleepy head
Put on some clothes, shake up your bed
Put another log on the fire for me
I’ve made some breakfast and coffee
Look out my window and what do I see
A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me
All the nightmares came today
And it looks as though they’re here to stay 
What are we coming to
No room for me, no fun for you
I think about a world to come
Where the books were found by the Golden ones
Written in pain, written in awe
By a puzzled man who questioned
What we were here for
All the strangers came today
And it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh You Pretty Things
Don’t you know you’re driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Oh You Pretty Things
Don’t you know you’re driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Let me make it plain
You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
Look at your children
See their faces in golden rays
Don’t kid yourself they belong to you
They’re the start of a coming race
The earth is a bitch
We’ve finished our news
Homo Sapiens have outgrown their use
All the strangers came today
And it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh You Pretty Things
Don’t you know you’re driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Oh You Pretty Things
Don’t you know you’re driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Let me make it plain
You gotta make way for the Homo Superior  

Ready For The Shift totally nailed what I was trying to say a few weeks back.

I prefer Homo Luxus to Homo Superior but it doesn't rhyme as well does it? ;)

Bitcoin Explained

Stefan Molyneux interviews Bruce Wagner of

Who Recoded Stuxnet - Anatomy Of A Virus

Side Order of Lizzies?

John Rhodes seems to have dropped off the map a bit since this interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, but as I'm interested (slightly obsessed) in all things reptilian including snakes in history and mythology, anunnaki, dragons, nephilim, lizards and the elohim I thought I'd post this interview as he's a researcher that can't be ignored on the matter. There's quite a few of them.

Joseph Lumpkin - The Lost Books of the Bible

History is a series of propaganda writers controlling entire populations. The Pentagon is doing exactly the same today. However, if you don't have time to sort the wheat from the chaff in the Bible you can do no better than go over the books of the Bible that were kept out of it by people who wanted the Bible to control instead of liberate. 

The council of Nicea pretty much tried and succeeded to keep people dumb. There's no excuse for that today, while the internet is still not yet throttled to asphyxiation. This interview is a good start.