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Showing posts sorted by date for query hamas. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Israel Murdered Most Jews on 7/10 - FALSE FLAG (Hybrid Inside Job)

The Israeli government and military planned and executed the hybrid false flag attack on Jews to convince the population that a genocide in Palestine must take place. Any accusations of death by Hamas must now be revised as the use of crisis actors and mind controlled actors is prevalent. Due to X deleting my embedded posts, I've captured all the images as a security option.

There will be more evidence posted here relating to this hybrid false flag attack.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Do The Math


Russia bombing hospitals bad, Israel bombing hospitals double plus good

Hamas was created by Israel to drain support for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). In 2006 Hamas won the election which wasn't what Israel desired, so Gaza was turned into a concentration camp and to this day became a place where an olive couldn't get in or out without Israel's approval due to the most extensive security on the planet.

The evidence for this is overwhelming and has already been published here but more evidence has accrued and so a more comprehensive post will follow.

Deep state events seem insane to the normal person, but the insanity is very much part of the desired reaction as it drives people to a more comfortable place filed under conspiracy theories. However, as is self-evident, the facts and the evidence prove otherwise. Digesting reality isn't meant to be pleasant but as Buddhism teaches us. Attachment is suffering.

The longer one is attached to the official version of events, the longer the suffering is prolonged.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Israeli Dupers Delight

A hybrid event will include real murders and real bereavement, but it will also include actors, pretending to be grieving or dead. It's been documented many times and the most famous example (among researchers) of Dupers Delight is Robbie Parker at Sandy Hook. They know in advance that they don't need an Oscar performance as most people aren't devious like they are, and will post rationalise any signs of synthetic grieving.

So they smile at how easy it is to con you. All of the supporting evidence videos for this topic have been scrubbed from the net. Probably the single most censored subject as people will lose their minds if they learned all their shock and sadness for the deaths of children was a Larp.

Wednesday 18 October 2023



 I've been researching it since the Hamas killing spree which was done with the cooperation of the IDF. I was on it from frame-one due to the colour initiation experiences I was and still am immersed in. It's not proof but it registered instantly.

Normies can't process this information easily, but it's an area I've picked up some expertise in and have tried to explain many times.. Let's change subject, if you've seen the video clip with the red shawl girl it's so anomalous on a few levels but images can be synthetically contextualised in real time with AI. She looks like she's strolling briskly not legging it from the Dancing Israelis.

Atrocities and off the fucking charts strange, super weird and the outre traumatize normative neurological paths. If you haven't been through the pain or experienced this unique pathos, the brain isn't wired for it, and even then it's not instant, not in my experience. I have more incontrevertible evidence but it was scrubbed from ELOX as it was an ex female, IDF intel officer confirming the false flag murder spree. I know where to find it, and it will need cutting down to the Hauptpunkt.

I'll be back. Netanyahu's days are coming to an end and I have a story that is 9 years in the waiting. Soon...**

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Mia Khalifa - (The Intersectionality of Palestine & Pornography)

When I listened and posted the 7 plus hour Space on X about antisemitism barely a week ago the most powerful, cogent and intelligent voice was a woman I'd not come across before named Mia Khalifa who is informed, educated and nobody's fool. 

I was impressed and inside my head 'who is this woman?' 'she's so powerful' 'extraordinary conviction' and something few people have, the ability to talk quickly and hit the bullseye.

Then she made this video clip which is perfectly true, and rips into the false history we're taught, went viral and is now given the holocaust denial treatment by the usual offenders. See for yourself, its extraordinary.

What I didn't know is that Mia Khalifa is a former adult entertainment actress who shot to the number one spot on Pornhub in three months before becoming a soft porn Playboy model who just fired her.

Do I condone the attacks by the al Quds & al Quassam Brigades (the media call them Hamas for misdirection) on Israelis? 

Absolutely not.

Do I understand the motives behind their freedom fighter actions? Feel free to click on the tags at the bottom of this post. Nothing has changed. Nobody challenges me on this because I'm fully informed of every injustice from the Nakba to Hasbara. I've done the homework.

What's going to happen next? The most densely populated area in the world (Gaza) is going to be wiped off the map and the price Palestinians will pay is another holocaust.

I hope I'm wrong. It's Red October and nothing is impossible.

Food, Water and Electricity have already been cut off. There's a lot more I'd like to write but this will suffice for the time being.

Update: Mia has held her ground for years. That's the difference between sucking government and media cock all your life. It takes conviction and stamina.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Tick Tock - Tick Tock - Shit Is Getting Real

I haven't had a television since 2006 and the last time I did watch live news, NATO were bombing Libya and within seconds I felt hyper nauseous. I was in a hotel room, meeting up with a friend in Bangkok and while he got ready, I don't know what had changed but that screen with overwhelming colour-radiation news graphics, wasn't the same beast I'd given up on five years earlier. Something malignant and technologically malicious had taken its place. Maybe it's just me but by then I'd realised how toxic television news propaganda is. Years of unlearning duff information and skewed opinions followed.

I can't pinpoint the timing, but in the last few months BBC Radio 4/World Service have started reporting Zionist war crimes on the defenceless Palestinians with an unprecedentedly even hand.

I don't know why that could be, I can't even come up with an hypothesis, but I know most media apertures in some depth, and deeply appreciate the BBC's change in tone on this topic. It's tedious when the occupied are genocided by the worlds most far-right wing (lebensraum) occupiers with military grade decimation against olive growers and shepherds trying to stop the land thieves running over their flocks of sheep and torching their livelihoods and groves. And before anyone pulls out a hand shandy, pearl clutching minute of hate on democratically elected Hamas; the Israelis created Hamas. That's WaPo for the ignorant, and these are the sheep for the heartless.

I'm particularly grateful on behalf of all the murdered children who have no voice as even David Cameron courageously noted that Gaza is an open air prison camp. Unlike the West Bank, Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on the planet. It's a point of concentration if we're paying attention to reality not sycophancy and oily career climbing. 

The BBC is doing something I didn't expect to see in my lifetime, so please allow me to return the favour and impress upon their news media employees that the future is going to be ugly and it's about the censorship of what one Israeli Cardiologist described as the "biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust". Cue the usual vultures and careerists using Judaism to feather their own nests.

There's no consolation having four friends and family who took the experimental injections, and three injured (so far) despite my greatest efforts, but there might still be time to make the most important decisions of your life if your health is OK so far, and work in the mainstream legacy news media. 

Consider the rising tensions filmed in the video clip at the top. Those are protestors with vaccine injuries and suffering, plastering flyers on BBC premises with protestation at the lies, disinformation, misinformation, science suppression, misdirection and money money money that even the BBC guzzles on, from private psychopath Billionaire 'philanthropists'. Even broadsheet newspaper readers are still fellating Billy Goat Gates in the comments. Good lord if Darwinism was real (it's largely intellectual cack) this problem is now cleaning itself up.

The BBC is probably my greatest source of endless learning and pleasure, but the news departments, like every corporation are cancerous brain tumours (Glioblastoma Grade 4) under shaved children's skulls. 

My strategic recommendation is sell the BBC news division (whore of Babylon) to Rupert Murdoch and stick to informative, educational, cultural and modest entertainment content. Otherwise it's all toast soldiers and Humpty Dumpty broken eggs. You can scoff but I did inform everyone when and where the great awakening commenced.

Universe is slow to anger and has a very ironic sense of humour, so do yourself a favour and watch this last clip. Ask yourself if it's best to bite the bullet earlier or later? The choice to know is yours and the choice to act is most certainly your responsibility too.

Consider wisely. 

Poor choices will boomerang quicker than you think.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Israel Created Hamas

Ben Swann continues to do the kind of journalism that the corporate media dare not do. Is Hamas an Israeli created 'countergang'? Find out because creating the opposition is as old as the hills.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Senior Israelis Recognize The Two State Solution Is Dead

Even the uninterested person can see that the Israeli settler land grab in the visual above has made the two state solution non-viable with the reduced and balkanized footprint in green. The Palestinians have been left so little to work with. There's no dignity, no mercy, no pragmatism and so much unkindness. I wish my words would persuade my Jewish friends that this course of events is folly and cheapens the history of persecution they have suffered. I don't understand why those most intimate with hate filled suffering are unable to see it when directed at others. I have no explanation that satisfies me when trying to answer this question. Nothing bipartisan and intelligent survives.

The speeches above are impervious to the suffering, but that doesn't mean they pretend the two state solution is alive. You can make your own mind up. The map and the hardcore Zionists tell the same story.

On October 10, 2012, Ehud Yaari and Nathan Brown addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute. Ehud Yaari is a Lafer international fellow with The Washington Institute and Middle East correspondent for Israel's Channel Two television. Nathan Brown is a professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University and a nonresident senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment, where he focuses on Islamist movements, Palestinian politics, and Arab law and constitutionalism. The following is a rapporteur's summary of their remarks.


After almost twenty years of operating, the Palestinian Authority (PA) increasingly appears to be in existential jeopardy. More than three years after the inauguration of Prime Minister Salam Fayad's state-building plan, the PA is nearly bankrupt. Arab donors have failed to fulfill their financial pledges, private banks will no longer extend loans to the government, employee salaries have been deferred, and the deficit is effectively over $1.5 billion. As a result, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been forced to advance the payment of customs revenues to the PA. According to the World Bank, donor contributions to the PA already constitute 50 percent of GDP, and recent World Bank reports further emphasize that economic growth is unsustainable without increased private-sector activity.
Originally, the PA was conceived as the vehicle for state building, the administrative nucleus of a future Palestinian state. Without evidence of substantial progress toward this goal, however, many have begun to question the need for the PA's existence. Indeed, Palestinians' views of the PA are increasingly negative, and many have sought to distance themselves from government involvement in local affairs. In Hebron, for instance, prominent figures have openly demanded that the PA-appointed governor refrain from unnecessary interference in local trade. In east Jerusalem, prominent families have asked that the PA-appointed governor, who resides outside the city, likewise refrain from interfering, and many seek to retain their Israeli blue cards. In Jenin, District Governor Qadura Musa died of a heart attack after his house was fired at by unknown assailants, and authorities have not dared to indict the perpetrators.
Against such a backdrop, PA president Mahmoud Abbas has asked his aides to review procedures for transferring power to the municipalities. While no concrete plan for dismantling the PA has been put in place, sentiments are overwhelmingly negative. Indeed, many among the Fatah district councils argue that the PA has allowed Israel to have an "occupation by proxy." While the appetite for launching another intifada is low, several other options have been suggested. First among them is that the PA be divorced from the obligations of the Oslo Accords. In such a shift, the PA would become a vehicle for changing the rules of the game rather than merely the product of a bilateral agreement, a notion supported by such figures as Nabil Shaath, Yasser Abd Rabbo, and Mahmoud al-Aloul. Others -- such as the highly respected Dr. Sari Nusseibeh -- have suggested a system in which the PA would become the autonomous center of a confederate state. This idea has little support among Palestinian intellectuals, however, or at the grassroots level. A few Palestinians have suggested that the PA confine its responsibilities to the West Bank and accept a confederal system with the Gaza Strip; this would improve the PA's economic situation, given that Prime Minister Fayad now claims to spend 58 percent of his budget in Gaza. Finally, in light of expected turbulence in Jordan, some have begun discussing the possibility of relinking the West Bank and Jordan through a special arrangement in which the West Bank would become a semiautonomous Jordanian wilayah. Some Jordanian officials have suggested openness to this idea.
Recent comments by President Abbas about his possible resignation have also raised questions about succession. Half the members of the Fatah Central Committee see themselves as possible contenders, including Muhammad Dahlan, now in exile in the United Arab Emirates, whose campaign has focused on Abbas's alleged corruption; Mahmoud al-Aloul, who comes from the hardcore terrorist apparatus of Fatah; the imprisoned Marwan Barghouti, who is not viewed as a serious candidate but could be chosen as a type of "president in absentia"; and Muhammad "Abu Maher" Ghneim or Sultan Abu al-Ainain, who both opposed Oslo from the beginning.
However bleak the portents, the preservation of the PA is indispensable to a two-state solution, and Israel must help prevent its collapse. Upcoming Israeli elections may lead to the formation of a more centrist government -- potentially a Likud-Labor coalition -- that could be open to taking important steps such as upgrading the PA's status or expanding the scope of its activities. In lieu of seeking a final-status agreement, Israel can best make progress through a generous interim deal, or "armistice," with the Palestinians. A number of Israeli political leaders, such as former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert or Defense Minister Ehud Barak, might favor such a solution.


From a Palestinian perspective, the PA was always intended to be the kernel of a Palestinian state. Those who criticized its establishment did so either because they doubted the two-state solution in general -- this came primarily from Hamas -- or because they believed that the PA itself would lead only to an internal autonomy plan rather than a full-fledged state. When international efforts failed to resonate with the Palestinian people throughout the late 1990s, this second critique gained traction, crystallizing into yet a third critique, which pointed out that through the PA, Palestinians had received all the attributes of Arab authoritarianism and none of the benefits of statehood. During the second intifada, however, the Palestinian leadership, aware of the implications of this critique and faced with the imminent collapse of the PA, sought reform. This would eventually culminate in the 2006 parliamentary elections and the subsequent civil war between Hamas and Fatah. The Fayad government represented an attempt to respond to these developments.
To outsiders, Fayad was perceived as both a symbol of Palestinian self-reliance and a vehicle for institution building. Domestically, however, these perceptions held little credibility: not only was the Fayad government completely fiscally dependent, but outsiders were only interested in dealing with Fayad and no one else. Nevertheless, Fayad was successful in reforming fiscal procedures, repairing traffic lights, and paying salaries on time. But such measures amounted merely to a recovery from the second intifada and not to the building of a state. Nevertheless, countless households rely on the institutions of the PA, and its collapse would make a significant impact.
One of the most striking aspects of the current debate among the Palestinians is not a rejection of the two-state solution but a shift in mentality from the active to the passive, whereby people wonder what will happen to them rather than what they can do to implement change. Such a mindset is reflected in the lack of a long-term strategy in the West Bank. A similar mentality exists in Gaza, where Hamas has opted to hunker down and wait until a better opportunity presents itself. Ironically, this means that both movements, founded explicitly to provide options to the Palestinian people, have chosen to wait for an external actor to alter the status quo.
Many additional questions have emerged with the Arab uprisings that have swept the Middle East. Despite several instances of widespread demonstrations, a similar rebellion has not occurred within the Palestinian context for several reasons, including lingering exhaustion from the second intifada, the absence of a specific target for protests, and the lack of a tactical focus. In contrast to many of the countries that have seen uprisings, political space has not collapsed in the West Bank or Gaza, meaning that calls for demonstrations have been viewed as political rather than revolutionary. Unrest among the Palestinians, therefore, culminated in the reconciliation efforts of 2011, and not broader systemic change.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Neo Domino Effect

The domino effect was an elite fear meme foisted upon their peoples to sanction the deaths of brown people in often small Buddhist countries that most people from a superpower couldn't point at on a map. In this instance Thích Quản Đức was a Tibetan Buddhist monk who burned himself to death in the streets of Saigon as a protest against the persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam’s Ngô Đình Diệm administration. It later proved to be the turning point of the collapse of the Diệm regime the same regime imposed on people with the backing of the American army.

I was having lunch with Tim a while back and asked him what he thought of Tunisia before Egypt fell and his response was very interesting. He pointed out that if the suicide bombers chose to immolate themselves like the young unemployed graduate Mohamed Bouazizi who set fire to himself in Tunisia to protest against state oppression, Hamas and Hizbullah may have achieved extraordinary change for Islam around the world.

I'm not sure that blowing one's self up is as tough as setting fire to one's self but the point is symbolically powerful. Never forget that a small group of people around the world have something that the global string pullers will never have. The ability to sacrifice themselves and subjugate their pain for a greater cause. It is this which is uniquely human.

Friday 11 February 2011


Mubarak is gone. Well done the people of Egypt. What an inspiration and what courage in the face of State terrorist tactics.

Mubarak's successor Omar Suleiman is known as the CIA's man in Cairo, and is reported to have personally tortured Mamdouh Habib an Egyptian born, Australian citizen. Habib was seized at the request of the CIA in October 2001, and while detained (for extraordinary rendition) in Pakistan, was suspended from a hook and electrocuted repeatedly before being handed over to the CIA in Egypt. 

In his memoir My Story: The Tale of A Terrorist Who Wasn't, Habib was repeatedly electrocuted, immersed in water to his nostrils and beaten. His fingers were broken and he was hung from metal hooks. At one point, his interrogator slapped him so hard his blindfold was dislodged revealing the identity of his tormentor. Omar Suleiman.

Frustrated that Habib was not providing useful information or confessing to involvement in terrorism, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a shackled prisoner in front of Habib, which he did with a vicious karate kick. In April 2002, after five months in Egypt, Habib was rendered to American custody at Bagram prison in Afghanistan - and then transported to Guantanamo. On January 11, 2005, the day before he was scheduled to be charged, Dana Priest, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist of the Washington Post published an exposé about Habib’s torture. The US government immediately announced that he would not be charged and would be repatriated to Australia.

It was Suleiman who in 2005, vowed to stop the elections in Gaza in order to prevent Hamas from gaining control. Here he is talking to Shimon Peres of Israel.

More recently it was Suleiman who, wishing Gaza to go 'hungry' but not 'starve', blocked a final agreement for the Gaza Peace Flotilla to take sanctuary in Egyptian El-Arish. Turkish intelligence prevailed, though regrettably in vain. The IDF boarded and seized the flotilla's chance to ever take refuge 74 kilometres away.