Monday 7 November 2011

Lloyd Pye & Regents Professor John Horner Palaeontology

The second video of Lloyd Pye is my upload and is roaring up the charts on my Youtube video list. This tells me that people are beginning to question the archaeological doctrine of the day. Lloyd Pye was also interviewed by Red Ice Radio last week and I've posted it first as it's the latest information. It's excellent. 

Thinking about this subject I noticed Professor Regent of Palaeontology John R. Horner was interviewed by Wired and I watched it fully prepared to dismiss another stuffy academic but actually the guy is not a stiff and has good questions, bold ideas and the kind of humility that science rarely articulates. Instead we're by and large lumbered with an arrogant science that pretends it's never wrong when the whole purpose is to attack it with a new idea that is stronger. Real science is a journey not a destination. 

Couple this vain dogma with tenure-seeking, back-scratching peer-review crusties and we're intellectually dominated by spineless old white men when it comes to understanding our history, conceiving the present and directing the future. Jack Horner is not one of those men.

Friday 4 November 2011

JPL & Asteroid 2005 YU55

Two different video opinions on Asteroid 2005 or YU55 that is to be the closest an asteroid flies by planet earth in a few days time. The JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) video seems to be authoritive but it's worth using this opportunity to remind people that Jack Parsons of JPL was up to his neck in occultism with the likes of Aleister Crowley and even further high weirdness links with L Ron Hubbard. 

I've blogged about Jack Parsons and JPL in the past (see tags below) and it's worth being acquainted with some of that stuff when considering NASA information. As Richard Hoagland puts it in his book Dark Mission. The joint is run by the Masons, the Magicians and the Nazis. It's more accurate than a superficial glance would lead you to conclude though I'm relaxed about this asteroid even if we seem to be inundated with heavenly bodies doing perihelion on dates and times that are uncomfortably coincidental. The second video drills a bit further into that topic.

Elite Royals, Mechanized Killing & Industrial Warfare

Not in 1914 or nearly a hundred years later can 99.99999% of the planet's population describe why the most bloody war was even fought. A bunch of incompetent and cowardly inbred elites at the top and armies upon armies of poorly educated people suddenly triggered into violence and bloody warfare through something as simple and powerful as propaganda without the use of Television. These days it's Tripoli and barely any Westerner has the courage to look up from their Starbucks and question the validity of NATO's war in Libya. That's how normative Televisions screens are to human sovereignty. The flying infographics make it seem like it must be a good idea. Well it's not.

This ten part series on World War One was just uploaded last month. It's a Channel Four production and so far I've found it excellent. The answer to the question of why WW1 happened?  

It was manipulated to happen. Real easy to do.