Monday 12 July 2021

Do Vaccines Make People Magnetic?

There's been a lot of these videos circulating on the net, and the quickest way to figure out if it's disinformation is if it's on Youtube, you can usually bet it's not a threat to the establishment or they would censor it.

However, it does beg the question. For how long have some people become magnetic?

Update: Unicus Magazine sent me a study on the topic from Luxembourg. My own experience testing a vaccinated person was negative so it might be dependent on the type of vaccine.

Friday 2 July 2021

Seaspiracy - 2021

I guess ocean acidification doesn't affect shark fin soup eaters? 

I've seen much of this new documentary's information before, but it makes sense that a new attempt at bringing to life the ecocide taking place on our planet. 

Fortunately we have a political media complex that knows carbon is the number one problem, in an age where we can distribute free vaccines but not clean water. I'm sure they know what they're doing?

Regrettably George Monbiot is in this documentary and he's shilled a lot for the genocide of Syrians. A subject that is documented for those familiar with the OPCW.

The star of this movie is in his early 20s and I condone a younger person communicating the problem, instead of a crusty old person. I would share this with your children if care for their long term futures is sufficiently high on your radar.

In all likelihood, you have more pressing demands.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Reasons To Be Cheerful (1, 2, 3)

I know we're in the cross hairs of a medieval-pandemic with bodies piled so high the putrefaction is awkward to avoid, but there are plenny-of-things that are rewarding and make me and many others happy.

The first, is that my long-held dream since Beijing, of municipal services, transport-electrification of inner cities is happening in my home city of Southampton. You have no idea how happy it makes of me to see an ever expanding cross-section of demographics, adopt the two wheel electric scooter instead of the rotten and decaying stench of 5+ passenger vehicles occupying valuable road real-estate while belching fossils *winky*

Some days when I'm zipping about town on my ridiculously small electric bike, weaving in and out of the scooters, or just just plain hanging on to their slip-stream, I feel like those memories of life in Beijing with electric-bike stories have enabled some kind of manifestation of dream-wishes-come-true, into real life.

I feel blessed, lucky and happy. It really is a dream come true.

Part II tbc.