Monday 18 November 2013

JFK Stabilized Footage - Sniper's Bullet From The Front

The Abraham Zapruder footage has missing seconds from it, but this new stabilized video shows very clearly, the driver slowing down, to allow the many snipers (it was a crossfire assassination) to shoot Kennedy. Witnesses state the car actually came to a halt but you can see enough in this video which has many frames missing, as it was tampered with by the CIA and FBI photo lab and kept away from the public for 12 years until a brave District Attorney from Louisiana, Jim Garrison demanded it be shown.

Only the most pathological liars still claim the kill shot came from Oswald who is accused of being behind the President and his the car on the sixth floor. Actually he wasn't even there either but stick to the official explanation because their lies are easy to expose.

See for yourself.

Once you figure it out the scale of the conspiracy to murder the President, you realise the moon landing could also be faked, that 9/11 could well be a CIA/Mossad collaboration, and that like a chicken on the farm your entire life's potential is being held back by very powerful networks who control humanities conciousness with celebrity TV, sports and gossip rather fulfilling a greater destiny.

Not all of us I might add.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Mother Agnes Mariam Under Attack By Israeli Stooges

As has been continually proven for the last two years or more, all the Syrian chemical weapons attacks have been false flag attacks by the so called 'rebel' side who are actually funded and supported by London, Paris, Tel Aviv and Washington.

They are terrorists.

This history is well documented, and includes the horrific attack where so many children were seemingly affected

It's naive of people to think intelligence services wouldn't hurt any sides children to justify a much more profitable and larger theatre of war from being secured.

Mother Agnes Marian (a Catholic nun in Syria) has been publicizing the grizzly reality for some time, and now that she has commenced a speaking tour in the US, and is waking the people up to CIA, MI6 and Mossad, Saudi manipulation, she is being attacked by the usual pro Zionist warmonger apologists like Owen Jones (who wouldn't have a job if he reported Zionist war crimes) and Human Rights Watch who again do good work on the micro level but when it comes to supporting the Neocon Zionist agenda in the middle East, never fail to support the greater Israel plan

Saturday 16 November 2013

Bashing Barack

It's time for a rare defence. I've criticized and questioned Obama on many many issues and I don't have a horse in the fake left right debate.

My timeline is stuffed with people who have had no opinion on healthcare till the corporate media started to attack Obama, just after he rejected Israeli war on innocent Iran, and stood his ground on the Government shut-down.

Now all of a sudden Obama is the worst liar ever in political history, and people are missing Mitt Romney as President with his demand for war on Russia, Iran and Syria on the pro Zionist Neocon Agenda.

There are many questions about Obama but I think this guy lied more than Obama

As did this guy

and this guy was controlling the previous two, but anyway..

Let's not forget that Reagan forgot American arms were being shipped from Israel to Iran,  so was he lying when he said they weren't because his "heart said one thing and his mind said another"?

Any American who thinks a person can become President without lying should have questioned the Warren Commission in 1963. 

If you swallowed that one, you've a lot to learn about lies and omissions.

Most people haven't figured out that Obama was lying when he said he wanted to drop cruise missiles on Syria. 

He had no intention of doing so, but as the GOP strategically vote against everything he puts forward, the only way to outsmart the Israel lobby AIPAC pushing for another Middle East war, was to lie that he did. 

For the first time ever Congress rejected that war, and yet somehow 99% don't quite get what happened back there. That's what happens when people only see reality through their tribes.

So let's be Candid. Healthcare is a divisive ideological issue in the U.S.

It's complex, and no two people have the same requirements.

Unlike the 400 people who have reviewed Obama's speech a few days ago I am disappointed that so few saw an awful lot of straight talking. 

So far when Obama tells lies, it's because the American public don't want the truth.

That's not the case with Obamacare. 

Update: I still feel Obama is a more complex character in history than just thumbs up or down, but now I know more about him and it's fair to say he's a Luciferian. It's curious that now we are living in the world of COVID-19, Obamacare may be linked to a second or third wave of what is currently a first wave scamdemic.