Showing posts with label nazis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nazis. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Peter Levenda - The Nazi Exodus To NASA

It should be a Freemason flag the astronaut is saluting but don't let that distract you from listening to Peter Levenda, yet another researcher who carefully lays out the Nazi exodus to NASA (and more) after the second world war. He makes the point that the Catholics worshipped in secret for 200 years after suppression because that's what real cults to. They believe. Peter also makes the connection between Kennedy's olive branch of collaborative space travel to Kruschev before being gunned down in his successors home state on a visit arranged by LBJ. I believe they call that a coup d'etat.

The in-joke among followers of this subject is that NASA stands for 'never a straight answer'.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strangelove (How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb)

I never really understood Stanley Kubrick's films until I read Jay Weidner's deconstruction and now it's hard to see any other way of interpreting them. I was reading a review of Clockwork Orange just last week that didn't even touch on the key themes with Andy McDowell descending into trivia over aloof directors once the film was finished. 

I just completed watching Dr Strangelove to see what I could get out of it. The first time I watched it with my political mentor I didn't find it funny, though now I know about Project Paperclip the over the top Nazi Scientist makes sobering sense and though there's plenty of parody and caricature in the movie it's on the money over the big themes of hidden cold war power play, paternalism (not one woman in the movie), brain dead and brain washed military subordination, missiles as extension of penises and gum chewing as the signature of primate aggression (I never figured that out till watching Kubrick linger on it more than once).

There's a clear mention of water fluoridation disguised as pinko Commie plotting though it doesn't shirk from describing the intended result of a docile and unimaginative public. I might be reading a little too much into the war room scene of a Saturnalia ring of lights above the war council but Kubrick knew full well of Saturn worship at the highest levels

I only wish I could see the unedited cut of Eyes Wide Shut that was censored by the film studies before Kubricks untimely and unexpected death just days after completion. It was previewed and its first showing to the film studio who weren't happy with the candid revelation of Satanic sex rituals at the highest levels of elite U.S. society (although it applies with all elites)

For the cryptographers among you I have a hunch that Kubrick dropped something into the nuclear key codes scene of Dr Strangelove that were scribbled onto a notepad and essential to prevent the world descending into thermonuclear war. Let me know in the comments if you see anything.

Sunday 29 May 2011

The Vatican's Nazi Collaboration

I've been blogging about this recently, and so it seems timely that The Telegraph has reviewed a new book detailing the assistance the Vatican gave to fleeing Nazis. That is worth thinking about in terms of the CIA doing exactly the same with Operation Paperclip. Much of the CIA upper echelons belong to the Vatican's Knights of Malta like George Bush who went from running the CIA to occupying The Whitehouse with nobody batting an eyelid.

It's worth bearing in mind that the Vatican has an age of consent for sex that is 12 years old and that only males are allowed to remain within the Papal confines overnight. The advantage of all those Vatican ordered Jesuit activities being run by males only is the limited exposure to familial issues from wives and children that say Buckingham Palace becomes enmeshed in from time to time.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Iron Sky

It's highly unlikely that Iron Sky is coming out without an agenda of some sort given its content, context and timing (See all my Nazi space posts). I have my reservations until I figure out who it's aimed at, and what sort of agenda they might have but the trailer is damn good and the tonality is anti-Hollywood which is a good start so let's see where this takes us. 

I am looking forward to it. 

Hope I don't end up walking out as I usually do when my expectations are built up. For those interested in scholarly studies of Nazis in Space I recommend Dr Joseph P. Farrell's books and blog and for those interested in NASA's ongoing denial of structures on the moon and Mars I recommend Richard C Hoagland's work to be found at the Enterprise Mission.

Friday 20 May 2011

Lars Von Trier Confesses To Liking Albert Speer's Architecture

Lars Von Trier should have just deep dived into the mounting evidence that World War One and Two were manipulated banking wars. How many other penniless vagrants could dominate the world as Hitler did without silent helping hands? Was he really a male prostitute too

Let's concentrate on the evil bit shall we?

Normal humans don't condone concentration camps but they don't remain silent on Gaza or Israeli land grabs either. It would be satisfying if uninformed people could swot up on  Project Paperclip to understand modern day Nazism in the United States because although two wrong don't make a right, even the idiotii know Martin Bormann (Hitler's gatekeeper) didn't make comedy. Psychopaths laugh at different things than us. They're not human.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Roswell & The Reich - The Nazi Connection

What makes this interview most interesting is that Jim Marrs joins in and states his view that secrets can't be kept to Joseph P Farrell. I disagree on that one and I think Joseph explains with good examples why secrets have been kept. Worth bearing in mind that the kind of people in the U.S. sitting on information of Nazi technology that suddenly disappeared from history after the war are both guilty of treachery to the U.S. and had the means to silence witness through official and unofficial means.

Update: I'm increasingly persuaded by Douglas Dietrich account of the Roswell incident.

Aliens & The Third Reich

Saturday 16 April 2011

Crucial Videos Disappearing From Google Video In Two Weeks

All of these videos relating to Nazis, the Occult and UFO's will be deleted next week so I'm working my way as quickly as possible through them to see which ones I can save even though the saving tool that Google says they will provide isn't available. Just watching the first video with its comprehensive overview of late Nazi unconventional flying projects is fascinating if only because all the projects seemingly disappeared off the map after the US completed their importation of all the scientists into the U.S. through project Paperclip after the end of the war. 

That doesn't make sense does it? I hope the original videos are around somewhere as removing these is akin to a book burning. Idiocy.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Aliens & The Third Reich

Sometimes a visual says it all. At the very least after watching this educational video it becomes more evident the NASA rocket program was a Nazi victory of technological achievement. If we extend that thinking to today it's not unreasonable to ask, did the fascist ideology of population control, corporate sovereignty and relentless push for global resources (virtual lebensraum?) win the day too?

More gripping for me is the whole SS, Hitler and Nazi obsession with the occult and the evidence linking the occult knowledge that the Nazi's pursued globally from Tibet to India with ancient texts plainly stating a history of alien intervention. The Bhagavad Gita and those Sumerian tablets of cuneiform make that very clear, not forgetting the Bible if we ask why the Elohim are plural instead of singular. Maybe the Gods really did come down and tell us how it will be. 

Nazis, UFO's & Roswell

Joseph Farrell's thinking here that the Roswell UFO was Nazi technology, though to be generous to him it's not the wildest idea I've reviewed today. That one indicated that the Roswell incident was a crashed ship from human's future. However the discussion in this interview is still brilliant and thought provoking.

I definitely buy into Joseph's big idea that the Nazi's continued to live on after their WWII military defeat in ways that undermine the notions of the nation state. I'm almost tempted to give this technocracy a name as the politics and technology are inseparable agendas and make so much sense when think about the obvious fairy tales spun by main stream media trying to maintain the illusion of coherency. While these theories are a full on frontal assault to a govcorp approved reality, they do hang together better as a big picture than silly ideas like democracy and the global community or whatever names are given to the ideas that appalling atrocities are committed in.

The second half of this show is with Joseph talking to Jim Marrs who is another investigative researcher I have a lot of time for even though I disagree with Jim's take on the world with a binary view of politics I no longer have the time of day for. I do however concede an emerging fetish for Nazi and UFO illustrations I've discovered since this subject has spilled over into my life.

Update: I'm increasingly persuaded by Douglas Dietrich account of the Roswell incident.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

NASA & Astro Theology

If the Nuremberg trials were all about separating the production line workers from the Nazi cream, then Project Paperclip was all about the schizophrenia of smuggling in the top Nazis into the United States to work with Jet Propulsion Laboratories and NASA. Take that Nazi and U.S. military industrial complex shotgun wedding with its SS occult DNA. Splice that black magic gene with occult master Aleister Crowley who was close friends with Jack Parsons of JP Laboratories fame and we have a marriage of unsettling history and destiny. Given that occult obsessed Hitler envied Aleister Crowley's reputation as the most evil man in the world and a reasonable question can be asked of the whole Govcorp complex?

Did occult Nazism win the second world war by stealthy transfer of ideological black magic DNA from the third Reich to create a fourth Reich in the United States? 

Given that Aleister Crowley ordained Jack Parsons as his successor and NASA's obsession with astro theology the answer is uncomfortable. Just don't expect that to appear on a NASA press release or mainstream mass media channel near you. That would interrupt the ball game wouldn't it.

Richard Hoagland not only does a great job of chronicling the history but is particularly talented at pointing out the bewildering number of coincidences on a cosmic scale. His eye for noting synchronised timing and locations between celestial bodies and historic events is unsurpassed. Throw in a little ritual sex magic (and Ron L Hubbard who stole Parsons wife) and it's a piece of history in motion that blows minds.

Monday 28 March 2011

Joseph P Farrell - (D.Phil.) Pembroke College, Oxford University

The title of this interview, Nazi International, refers to Joseph Farrell's most recent book, in which he details - as do Camelot witnesses Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda and many other researchers (including Jim Keith, who died in unusual circumstances and to whom we pay tribute here) - how the Nazis were experimenting with technology extremely advanced for their time, and how many Nazi scientists, evaluated as being valuable resources for post-war America, were repatriated to the US under Operation Paperclip.

Farrell, like Peter Levenda, is essentially an academic: a document researcher who digs deep into historical detail and has become fascinated, as many others have, with the hidden history of the Third Reich. He has continued Igor Witkowski's and Nick Cook's research into the enigmatic Nazi Bell: an experimental device, classified at the highest level, that seems to have been used to investigate time distortion effects or antigravity - very possibly both - based on the beginnings of theoretical torsion physics that was being developed in the 1920s and 1930s by a number of brilliant European scientists, themselves very much ahead of their time. 

In this interview, Bill Ryan takes the lead and talks with Joseph Farrell in some depth about his work. The interview takes the viewer on a journey which starts before the Second World War, and explores just what German scientists may have been doing in great secret, with the full support of the SS. And, as the title of the video indicates, the story by no means ends there. This video may be of considerable interest to students of wartime advanced technology, and of the hidden history of the Third Reich.

Friday 18 March 2011

Occultism & Rocket Science

I've not had enough time to dig into this as much as I would like, but secret bases in Antarctica have cropped up on more than a few occasions and then there's the timing of Assange's arrest when he tantalizingly talked about a 'southern ocean UFO war' to be released in Wikileaks cables. I've no idea what the full story is but if anybody has any suggestions where to start looking other than the video below I'd be appreciative.

Oddly enough the visual above is from a forthcoming movie called Iron Sky which makes light of the idea through comedy, but then how much of it is art mirroring life? I always recall Wag The Dog was a little too close to real events at the time. But why would anybody use a name like Dog to suggest Bill Clinton? I can't figure it out.

I don't mind admitting I'm taken aback to see all these pictures of UFO craft in development during the end of the Nazi era, though not as disappointed to learn that the head brains of Nazi rocket development Wehrner Von Braun was a member of the S.S. occult group The Order Of The Black Sun. The connection between the Nazi's and Occultism seems to run quite deep. Which is a worry given how many were given a get out of jail free card and went on to work at Jet Propulsion Laboratories and NASA. I mean blimey. Even Aleister Crowley and Ron L Hubbard turn up large in the whole story and that's just with me sniffing around the edges while correlating and corroborating sources.

Update: Original video removed.