Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Christmas Greetings From Mia Khalifa

Mia Khalifa who lost her job due to speaking up for Palestine as I outlined back here, wishes us a great Christmas. I've been researching the industry she worked or maybe still works in with other partners. I don't know her status on that topic and I don't care. What I do care is that Mia is OK as I've been on the end of those death threats from the same gang, but I think we know the answer after watching her video clip. I have so much more that I'll be sharing but you might want to bookmark some of the links in essential resources I've added as I'm on Google's platform and remain here at their pleasure.

In fairness they've been very very good to me on quite a few issues and I'm grateful for that although they don't approve of me sometimes and that's fine.

I've already explained that Mia's no dummy but I think the video reveals to us a lot more about her character and it's clear she's charming and fun. There's a lot more fascinating information to write up and there's also a very troubling side to the business which nobody has published with evidence yet, and I'm going to do that when the time is right, which is as soon as people are ready to learn the information. Now is too early, but not for much longer.

Monday, 18 December 2023

PAWSA - Dog Days (I aM gETTING sO hOT)

I've cued up the 2012 Bioethics Commission  Committee to the Citizens Testimony that the NHS and GP Practice system refuse to look at and modify their care of duty work-practices to ensure the correct treatment is implemented. 

I've been sitting on it for 11 years with the occasional reference as the time wasn't right.

Well, now is the right time (for me), but the wrong time for those who lost their lives or their minds. I tried to help in every way I could till I was included in the programs. As you can imagine, after nearly 12 years the technology is way beyond most people's ability to even guess.

For once in my life, I'm cutting edge. 

It's too late for my friend Zillah. They even convinced her, I was part of the persecution.

Right Here Right Now - Shaking Uncontrollably [Fatboy Slim - Praise You]

Fear of dying is a long term Roman Catholic mind control technique that pervades the pseudo Christian world to turn us into materialist 'he who dies with the most toys' is the winner robots. This is retarded and so if facing and fearing death, the Dimethyltryptamine in magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) is the best therapy. 

Also if suffering post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known as Ecstasy, is an empathogen–entactogen and that too is the best therapy. 

Millions of Palestinians are suffering and being traumatized (right here, right now) in a holocaust by the cowardly and obnoxious Israelis if  we bother to look at the Palestinian children shaking uncontrollably on social media videos despite the suppression by Musk and Zuckerberg et al. An empathogen–entactogen doesn't work till the trauma ends as it is a 'POST' traumatic therapy.

The 'Western' Allopathic medicine model is a scam well documented for those who bother to put 'Allopathic + Rockefeller' in a search engine. It's all there.

I mention this because I've requested two doctors at my surgery to spend ten minutes with the 2012 Bioethics Commission material before we have a candid  and complex conversation about what to do with any health conditions I have, and both have refused to do so, because they  are too frightened to know more about health. I can only conclude they know they're frauds and dishing out vaccines to children and infants with perfect immune systems for money money money. Disgusted with their reluctance to discuss child abuse through the Allopathic medicine model I've decided I'm going to write an affidavit and serve it to them. I did tell one of this intention over the phone. She was too busy refusing to know more about biology information to ask a single question of the multiple duty of care failures I was outlining to her.

These are just facts. Whether they suit us or otherwise.

Written without prejudice. All rights reserved.