Showing posts with label celebrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrity. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Is Conan O'Brien a Blackmailed Paedophile?

Like Jerry Seinfeld, Conan O'Brien has been running around internationally, peddling the worst narratives a celebrity should in no way be associated with. You may laugh but I've seen this behavior from others who are absolutely compromised.

Haiti is the epicentre of child sex trafficking and name checked in Wikileaks by the Podesta emails.

Friday 1 December 2017

If Roman Polanski Was A Muslim - Would He Be In Jail?

Monday 13 November 2017

George Takei & The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and that's the times a few of us were writing about a some years ago and which we're living in right now.

George Takei is a significant voice on Twitter pressing for progressive liberal values while being particularly critical against Donald Trump.

Yet again we see someone who espouses a set of Hollywood liberal values in public life while having no regard for people when it comes to personal satisfaction. Actually if we listen to the recording above he says that he's a sexual predator for men in his home despite denying it for the last few days.

Howard Stern is crass and obnoxious. He is a primary driver of decay in the United States. 

He needs to be sent to Israel where he belongs.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Creepy Simon Cowell

Some people say Simon Cowell isn't the charming and friendly face he appears to be

I found his donation to the IDF after they targeted and bombed 500 children to death in Palestine most repugnant.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

George Michael

I think even the blue pillers will be scratching their heads at the statistically impossible flurry of celebrity/legend deaths this year. I wonder what they were saying to their celebrity friends privately in emails that the NSA scans for potential acts of 'National Security''? If celebrities struggle to live out their homosexual lives as George Michael describes here, then what else can't they say. We know some of the biggest lies that society compels people to be silent on.

Friday 28 October 2016

An Open Secret: A Documentary on Hollywood Paedophiles

Powerful award winning documentary about the child abuse networks in Hollywood. The grooming works differently than those in Politics, Masonry and Royalty where they can just pluck the victims out of children's homes like Kincora in Northern Ireland, Bryn Estyn in Wales and Haute de la Garenne in Jersey. Thankfully there's not a whiff of Satanism in the Hollywood pool parties, and it comes across as men exploiting young boys who want to become famous. 

There is some very brave testimony in this documentary and frankly a lot of creepy guys.

Sunday 18 September 2016

The People's Voice | David Icke

When I was invited as a guest on The People's Voice I did so because I wished them well. However at the time I thought the idea of an internet television station was futile because that's exactly what Youtube is and their are a number of other sites if Youtube is censoring.

I never watched TPV but I was sad to hear that it had folded as a lot of people donated their money to see it succeed (2M Pounds).

Nobody can doubt that David Icke has done a grand job of waking up millions and I've enjoyed much of his information. He has never done a good job of explaining that his reptilian information is based on a huge amount of people coming to him and telling him of their first hand experiences in a short space of time. I suggest that may have been the intelligence services trying to lead him down a path that would discredit him even though the information is a lot older than just verbatim reports of claims made to him that he felt were credible.

Multiple unconnected first hand reports are the basis of journalism. This would be my explanation if I was David Icke instead of trying to say it's true.

Personally I love calling Trump and Hillary lizards because they are so scaly and it makes me laugh so I don't see what the big deal is. They certainly don't behave human.

David Icke's legacy for me has been diminished as he no longer has new information to share. The kind of people willing to listen to him for 12 hours at his live presentations are not the kind of people I'd enjoy dissecting his information with. Like Max Igan followers, many are looking for a fix rather than a solution.

I applaud his work and appreciate the personal sacrifice made in exposing the Banks, Bloodlines, Government, Zionism and many other cases of corruption often maligned as conspiracy by low information consumers of corporate media programming.

Unlike many others in the field of research I'm just as comfortable watching a Derrida presentation as I am a video about aliens. It's just information. Like the inflated holocaust figures and the fictitious gas chambers, it's the real philosophers that buckle up and investigate. The pseudo philosophers like to stay in the safety zone.

While researching this article I came across Chris Geo of The People's Voice decrying the amount of money that was wasted trying to set up a bad business model. However the information Chris and Sheree are pumping out on Truth Frequency Radio is of the lowest quality meconium with zero discernment, and journalistic integrity in the negative numbers.

There's no doubting the world is a lot stranger than many think. But the point is to grow with the information and revisit it not just regurgitage the latest episode of clearly identifiable bullshit.

Monday 8 August 2016

Ed Opperman | Michael Jackson - Child Abuse Allegations

I assumed until this interview that Michael Jackson was a victim of dollar chasing exploitative families. However after this latest Ed Opperman interview it just doesn't stand up.

Given this information we should probably now look more closely at Lord Janner and Uri Geller's relationship with Michael Jackson.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Pete Santilli

It's not widely understood that conspiracy researchers are the least homogeneous group on the planet. Scratch away the unifying idea that powerful people have no interest in consumers other than productivity, and conspiracy researchers disagree on everything. It's the consumers and voters of this world who think they are unique because 20 types of sliced cheese are on the supermarket shelf.

That said, from time to time an arsehole needs taking down and that arsehole is Pete Santilli. If the FBI are able to confirm that Santilli doesn't work for them in anyway shape or form I'd appreciate that but until then he's cooperating with them. Unwilling or not.

Monday 18 January 2016

#Multiples #TBMC #Multiple #Alters

Even if you study this subject for a few years it can still take longer to understand it. Let me repeat that. You may learn the information about trauma based mind control, alters, multiples and multiple (George W Bush is a multiple) but when you understand the information that's a completely different issue. It is much like DMT. It changes the world you experienced before and that's what I call the information drug. It happens so rarely that I look forward to any feedback from others.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Space Dude, In Your Space Suit, In Your Space Boots, Space Dude

Is Miley Cyrus the new David Bowie

Probably not, but Space Boots is an indication that someone's creativity resonates with authenticity and art on this track, and that took me by surprise.

I realise contemporary celebrity music requires a phalanx of songwriters, posses of producers, session musicians, mixers, voice artists, plug junkies, electrical engineers, processed audio cheese slices, studio rats, money worshippers, Sleb sycophants, groupie thinkers, OCD fame mania, explicit soul selling and relentless veneration of drugs and sexual promiscuity aimed at our impressionable young, who are least able to discern dystopian social engineering from pop culture.

However I claim Space Boots is not only punctuated with moments of brilliance but to my simple ear has the quirkiness and counter-intuitive solutions that emerge when a real artist takes control and externalizes their interpretation through song. I hope that artist is Miley Cyrus as not much else is wholesome in the globe trotting music biz.

Monday 7 September 2015

Robert Kennedy's Role in Murder of Marilyn Monroe

This is a little bit off-piste for me as celebrity deaths aren't so interesting. However Jay Margolis' testimony and presentation of the evidence in this audio interview by The Opperman Report is a steady rhythmic blow by blow account of why RFK had to be the prime mover in the murder of Marilyn Monroe.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Donald Trump Documentary

Now that the Presidential Race is a reality show complete with clowns from all sides of the political spectrum it probably doesn't matter who is in power. This documentary on Donald Trump though is fascinating, and worth posting as his connections to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach are not negligible.

Update: The original documentary was scrubbed from Youtube so I've embedded an alternative.

Friday 2 May 2014

Stephen Fry

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Illuminati Symbolism In Photoshoots


I'm sure most of these are just weak photographers copying a meme but there's no doubt that highly orchestrated celebrities are fully aware of the one eyed agenda.