Sunday 20 October 2019

Blame It On The Muslims

I was noodling around and came across Kay Griggs. 

She claims to be the wife of the Chief of Staff to the U.S. Marine Corp (Semper Fi), in.. I guess it was recorded in early nineties going by granularity of the video? I might be wrong...

If what she says is true, or even just half of's an exposé and no doubt. 

I'm assuming Marine' chiefs of staff (and the long-suffering wives)  are documented and at worst available by FOIA request.

Over the years, I have listened to criticism that Kay Griggs is nuts. 

I kind of see it, I wouldn't date her just because she drove a Saab convertible... oh alright I probably would....but don't blame her. The failing is entirely mine, and anyway, she fell for her husband because they both had Saab convertible cars and parked next to each-other. 

That's how she ended up married to a psychopath. 

The extent of her story is hours-of-recording-long, and even the best bullshitter is unable to Improv longer than 20 minutes, unless it's true.

Anyway, make your own mind up.... if it hasn't gone down the memory hole yet.

Tuesday 15 October 2019


An excellent presentation by Beverley Blass on water.

My next post is scheduled on a meaningful date for those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Non-Linear Technological Unveilings

Burdens of conspiracy theory epithet include MSM articles stating... uniformly, that "conspiracy theorists believe.." followed by the most preposterous version of anything from Space Lizards to the the execution of JFK.

For example:

"Conspiracy theorists believe JFK is chill-axing with Elvis in a Pakistan Madrasa"

My first experience of the Zapruder film-hoax was in B&W.

Here it is, in colour.

The Las Vegas shooting, official version states that there is no known motive, over two years later.


Make your own mind up.

What's the point of speculation, when the only respected speculators on the planet are on Wall Street and/or Corporation City of London.