Wednesday 15 November 2023

Do The Math


Russia bombing hospitals bad, Israel bombing hospitals double plus good

Hamas was created by Israel to drain support for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). In 2006 Hamas won the election which wasn't what Israel desired, so Gaza was turned into a concentration camp and to this day became a place where an olive couldn't get in or out without Israel's approval due to the most extensive security on the planet.

The evidence for this is overwhelming and has already been published here but more evidence has accrued and so a more comprehensive post will follow.

Deep state events seem insane to the normal person, but the insanity is very much part of the desired reaction as it drives people to a more comfortable place filed under conspiracy theories. However, as is self-evident, the facts and the evidence prove otherwise. Digesting reality isn't meant to be pleasant but as Buddhism teaches us. Attachment is suffering.

The longer one is attached to the official version of events, the longer the suffering is prolonged.