Showing posts sorted by date for query entheogens. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query entheogens. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Thursday 25 May 2017

Death - A Part of Life

Many of you know my mother is dying. There's a small chance a miracle could happen but sensibly speaking I just try to enjoy every minute I have with her.

I have noticed that many people I'm connected to through social media, are also going through a lot of grief, worry or bereavement connected to this subject and so I want to share some knowledge that may help.

I've found my past research into the Near Death Experience (NDE) subject as well as personal experience through entheogens have helped me to embrace a much more open minded view of the subject. Reality is a lot more vast than our sliver of electromagnetic frequency spectrum can convey.

Jay Weidner's 'Infinity - The Ultimate Trip" is a helpful documentary if you're struggling on this front. You can buy the movie here.

Friday 12 September 2014

Paul Dirac, English Theoretical Quantum Ninja

Graham Farmelo does an excellent presentation on the much underrated quantum physicist Paul Dirac. My only question mark is it seems Dirac had some signs of either autism or Aspergers syndrome.

Dirac's equations were described by his peers as "like fully formed marble statues falling from the sky". 

My own experience on entheogens like DMT is that reality at a fundamental level is extraordinarily beautiful. 

The geometry of it you might say.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms [Psilocybin - Psilocybe Cubensis]

Mushrooms, Ayahuasca et al are like sex. I claim you've not lived an informed life unless you've experienced the consciousness of entheogens

Sex isn't for everybody though. 

Only you know what level of reality maxes you out.

This is an excellent educational video. He's a most excellent presenter.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Terence McKenna's CIA Collaboration

Jan Irvin has made the mistake of thinking brute logic and rational arguments are more persuasive than being charming, witty, kind and humble. Ever since he picked up on the trivium as a tool for determining higher resolution on reality he has become haughty and pompous. I wouldn't be surprised if his girlfriend had left him in and his mum doesn't love him so much (just kidding).

However that doesn't mean he has not done us a huge service by outing Terence McKenna as on the CIA books. I know that will not compute for many of you. How can a man who evangelized magic mushrooms and DMT be collaborating with the CIA?

Well we don't know the full extent of his relationship but if you are mature enough to sit down with the evidence and determine for yourself, you will see without question that reason says he was promoting memes and narratives that were not always of his own choice though they may have often overlapped with his own views.

My challenge in coming to terms with this information began with the Aquarian Conspiracy that I blogged back here. I simply couldn't digest that the 60's counter culture revolution was started by the CIA. All those hippies, drugs and free sex was another way for the powers that be to manage a chunk of the population so that they thought other people's ideas were their own when in fact institutions like the Esalen Institute peddle these memes or cultural movements and are even responsible for propagating the 2012 date as a point of cyclical change. It can lead to large groups of people becoming ineffective dreamers. The New Age movement has been susceptible to this and has handed over much over their sovereignty and dignity to channelled messages (though they are interesting to analyse for meta narratives and obvious manipulation)

It's hard to grasp why something so convincing could contain falsehoods but I can rattle off a number of issues that corroborate McKenna as CIA collaborator and cultural narrative driver. I will always enjoy most of his work but from now on I can tune out when he waffles on about transhumanism and eschatology or transformational objects at the end of time. I still think something is happening but I'm more responsible for it's outcome than Terence McKenna and actually that's self evident to those who follow me on Twitter where I put in a lot of work pulling back the veil of corporate and institutional lying in the media and so forth.

I will continue to enjoy Terence McKenna on many many subjects for his stimulating and extensive knowledge but maybe like you I put too much trust in him (and my own judgement) and so for the opportunity to stand up on my own two feet we have Jan Irvin to thank.

This doesn't mean entheogens are bad. They're bigger than any CIA cultural back burner pimping narrative pilot-light in case a wider cultural meme is needed in the future. It also doesn't mean 2012 isn't the start of great transformational change. It is all around us. I suspect Terence would be smiling a bit at this but it's fair to say his smuggling of marijuana into the United States as traveller around Asia was probably used as blackmail to keep his ass out jail.

I suspect the mushroom told him the error of his ways one day too. Hat's off to Jan Irvin. Great courage and persistence is required to ground our idols instead of leaving them carelessly and eternally in the heavens. None of us are that good.

Here is the CIA Freedom of information act release that confirms the CIA had a relationship with Terence that they do not wish to share with the public.

TerenceMcKenna CIA FOIAresponse02

A video explaining my latest short article on "How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions -- and began one of the largest mind control operations in history." Located at: 

This video is the first to reveal the background origins of the Esalen institute through Aldous and Julian Huxley, both grandson's of Charles Darwin's "Bulldog" Sir. Thomas Henry Huxley. The Huxleys helped found the Esalen institute to promote Julian Huxley's eugenics, humanism, transhumanism and feminism to manipulate middle class Americans into following their agenda through psychedelics and the new age movement. 

This is not to say that psychedelics or entheogens don't have value, it just means that devious people have usurped them and created a false movement to fool people into thinking that they've completed their task of freeing their minds. 

As McKenna says in one quote found shortly after we film this video: 

"This was in '67 when I was a sophomore in college. The interest in altered states of consciousness came simply from, I don't know whether I was a precocious kid or what, but I was very early into the New York literary scene, and even though I lived in a small town in Colorado, I subscribed to the Village Voice, and there I encountered propaganda about LSD, mescaline, and all these experiments that the late beatniks were involved in. Then I read The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, and it just rolled from there. That was what really put me over. ***I respected Huxley as a novelist, and I was slowly reading everything he'd ever written, and when I got to The Doors of Perception I said to myself, "There's something going on here for sure.***"

~ Terence McKenna - From Mushrooms, Elves, and Magic.

See this thread on the Gnostic Media website:

Monday 30 January 2012

Neil Kramer - Gnostic Takes On The Matrix, Spectacle & Entheogens

An entertaining and useful way of getting into Neil Kramer's work which always concludes on a meaningful and useful spiritual note. Excellent cultural and media analysis.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Dead Sea Scrolls, Entheogens & Pharmacratic Sorcery (Parts 1 & 2)

Around the time I was learning of the sacred mushroom metaphor in John Allegro's harshly attacked Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican I made the leap in the book of Genesis as an allegory for prevention of humanity having entheogenic experiences. John Lash takes it one step further and points out the logic flow of the priesthood not only creating an intermediary position for themselves between man and source but also that they are terrified of the experience themselves.

In addition John explains in the first part the lifeless logic behind the pursuit of the transhumanistic path which is if we consider it properly must be a neurotic fear of death concrete evidence of not actually living in the first place.

There's lots more but I like to tap a few words out to give a feel for the content.

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Turin Shroud & Religious Manipulation

Update: We've known since April that the Turin shroud has marks we cannot duplicate with any technology today and so the question the savvy Vatican watcher should be asking is 'Why are they spinning it now?' and 'What's the agenda'. My interpretation is that it fits into their pseudo spiritual harvesting of Catholic mindshare should we face impending volatile times. To repeat this news officially now is a trigger for the sheep to turn to the Vatican in times of despair. The interview embed is not working so I will find an alternative to repost but you can listen to the original at Red Ice Radio and read what I wrote in April below.

This double interview might be a little heavy. I'm not sure I fully get Nigel Kerner's harvesting of souls hypothesis completely and his interview style is quite hard as it swings between fabulously complex and then lots of 'if you see what I mean'. Or maybe it's just a simple premise of Grey aliens harvesting souls and that they are lower down the food chain of conciousness and thus more of a warning than a threat if taken pragmatically as omens of technology fetishism.

However it's the Andrew Silverman part that kicks in around 15-20 minutes that blew me away. He takes us through the solid scientific evidence that the Turin Shroud wrapped a dead man who shone momentarily brighter than the sun and left the mark of his body imprinted against the cloth as if the cadaver lit up a like nuclear flash gun for a nano second. That in itself is worth listening to and there's loads more juicy science that the shroud is likely to have wrapped someone who bears fistfuls of biblical evidence similar to the story of Jesus Christ.

But then Andrew continues with a story that segues into quantum physics where he rightly points out that mind manifests matter and not the other way round. That's why the Schroedinger cat thought experiment is not just a fanciful brain game but important to understanding who we are. Then Andrew takes that thinking back to the big bang and draws the fairly robust correlation that if our conciousness is from the same source than we are in fact one and that our earthly incarnation is but a test for us to figure that out. 

I'm with him on this one as all my research from entheogens to learning about Pandeism from @pandeism on Twitter has revealed to me that this is both intellectually, psychedelically and emotionally resonant. It's the most important learning I ever came across and it seems there are many ways to scale the peak of that mountain with this podcast being an excellent example.

Friday 30 December 2011

Chris Knowles & Erik Davis On The Mystery Schools, Dionysus, Ecstatic Experience & Henotheism

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Erik Davies interviews Christopher Knowles in a splendid game of cerebral tag on ecstatic transformation in popular culture, mystery cults, Oracles, the dangers of Dionysus, entheogens, Apollo, Serapis, Mithra and tracking the holistic mind online.

Well that and more but you get the picture (Henotheism is the pick 'n mix of ancient Greek deity worship, much more sensible than all that Zadokite bollocks if you must have a God).

Sunday 2 October 2011

Krystle Cole - Neurosoup

Krystle Cole is an ambassador for considering the responsible use of entheogens such as Ayahuasca, Psilocybin or DMT. I've written about her before as she has an incredibly interesting story that I can't imagine Hollywood ignoring if it gets over its two faced glorification of killing while too spineless to tackle the importance of meaningful issues such as the topic of sacred medicines.

Every time I listen to her I'm aware of her spiritual advancement and unique candid articulation. Not bad for a former Gothic stripper, nuclear bunker dweller and unfortunate victim of male manipulation and assault.

Update: Original video deleted. Krystle no longer takes psychedelics.

Friday 12 August 2011

Treat Yourself To Terence

A previously unseen video interview with Terence McKenna just before he was diagnosed with brain cancer has surfaced. Terence is healthy, totally lucid and is interviewed by a person with just enough unfamiliarity of his work to explain to the newcomer his theories on time, compression, the I-Ching, novelty, entheogens, the eschaton, concrescence and much more. 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Krystle Cole - NeuroSoup

Anybody doing research on LSD or Entheogens on Youtube will have come across NeuroSoup. I never listened to many of her video talks, but thought she seemed a kind hearted and well meaning hippy girl giving earnest advice on a comprehensive and exhaustive list of hallucinogens, many of which I'd never heard of. Actually if there was one take-out I always thought that with some more contemporary spectacles and a foxier wardrobe, Kyrstle Cole looked like she had a fit body and lots of potential underneath her patchouli oil sweaters. I know, I know..... but it is as it is.

Well, I've just had a reality distillation. Turns out Krystle Cole was once a Gothic stripper in Kentucky doing a bondage act to shake up the locals and relieve the boredom. She befriended the largest LSD manufacturers in the U.S. and moved to their nuclear silo/bunker laboratory falling in love with the one who had psychopathic tendencies before he ratted out the gentlemanly half. It's definitely one of the better stories of I've ever read and there's even a shot of her lingerie clad body wearing a gas mask in that bunker, thus fulfilling (and positively confirming) a mild curiosity wish of mine, in a not to be missed article over at Vice. 

On a serious note though Krystle Cole confirms unambiguously that at the top of the pyramid there is no distinction between the drug dealers and the drug law enforcers. The DEA are the DEALERS.

I want to make this emphatic point. This isn't about conspiracy. This is how it all works. ALL of it. Ordinary people are susceptible to the biggest lies and there is no bigger lie than 'the government wouldn't kill people, sell drugs, use mind control and encourage crime'. Yes they do and the quicker you wise up, the quicker we can move on. As princess Diana said about the top of the pyramid "They're not human". That's why the information is so hard to digest. Though that is beginning to change.

UPDATE: Great video interview of Krystle over at Vice.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Conciousness Sovereignty

Graham Hancock the former Economist Writer for Africa, takes an intelligent look at the subject of entheogens and tryptamines in a way that articulates in a cogent manner the inalienable right of humans to concious sovereignty. This naturally also applies to those who through trauma based mind control have had their concious sovereignty taken against their freedom of will. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Consciousness Sovereignty

Graham Hancock author of Fingerprints of the Gods is a top bloke. However ever since he embarked on a personal odyssey to South America to drink the jungle tea brew of Ayahuasca with South American Shamans his spirituality has sky rocketed and he has become a wonderful ambassador for confronting the ignorance that entheogens are the same as the loosely banded drug term which applies to a pharmacy and heroin. Well worth a listen and of course there's more on DMT and entheogens on this blog if your curiosity is wetted.

Thursday 20 January 2011

The Mushrooming Science

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., is Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His principal research focus in both clinical and preclinical laboratories has been on the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs. He is also currently a member of the Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence for the World Health Organization. The most interesting find (and not unusual for anyone studying entheogens) is that the Psilocybin mushroom is measurably more real than the reality you are experiencing while reading this. 

Additionally according to the scientific results, it is also in the top five experiences ever; such as child birth, marriage and other spiritually moving and deeply human experiences in life.

What's the point? Well as Joe Rogan pointed out in a video I saw earlier. It's not very good for capitalism and the military industrial complex. 

Weird how top down hierarchical religion and government deemed it illegal and immoral.

I just can't figure it out. Can you?

Sunday 9 January 2011


This documentary on Entheogens is quite uplifting. I recommend bookmarking it for one of those times when being cheered up isn't going to work or help, but taking your mind off things will or if you just want to skip to the Stanford and MIT geek-mafia talking about the inseparable relationship of computing and LSD when pitching the hippies against the pocket protector brigade for creative output (no contest). It's at 50 minutes 30 seconds. 

In case you know of any good documentaries, talks and so forth, I'm in the process of hoovering up as much of the internet's video content on quantum mechanics, relativity, entropy, and of course big bucking bang as well as mysticism including all the deisms. so please do let me know of any gems.

Monday 29 November 2010

Ontological Interpretations of Quantum Theory & Damn Fine Drugs


When I was younger I collected the entire encyclopaedic weekly publication of The Unexplained. My father must still have it I guess. I disappointed myself by failing to buy one or two issues out of hundreds so it's technically incomplete but actually it's a good primer on much of the unexplained which gripped me as a lad. 

It was all there. UFO's, spontaneous combustion and the like. I was a bit obsessed by it but then completely dropped interest until I think about 5 years ago when I started to question the veracity of 911 and then once again I was lurking about on some very unpolished websites where in one memorable instance I realised the content was so well researched but looked shabby so I emailed the author to beg him to stop using Times New Roman and to justify his columns as I do on my posts. You can take the boy out of advertising but you can't etc etc. 

Incidentally that site is now an' alt news-source' bible but I don't to want link to it because I think the onus is on all of us to not judge a book by it's cover but to assess information by it's internal logic, and qualitative dimensions such as credence, syntax and tone, not to mention supporting evidence and most importantly open receptive minds. That's a journey each must make for themselves. A resistance to heat is needed too. Fingers get burned all the time.

I'm not sure if that specific surfing pattern led to Doug Rushkoff but I definitely was introduced through his podcasts to Terence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson where I pretty much inhaled what I thought were all McKenna's available speeches online.

From there I learned a lot about entheogens, and ethnobotany of shamanism and all the other stuff that is pretty much thousands of years of history that contemporary living doesn't like to have a grown up conversation about. I think it was Timothy Leary who said "LSD is a molecule that causes insanity in people who haven't tried it". This is actually the case. People with no experience have virulent views. But let me tell you it's not the same as saying just because I've not been to Iraq doesn't mean I don't know what it's like. I'll elaborate more on that in a later post.

My own use of LSD when I was 18 or so, and later on when I was doing my degree were quite remarkable in so much as I had authentic revelations of a lucid nature about me myself and I. In my mind it seemed as revealing as modern therapy over extended sessions though I've never actually done that but listened to people who have. I'm not talking about flippant issues or fuzzy new age camp fire singing topics. 

No, I'm talking about the raw stuff of life. Sexuality, ego, morality and virtue etc. This isn't an attempt to suggest some sort of intellectual closure or elevated superiority. On the contrary I did too little and insufficiently strong enough doses to squeeze my way through the basics. I use that word 'squeeze' because the single most misunderstood point about effective-dose hallucinogenic experiences is that they are not necessarily fun. They can be extraordinarily hard work but there's gold at the end of them. They are most often powerful, boundary-dissolving ego-stripping processes.

I know a lot more now since reading up and listening on the subject of entheogens, DMT, Ayahuasca and Psyclocybin which living close to the New Forest in my youth, I've also had the blessing of trying. The latter is particularly satisfying in nature. The splendour of the complexity is profound and actually between you, I and the internet I'd eaten a dose Psilocybin when I did a bit of creative planning and got this tattoo on my chest. I don't recommend tattoos under hallucinogens. I can't imagine you would but if you really need to I have something to share that might help. But it's too private for here.

So getting back on track (as I obviously wanted to get that out of the way). I've been fascinated with Terence McKenna's experience of a transdimensional voice that shared something with him, under I think the effects of Psilocybin or DMT. (Very different durations those two. One is 3 to 5 hours. The latter 5 minutes or so.) I've been fixated on this voice not because it's necessarily real but because what it said is so compelling, so disruptive. The Logos said to him:  'What you call human we call time'. 

If we cut some big bang slack here i.e Pretend like Big Bang that it's so big and so bang that whatever the rationale it's a voice from somewhere else as opposed to borderline insanity; this actually makes a lot more sense if one were to consider the ontological interpretations of quantum theory. i.e The notion of for example trying to imagine a message being conveyed between say the 8th and 3rd dimension. It's simply not possible while shackled to three dimensions and a fourth of linear time.

OK that's a bit hard to convey without dipping in to string theory so I'll try and explain using dream analogy. Ever noticed that time is on a different level in dreams. It's not like that whole narrative you managed to remember takes place in a time anything like the way it does in a waking state. Some suggest it all happens at once. Or parts of it do. 

Think about that. 

It's part of the reason dreams so often frustratingly dissolve by the time we've hit the restroom in ten or 15 steps for our morning ablutions on awakening. It's frustrating but it explains why so much is lost or not even remembered in the first place. How can we lose that which we never recalled? The transfer doesn't compute into sentient space time. I'm sorry it doesn't. I don't make the just doesn't.

I've written another post about this sitting in drafts trying to explain what I've learned so far on this so I should finish that little fella off first, before going on and on here but I just wanted to finally share a story here because this post is about time.

I ask lots of people the same question about time. There's a reasonably consistent linear relativism argument which is always nice to hear articulated, because it's a conclusion I've reached too, in the past. It's quite exciting to hear a prior self-determined logic conclude by forcing it's way out from another person's voice as if proof that quite complex hypothesis can emerge from separate sources. A bit like magic.

 Some people call it 'great minds think alike'. I say great minds thinking alike is randomly meeting down the pub or something. This other stuff is more 'Have you ever thought that wearing sneakers inside super size Wellies keeps your feet dry and keeps a spare pair of footwear to chill out in the Saloon  without carrying anything seperately? Only to look down and see you've both done exactly that. OK that's a terrible analogy but if you have a better one I'll use it. Promise.

I digress. Let's wrap up. 

The thing is, I asked my friend Marcus Brown my usual question about time and he said something I've never heard before. You know, I don't really want to share it, but if you like ask him yourself for a robust explanation that time apparently really is speeding up outside of the oft concluded explanation I've just written about. 

I like Marcus explanation: It's allegedly stupid, but empirically bright. 

If that doesn't wet you're appetite to watch the video above then I've no idea what you're doing down here anyway and I've clearly just wasted too much of your rapidly diminishing time.