Friday, 18 November 2011

Pope Bans Benetton's UNHATE Advertising, Endorses Child Pornography

Why would the Pope endorse child pornography and yet ban advertising that makes a little fun of the notion that we should love our fellow man? Is it because of those rumours in Rome and Andrew Sullivan's wink that the Pope is a homosexual? He does rather look like he's having a jolly time when the all male acrobat troop came to the Vatican, stripped and ripped doesn't he?

In a way Benetton were doing the more intelligent side of ad agency Crispin Porter Bogusky before they even existed. It's no surprise that the top down hierarchical control psychopaths of the Vatican and pretty much every government and right wing paper absolutely hate this advertising. They pretend they seek peace and reconciliation but it's alien to their psychology and so they hate us humans for laughing and having strong feelings about peace and love. Beware those who don't hug, laugh or love art and even sometimes cry. Think about that.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Alex Jones - Amerika - From Outrage At Tienanmen To Apathy At Zucotti In Two Decades

It's amazing the change in language that is going on in the U.S. The language of acceptability is shifting so rapidly I can't keep up. I don't usually like Alex Jones but if you listen carefully here, he actually includes socialists and libertarians in the same breath sharing the same cause. This isn't one of Alex Jones' gravelly voice blow hard tirades. He speaks for 6 minutes with an eloquence that comes from a deeper place in his heart than we're used to, and it requires no vocal pyrotechnics or amped up outrage.

Alex makes the brilliant point that when it was in the corporate media's interest to drum up outrage at Tiananmen it did so but is now avoiding the reality of a global protest that started on its own doorstop. I put it to you again, if you're using mainstream media to follow this, you're mind controlled.

Angkor Wat & The Draco Constellation, Giza Pyramid, Orion's Belt Connection

I wish I knew how all the dots connect up as it is sending me nuts even inventing a coherent story. But I don't, and so all I do is watch these amazing documentaries and my cosmic vocabulary shoots through the stars. The 10500 year connection between Angkor Wat and the Giza pyramids is rejected by only one group in the world. The Egyptologists have zero qualifications in cosmology or geology, yet are represented well for the arseholes they are with a brief appearance in this documentary by Zahi Hawass.

This is a man who in my  estimation isn't conspiring to keep knowledge from spilling out, but is merely a fool incapable of or unwilling to think for himself. Listen to his defence of the existing (but rapidly diminishing) scholarly narrative. He's an idiot defending his pension.

If anybody has a good explanation for why these sites including Angkor Wat (and I think Chitzenitza in Mexico) all align with constellations from 10500 years ago I'm all ears. What happened for three separate civilisations to make them all at the same time using similar inspiration? 

Did you know that the Draco constellation is famous for it's Draconian etymology connection and much more? Is this a good time to wheel out our friends the lizards

Probably not.