Showing posts sorted by relevance for query qanon. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query qanon. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday 22 April 2018

Q-Drop Decode: MIshel McCumber

The beauty of the QAnon phenomenon is the plausible deniability. We appear to have front row seats to behind the scenes action which is thankfully written off by the dopey corporate media as conspiracy theory.

That's very useful to us at the moment and one day I hope future will prove past that what's really going on is done in front of the eyes wide shut crowd who are heavily invested in a reality which bears little relation to the facts.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Trump's Derangement

The same media that howls at every Trump move will applaud this and the left and the right and QAnon will join in. 

Thursday 9 March 2023

The Qanon SHAMAN & J6

The Capitol Police leading the insurrectionist around the house and onto the Senate floor during a civil war? 

It's not as great a movie when it's scripted is it?

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Sir Fred Hoyle - Astrophysicist - The Archons

Great invasions do not happen with thundering smoke and nuclear weaponry. That is the mark on an immature society. Great invasions happen in secrecy. Sir Fred Hoyle knew this. #Qanon

Thursday 15 October 2020

Death of a Supreme Court Occult Priestess - Ruth Bader Ginsberg & QAnon

Many years ago, when my journey was commencing into researching how power really works, it was Project Talent surviver, (Supersoldier) Duncan O'Finionan who explained to me, that the up and coming battle we are now immersed in would be a spiritual one, and that survival would be dependant just as much on what a person doesn't accept as much as what fights they are prepared to take on. 

He made it clear that incentives, and tricks wrapped as gifts would be the battleground and that selling out to the dark side, could easily be more about what lifestyle a person wished to maintain in order to remain comfortable, well fed and watered.

It wasn't until I was immersed in the Q information that I began to understand the nature of the long term plans that are being implemented right now, to the horror of people who believe Trump to be the Anti Christ.

We were tutored by Q that more important than winning the mid-term elections in Congress, was the Senate, and more importantly the Supreme Court were vital to secure, for the long term future of a free world.

Prior to this information I had always railed as to why Jewish judges dominated the SC, when statistically only 2% of the US population are, but as I took a closer look at Ruth Bader Ginbsberg, I saw something far more wicked (purposely evil) than a pro Israel supreme court judge.

Not only does she bear more than a passing resemblance to the quintessential witch from the Wizard of Oz but it is indisputable that her agenda on the SC has been diabolical over the years since Bill Clinton nominated her for the position.

If you haven't seen it yet, I urge you to watch the video embedded above, of Donald Trump's public appearance at the WH when her death was announced.

It's the sound of a thousand harpies wailing and gnashing their teeth at yet another loss to the dark side, and yes there will be more winning, winning winning.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Jerome Corsi & Qanon

 I take no responsibility for this information. Make your own mind up.

Later I'll add the post script

Thursday 16 August 2018

These People Are Sick - Rainn Wilson, Dan Harmon, Seth Green & James Gunn

If you don't know Hollywood sleaze James Gunn, Rainn Wilson, Seth Green and Dan Harmon are, or why the Hollywood elite are defending their child rape skits, cartoons and social media posts, you're going to be living in a mad world where many will seem insane, but in fact they are the informed and you aren't.

That's a place I wouldn't want to live in for the rest of my life. Although, to be fair the censorship is heavy on all search engines.

The last seven years have been tough enough but all of this was forecast by the Webbots at the end of last year, so those class action suits against Hollywood are looking like they will happen.

Seeing is not Believing.

Believing is Seeing.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

The Media Blackout On Obama & Hillary Spying Crimes

If you're consuming corporate media news this is a news-blackout in mainstream media but online is gathering momentum in reputable alternative media outlets. 

I'm not talking about neonnettle or yournewswire bullshit. 

I'm talking about True Pundit, The Hill and Washington Times as well as Judicial Watch.

The controversy has increased hugely in recent hours because yet again Qanon on 4Chan had correctly predicted today's news that members of the FBI not only conspired to undermine the election on behalf of Obama and Hillary, but actually talk about "harming" Trump as well as reference to an FBI "secret society".

I've learned in recent months there is no iniquity the Democrats will disavow in order to unseat Trump so it's interesting that he is being so hands off when it's clear that the momentum is moving towards some kind of arrests or punishment. What is clear is I can hear the howling of Democrats when that happens. They don't understand the difference between right and wrong.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

That Hillary Video Rumour #hrcVideo #RELEASETHERAWVIDEO #releasethevideo

We've known about this for quite some time. I posted credible testimony on this back in 2012, if not earlier.

When I read about deep fakes, I felt instantly that this technology had been released as a counter offensive to defend the perpetrators of child rape who have been captured on film for the purposes of blackmail.

Well, deep fakes for adult videos are one thing but fighting institutionalised child abuse is our focus for activism, so why take us seriously all of a sudden? I hear the raw video will be verifiable as raw.

It's coming.

Udate: @prayingmedic believes that the video will not be of a sexual nature.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Jerome Corsi Discredits Himself. Over & Over Again #QAnon

On a personal level I like Jerome as much as the next chap. He's avuncular, soothing to listen to, better than average educated, and able to talk at great length in a calm manner on his world view.

It's just that his world view and lifetime network is toxic.

John Bolton (who works with MEK terrorists) is the least Jewish looking Zionist Neocon I can think of, but his devotion to the Occupation of Palestine by Israel is as devout as any Neocon wingnut including Jerome Corsi. 

In fact they're both lifetime friends. 

Corsi was also good friends with propagandist and nephew of Sigmund Freud Joseph, Edward Bernay. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Corsi (Jesuit educated) is devoted to the cause of bomb,bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran as much as Jock Strap McStain and John Bolton. 

You couldn't meet a better bunch of Zionist shills.

Jerome Corsi is either a willing or blackmailed shill. 

There's no other explanation for this level of stupid.

Update: I found subsequent documentation of Jerome Corsi's criminal alliances. I also had to replace the video as it was removed. Sadly the original evidence against Corsi is now erased forever.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Dustin Nemos: The Fruit of the Q Tree - #QAnon

Unfortunately the censorship is so brutal these days the research is deleted before I can finish a post.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper, Biljana Djurdjevic & Child Abuse

Many recall the disturbing 'artwork' of Biljana Djurdjevic, when it emerged that the Podesta brothers were keen admirers of her work, after online investigations into highly suspicious coded language used in the emails released by Wikileaks.

Later on, a sharp eyed QAnon researcher noticed the similarities between the pool at Biltmore Estate and the paintings. However, the pool at Biltmore House is no longer a pool. It has no water vents, no filtration, no bottom drain, no overflow mechanism and it has ropes around it matching Podesta paedosadist artwork. Biltmore House belonged to Anderson Cooper's mother Gloria Vanderbilt.

Above is Gloria Vanderbilt's Dream Box - The Schleicher Spin

Above is more Gloria Vanderbilt art appearing in Town & Country, January 1, 2013.

Above is Gloria Vanderbilt in bed with her two sons. A harmless enough scene until we notice the Kali Yuga (or Tanit) child sacrificial scene above the bed. 

Gloria Vanderbilt with unknown creepy guy and baby that may be Anderson or his brother who subsequently 'died' in a 'suicide' according to some reports, though it does seem to be shrouded in conflicting accounts when researching the topic.

Above we see a number of 'art' pieces from Gloria Vanderbilt are dedicated to JonBenet Ramsey. She was the Toddlers in Tiaras infant raped and murdered, with the subsequent investigation covered up by the police, as it opened up too many important and powerful connections.

Below is Gloria Vanderbilt's son Anderson Cooper who propagates fake news on CNN while being protected in real life by up to three bodyguards when outside. His time at the CIA is documented in Wikileaks and his 'green screen' fakery and parental faux sympathy at Sandy Hook is well understood by researchers, giving him a reputation for being a Mocking Bird (CIA) media asset. 

Notice the JonBenet cutout in the background with the Honey Boo Boo dolls face? Creepy for a gay guy no?

I'm reluctant to post videos these days as I notice all the important ones I've posted over 7 years of documenting conspiracy are by and large scrubbed but this one is worth viewing while you can.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Did Donald Trump Just Cut Off A Finger Belonging to Jeff Bezos?

It's a gruesome story but let's never forget that all sides in the power game are quite capable of genocide, arms deals and burning the skin off infants to hold onto power. 

Seven minutes of torture followed by death, is a small price to pay for warning off another gang. A small price not for normal people like us, who eschew the corruption and depravity that goes with power but small in international geopolitical history.

We need to acknowledge that a Saudi Arabian coup took place when Trump took office and that his faction represented by MBS (now sometimes known as Muhammed Bone Saw) subsequently assumed full power in the KSA from his father King Salman, who is suffering from dementia. MBS then allegedly hung his cousin Prince Alwaleed upside down and had him beaten, before releasing him three months later.

Now we cut to Donald Trump who is being taunted and daily abused by the the fake news corporate media. The most intense hatred is from the Deep State Washington Post, owned by the worlds richest man in modern history, Jeff Bezos, who also has a secretive juicy contract for cloud services from the CIA.

Cue the arrival on scene of Jamal Kashoggi. A Saudi Dissident, Deep State Operative and Washington Post apologist for Saudi Arabia while also criticising the new heir to the throne, MBS. In many ways a decent sort of man and the perfect patsy to send a signal (or a severed finger) to the deep state, fake news media and last but not least Jeff Bezos.

However, when I say decent, I don't mean decent like you or I. JK lived off the cream of dirty money, war and oppression like they all do at the top. He may have been mild mannered and earnest in some respects but his life was gilded by the very worst of connections.

Jamal was the cousin of Princess Diana's murdered boyfriend Dodi Fayed. The nephew of Mossad handler and Billionaire Iran-Contra arms and drug dealer Adnan Kashoggi.

The same Adnan Kashoggi who also sold his 280ft yacht to none other than Donald Trump.

We know from QAnon that Trump was behind the ascendance of MBS and so it follows that if he takes the rap for taking out one of Trump's Muslim Brotherhood/Globalist enemies while sending a signal to Jeff Bezos, it would be a small price for luring Jamal Kashoggi to the Saudi Consul in Ankara for divorce paper procedures, restraining him on a table and dissecting his fingers off before beheading him while still alive, so Turkey's Intelligence services could record it all (normal spying procedure in Consuls and Embassies) and send a loud message around the world that you don't mess with the Donald or his puppets in Saudi.

This is a more solid explanation than the whining from the fake news presstitutes, who prefer to finger-point than ask the important question why?

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but it needs fingers to hold it.

Update: Jeff Bezos’ texts to Lauren Sanchez reportedly include nude pics .

Thursday 15 November 2018

Watergate Was About Political Child-Rape Blackmail

Detective Jim Rothstein of NYPD who is an expert on the subject of Ritual Satanic Abuse and Child Abuse blackmail in US political and criminal life, outlines how Watergate was reframed to be about document-theft when those documents were archives on who had what blackmail on who.

Today I learned that Aanirfan blog has been wiped. That's 4 years of work wiped off the net because the truth is too obnoxious for most people to deal with.

I've got no time for QAnon till we see much needed arrests. 

I'm hopeful but not optimistic.