Tuesday 29 March 2016

Bradley R. Smith - Historian

If you want to have an easy life the last thing you should do is challenge the central taboo of our time which is holocaust inflation. This is the obscene satisfaction that the demonstrably false 6 million corpses is far superior and preferable to the more accurate  and human loving 500,000 figure. 

Naturally nobody dies to deserve in prison camps doing hard labour but to exploit a story and use it as defense for crushing free intellectual inquiry is a double obscenity that no right thinking person can defend.

Bradley R Smith's entire body shook the first time he was handed a leaflet on the subject and was close to throwing it in the bin he was so outraged. However, he put it in his pocket and the rest is history.

In this interview he calmly explains the link between the holocaust being used to commit genocide on the Palestinians. That deception has now been broken forever as even the Ziomedia narrative is no longer trusted, and in time the full deception will be internalized by all who have a high regard for the dangerous and unspeakable truth.

Bradley R Smith recently died and unlike holocaust bottom feeders and opportunistic narrative parasites such as Danny Finkelstein and Marko Attila Hoare, his words ring with the unmistakable cadence and respect for veracity.

VAXXED: If You Educate Yourself With One 10 Minute Interview This Is It

I've known about the CDC whistleblower for sometime and when my learned friend Sydney from Australia referenced it I knew it was credible. However now a film has been made and a top producer of health programmes in the States is being censored for telling the truth. Big Pharma is faking data to poison children. You owe it to yourself and your family to watch this 10 minute interview and then commence researching the subject yourself.

Vaccines -The Truth Behind Vaccines

Vaccines were not a huge topic for me. I know which ones I trust and I know the ones I absolutely would refuse for me and my family. Any attempts by others to force inject them, would entitle me to put a needle and inject it in those who proselytize those fast tracked drugs like Gardasil which was on a four year trial and released in 18 months by the most powerful lobby on the planet. The pharmaceutical lobby.

Watch this compilation documentary of professionals who at risk of their careers highlight the poisons being peddled by big pharma.

It was only on Twitter recently that I realised when touching on this subject the response was so large and uniform that I realised Big Pharma is hiring corporate shills to drive down any questions of vaccines. This is the first warning of a hazardous deceit taking place. Paying people to control the conversation.