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Showing posts sorted by date for query syria. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 10 March 2018

The Bizarre Breakdown of Sibel Edmonds

It was ex FBI 'whistle blower', Sibel Edmonds who first taught us the importance of Operation Gladio by explaining it's extension as Gladio B in Turkey and beyond. 

After the initial exuberance I noticed she never pointed out Israel's key role in 9/11, preferring to focus on what to me seemed trivial information, though others such as Pearse Redmond, were drawn closer to her. I guess it matched his world view of "let's discuss anything but Israel and Zionist Jews' critical role in the event that most shaped the world we live in".

Later on, Pearse ejected from the NewsBud venture and pretty much destroyed her in this memorable podcast embedded below, which pointed out there's no evidence for Gladio B, and that her behaviour corresponds with someone who is an FBI cutout to deflect from the real perpetrators of 9/11. 

It's important to remember that people such as the FBI's Robert Mueller covered up the crimes of that day. This is the same guy conducting a never ending witch hunt investigation of President Trump's alleged but increasingly debunked, collusion with the Russians to win the election.

In this interview we learned that Sibel has a comfortable lifestyle, and the ability to raise a hundred thousand dollars or more quite easily, without any understanding of who her donors are. What is clear is they are not 10 to 20 dollar donors that most other alt media publishers subsist on.

On it's own this wouldn't be enough to demolish her previous work, however in recent weeks, Sibel has taken to twitter to smear some of the best independent journalists in the alt media business including Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley and Eve Bartlett who memorably crushed the mainstream media journalist who hadn't grasped that we are supporting the terrorists in Syria

A fact that only the deranged still deny.

I've long noticed that NewsBud claims news exclusives for the most banal historical observations, and so I thought they were becoming desperate for more funds, but in light of Sibel's attacks on respectable journalists, it's now clear she is an obstacle for the truth coming to light. She is also giving credence to oily pricks like George Monbiot as seen in the tweet above.

I guess her FBI credentials are now the chains that will bind her to the bay as the tide waters come in. She is history.

Friday 12 January 2018

Edward Klein - Blood Feud - The Clintons vs The Obamas

I did this six hour audio book today. It's much healthier than checking out the the #QAnon shit, which even Jerome Corsi is peddling, confirming it has to be a psyop, as he's a servant of that creepy little Spartan state established in the Middle East by the Rothschilds.

It was good to revisit Ed Klein, the former NYT journalist's information. The Obamas and Clintons loathed each other on a level that a conspiracy analyst like myself has to integrate in some meaningful way. I have to remind myself it's self evident he doesn't know the connection to child sex trafficking in Haiti by the Clintons and that the Obama's must know this and their track record for murdering those that get in their way.

Obama's narcism was name checked again recently and I was reminded of this throughout the audiobook. That said I felt a sympathy for him that I haven't felt for some time. I was let down by so much of his weakness in achieving hope and change, that I'd forgotten that the job is pretty much impossible in any case, and that for better or worse he did achieve a sort of half hearted war mongering in Syria and Ukraine that kind of pissed everyone off including me but is actually a sign of semi even-handed leadership of something as Satanic as the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.

Ed Klein is good and has great insider connections for this story but once again we're confronted by a mediocre Jewish journalist elevated to a synthetically high level because of Zionist nepotism in the media. He name-checks every nuclear power in the world except the illegal one based in Tel Aviv and sounds about a thousand light years behind the times when he tars President Assad for killing his people, when it's well established that the UK, US and Israel created ISIS and genocided this beautiful significantly Christian country for a plethora of reasons including energy, Israeli hegemony and plain greed.

The silly fool doesn't even know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag initiatives.

The oldest trick in the book.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Viv Stanshall

I was recently introduced to the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band led by Vivian Stanshall. Some days later I was recuperating in bed for a few days and relistening to the Paul is Dead conspiracy which I will post later as its off the charts.

Out of nowhere I heard this new name Vivian Stanshall which I'd only recently come across and I enjoyed the synchronicity of it. The overlapping narratives.

I've been nosing around their work as there's possibly some substance to the Viv persona is Bill Shepherd AKA Paul's McCartney's replacement.

I'll get into this subject a bit more later, but the video I posted above I found enjoyable as it could no longer be shown on the mainstream media. I'm not saying this kind of content is relevant any more, but I am saying there's a political correctness across all media, corporations and institutions that caters to the mindwipes who are too frightened to take on the really important issues of our time, like false flag terror, illegal wars, crisis actors and Zionism.

It's easy to virtue-signal with claims of homosexuality-tolerance or full throated anti racism, but I can assure you there's no spine needed to do that. 

It takes guts to call out the NATO/EU endorsed terror in Yemen, Syria, Iran et al. It takes a backbone to call out the fake, and support the real at the risk of considerable ridicule and financial punishment.

I'll be spending more time on the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band as they raise some important questions and are invariably super talented and charming though I was less entertained with Sir Henry of Rawlinson's End earlier today which I watched on Youtube.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Neocon Trump - False Flag Gullibility

Everything is synthetic.

The same guy who tweeted against Barack Obama for getting involved in Syria has responded to a very obvious Neocon false flag event. The only silver lining are those Tomahawk missiles didn't actually kill that many people so maybe just a bluff or even a compromise.

I hope so but the warmongers are also trying to kindle conflict in North Korea, Ukraine, Georgia, Iran and anywhere else that dropping bombs will be profitable (that's everywhere).

Friday 3 February 2017

Rupert Murdoch, Spying, Blackmail, Propaganda, Fox News & Sky News

Obviously gullible consumers of corporate media messaging aren't going to learn of Rupert Murdoch's Rothschild-partnership, and business interests in the stolen land of Syria through his media organization. However one group of flawed people no longer believe the MSM and that's the so called right, alt right and Trumpists (Donny Tiny Hands supporters).

Regrettably the least informed people on the earth now are the left, currently immobilized and incapable of spotting corporate media programming, virtue signaling and social engineering dialectics. 

The right are just as programmed when it comes to cherry picking information (aren't we all?) but the great shift of 2016 was a large group of people learned the media was hell bent on defeating them and as any thinking person knows, if the corporate media (BBC, Guardian, FOX News et al) are united in anything it has nothing to do with a love of humanity. 

Don't believe me? Watch the video.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

The Left And Their Endless Morality Hibernation

I have no great hopes in Donny Tiny Hands. He will have to pick a fight with Iran, Russia, Syria or China because the war machine runs the US. However the infinite hypocrisy of the left who have remained silent on Obama's love bombs while gobbling up the false propaganda to justify the death of hundreds of thousands in the last eight years is self evident to the mature thinker who has the courage to call out right from wrong wherever it comes from. I hope the left and the right destroy each other. You're all discredited.

Obama & The Left: A Legacy of Ashes

Right now the fake-left and wingnut right are at each other's throats and it's brilliant.

After carefully paying their mortgages for the last 8 years and not having an opinion on anything worthwhile, the neoliberal corporate left are going spastic at the thought of Donny Tiny Hands banning the same people that Obama bombed.

Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to people being complete douchebag cowards on the warmongering satanists paedophiles that run things but my best guess is they are simply keeping their head below the parapet until their beloved corporate media tells them to be outraged. And oh boy is their superficial outrage in top gear right now.

I encourage both sides to escalate the violence. You are both inconsequential and merely tools of the kakistocracy, lining your own pockets at every opportunity and never having an opinion that cost a dime. Triviality is amusing but it doesn't last.

Palestine, the child abuse network, bombing Syria, Libya and Yemen. These are the issues that separate those who work for the machine and those who are working to build a better future.

Friday 16 September 2016

Israel's Sabra & Shatila Massacre

In much the same way that the UK/US and Israel are using ISIS to smash up Syria, the Israelis used Christian Phalangist terrorists to massacre thousands of Palestinians they had expelled from their homeland, and who were forced to take safety in Lebanese refugee camps.

The IDF lit up the sky with flares so the massacre could take place through the day and the night. It was as bright as a sports stadium at a night time football match said a Dutch Nurse.

Interestingly there are IDF war criminals now based in the United States, with senior roles in well known corporations, who openly brag about their role in this holocaust on Linkedin.

I will add their names to the roll call of genociding war criminals to this post as I see fit.

Saturday 2 January 2016

President Obama on Children

We can speculate endlessly about the contradictions of President Obama, such as allowing the Neocons to perform business as usual in Syria, Libya and Ukraine irrespective of who they ally with including Nazis and ISIS terrorists.

However I think it takes an extraordinary inability to process reality for people of all shapes, ideologies and colours to ignore that he appears to be the most human President I can recall since Kennedy's about turn while in office which led to his execution.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Tony Benn vs Neocon Zionist Stooge @HillaryBennMP

Wednesday 21 January 2015

The Neocon Zionist Coup

It's career damaging to say this but the Neoconservative Zionist coup is by and large, a Jewish fanatical ideological movement, in much the same way that it was Jewish Bolsheviks who overwhelmingly led the slaughter through Russia with estimates from 20 to 60 million and upwards.

It is not I who say these movements were Jewish but Jewish publications themselves so please address any calumny to the respective writers.

Underestimating the media and military power of these racist fanatics has been too costly in the past and now is an appropriate time to understand what is happening all round the world from Syria, to Iraq and even Ukraine.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

British Teabagging Wastes 33 Hours A Year (And Violence Abroad)

65% of Brits admit to overfilling their Kettle which means that"British households waste $114 million every year. UK energy needs are so desperate they are prepared to support terrorists and rebels in Syria (200,000 dead so far) so their Qatar friends gas pipelines can run through it and keep the old energy order in place.

“One day of extra energy use [from overfilling electric kettles] is enough to light all the streetlights in England for a night.”

“The average Brit spends 33 hours a year waiting for the kettle to boil.”

The Miito Kettle is not cheap so it takes a while to get the initial investment back, however it is a design classic and each purchase will contribute towards making economies of scale sufficiently competitive with standard kettles.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Israel Supports ISIS

Israel along with their CIA mates and the Petromonarchy dictator states of Qatar and Saudi aided by Jordan (for training ISIS) and Turkey (for support) are behind all the terror groups in the world. Always have been and always will be. Some people can't process this information. Ignorance is bliss.

Meanwhile Syria is being illegally bombed by Israel and the hyena terrorists groups these psychopaths create are mauling a country. The UK and France rub their hands in glee.

Thursday 18 September 2014

ISIS - About As Real As Silicone Breasts

It takes a particular kind of stupidity to pretend that the UK, US, Israel and Saudi are not behind the creation of ISIS. We armed them in Syria, we trained them in Jordan and now we're pretending they're our enemy in Iraq. All of this is good for the war profiteers and the simpletons who haven't figured out that all terrorism is created by us to keep stupid people in fear of phantoms and tricks. There are so many issues on the planet that need our attention and the power elite are best served when we are distracted from what we most need to be focussing on.

It's a trick as old as the hills. If you're paying attention the spy agencies love to rub our noses in it with double entendres and referential inside jokes.

Update: This superb video on ISIS links to spooks has a half a million hits. It's easy to see why.

Thursday 10 July 2014

My Perestroika

There's an interesting confluence between Generation X and Perestroika people. Broadly speaking we have the same spectrum of values without having really met till after the fall of the USSR.

We don't like authority, we don't believe the State, we're sceptical of media and we prefer to live with values that transcend materialism even if it means we're often broke.

I felt uncomfortable watching My Perestroika. It's a close up look at people of my generation's lives. I was left with two sound bites from this film, that stuck in my mind like a Shuriken (Chinese throwing star or ninja star) from a Bruce Lee movie.

One woman spoke about the overpowering need, during the fall of communism, to run out into the streets and squares to be with like-minded people protesting at the insanity of those who claim to be in power.

I feel like that all the time. We're trashing the planet with a growth model that doesn't have a planet B.

One gentleman talked about how he couldn't understand the Russians who flipped from being Communist one day to Capitalist the next, just because their TV's told them so. No reflection, no awareness, just making money is all that matters now.

It's a bit like those who have talked about the war on terror and the need for security, but now fall silent as NATO funds Nazis in Ukraine and terrorists in Syria.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Many Thanks for all the Retweets

I've never run my Twitter account to be popular

In fact, I think about 50 people a day unfollow me. Fortunately more people are prepared to stick around than leave so I want to thank you all for the very important (for me and I hope for you) retweets. Usually the reach is around two million Twitter users a week but lately it's been getting up to 3 million and approaching 4. My tweets are not candy floss subjects so I appreciate you all for getting the word out on subjects the mainstream media can never touch, because of who owns them, and who advertises in them.

The exception to this rule is Russia Today who featured one of my Tweets on the fiasco that is NATO backing the same psychopaths they call freedom fighters in Syria and are now obliged to call terrorists in Iraq (even though they trained many in Jordan recently). It's a classic example of the Orwellian double speak world we live in that only the internet can call out this media nonsense that people are being spoon fed.

Many corporate media consumers have no idea what is going on, or are silent over it for reasons I assume are to do with keeping their heads down below the parapet, or putting money before conscience.

We are the media now. So be it.

Update: My tweet featured in Al Jazeera

Update 27 July 2014 - We smashed the 4 million barrier - Thank you
Update: We tore through the 15 million mention reach metric, so either something is very wrong or very right ;)

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Are Putin Admirers Being Two Faced?

Many people have figured out that NATO is the military arm of the 1% (or the New World Order if you wish). They have, along with their Zionist friends smashed up Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine.

I recognise that Vladmir Putin is a leader that the West can no longer produce. I've listened to most of his speeches and so unlike the knee jerk GayDumb™ suckers who are falling for the Anti-Russian propaganda in our corporate media, I identify with his candid manner.

I appreciate his defence of his country and the independence of Russia.

This doesn't mean I think Russia's action in say Chechnya (a Russian Palestine?) were anything but brutal, and so while many of us are grateful that Russia is an impediment against a world where humans are chipped up and work like insects for trillionaires, it's important to know the difference between right and wrong.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 

But sometimes they are. 

Everything is contextual.

Truth isn't a rule book.

That doesn't mean as a friend we can't call out Russia in the future should they do wrong.

This interview between Joshua Blakeney and Brandon Martinez is very much where my head is at when considering the idea that Russia is perfect. 

They're not, but the NATO gang is by far a greater threat to world peace and human sovereignty than any other factor on the planet.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Fluoride McSheepDip - By Mike Lyra

My friend and talented artist @therealmikelyra has produced a track based on one of my Twitter neologisms "Flouride McSheepDip". 

It's a play on the dumbing down effect of fluoride and the "Sheeple" description that intelligence agencies created to describe how easy it is to herd populations who consume corporate media, unaware that many many stories are planted by them, through their media assets of journalists and presenters, to con us into believing the opposite of the truth.

In April 2013 (and many times after) I foolishly predicted that NATO would have to use a false flag to sell a new war in Syria (before moving onto Iran). 
I say foolish because predictions are a mugs game, but on this occasion I got it completely right.

In case you have already forgotten, the corporate media reported that Syria had launched a chemical weapons attack on it's own people. 

We now know that the Sarin chemical was used by the rebels (terrorists), and that it was produced in Georgia by NATO . In short a classic Western false flag to yet again, demonize a country and its leader so the international banking cartel could go to war for more profits while destroying any country that stands up to Israel.
It's important to remember that many dead children were used to emotionally blackmail the Western world into bombing the wrong people. 

If that doesn't mean anything to you then please remember if this spills over into a larger war that you didn't see coming, it was only Russia that saved us from bombing the wrong people and protecting the perpetrators of many crimes against humanity.

John Kerry went on global TV and stated "we know" Assad did it 24 times and we now know that it was one of our false flag attempts to trigger yet another war.