Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 2 - The Forces of Darkness

This is an excellent British production on the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I'm working my way through all nine parts and not all are useful but this episode actually interviews some of the assassins or mechanics, as they are known in the trade, and provides photographic evidence the Warren Commission either ignored or did not know about

Quite a few international teams were used to murder Kennedy. They didn't know the architect of the assassination that hired them (though some can guess), but a more detailed breakdown is available over at Veterans Today of the key assassins and people involved.

The only reason I am posting about Kennedy is because the 50th anniversary is next week, and it's very clear how much we lost through his murder by the criminal establishment. 

It's my way of paying my respects because we will get to the bottom of this tumour on mankind, though it's a lot lot deeper than many are capable of dealing with.

Is Weather Warfare Being Used To Force The Philippines into #TPP Trade Agreement

A few people asked me if Cyclone Yolanda (the strongest cyclone to hit land ever) that devastated the Philippines was man made. 

I asked myself 'who could benefit from it?' 

Cui Bono?

My best answer wasn't good enough (Spratly Islands dispute between Philippines, China and Pentagon's Asia Pivot) so I stopped thinking about it.

However Weather Warfare specialist Dutchsinse has provoked a clearly clueless scientist into such an uninformed defence that I watched his videos on synthetic Yolanda this morning and I think there is something there.

As I was researching it, I was reminded that the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP trade negotiations which are taking place in complete secrecy and all good people should be concerned about are a very good explanation of why the Philippines is being perhaps pressured through weather warfare to sign an agreement that will not be in it's favour.

Watch the videos if you think this is not realistic. 

Geo-strategically it's on the money.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The French Revolution

I'm piecing together, the Black Nobility, the Crimean War, Palmerston, US Civil war and the Royal Family and the City of London.

The latter two are still in control of a lot more than the charade called government.

This documentary on the French Revolution was quite useful, and through it, I got a good primer on Robespierre and the Jacobins.

This production is from the time when the History Channel produced informative history programmes because these days they just want the kids to breast feed on Ghost Hunters and Ancient Aliens.

Not all kids stop there but a lot do and have no idea of their manipulation. Neither did I at their age but I'm learning more each day and I was raised on more stimulating content.

Recently I read Clif High's post on the spiritual revolution taking place (for want of a better description) and I was delighted that he articulated many of the thoughts I'm having recently. Particularly that most academic history is just a pile of rubbish and that it will take years for us to really sort out the depth of deception. As a general rule of thumb, those the media lionize are arseholes and those they smear are much more interesting. Like say Nixon  and Carter. Two of the more independent Presidents of the United States.