Friday 27 May 2011

The Pineal Gland & Vatican Secrets of Pigna Court

The Pineal gland is so named as it looks like a pine cone. In the past, humans celebrated its mystical hyper-dimensional powers all round the planet, though this knowledge was subsequently burned at the stake by the Vatican because like marijuana, magic mushrooms, peyote and ayahuasca (to name a few) the activated pineal gland (through those same sacred medicines) dissolves the narrow band of conciousness needed to keep humans in dog eat dog conflict with each other. Originally the 1st century bronze statue pictured above and now inside the Vatican's Pigna Court was a fountain statue with water bursting into life and gushing out of small holes from the scales of the cone.

That effect was the Roman equivalent of a Pink Floyd or Jean Michel Jarre concert in its day, and was to celebrate a mystery known by cultures as diverse as the Buddhists and the Assyrians.  With the second photo below, it is being held in a hybrid's hand.

The Annunaki creature isn't human and looks like he's going to eat that pineal gland/pine cone it is holding, and that's why I've left it in. 'They're not human' is what Princess Diana used to say on that subject. But let's come back to that another day as the video above is a great introduction to your off-limits pineal gland. I will also come back to Pigna Court pictured below because it's pretty much the Vatican's manipulation agenda on display as per the occult code of conduct that information affecting free will should be revealed for everyone, however obscure or briefly.

Did you know water fluoridation, fluoride toothpaste etc calcifies the pineal gland? It's like a conspiracy isn't it?

The Vatican & The Jesuits - The Kray Twins Of Religion

The two most underestimated and venerated institutions of power, money, sex, ritual killing and occult worship are Buckingham Palace and The Vatican. The enforcers of the Vatican business are the Jesuits. They are the knuckle duster of discipline and problem cleansing, working under the guise of spreading an ideology that has nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with evil cloaked in the deceptive cloth. Google is at your disposal should you wish to turn over a few rocks, though as a starting point you can't go wrong by commencing with Leo Zagami, the ex masonic aristocrat's, whistle blowing testimony in the video above.

Update: The original video was censored.

Unnatural Disasters

The Fukushima earthquake was predicted by Benjamin Fulford years before it happened in the first minutes of this interview by Project Camelot. He specifically states that nuclear plants would be the areas targeted if the Japanese didn't pay the Federal Reserve extortion money (note the Reserve is a private company so try not to hold fixed nation state ideas all the time to understand this). In addition the ionosphere heated up prior to the earthquake and so we can at least feel sure that unanswered questions about the HAARP weather weapons raise great suspicion.

Ultra right winger Vladimir Zhironosvky (yeah, still alive) has recently threatened to bury the United States with a silent weapon recently and I think there's no finer analyst of the situation than Dr Joseph P Farrell to take you through the intrigue of media and power play nuance with his understanding of history, geopolitics and and the shadowy groups that pull strings above governmental level. For those of us trying to figure out what is actually going on (and there's a lot of unrecognised champions out there) it's just disheartening that most people are ignorant of weather/unnatural disaster weapons or even buy their corporately owned media's message that they don't exist

Time to get real people; the only reason we know about atomic weapons is that big mushroom cloud business in the sky or it would be a secret war weapon. Unnatural disasters are perfect because they look so plausible to uninformed people. There's a big game being played out here and while we don't know all the answers it's important that people inform themselves and start asking questions.

It's in your own interest.